View Full Version : What WAS your limit?

11-10-2003, 05:43 PM
I stole this from the kitty side -- I hope they don't mind. :p

What was the 'limit' or is the limit for the number over dogs in your household.

Our limit WAS originally one. Dad always said "NO WAY, are we getting another dog" .... then Nala came along. :)

Hopefully, One day I'll be able to post that my 'limit' WAS two.:p :D

11-10-2003, 05:51 PM
My limit is currently 2. And I think it's going to stay that way until I move out unfortunately.
It was one, but then I was promised a dog if I graduated from high school, so along came Clipse.
For me I think my perfect number of dogs would be 4. 2 shelties and 2 whippets. :D

11-10-2003, 05:52 PM
I think 4 or 5 is a good number. Mine would all be mutts, Maybe one or two Pitties. :)

11-10-2003, 05:54 PM
For 12+ years, it was 0. Then my mom made it clear that we were staying at one. Then...a collie rescue called my mom so she ended up allowing us to adopt another dog. I think as long as I live in this house, our limit will be three. My mom's been half joking about adding another smaller dog to our family but I'm sure it won't happen for a couple more years.

11-10-2003, 06:01 PM
It it were up to me I'd have a pack of 6 huskies...ok maybe that's too extreme, I think so. ;) Most likely 3-4 would be the most at a time. I REALLY want another husky right now......but then again, it's not up to me. :( I need to move out!

11-10-2003, 06:14 PM
Just one. One of the main reasons why I only have one dog is because I signed an agreement when I adopted Jean Paul that he would be the only dog. The reason was because he is food and toy aggressive with other dogs (that's why he was adopted out in the first place).

11-10-2003, 06:23 PM
lol Ash, same here. For 12 years it was none. Now we have Mickey and my parents made it clear one is enough. When I move out, I would really love to have about 4 dogs. Mostly mutts but I know I NEED a Sheltie. :)

11-10-2003, 06:30 PM
My limit is 6. I have 6 dogs and they all stay in the house. I would have 7 though!!!:D

11-10-2003, 06:53 PM

We had an apartment, and Kito and Abbey were it.
We decided to buy a house, and hubby told me that after we moved, and built the fence and put the yard in, we could think about a third--I found Riley the next day;)
Then 3 was it.

Then we found Jada.

11-10-2003, 07:16 PM
Our limit was 2, but Rocky was a special gift from a
So we became 3. :D

11-10-2003, 07:27 PM
Emily I loved the tiny font with your #2! LOL! I have always had two dogs at a time and only for a brief period did I have three (when one of my toy poodles was close to 17 years old I adopted Whitney, my first standard, and I also had a mini at the time). Right now I am at 2 and that is my limit, especially since I have 2 cats. I really don't want to rock the boat since Bella and Ripley get along so well too. Now if a homeless pug were to wander into my yard.......:rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
11-10-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Now if a homeless pug were to wander into my yard.......:rolleyes:

Alright, who wants to pitch in a buy a pug and set it Pam's yard with me?? We need someone to buy a bow, o and I think my shelter might have a pug right now.........

I'm not sure, I'll always have at least 2 though. but with the line of work I wanna go into I could end up with 50 dogs, and only 5 who belong to me, hee hee.


11-10-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Alright, who wants to pitch in a buy a pug and set it Pam's yard with me?? We need someone to buy a bow, o and I think my shelter might have a pug right now.........

:D :D :D

11-10-2003, 07:46 PM
Well, it used to be three. When we first moved up here, I wanted to adopt Goldie and my husband said "you have enough dogs"..I had three at the time, Earle, Hoodoo, & Muskwa. Then a friend wantd to send her lead dog to a semi-retirement home and along came Sleet. Then I saw Kayleigh at the shelter and she was just too big to be in that little cage.....Since then everytime we add one we go through the motions of saying the "inn is full", but then a dog like Pacer comes along.

Now we only take timid, submissive, neutered males. We've had some horrible fostering experiences when we tried to integrate a dog that was none of those things. My husband is the "biggest marshmellow in the fire" according to our shelter director. She knows he's a sucker for a sad story and a dog who's been there for way too long.

The one exception is Heyoka--who was highly adoptable. Hubs fell in love with the big goof and decided he deserved an easy one for a change.

11-10-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Now if a homeless pug were to wander into my yard.......:rolleyes:

Hmmmmmmmm...... (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2128282&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3fb041881666287c-app3&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=)

Huuuuummmmmmm....... (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=1783619&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3fb041881666287c-app3&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=)

11-10-2003, 08:12 PM
Unfortunately, I can only afford one right now......and Moose is definitely all I have time for. I'm sure he would love to have another pup around with him to play with, and he definitely lets that be known everytime I take him to my parents' house and he gets to play with their Golden. Poor guy....he's just so deprived. :p

11-10-2003, 08:41 PM
KayAnn you are killing me!!!!!! :p

11-10-2003, 08:45 PM
I think our limit is 2. I want to wait until Malone is a little older and settled down a bit before getting another. I think I would like to either get another golden lab, black lab, or golden retriever. But we'll just hafta wait and see what the future holds.

11-10-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I think I would like to either get another golden lab, black lab, or golden retriever.

Psssst. You mean yellow lab. :D

11-10-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Psssst. You mean yellow lab. :D

Nope!! Malone is known as a golden lab (golden retriever/yellow lab mix) :D

11-10-2003, 08:56 PM
Accually, I do have 7 in the house when Dutchess comes to visit.:D And they are not 7 small dogs either. We are talking large labs and goldens!:eek:

11-10-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Nope!! Malone is known as a golden lab (golden retriever/yellow lab mix) :D

Ahh I see what you are getting at. Sorry 'bout that.

11-10-2003, 09:10 PM
Chester really made it clear for a long time that he didn't want any other dogs in our home. Then we found Millie and they "clicked". So we adjusted and our limit was 2.

