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11-09-2003, 04:34 PM
Does anyone else know this phenomen?

Actually my girls have tons of toys, but when I look for it, it can't find it anywhere. Now where have all these balls and mice gone? I even looked behind and under the furniture and couldn't find any.

But then one of the girls (usually Lily) surprises me by showing up sooner or later playing with one of the long missed objects. It will always be a mystery to me where she has kept it in the meantime. :)


11-09-2003, 05:37 PM
Have you checked under your oven and/or refridgerator? What about in closets?

Those are a favorite hiding place over at our house. :) :) :)

11-09-2003, 05:41 PM
Have you checked under your oven and/or refridgerator? What about in closets?

Hmm, actually not. :)

BTW, an hour ago there was suddenly one of the girls' big black fur mice in the living room which I haven't seen for weeks! :)


11-09-2003, 06:47 PM
I too have this problem. We even took the legs off all the living room furniture so the pieces lay FLAT on the floor, but the toys STILL disappear. Yes, sometimes they end up under the fridge and/or the stove, but sometimes they just VANISH!

11-09-2003, 07:11 PM
Whilst sweeping the floor today, I found 15 balls under our computer desks !!!

11-09-2003, 08:01 PM
Last week I pulled the bottom drawer out from under the oven. This is what I found...
22 water bottle tops
5 toy mice
2 super balls
1 small paint brush
3 straws
4 balls w/bells
and an assortment of screws (no idea where they got them)

This is not a joke. I shudder to think what could possibly be under other appliances!!:p :p :p http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/tongue.gif

Prairie Purrs
11-09-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Last week I pulled the bottom drawer out from under the oven. This is what I found...
22 water bottle tops
5 toy mice
2 super balls
1 small paint brush
3 straws
4 balls w/bells
and an assortment of screws (no idea where they got them)

This is not a joke. I shudder to think what could possibly be under other appliances!!:p :p :p http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/tongue.gif


Angel has one particular toy--a little purple plush ball--that he just loves. When he bats it under the furniture, he cries until I come fish it out--and, of course, I always find a few more items under there too. But even with regular search missions for Angel's ball, there are lots of toys that remain AWOL. So I'm sure that someday I'll stumble across a similar treasure trove.

11-09-2003, 10:00 PM
Behind the dresser! My cats like how they slide across the dresser when they bat them. They eventually wind up behind it. It took me a while to figure it out.

11-09-2003, 10:22 PM
I moved my scale out of the bedroom into the bathroom recently. Hanna likes to come in the bathroom with me, and every time she was in there, she was obsessed with the scale, or what was under it. It was sitting level on the floor, so I knew there was nothing under it (plus, I had just moved it, and I know I hadn't set it on top of anything).

A few days go by, and I notice a little purplish stringy thing hanging out from under it - and I picked it up and one of her "fetch toys" from when she was a kitten was wedged way up in between the bottom and the sides! I don't know how she got it up in there, but I remember how fast she would lose them when I was buying them for her. They discontinued this toy so I know it had been there at least a year. I had been using the scale daily, I had no idea there was a cat toy inside it.

11-09-2003, 10:41 PM
Oh yes, it's almost a daily ritual around here to fish out the cats toys from under the stove, fridge, washer, T.V. stand. couch, lounge chair and some dressers. I keep a yardstick handy in the kitchen for this.
Chipper is usually the culprit in batting them under everything. Especially in the kitchen.

If this isn't the look of innocence, I don't know what is.:D

11-10-2003, 09:17 AM
Oh YES - we have this at our house but I now know the hiding place. Ever since we got Emily and Eliot - I always toss the milk jug rings and Emily quickly grabs them and disappears. Every so often I will see her with one and then it is gone again. I must have tossed out dozens and dozens by now. I finally caught her SQUUUUUEEEEZING out from under our bedroom dresser - only a couple inches tall! I can't even get my arm under there! So, I suspect there are 30 -40 milk rings under there. Not sure she still fits because I have seen a few rings laying around recently. Brat! Ar least Eliot gets a chance to play with them now.

11-10-2003, 09:22 AM
I don't think Pickles hides his toys on purpose, but most of his toys end up under the piano. He likes to take the wing nut covers off of the toilet and put them under the piano. He also has spider rings, bell balls, ornaments off the tree... anything he can find. He's very playful and loves his toys!

11-10-2003, 09:46 AM
Sunny hides toys every where ,like inside of shoes and luandry basketts.

11-10-2003, 09:52 AM
LOL, I see this is a common thing in cat households! :) Still haven't found my girl's hiding places.

rg_girlca, what a sweet photo of Chipper, the look on his face is priceless! :)


11-10-2003, 11:48 AM
I was told by my Vet , that Cats so this , on purpose , so that they will have the thrill of hunting the tous , in lieu of live Game. sounds good to me , as I too am always hunting TOYS!

Russian Blue
11-10-2003, 12:04 PM
We bought Nakita a furry black mouse that is approx. the size of your hand. We have not been able to find it for the last couple of months!

We live in a small house, and this mouse toy cannot fit under the couch or appliances. I have turned this house upside down and gave up on finding it! We went out 2 months ago and bought her a new one. :rolleyes:

But where is the old mouse? Is Nakita secretly a magician with fur because that is the only explanation I have for this missing mouse!


11-10-2003, 12:21 PM
Under the stove and the fridge are the # 1 places in our house. The second best place for a toy to be lost is in the basement....funny how many twisty ties, bouncy balls, and fake mice see to migrate to the basement.

Smokey also has a tendency to place his bouncy balls in his daddy's running shoes.

11-10-2003, 04:53 PM
catmandu, that's an interesting theory, and it could be true, because they always seem to remember where they have hidden their toys! :)

Russian Blue, this is one of the cases when you start wondering if there are these mysterious holes that connect us with parallel universes or something like that! Years ago, it happened to my sister that a pair of batteries fell from her table and she never found them again, not even when she moved out. And she has seen them falling... it was really weird! Maybe Nakita has found one of these holes! :)

Smokey also has a tendency to place his bouncy balls in his daddy's running shoes.

LOL; that sounds very much like feline basket ball! :D


11-10-2003, 10:17 PM
We were having trouble with our oven and had to call for repairs. When the serviceman removed the base off the stove and the bottom drawer, he took one look underneath and said, "You must have a cat." He pulled out an assortment of furry mice, straws, Briggs' favorite rattly mouse from her kittenhood and other treasures. It was obvious this fellow was a cat lover and we had a nice conversation the rest of the time he was working.

A very small mouse just surfaced in the tiny space between the kitchen cabinet and the fridge. IF it was under the fridge, how did it all of a sudden make its way out? :confused: