View Full Version : Not just one, but two new furkids!

11-10-2003, 01:21 PM
As always it seems like so many Pet Talkers are getting new pets.
I guess I must have been blabbing a lot to my husband about Sasvermont getting her new bunny and Miss Meow getting two new dogs that my husband finally let me get a couple of new pets too!:)
We were shopping at PetSmart yesterday looking for a new catbed for Samantha, then I got lost in the new horse section for a while.(I love the smell of new horse stuff!)
Then I saw a cute tuxedo kitten up for adoption then we looked at the birds (including a huge blue and gold Macaw) and small critters for a while.
My husband totally surprised me and said that I could pick out a couple of Gerbils!:D
He knows that I had several pairs of Gerbils over the years before I got Samantha and that for the last couple of years I had been talking about getting a couple of them for our kids.
So, we looked at one that had a pretty Siamese coloring at first but then we ended up with a pair of black female Gerbils.(Just like the pair I owned in college):D
So, we brought them home and my daughter named them Chocolate and Brownie.
I will be working on getting some new photos today and maybe posting them tonight or tomorrow.:)

11-10-2003, 01:29 PM
Yes! LOL We need some more rodents around here! :D I LOVE gerbils and have had them in the past. I think they are fantastic pets! Can't wait to see pics. They sound so beautiful. I used to have two black girls too, white spotted ones. Do yours have the white headspot and feet?

Rio and Me
11-10-2003, 02:02 PM
Ive had several rodents and at present i have a mouse and a gerbil!!
now i prefer gerbils, hes very bold not shy and friendly!! he comes when i call him, hes just so happy!! he called Beteye (said beth-eye)
because the day i had him my mums stupid dog tryed to eat him and he can only open one eye now!!! (poor little chap)
Ky and Rio

Miss Meow
11-10-2003, 02:29 PM
I was in a panic at the start of the post, and I thought, "nooooo, don't tell me she's getting two pups and a bunny at the same time!!!" I can relax now ;) Congratulations on your new additions - and I just love their names! :D

11-10-2003, 08:19 PM
AWW gerbils rock!!! cant wait to see pics!!! they must be really cute!!

11-10-2003, 09:43 PM
Awww! They sound so cute, and I love their names! Can't wait to see pictures!! :)

Desert Arabian
11-10-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
then I got lost in the new horse section for a while.(I love the smell of new horse stuff!)

AHHHHHHHHHHHH, smells good doesn't it!?! I love that smell too! :D ;) :D Even the used tack smells nice!

CoNgRaTs on the new additions, I can't wait to see some *adorable* pictures!! :D

11-11-2003, 01:03 PM
Ok, I have a couple of new photos but it wasn't easy because they move so fast!:)
Here are Chocolate and Brownie together in their cage.
Here they are side by side.:)
I'm pretty sure that Chocolate is on the left and Brownie is on the right.

Here is Chocolate in her exercise ball.:)
You can't see in these photos but they both have white fur on their chins and throats and a tiny bit of white on their front paws.
They are very tame and will crawl right into your hand when you reach into their cage.

YLL, I knew that you would understand the attraction of new horse stuff! By the way, how many ratties do you have now?
I like your new signature photo.:)

11-11-2003, 01:16 PM
The only Gerbils I have ever seen were much lighter in color. Yours are beautiful, Vermontcat!!! :D We have never had Gerbils, but have enjoyed the company of many hamsters over the years. I pledged that I would never have anymore, but you are waking up my desire!!! :)


11-11-2003, 02:10 PM
they are very cute, I would suggest putting some unsented toilet paper in their tank/cage so that they can burrow :)

11-11-2003, 02:45 PM
Oh, I love Chocolate and Brownie. They are so cute. Congratulations on your new additions.

11-11-2003, 02:49 PM
Aww! What cuties! :D Congrats on the new gerbils! That is great that they are so tame, they must be such sweethearts. :)

11-11-2003, 02:54 PM
ooo I LOVE gerbils! glade there are som enew gerbie owners here! scribbles and doodles say hi to the new gerbs! well scribbles thought he would pop in to say high to the new kids on the block anyway!

11-11-2003, 02:59 PM
Hi. I want to ask everyone a question that anyone can answer. I may be getting a parakeet for christmas, but there is one down side. I'm going on vacation next year, and we don't know where to put my guinea pig or who to take care of it. Cause I have a guinea pig, too. And if I get a bird, we won't have any one to take care of it, either. So, here's my question: Does anyone know of any animal borders or kennals where people will take care of your pets..... just like dog kennals where people will take care of your dog? In MAINE. PLEASE respond. Thanks.