Then along came Aneko. She doesn't "click" with anyone except my husband. :rolleyes: Who knows what our future limit may be?Right now I think we're holding at 3. :(

And I found the cutest little westie on petfinder today! :eek:

11-10-2003, 09:10 PM
my dad didnt want another dog after we gave up makiya, but we beged and got oscar, then my dad said NO MORE PETS!!! but then along came the FREE great dane "now known as Baby" and my dad couldent give up the oprotunity.. so yeah now we have three dogs, and it is the limit there lol.

11-10-2003, 09:44 PM
For 10 years our limit was 2, but then a cute little honey colored chow girl came along and now it's 3:D

11-10-2003, 09:53 PM
Welllllll ..... I have ten dogs now, so I had to vote the "10+" category. But, in all honesty, ten dogs is way, way too many. I will never have this many again.

I had one dog from the time I was four years old until I was in the seventh grade. Then my brother died, and we took his dog. Then we had two dogs until they died. A year later I got Lacie, and had one dog for a year. Then she was lonesome, so I got her a buddy. I had two dogs again for five years. Then I got Keito and Queenie, and I had four dogs for four years.

Then I started fostering and doing breed rescue, and all heck broke loose. I have had between eight and fourteen dogs in the house at all times since 1998.

No more, though. I'm not getting any more dogs, no matter how sad the story it, until all these are gone. Then I will have two again.

11-10-2003, 10:26 PM
It was originally, no dogs. BUT...to make a long story short we ended up with 2. :D Possibly a third...

11-10-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Now if a homeless pug were to wander into my yard.......:rolleyes:

Pam, have you seen that commercial with the little pug in it? It's for some sort of asthma medication, and the guy runs all over looking for his pug, and he just keep passing him by--he's on the up escalator, and the pug is on the other one, and finally he hails a cab and the pug is in the seat grinning at him--it's so cute!!!!!!

11-10-2003, 10:59 PM
I voted for 2 even tho one right now is my limit. Maybe its that I can see myself having at least 2 PETS. I can see myself always having a dog and a cat (maybe 2 cats ;)) It would also depend on the size of the dogs. But for right now I truly enjoy the harmony for the most part, of my household right now.:)

11-10-2003, 11:09 PM
none, as in we dont have a limit never have, our dogs are athletes only shadow is a pet :p, of coarse the others are treated as pets, but they are athletes kept on exersize planes, and diet plans, and kept on a racing weight(if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight) however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets, so we really dont have a limit. :p

11-10-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by cali
none, as in we dont have a limit never have, our dogs are athletes only shadow is a pet :p, of coarse the others are treated as pets, but they are athletes kept on exersize planes, and diet plans, and kept on a racing weight(if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight) however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets, so we really dont have a limit. :p

Wow... That's really sad. :(

11-10-2003, 11:20 PM
none, as in we dont have a limit never have, our dogs are athletes only shadow is a pet , of coarse the others are treated as pets, but they are athletes kept on exersize planes, and diet plans, and kept on a racing weight(if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight) however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets, so we really dont have a limit.

OMG. I am speechless. And best that I stay that way, methinks.

*bites tongue, bites tongue, bites tongue*

Oh, Lord, give me strength, please.

11-10-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
OMG. I am speechless. And best that I stay that way, methinks.

*bites tongue, bites tongue, bites tongue*

Oh, Lord, give me strength, please.

Sometimes things need to be said....

I'm speechless as well..:( :(

11-10-2003, 11:28 PM
Sometimes things need to be said....

I'd get banned for sure.

11-10-2003, 11:30 PM
I could say alot of things, that may or may not lead to me getting banned... but i'm just too sick to my stomach to eaven come out with words.

Besides, they'd probably just go in one ear and out the other. :rolleyes:

11-10-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Wow... That's really sad. :(

:( I completely agree. :(

11-10-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Wow... That's really sad. :(

You're right. It is sad. Unfortunately competition people are obsessed with having skinny dogs. Shaving your time down by a hundreth of a second is so dang important you know (and just to make sure that statement is not misread imagine my voice dripping with sarcasm).
Sometimes breeders who actively show their dogs in conformation are also obsessed with having skinny dogs.

Don't get me wrong. Dogs shouldn't be fat or pudgy. I hate seeing all the really over weight dogs come into work. I always think of it as killing with kindness.
But to keep a dog underweight to improve it's performance....well I don't know what I would call that.

I'd have to say I'm a bit obsessed with my dogs weights. They are not fat (although once upon a time Emily was) and they are not too skinny. I can easily feel their ribs, but not their spines, hip bones etc.

11-10-2003, 11:32 PM
[i[Originally posted by Twisterdog[/i]
*bites tongue, bites tongue, bites tongue*

I'm stuck in the same boat as you, Twisterdog. There's so much I would love to say.......but I've already been scolded for stating my opinions. :rolleyes::o

11-10-2003, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by cali
none, as in we dont have a limit never have, our dogs are athletes only shadow is a pet :p, of coarse the others are treated as pets, but they are athletes kept on exersize planes, and diet plans, and kept on a racing weight(if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight) however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets, so we really dont have a limit. :p


I'm speechless. :(

11-10-2003, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
You're right. It is sad. Unfortunately competition people are obsessed with having skinny dogs. Shaving your time down by a hundreth of a second is so dang important you know (and just to make sure that statement is not misread imagine my voice dripping with sarcasm).
Sometimes breeders who actively show their dogs in conformation are also obsessed with having skinny dogs.

Don't get me wrong. Dogs shouldn't be fat or pudgy. I hate seeing all the really over weight dogs come into work. I always think of it as killing with kindness.
But to keep a dog underweight to improve it's performance....well I don't know what I would call that.

I'd have to say I'm a bit obsessed with my dogs weights. They are not fat (although once upon a time Emily was) and they are not too skinny. I can easily feel their ribs, but not their spines, hip bones etc.

