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View Full Version : Please Help "Perfect Dog"!

10-19-2001, 10:03 PM
I found this posted in an Aussie group I'm a member of. What a sad story. Anyone near Kentucky who loves Dobies and could somehow help this Best Dog in the World?

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 13:26:36 -0000
From: "Deborah" <sweetandlo@y...>
Subject: passin the word again *help*

*** PLEASE crosspost far and wide to anywhere that can help***

Hi everyone,
I was at the shelter today. I have made a few decisions today. #1. I
despise people. #2. I am not going back to the shelter. Before I begin to rant
and rave, I'd better explain.

I was outside the shelter looking for some dog treats in my truck when
I saw a woman and a man drive up in a new Lexus. Sitting in the back seat like
a perfect little lady was what I thought at the time to be a Rottie. The woman
got out of the car and called the dog and the dog got out of the car. The dog
sat on the ground while the woman put a leash on her and told the dog to follow
her inside. I gave up the search for the dog treats and followed them in.

It seems this witch was dumping this dog. She told the shelter that the
dog's name was Star and that Star is a Doberman. Star is 5 years old,
spayed, current on all shots, totally housebroken, on heartworm preventative,
fine with other dogs/kids, has been PROFESSIONALLY trained and is just the best
dog ever. I asked the witch why she was dumping poor Star and she said that she
had a 15 month old at home who just wouldn't leave Star alone. Instead of
correcting the child, this wonderful dog was stuck in one of the highest kill
shelters in KY. She then began to tell the shelter that Star must be an indoor
dog because she has never been outside in her life. I think she was telling the
truth because Star is immaculately groomed and has the softest coat I have ever
felt on a shorter haired dog. The witch then asked the shelter if they thought
they could place her. The shelter manager told her probably not and that Star
would most likely be euthanized. The woman turned heel and left leaving Star
behind. I am sure most of you have seen this scenario played out before. It is
what happened next that really got to me.

Star watched that witch leave. Star cried and cried and had no clue what she
had done wrong. With her being the Best Dog Ever, I too couldn't
understand. I sat there with Star for a good long while evaluating her and
hugging her. I am now a woman on a mission. I want Star out of that God
forsaken place!!!! The Best dog in the Whole world has no business in a kill
shelter. On Star's behalf I am here to beg. I will gladly put her up on our
Petfinders site for anyone who will foster her. She is already vetted so
basically she is ready for placement. Please, please, please someone help me
get Star out of this shelter.

-Kim Pennington
Pennyrile Canine Rescue
email: [email protected]

[ October 19, 2001: Message edited by: kobieeli ]

10-19-2001, 10:24 PM
I have a friend who is looking for a Dobie, preferably to adopt. However, she/we live in Wash. state (near Seattle). What all would be involved with transfering her to another state? I mean obviously it would be easier and better if you found a place close by......but if not maybe it's an option? Yes, no?

10-19-2001, 10:31 PM
Yorkster and others--

Cancel that plea for help! Just today, Star's story turned out with the happiest ending anyone could've dreamed up! :D :D Her story below is pasted from the newsgroup rec.pets.dogs.breeds.....

-------- Original Message --------

Just wanted to let everyone know that Star is finally safe. A BIG thanks to all of you who made it happen. I am very sorry I didn't get to personally respond to each and every one of you. I am proud to say that I have over 200 emails from all over the
country from people who have offered to take in the best dog ever. If I started answering them tonight, I might finish by Christmas LOL. All of you deserve to know what happened with Star today. We hardly ever hear any happy endings on these lists, and for once I wanted you all to have one. I promise there won't be many dry eyes after my post. There were NO dry eyes at the shelter today.

A lady had already been approved to adopt had a dog just like Star that had recently passed away. According to the lady's vet,
this lady spent hundreds of dollars trying to save her dog, all to no avail. When the vet finally told her there was nothing he could do, the owner basically had a nervous breakdown. A friend had told her that when a beloved pet passes, God puts a special star in the sky for the owner. This star is supposed to watch over the owner who
is left behind. (I am probably botching this belief about the star really badly.) The owner in her grief decided she had nothing to
lose and began looking for that star. In her own words, she couldn't believe that her life had come down to talking to a "damn star every night".

She uttered those same words every night as she looked for this star. When she asked me this dog's name and I told her, she
began to cry her heart out. She KNEW this was meant to be.

Today she came to the shelter looking for that elusive star. She found that star in a kill shelter in Madisonville, KY. A coincidence that this dog is named Star? I prefer to think not. All I know is that the best dog in the world was saved today. I know that a woman's broken heart has a little bit of peace now. I know that both will live happily ever after. I also know that none of this would have happened if it weren't for people like y'all crossposting to every list and every group on the internet that you have access to. Star, her new Mom and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Kim Pennington
-Pennyrile Canine Rescue

[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: kobieeli ]

10-20-2001, 12:59 AM
Oh my gosh, what a happy, wonderful, great, lovely ending!! :) :)

10-20-2001, 08:39 AM
Well, she was right - I started to cry reading about the adoption of that wonderful dog. It is totally incomprehendable to me how anyone could go to the expense of taking care of a dog like that and not train their children any better than that. That reminds me of the story of how my Mother got a Samoyed we had when I was 14. These people at her church got the dog for their daughter when she was born so they could grow up together, but when the child was 4, she wanted a kitty rather than this gorgeous bundle of fur, so they decided to get rid of the dog. Thank God, my mother said she'd take her! Sam was the first indoor dog we'd ever had and my father wasn't pleased, but he came to love her a lot. We had her for several years (at least 10) until she got such bad arthritis in her hips (and probably dysplagia, but we didn't know much about that then) that she couldn't get up without help. It finally got so bad, Mother took her to the vet and he helped her go to the Rainbow Bridge.

