View Full Version : Asking for prayers

11-08-2003, 11:54 AM
Okay, well things have been a mess with me lately [as I mentioned in my other post] and as much as I don't want to bother you all with my problems, I need to ask for a little help.

My boyfriend and a few of his friends were in a pretty serious car accident the other night. They were coming home [his friend -who was driving- was speeding, figures :rolleyes:] and another car was making a left hand turn. Apparently my boyfriend's friend didn't see him soon enough and hit him head on. The other guys in the car weren't hurt too badly [a few scratches and bruises from the seatbelt, airbags, and glass....except for one who had some pretty serious whiplash and bruised something around his throat], but my boyfriend definitely got the worst blow. He bruised his ribs, broke his arm, and got scratched up pretty badly. The guy in the other car broke his ankle, but other that seemed to be okay. My boyfriend's friend's car was absolutely totalled, but the other one didn't come out of it too badly [amazing if you saw his friend's car].

Anyway, please keep my boyfriend and his friends in your prayers [as well as the man they hit]. Even though they are at least somewhat recovered from their physical injuries, they still have quite a lot of time left before they will even begin to cure their emotional grief. My boyfriend still just isn't himself, and really seems to be troubled by the whole thing....as well as his friend who was driving. No legal action has been taken against him yet, but it will only be a matter of time. :(

So again I ask, please send good thoughts this way. Thanks from us all....

11-08-2003, 11:59 AM
Oh I'm so sorry Brooke. :( Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. *HUGS* :)

Rio and Me
11-08-2003, 12:00 PM
Ill be sends my good thoughts to all involved!!!
i know what its like to be in an accident! (i never thought it would happen to me, but it did)
ive still got bad bruising from the selt belt and it was like a month ago! (thank god for seat belts hey!!!)
least nothing "fatiel" (sp) happened!
Best wish's
Ky and Rio

11-08-2003, 12:02 PM
Thanks you guys, I really do appreciate it. :)

11-08-2003, 12:05 PM
I'm so sorry about your boyfriend and the others involved, Moose. Prayers are on the way for your boyfriend and his friends, and the man who was hit. That must have been a very scary experience for them.

11-08-2003, 02:02 PM
Sorry to hear about everything your going through. I'll be keeping you and all involved in my prayers.

11-08-2003, 02:12 PM
Oh Brooke, I'm so sorry this happened. Be greatful he's still here though, it could have been MUCH worse.

I'm glad he is, because I'm sure you a Moosey love him very much.

Tell him, and his friends we are thinking of them!


11-08-2003, 02:19 PM
Prayers and good thoughts to your boyfriend and all the others. Also to you, I know that you were not involved, but it still affects you.{{{{Hugs to all}}}}

I am so glad to hear that everyone involed will recover with time.

I can tell you from personal experince that your boyfriend will recover. It is normal to be out of sorts after an accident like that, and just be there to love and support him. My girlfriend was in a serious accident about a year and half ago, rollover, and it took sometime for her to heal.

Anyway, I am sure that everything will be OK.:) Just always remember that you are not alone and can come to us.

11-08-2003, 03:16 PM
Thank you so much you guys. :) I was just over at his house earlier and he seems to be a little better today. His whole body still aches, but his spirits seem a little more "up." I brought Moosey with me, and that seemed to make Josh [my boyfriend] a little happier....they're bestest buds, lol. ;)

Anyway, thanks again.....and he really does appreciate your guys' concern.

11-08-2003, 06:42 PM
Sorry I couldn't reply sooner. Hope he continues to feel better. I hate being in car accidents. They are surely no fun.

11-08-2003, 10:08 PM
Thanks, Val. :) And no, car accidents are not fun. ;)