Not just the fact that she keeps them thin...
The fact that she says their "athletes".
Their animals. Dogs. Pets.
Not Shaq or Mike Alstott.
And this is PET talk.
Not "Athlete" talk.

11-10-2003, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
OMG. I am speechless. And best that I stay that way, methinks.

*bites tongue, bites tongue, bites tongue*

Oh, Lord, give me strength, please.
You took the words right outta my mouth Twisterdog. I am totally totally speechless and that is RARE.
And she is so proud of it, that is infuriating.

be nice
be nice
be nice
be nice
that is what the MAYOR says
be nice
be nice:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
this disgusts me. If she wants to talk about athletes go find another bulletin board.

11-10-2003, 11:41 PM
But to keep a dog underweight to improve it's performance....well I don't know what I would call that.

Let's see ... how about "cruelty"? "Obsession"? "Lack of empathy for an innocent animal?" "Heartlessness?"

Am I getting warm? I can keep guessing. :p

There's so much I would love to say.......but I've already been scolded for stating my opinions.

Oh, I hear you. Me too. I'm just a big ole' meanie, doncha know? Hmmmmmmm ..... perhaps 'tis not you and I that are they ones with issues afterall, eh? :p

11-10-2003, 11:42 PM
I'm with you guys---:(

11-10-2003, 11:48 PM
I started off with only being allowed to have one, it eventually went up to two and was supposed to stay there until well I said the magic p word and now it's stuck at three and staying there at least until I have a place of my own and can afford another dog.

Originally posted by cali
none, as in we dont have a limit never have, our dogs are athletes only shadow is a pet :p, of coarse the others are treated as pets, but they are athletes kept on exersize planes, and diet plans, and kept on a racing weight(if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight) however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets, so we really dont have a limit. :p

Okay sorry folks have to say something about this. Normally as some of you know I hold my tounge and don't comment prefering to stay under the radar but this comment is just begging for me to say something about.

Like Cali's dogs my dogs are athletes however my dogs are PETS first and athletes second. They will always be pets first and athletes second. If at any point in time one of my dogs shows any sign of not enjoying agility then I will stop competing with them and just let them be a dog because that is what they were to start with. If at any time my dog has an injury that prevents them from playing then fine I'll deal with it, I will let them rest and relax and heal, even if it means that they can't play for a month or two months or the rest of their lives. It doesn't matter to me, as long as I still have my dogs. That is the reason why Winter will most likely never compete in flyball just because I don't want to risk her hurting her leg again...hence the reason she doesn't get to compete in agility trails all that often and when she does she gets entered in lower jump heights.

I didn't get my dogs just for a sport it actually happened the other way around. I got my dogs and then the sport found us. I started agility to help my dogs gain confidence something all three have needed and still need. and Yes I keep my dogs at a nice weight but that's because I want them to be healthy and live a longer life, the fact that it helps them perform better is just a plus.

To say that your dogs are atheletes first and then pets is complete crap. I'm sorry to say that but it is, I know people who have been competing in flyball and agility for more years then you can imagine and they're dogs are always pets first and athletes second. It's like your parents saying "Oh yeah my daughter? She's a maid first and my daughter second." or something like that...not a really nice thing to hear now is it?

I now return you to your regular nice quite unassuming Tracy.

11-10-2003, 11:51 PM

11-10-2003, 11:56 PM
Anna..I can't believe how much Malone looks like my Cody..and yes indeedy..I described him as a golden lab too!!! (And he was so smart we called him "little man"..he never knew he was a K9 :eek: :p )I'd have at least 3 dogs if I could, but I think my personality and training abilities :rolleyes: allows me 1 at a time..

11-10-2003, 11:59 PM
Excellent post Tracy! I have never had any doubt your dogs were your beloved pets, not just "athletes." I think flyball and agililty would be very fun sports to participate in. If I can find a place that teaches it, I'd definitely give it a try. However, it would be a hobby only and Nebo will always be considered a pet (well, actually, he's my furry child ;) ). I do, of course, keep him at a healthy weight. Notice I said HEALTHY. Keeping your dogs ridiculously thin is NOT healthy...and of course, them being overweight is not healthy either.

Dogs should be members of the family. I think it's wonderful if you want to find some sport to participate, and it can be beneficial to both you and your pet. But to say your dogs are just "athletes" is just sad IMO. I have the same feelings about how most mushing/sled dogs are treated. :(

11-11-2003, 12:03 AM
I don't have a specific limit because it depends on my living situation and other circumstances at the time. Right now with all my fosters, I am very much at my limit of animals (above and beyond my limit). Down the road when I'm married and in a house, I'd ideally like to have 3 or 4 dogs and 3 cats maybe.

As far as the other topic of this thread, my dogs are family members to me, not objects. They'd get last place in any flyball or agility competition, but the love I receive from them more than makes up for any trophy :)

11-11-2003, 12:09 AM
It's like your parents saying "Oh yeah my daughter? She's a maid first and my daughter second." or something like that...not a really nice thing to hear now is it?

Hey, I like it! My son plays soccer, so he is now to be an athlete only, not my son. Next time he is hungry, I'll tell him, "Sorry, only half a cup of green beans for you today, you have to stay, "thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports." I'm sure he'll understand.

Hey, and as long as they are "athletes", then there is no limit to the number of kids I could have "bought, received, or adopted for sports", right? Even if I don't have the time to spend with them or love them, and I can't afford proper care for them if they get sick or want to go to college ... hey, they're just athletes, not children, so who cares? I think I'll get about twenty ... one of them is bound to be something wonderful, right? And who cares about the inferior ones, they're just athletes. What a deal!

none, as in we dont have a limit never have,

The definition of which, by the way, is "collector" or "hoarder".

11-11-2003, 12:34 AM
I must say again
"Well said Twisterdog!"
So since there are so many drug addicted babies being born and taken away from their mom's so they can have more. So they don't have a limit either. So That they can just keep having more and more and more babies. As long as they are light, and for sports, that's cool! Right!?!