People like that first owner ought not ever be allowed to have pets or children, since they don't seem to know how to take care of them. I'm so happy that Star found a human that will take wonderful care of her and will appreciate the Perfect Dog. They are with us such a short time and we ought to really love the dickens out of them while we can. Kudos to the woman that brought the story to our attention.

10-20-2001, 12:25 PM
Ktreva52 wisely uttered:

People like that first owner ought not ever be allowed to have pets or children, since they don't seem to know how to take care of them.

Exactly! Poor Star sounded like the perfect example of a "trophy dog"--a pet chosen and raised to be a showpiece for a well-to-do family rather than a pet to be loved. I fear for how that 15-month-old child is going to turn out with parents like that. Look at the "lesson" he's already been taught.. :mad:

10-20-2001, 02:23 PM
That is so sweet.....obviously the lady had no brain nor a heart, just to dump this poor dog.. the dog had to go threw training to be "perfect" so shall the child.. the child had no idea what it was doing...i think no child should live a life without an animal or pet as a best friend.

10-20-2001, 04:14 PM
I got the tissues out, I have to say that made my day, I'm smiling now that's for sure. What will happen when the "lady" gets tired of her child? Star was meant to be with this lady who needed her.

10-20-2001, 05:24 PM
Parents should take the time to teach their children how to treat animals- it's how they learn to not only treat animals, but other people too. I wonder what this woman will do with her kid down the road when it's not so easy anymore, or the newness has worn off? Kids take ALOT more time.
Okay, enough about that........I am so happy that STAR found such a good and perfect home. I love happy endings!

10-20-2001, 05:26 PM
I couldn't believe after reading the first few heartbreaking sentences about "The Perfect Dog" that I would be crying....tears of joy!!! Oh, by the grace of God, these two beautiful, deserving souls have found each other. It really does reaffirm your faith in human beings.

The story especially captured my heart, for I know myself, the wonder of a dog named Star. When I lost my beloved Jingles, my lab of a lifetime, 3 years ago, I was inconsolable. A friend told me as well, that at the moment of her passing, my Jingles became a heavenly star, sending down her spirit to a newborn pup somewhere on earth. One month later, my friend, knowing how desperately I missed her, but how hesitant I was to adopt another dog, called me and said, "I have a surprise for you." She drove me to a home nearby, where I was introduced to the most beautiful litter of yellow lab puppies. "Precious," I said. "But I'm not ready." "Just listen," she said. It was then that the woman told me that just as they were about to leave for a Labor Day picnic, their dog Bailey went into labor. The first pup was born at 5pm. She remembered this was the exact time as she looked at her watch and said, "Ut oh, it's 5pm..No party tonight!" Sept. 5, 5pm,....The exact minute of the same day my Jingles left for the Bridge. I truly believe my Jing sent down from above her heavenly spirit and soul and that it was reborn in this pup, my lab, I call Star.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that this magnificent creature and this loving woman found each other. Thank you to all the incredibly special, caring people who came to her rescue. I still can't believe this had such a wonderful, happy ending!!!! Star, you're safe now. And more important, you are LOVED AND WANTED AT LAST!!!!!

10-20-2001, 05:38 PM
That is an incredible story tatsxxx !!

10-20-2001, 07:50 PM
What a wonderful ending. All dogs named Star must be special!!! We had one, a black lab, for 12 years (when I was 12 to 24). She really helped me out through the difficult teen years. She really was my Lucky Star.
It's awful how people think kids should automatically know how to treat an animal even if they have not been taught to do so. People used to get upset with me because I didn't get upset with Kilo when he snapped at my girl (one time, with no injuries). I kindly explained that if she was treating Kilo with respect and had stopped doing what she was doing when she was told to when he started growling, he wouldn't have had to stop her himself. I think all children should have pets so they can learn about love, respect, dedication and responsibility. This family sounds like snobby "material" people. I feel sorry for their poor child also.

10-20-2001, 08:22 PM
Wonderfully said!! Dogs and all companion animals, are not "toys!" They deserve and should be given the respect we as human beings expect from one another. Seems we as a race have not yet abandoned our "disposable" mentality. As for the story of Star...her crying for her mom as she left the shelter; please read the quote at the bottom of my signature. There in lies the irony.

Daisy's Mom
10-21-2001, 12:38 AM
What a happy ending! Thank God! And Sandra, thank you for sharing your story with us. I think all Stars are heaven-sent!