Desert Arabian
11-11-2003, 03:07 PM
Adorable little gerbils!! Give them some kisses for me!!

Originally posted by Vermontcat
YLL, I knew that you would understand the attraction of new horse stuff! By the way, how many ratties do you have now?
I like your new signature photo.:)

:D Of course I understand the attraction of new horse stuff!:D

I have 7 ratties now, thank you for the compliment on the photo. :)

11-11-2003, 07:24 PM
They are adorable!

Seeing Chocolate in the exercise ball reminded me of when we had Nibbles, our first hamster. She would bomb around in that thing! :D

That is so great that they are tame already. Your kids must be so excited! :)

11-12-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Krystal12345
Hi. I want to ask everyone a question that anyone can answer. I may be getting a parakeet for christmas, but there is one down side. I'm going on vacation next year, and we don't know where to put my guinea pig or who to take care of it. Cause I have a guinea pig, too. And if I get a bird, we won't have any one to take care of it, either. So, here's my question: Does anyone know of any animal borders or kennals where people will take care of your pets..... just like dog kennals where people will take care of your dog? In MAINE. PLEASE respond. Thanks.


Krystal, I think you should start a new thread in Pet General or General asking this question, more people will see it that way and you should get more replys.
I would recommend finding a friend or neighbor who can come to your house to care for your pets if possible, that is what I do.
You could also ask your local vet if they know of any pet sitters in your area.
Also how long do you plan to go on vacation? The longer you are away the more it will cost.
Good luck!

Thank you for all the nice comments everyone!:)

Logan, I think your kids would love to have a little critter around but make sure they are in a room that Butter boy can't get into when you are not looking!

Cali, Scribbles is so cute! I love his markings! Is he the one that recently escaped? I thought I saw a thread about him recently.
Both Chocolate and Brownie think he is cute!:)

11-12-2003, 12:06 PM
Cali, Scribbles is so cute! I love his markings! Is he the one that recently escaped? I thought I saw a thread about him recently.

yes he is the one that escaped, the resent post was the one about catching him, I got him back recently(I took that picture right after I got him back home)

anyway doodles wants to pop in a say hi to the new commers as well!

11-12-2003, 01:01 PM
Well, Vermontcat, I would ask someone to in my neighborhood to take care of my pets, but our friendly neighbors moved away. Now we are surrounded by mean nighbors. We are planning to be gone for about 2 weeks. Thank everyone for responding to my messages.



Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-12-2003, 01:32 PM
I'm pretty sure that Chocolate is on the left and Brownie is on the right.

:D :D They are kinda hard to tell apart, aren't they? ;) :D

They are adorable, but Tubby is poking at me with his paw. He wants to ask Samantha why she would want sisters like this? Aren't they too little to play with? ;) :D

11-12-2003, 05:33 PM
Congrats on your two new gerbils! THey are very cute :)

11-12-2003, 07:22 PM

11-13-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

:D :D They are kinda hard to tell apart, aren't they? ;) :D

They are adorable, but Tubby is poking at me with his paw. He wants to ask Samantha why she would want sisters like this? Aren't they too little to play with? ;) :D [/B]

I took some photos last night of Samantha meeting Chocolate rolling around in the ball.
She was a bit confused that she could see her and smell her but not touch her.:confused:

Cali, I am glad that you have two handsome gerbil boys, now my girls won't have to fight over Scribbles. Doodles is a cutie too!:)

Thanks Uabassoon and Amber!:)

11-14-2003, 12:56 AM
Congrats on your two new additions!!!:D Brownie and Chocolate are so cute. :) I haven't had gerbils since I was a young girl and they were always the light brown kind.

11-14-2003, 02:36 AM
How did I miss this thread? Congrats on the two new additions! What do Samantha and T-birdie think of their new sisters? ;)

11-14-2003, 04:41 PM
Thanks KAK and Popcornbird!:)

KAK, when I was little I had several pairs of the brown gerbils. I think they only came in one color back then.
It wasn't until I was in college that I saw black ones and brought a pair home from college with me.:)

Popcorn, T-bird is interested in the gerbils when they roll around in the ball. They like to roll under her cage a lot because of all the seeds she drops. :)
Samantha didn't actually notice the gerbils until two days ago. I took a couple of photos of her meeting one of them in the ball.
I hope to post the photos this weekend sometime. She is being a very good big sister.:)