11-11-2003, 06:39 AM
First, one cat. Then, one dog and he could never come in the house. That lasted like 2 days.

11-11-2003, 07:58 AM
5 is it!

Dick and I have had three dogs since I met him. Over the years as we've lost one friend, we've found new. When we got to four dogs, he said "NO MORE" but when the gal said she couldn't keep Kirby would I please take him, Dick caved.

But he did say "NO MORE DOGS!" again. This time, I'll listen. Five is a handful. Can't imagine how those with more do it.

11-11-2003, 09:39 AM
huh? you guys are mad because I dont have a limit :confused: as for the skinny thing, I meant that they are an athletic weight, they are certainly not underfed, or too thin, for heaven sakes they get more food then shadow, misty ate just about an entire chicken carcuss for supper yesterday. also I dont play the sports with that dog if they dont enjoy it, happy was not enjoying flyball before, so I retired her from it, and focased on things she liked better, agility and frisbee, and what she enjoys most in agility in jumpers, so that is what I do, its not like we force them do play the sport if they dont like it! we got perky for flyball, she does not enjoy so she was found a new sport that she is both good at and enjoys so much that when its time to practice she runs to my mom and starts dancing(freestyle is what she does) perky has been to a fun match, she took 2nd place, lost by 1 point to a dog with nearly every title in the book, perky has no titles. the judges comments were that perky seemed to love it. happy now plays flyball again, because I still took her to flyball for fun just for recreation, it was there that she figerd out the game, and became obbsessed. misty loves flyball and so does Ripley. there is no way in h*ll we would force them to play in something they dont enjoy!
oh yes and as I said they are NOT underweight! all my dogs have been described as being a perfect weight. and if I think they are getting too thin, I have them fed more to fatten them up a little. what I meant by more normal weight is that just about every dog that is a pet that I have met is fat, not obese just fat. also they are members of the family and are treated as such, we find dogs with structers etc.. for sport yes, we look for speed such yes, but that does NOT mean that our dogs are not pets, I said they are treated like pets, heck they are treated better then pets! I dont know where on earth you get the idea that my dogs being athletes means were abusing them? :confused:

11-11-2003, 10:56 AM
Cali - I don't think your dogs look too skinny. I've seen a lot of pictures of yours and I think they look just fine.

As for the athleticism - I think my dogs would really enjoy flyball and dirtdog and I wish I had the time to dedicate to them that your family has.

I personally found nothing wrong with your post, but I think you maybe didn't word it the way you meant it. Sometimes your posts sound kind of harsh or blunt and I don't think you're expressing yourself quite the way you mean to. Perhaps you should read your posts aloud and see how they sound then. Sometimes it’s hard to write what you have in your head and have it come out right once you've typed it.

I think that you probably meant that your dogs are treated as family pets and as athletes as well. That the “athletes” are on a different diet than Shadow since they need the energy and need to be in top form to do what they enjoy doing. I also think that by the phrase "they were adopted for sports not pets", that you may have meant that you wanted dogs that needed a job to do, not just play around the house and lay on the couch like mine.

I hope that I'm correct in my assumptions.

11-11-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by cali
, misty ate just about an entire chicken carcuss for supper yesterday. :confused:

We are not 'mad' at you for NOT having a limit. But your post certainly did NOT SAY that your dogs were pets. You said they were athletes. That is what upset some of us, at least me.
And Misty eating an entire chicken carcass is NOTHING to brag about. That's disgusting. And if it was cooked, that could kill her.
Never ever ever give a dog poultry bones, they are to fragile and splinter.
I know you get upset with a lot of us for expressing our opinions, but I also think that you don't understand where WE are coming from either. Maybe we don't want to understand where you are coming from, but I also think the opposite rings true, You don't care to hear about our opinions either.

11-11-2003, 11:00 AM
Good post Micki!
That pretty much sums it up also! :)

11-11-2003, 11:09 AM
micki, yes, you are right in what I meant. and your right I dont have a way with words, either that or there are a lot of people here, who dont like me and choose to interpret my posts to make me sound like a bad person, well I sure hope thats not the case anyway.. :eek:

shais_mom my dogs are on the BARF diet. hence the chicken. we dont feed kibble, we feed only human grade products that we will gladly eat ourselves(we share, the dogs get the bones we get the parts like chicken breast) but lets not get into what we feed.

11-11-2003, 11:18 AM
I voted 3, when in actuality, my limit was 2, but then I met Scott, and of course, we added Murphy to our bunch. Zipper was an unexpected surprise, totally unplanned, as he was supposed to be a foster until he was adopted. :o Only we all fell in love with him, as did our 3 canine girls! :) So, we have four, and are definitely setting a new limit. But it is fun (except for all the poop scooping that I end up having to do!). :D

Linda York
11-11-2003, 11:34 AM
I will say that 4 is my limit. Limit means..... can you care for the amount you have.. love them, feed them, keep them clean and EXCERSISED. Have time to spend with them. If you have a huge home with a huge yard, your limit will be differant than someone with an apartment, small home or lives at home with parents. I have to agree with Cali, her dogs sounds as though they are properly taken care of, healthy, excersised, fed well and loved. Sounds as though she has it all in control and enjoys "sports" with them too. My friend has three Great Danes, that she shows. These dogs are loved like no other. They are her babies, her pets.... they are well trained and at the times when she shows them, they are on a "differant" type schedule. But at home they are just pets. Same as my friends hunting dogs, or police dogs. At home they are pets. I agree with Cali. And I beleive that "No limit" does not mean "hoarder or collector". No limit means having the space, time, money, and love to care for the amount you are able. I don't believe that 10 dogs in an apartment is right but 10 dogs on a farm.............

11-11-2003, 12:20 PM
I am at my max. limit for all my animals right now, so the answer would be 2 dogs. It may change IF I should find more time, make more money, &/or maybe a significant other.

11-11-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by cali
either that or there are a lot of people here, who dont like me and choose to interpret my posts to make me sound like a bad person, well I sure hope thats not the case anyway..

And here we go again with the, "Oh, boohoo....people here are tying to make me look bad. I'm a good person, I swear....boohoo." Certain people here need to stop taking things so personally and not act so sensitive about every comment that is posted. Relax.....my God. :rolleyes:

11-11-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Moose
And here we go again with the, "Oh, boohoo....people here are tying to make me look bad. I'm a good person, I swear....boohoo." Certain people here need to stop taking things so personally and not act so sensitive about every comment that is posted. Relax.....my God. :rolleyes:

And certain people shouldn’t jump on others and be rude or assuming. Pet Talk is a place for fun and camaraderie. Let’s all try to be nice and a little understanding. :D

11-11-2003, 12:32 PM
-->Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue<--

I'm a nice girl.....I'm a nice girl......I'm a nice girl......

Oh God, help me. :rolleyes::eek:

11-11-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Moose
-->Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue...Biting tongue<--

I'm a nice girl.....I'm a nice girl......I'm a nice girl......

Oh God, help me. :rolleyes::eek:

Very mature post. And so worthwhile.

C’mon guys, we’re here to have fun! That’s why we’re all here isn’t it? Let’s move on past the eyerolls and silliness and get friendly and have fun here in our community. Really, I mean posts keep going into horrible discussions where feelings get hurt and it’s usually over a misunderstanding or a difference of opinion. Let it go and enjoy. That’s what life’s all about.

11-11-2003, 12:42 PM
Just writing to say that I understand your posts. I have used my dogs in the past for athletic sports & such but they are still pets, treated better than most pets probably. Also if I had the money & would love to feed the barf diet, although I feed kibble my dogs still get an occasional chicken carcas, beef bone, pigs feet etc! They love it, bones & all, raw or cooked. I have never had a problem w/ it! etc, etc, etc Your dogs a beautiful & keep up the good work!!!!:)

11-11-2003, 12:43 PM
Thank you for trying, at least, Micki. :)

11-11-2003, 12:48 PM
Ok Cali, I get the chicken carcass thing.
I give Keegan raw pork neck bones for her teeth.
Sorry for being confused:confused:
Moose, take a deep breath, and go pet your dog! It works for stress relief, and realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless whether or not we agree. :(:(
*hopefully bowing out of the discussion now*

11-11-2003, 12:52 PM
And here we go again....once again I'm the "brat" on board. Glad to see nothing's changed. :D :D :o

11-11-2003, 12:56 PM
I don't think I implied or accused you of being a brat. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I was just giving you apparently unwanted advice that I have to take often myself.

*am bowing out now, going to work, and won't be on until midnite IF this is still here*

11-11-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Moose
And here we go again with the, "Oh, boohoo....people here are tying to make me look bad. I'm a good person, I swear....boohoo." Certain people here need to stop taking things so personally and not act so sensitive about every comment that is posted. Relax.....my God. :rolleyes:

You need to take a deep breath, Moose. Staci and others have spoken very wisely. We don't know the circumstances that Cali's dogs live under. We can only take Cali's word on it, just as we do yours or others. I feel that many might disagree with some measures I have taken, personally, to ensure the safety of my dogs. But I do it for their safety and I appreciate the fact that I am trusted enough to make those decisions, knowing what is best for my dogs. I'm sure Cali and her family are doing the same thing.

Take what you read in the way it was intended, which was not to get you in an uproar.

By the way, I think Moose is a terrific Lab! We have a Yellow Lab girl too, a very old one, but we love her dearly!!! :)

11-11-2003, 01:02 PM
My post was not directed toward you, shais_mom. I do apologize if it seemed that way. :)

11-11-2003, 01:07 PM
If you are implying that I called or inferred that you are a 'brat', you're dead wrong. In fact, I don't think I've ever even replied to a post from you before. I don't think you're a brat, but I do think that you should take everything that Logan, Staci and I have said to heart. And there are several others who should do the same.

Lighten up! :D Smile :D

11-11-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Logan
I think Moose is a terrific Lab! We have a Yellow Lab girl too, a very old one, but we love her dearly!!!

Moose thanks you. ;) Your girl is awfully gorgeous as well.....there's something about an old lab [or any dog, for that matter] that makes me smile.

My Peanuts
11-11-2003, 01:17 PM
We have two and I don't think my dad will stand for anymore. However, when we got Sylvia he said she was it and a month and a half later we adopted Harley. If we had a bigger house I would try to get one more. ;)

11-11-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Moose
Moose thanks you. ;) Your girl is awfully gorgeous as well.....there's something about an old lab [or any dog, for that matter] that makes me smile.

Thank you for understanding the intent of my post. I'm all for peace and not for the misunderstandings that happen so easily. :) Murphy thanks you too! She is one special puppy, for sure!!! :) She is quite demanding in her old age, but there is not one thing I wouldn't bend over backward :eek: to do for her!!!!


11-11-2003, 01:29 PM
*This post is not directed to anyone*

I do believe having no limit on dogs implies a hoarder or collector. Even if I had the largest yard on the planet and was a millionaire, I would have a limit on dogs. Besides being fed and given shelter, dogs need to be loved, played with, exercised, etc. There's only so much time in the day to do all these things. Sure, I could hire someone to do it for me if I really was a millionaire, but then they wouldn't really be MY pets. So my own personal limit wouldn't change much from the situation I'm in now to a situation where I was a millionaire.

*This post is not directed to anyone*

11-11-2003, 01:40 PM
My limit was 1, then I somehow convinced my Mom to let me get Pepper. So right now my limit is 2 and will probably stay like that until I move out. I have my hands full with these two;)

11-11-2003, 01:41 PM
I really don't care if your dogs, excuse me "Athletes" are skinny or obese, or fat -- whatever. As long as their not dying from it.

What I DID find wrong, disgustingand heartless is
"however the athletes are thin, light, agile, and bought, received, or adopted for sports not pets"

NO dog should just be bought, recieved, OR adopted for sports. THEY ARE PETS.They are living beings, not something you'd use in a sport, like you would a tennis racket.

I'm not saying it's wrong to do agility, flyball -- whatever with your "athletes" -- I'm saying they should be considered as pets FIRST, and a part of your family. Not JUST for sports.

Originally posted by cali
I dont have a way with words, either that or there are a lot of people here, who dont like me and choose to interpret my posts to make me sound like a bad person, well I sure hope thats not the case anyway.. :eek:

I'm sure there are a few who don't like you, or a few who don't like me -- there's a few in every bunch, but -- That shouldn't change the way they interpret your posts or words -- And it won't change the way I interpret your posts, for sure.

I still believe that's how you meant it, because it says it clearly there in your words.

11-11-2003, 01:42 PM
Two. :rolleyes: For now!
When I'm older..it will probably be a bazillion smooth collies! ;):p
No maybe like..4 or 5. :)

11-11-2003, 02:38 PM
what I meant by the quote kfamr is that when we adopt and otherwise aquire a dog, we look for certain qualitys that will make them a good sporting dog, what I meant by "not for pets" is that we look for qualitys of a good athlete not just any dog that will make a good pet, because it also needs to be a good athlete.but we do look for both althletic qualitys AND pet qualitys, not every dog that makes a good pet will make a good athlete hence we look for qualitys of BOTH.

aly I am by no means an animal hoarder, no we dont have a limit on the dogs we get but all that means is that we have never set a limit, we take what we can care for, not having a limit does not mean we take and take and take, its only means that we have never set a limit. our pets are healthier, and more loved then most pets, our athletes are treated as pets but receive special care that a pet does not need, these athletes get messages for there joints, special exersize and training, and special diets, along with lots of love. :)

11-11-2003, 02:57 PM
How could your dad turn down Nala!!:eek: :p

I think the limit for me would be 6. Most from the shelter.

11-11-2003, 03:19 PM
When I move out, have my own place, and am financially stable my limit will probably be 4 dogs. Goldens being a *few* of them. :D

11-11-2003, 03:28 PM
so if a dog was a complete couch potato, you wouldn't want it?

11-11-2003, 04:10 PM
we've only had two dogs at one time, but when i move out....i'll have lots and lots of doggies.

11-11-2003, 04:24 PM
And I beleive that "No limit" does not mean "hoarder or collector". No limit means having the space, time, money, and love to care for the amount you are able. I don't believe that 10 dogs in an apartment is right but 10 dogs on a farm........

But there IS a limit on time, for all of us. You may have all the money and space you could ever dream of - but there are still 24 hours in a day for rich people with huge houses, just like there are for lower income people in apartments. There is no possible way to give the proper amount of time to an unlimited number of dogs. Believe me, I know. I could afford more dogs than I have now, and I have enough room for more dogs. But I will never get any more dogs, because there are not enough hours in the days to give more dogs the attention, time and training they need.

I dont have a way with words, either that or there are a lot of people here, who dont like me and choose to interpret my posts to make me sound like a bad person, well I sure hope thats not the case anyway..

It doesn't have anything to do with liking you or not liking you. We've never met you, we don't know you. It has to do with voicing our opinions about things that you post. You seem to be quite able to express yourself in no uncertain terms when you post. It is only after you realize that what you posted seems to be unpopular, that you start backpedalling. I agree with Kfamr:

I still believe that's how you meant it, because it says it clearly there in your words.

You were very clear indeed. I believe you said exactly what you meant, and only decided to temper your sentiments after you saw our reaction to your post.

11-11-2003, 04:29 PM
I'm not sure why choosing a dog to fit your lifestyle is such
a bad thing. None of us would suggest to a sedentary
person to go out and get a Border Collie, would we? So why
shouldn't an active person, who wants a jogging partner
or agility partner or hunting partner, etc., chose a dog that's
going to meet their needs too?

One of the reasons I chose a Collie was with the thought
that I'd be able to do some kind of dog sport with them.
I'd become too much of a hermit and wanted a dog that
could help me be more social. Murph and Maddie and I had
gotten way too comfortable just veggin' in front of the TV every
night. Oz has forced all 3 of us to be more active (well Maddie
less than Murph and I, but he's put some spark back into her
as well). Getting to go to agility and having fun with him
and meeting new people has just been wonderful. And just
because I got him with doing a sport in my mind, doesn't mean
I love him any less than Murph and Maddie. You couldn't pry
him away from me with a crow bar. ;)

As to the question of limits, mine's 3. It's quite a juggling act
to make sure all 3 dogs get the same amount of attention, so
that all 3 feel special. Don't think there's enough of me to go
around to keep that even keel, if I added another.


11-11-2003, 04:33 PM
guess what? your wrong. when I start "backpeddling" as you say its because I did not realize you guys would react that way, I look over my posts but I start explaining because you guys interpret my posts wronge I am NOT good with words I dont realize what it sounds like to an outside person that does not know me, it is not until you guys reply that I realize how my post sounds. but hey if you choose to believe that I am an animal abuser and keep my dogs underweight and they dont enjoy what they are doing that that is your own damn problem, you an believe all the lies you want, because its not going to change the truth.

11-11-2003, 04:36 PM
No one accused you of being an animal abused, keeping your dogs underweight or making them do something they don't enjoy.

11-11-2003, 04:45 PM
sorry but that is exactly what was said

But to keep a dog underweight to improve it's performance....well I don't know what I would call that.

Let's see ... how about "cruelty"? "Obsession"? "Lack of empathy for an innocent animal?" "Heartlessness?"

11-11-2003, 04:47 PM
Twister you have changed your mind about Cali? In another post you spoke for her, much as I did in this one, and explained to everyone what you interpreted her to be trying to say.

I personally don’t feel she’s back pedaling. I’d like to think she’s taking my advice about reading her posts prior to posting them. Her last couple of posts were much clearer than her previous ones and made much more sense to me when I read it.

Can we please all stop attacking her and just play nicely? This isn’t the doghouse.

11-11-2003, 04:59 PM
so if a dog was a complete couch potato, you wouldn't want it?

I would not get a dog that was a complete couch potato in the first place. why on earth would I knowingly get a dog that I know full well would get left behind a lot(traveling to tournys and trials)?

11-11-2003, 05:02 PM
That's what I was saying.

So your answer would be no, you wouldn't want a dog that just wanted to lay around and well, be a dog.

What happens when your 'athletes' no long want to compete in their older ages, and want to be complete couch potatoes?

11-11-2003, 05:05 PM
KayAnn, you know I love you lots, but I think you need to give this subject a rest, hon. Meant with all of the best intentions.


11-11-2003, 05:06 PM
Sorry, the post made me completely sick to my stomach when I first read it. I was disgusted ... but yeah .. there's tons of pages on it already..

11-11-2003, 05:19 PM
when they retire they become pets like shadow, where they can just relax and take it easy, IF THEY WANT TO, keep in mind the breed of my dogs, they are not by any means the types that would decide to layz about. they would still get to go to flyball for fun and fun matchs and demos. all the dogs I know that retired from the sports hate being left behind, even they they are slow and tire easy they want to play, and they get to.

edit:knowing you guys the last part will be interpreted wronge to I am just taking it out.

11-11-2003, 05:29 PM
That's the way some of the our retired cop dogs are, too. Poor things can't understand why they still can't go to work with mommy or daddy. I've got an interesting point to make about the sport dogs. What about the Greyhounds after their racing days are over? Its really sad. They're treated really good while they're able to race, after that, it's the axe. But I see nothing wrong with having a dog that likes to do the sports. I've watched the flyball on tv and the dogs seem to love it! I would love to have a dog that did that. Or, one of the Labs that dives in those long pools for the water toy. I think it gives them joy to do those things. Dogs are different, just like people.

11-11-2003, 05:33 PM
I'm not sure why choosing a dog to fit your lifestyle is such a bad thing.

I never said it was. Choosing a dog that DOESN'T fit your lifestyle is a bad thing. I'm not sure if you were referring to me or not, but I didn't say or mean that at all.

Twister you have changed your mind about Cali? In another post you spoke for her, much as I did in this one, and explained to everyone what you interpreted her to be trying to say.

I don't know Cali, I've never met her. I don't base any of my posts off whether I "like" or "dislike" someone. It wouldn't matter one bit to me who posted that, I would comment on it. I don't look at a post and say, "Oh, I don't like that person, so I'm going to say something bad." Please. I look at each individual post separately, and comment on it separately. I may agree with 9 out of 10 posts someone makes, but not the 10th. So? That is life, sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree.

What happens when your 'athletes' no long want to compete in their older ages, and want to be complete couch potatoes?

I think that is a valid question.

but hey if you choose to believe that I am an animal abuser and keep my dogs underweight and they dont enjoy what they are doing that that is your own damn problem

I never said they didn't enjoy what they are doing. They probably do. And YOU said they were underweight. You said, and I quote, "kept on a racing weight (if they were pets they would not be fat just a more normal weight)." So, you said yourself, that if they were just pets, they would be a "normal" weight, but since they are "athletes", they are kept on "racing weight." So ... if "racing weight" is less than "normal" weight, they are therefore underweight. Less than normal weight is underweight. You said it. Sorry if that's "not what you meant", but it IS what you said.

And the weight was just one part of the reason your post rubbed me the wrong way. Dogs should be pets first, loved unconditionally, and whatever-else secondly. Just like kids. And if you have no limit to the number of dogs you will "buy, receive or adopt" just because they are good "athletes", then I think that is wrong and selfish. Again, Sorry if that's "not what you meant", but it IS what you said. That's my opinion, and it will continue to be my opinion.

11-11-2003, 05:35 PM
They're treated really good while they're able to race, after that, it's the axe.

Actually, they are treated very badly while they are racing, as well. :(

11-11-2003, 05:47 PM
and again I explained what I meant by normal and racing weight. normal being the weight I see most pets at, which is a little bit OVER weight, not fat just a little bit pudgy because there diet and exersize is not as strict, because they are athletes that need to be kept on a perfect weight, and kept in top condition. normal being a pet only weight, more relaxed.

What happens when your 'athletes' no long want to compete in their older ages, and want to be complete couch potatoes?

I think that is a valid question.

one that I answered. even if by some way they did turn into couch potatos(keep in mind the breeds I have) they would get to relax and be a couch potato, however that does not mean they would not still want to play the sports I KNOW they still want to play the sorts at an old age because I know a LOT of dogs that retired from the sports, they hate to be left behind, they are old and tire easy but they still want to play. that is what fun matches and flyball for fun and demos are for. the old and the new, we also have special teams just for the older dogs that want to play, they go to turnys for recreation not to win, but because they love it, out club contains a 13 year old sheltie, a 10 year old belgen a da 9 year old border collie, they dont get to race often but they do get to race, just as a spare, because they enjoy it. they are retired by the way, but get to come when they feel up to it as a spare

11-11-2003, 06:20 PM
twisterdog writes:

I never said it was. Choosing a dog that DOESN'T fit your lifestyle is a bad thing. I'm not sure if you were referring to me or not, but I didn't say or mean that at all
Hi twister!

My post wasn't directed at you. It was just a general thought
I had based on kfamr's comment about not wanting a couch
potato dog. I think some dogs need a so called "job" to do
to be truly happy and agility's great for them. I've also, through
my agility classes, seen some people that are in it for the wrong
reasons or don't have the right attitude about it. I've seen some
awfully bad human behavior from some people who's number one
priority wasn't for them and their dog to have fun. I've had to
bite my tongue several times. The guy that hurled his border
collie over a jump by his collar out of frustration comes to mind.
Thankfully the instructor didn't let the behavior slide and took
care of it.


11-11-2003, 06:29 PM
hurled the dog over the jump? oh gosh that mean, the first and formost thing with my dogs and sports is that they have fun, its not fun for me if its not fun for them, it makes me happy to see the exitment and happiness in ther faces when they play the game.:p

11-11-2003, 06:53 PM
Well, here’s another fun thread ruined! I swear this crap is getting really old. I’m so sick and tired of fun threads being killed be people who just feel the need to be a bitch to someone. STOP IT PEOPLE.

Why not make this a fun place to hang out? Does it just not make you people happy until you’ve ruined a thread for everybody? :mad:

I keep coming back to read people responses to THE THREAD QUESTION and I find all this crap.

Just friggin’ quit it.

11-11-2003, 07:22 PM
my limit is two (and i have 2 cats). duke and alex the wonder dog are and were absolutely the best dogs ever. i found, as a single working full time human dog mom, i could only do right by 2. both dogs were/are high maintence, both had medical conditions the required daily meds, near monthly vet visits, and in alexs' case, i can expect one to two vet er bills a year. i have a good job, but i do know that there were times when money was tight, and the animals came first (good thing i love thrift stores and drive a used car.) when i hit the lottery however, things will change.....;)

11-11-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Well, here’s another fun thread ruined! I swear this crap is getting really old. I’m so sick and tired of fun threads being killed be people who just feel the need to be a bitch to someone. STOP IT PEOPLE.

Why not make this a fun place to hang out? Does it just not make you people happy until you’ve ruined a thread for everybody? :mad:

I keep coming back to read people responses to THE THREAD QUESTION and I find all this crap.

Just friggin’ quit it.

You posted seven times in this thread, micki76, and none of them were "responses to THE THREAD QUESTION", as you put it. If you go back and re-read the entire thread you will see that you, also, hurt some people's feelings and added to the argument. So, you now posting the above is a bit of "the pot calling the kettle black", IMO.

And, yes, I definately helped to lead this thread off topic. Sorry. However, I don't believe in sticking your head in the sand and saying nothing when you read something disturbing. Cali's post was disturbing to me, and to many others. We questioned it. Sorry, but every single thing in life can't be "fun". Sometimes, hard questions need to be asked and hard subjects addressed. It's called responsibility.

I admit, I was more than a little sarcastic in a couple of my posts, and I apologize for that. It was immature. But, I still think the issue needed to be addressed. Just because we disagree or question each other doesn't mean we "don't like" each other. Sheesh. That is such an immature, middle-school attitude. Not everyone agrees, and NO one agrees 100% of the time. It's not the end of the world. It's real life. My gosh.

11-11-2003, 09:39 PM
Actually, I did respond to the thread question, but I also posted a lot of times about the same junk in the thread. It's just very annoying to me that people are ruining great, fun threads with the same old stuff (not that it's not important stuff). I wish people would make a new thread when they have an extreme issue, or heaven forbid use a PM. :) I'll try to start doing that myself. I know how it is when you’re passionate about something, but we all need to start using a little tiny restraint (myself definitely included) and use the pm system that’s available to us all.

I shouldn’t have commented so much, that’s true, but I just wanted to get people to stop posting with the OT stuff and I only helped to take it OT.

My apologies to all involved. I tried to stay positive, but I got irritated, which is something I wish wouldn’t happen here so much. :(

Could someone please post about the topic now?

11-11-2003, 09:53 PM
My limit right now is still Two.... :p

11-11-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
My limit right now is still Two.... :p

He he he. You crack me up! :D Mine's still 3. Darn it! I still want this Westie mix!! She's so cute and her name is Kathy. :D Isn't she cute?


11-11-2003, 10:13 PM
AWWW! Yes! I love the second photo.

I want Lady, the pittie mix.. She's been at our shelter for the longest time. She was hit by a car when she came in. She's the biggest sweetie eve, the only thing is she doesnt get along with other dogs, or so they say. Who knows though, it's always different with different dogs.

(Lady on Petfinder)

Either that, or I want Buddy, the neighbor pittie.

11-11-2003, 10:14 PM
My limit right now is still Two....


My limit is still ten. *sigh*

Mine's still 3. Darn it! I still want this Westie mix!!

DON'T even look at doggies if you're at your limit. I have removed PetFinder from my favorites list!

11-11-2003, 10:15 PM
And man, mine is still two! :p
I have my heart set on THIS (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2197052&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=3fac4fd37db563a7-app3&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=) pretty girl...
Anyone wanna get her for me? :D

11-11-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
AWWW! Yes! I love the second photo.

I want Lady, the pittie mix.. She's been at our shelter for the longest time. She was hit by a car when she came in. She's the biggest sweetie eve, the only thing is she doesnt get along with other dogs, or so they say. Who knows though, it's always different with different dogs.

(Lady on Petfinder)

Either that, or I want Buddy, the neighbor pittie.

She's so pretty!!

Yeah, they are different sometimes with different dogs. Chester's great with Millie and Aneko, but not all dogs.

11-11-2003, 10:19 PM
PetFinder is very, very, very EVIL. :p

11-11-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by micki76
She's so pretty!!

Yeah, they are different sometimes with different dogs. Chester's great with Millie and Aneko, but not all dogs.

Yeah, she is. She's such a sweeeeeet dog too. I don't know why she's still there, but maybe because she's Pittie and either people don't want her because of that, or they don't want to give her to just anyone because of that.

That's how Simba is.. He's great with some dogs, but others he just can't stand.

11-11-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

My limit is still ten. *sigh*

DON'T even look at doggies if you're at your limit. I have removed PetFinder from my favorites list!

LOL c'mon, you know you want 11!

11-11-2003, 10:43 PM
LOL c'mon, you know you want 11!

Oh, I WANT 73. Can't have, though. :(