View Full Version : Two new PT members!

Miss Meow
11-08-2003, 02:44 AM
Hello, I'm Schnaggles. Aren't I cute? My hoomans said they can't decide if I'm a demon or an angel, but with this pic, surely I'm an angel?


I heard my mummy talk about this great place where people go crazy over cute animals, so thought I'd bring the wireless keyboard down to my height and say hello. Then I will eat it.

My little sister Buffy and I came to this house a week ago today. The food is good and the toys are fun, especially the large furry toys that move when I bark at them! They looked a bit scary when we first came home, but we play chasie with all of them except the brown one. They call her The Brown Growler and she makes a weird RRROOOOWWWWWW sound when I come near her! I sat in her bed today, and boy oh boy, she made a funny noise then! The hoomans made a nice place for us where we can sleep and play in peace, but when they're not looking, those big stuffed toys come and check us out.


We went to the fun dog place the other day to buy a new collar so I look even cuter. Mummy found some nice ones in the doggy section, then she went all red in the face when the shop lady took her to the kitten collars to find one for our size. The nice lady gave us dried liver bits because we were so good. Mummy bought a bag to take home, but she keeps saying, "I'll just pretend it's dark chocolate when I have to touch it" when she's breaking it up for us. She doesn't like that meaty stuff, I reckon. We went to the Doctor White Coat's today and he gave us a round thing with two holes in it. Buffy and I had so much fun with those. Mummy said something about dried pig snouts ... oh my god ... I'm going to faint, and she went all white in the face! Don't think she's gonna buy those for us.

We went to the puppy preschool class last night and there was another dog called Jack Russell. He was a bit scary, but he seems to be nice and we might play with him next week. But look at this, we're agility champions in the making already, don't need those funny people telling us what to do!


Love from Schnaggles

Miss Meow
11-08-2003, 02:47 AM

What a big day! We went to Doctor White Coat's and he gave us a yukky needle, but the treats were yummy! And then we went to grandma's but she wasn't home, so we went home and had a barf, I think they called it. Big white drinking bowl with warm water, but daddy rubbed smelly stuff on me because he said I smelled like a hound. Geez, better than smelling like oatmeal and honey like I do now! When he lets me out after dinner, I'll find a nice lump of compost to roll in so I smell nice again.


This agility stuff sounds like work, so I prefer lying in the sun, working on my black and tan.


Those big cat toys were a bit scary, but I've got them under control. This yellow one stares at me a lot, but he goes running to mummy when I bark at him! I like barking, and I make a cute AR-OOOOOOOO sound when mummy and daddy put me to bed for the night. Mummy said there must be a bunch of wild wolves in the backyard making that sound, but it was me!


Better go and see what's for dinner. Luckily 'Buffy' is on my name tag, because mummy and daddy said I eat like Homer Simpson and they were going to change my name to Homer. That's not a girl's name!

Big hugs from Buffy

11-08-2003, 03:28 AM
Oh Buffy and Shnaggles you two are just the CUTEST little bits I've seen in my life!!! :D :D I was going to PM your mommy before and ask what sweet little sugarlumps had wiggled their way into her signature this morning, but I forgot, and now look, you've introduced yourself all by yourselves!
Buffy, you have the prettiest name in the world (;)) and Schnaggles, I just adore your name too (it kind of sounds like a mix of one of my favourite names, Schuyler, and 'Wiggles', which sounds like it suits you too!)
I'm so excited to meet both of you, and can't wait to watch you grow up on PT!! You're both so ADORABLE (and remarkably articulate!). Don't worry about those old cat toys - you'll soon show them what's what.
Welcome to Pet Talk Buffy and Schnaggles, and a big, big congratulations to your Mummy!!

Nicole, what pet shop did you buy their collars from? I didn't know there were any in Melbourne that allowed dogs inside. That will definitely be worth a visit. :)

11-08-2003, 04:51 AM



CUTE !!!!!!!

:D :D :D

11-08-2003, 05:57 AM
Sooooo Precious!!!!!!!
Cannot wait for updates!!!!!!

Miss Meow...You forgot the one with The Sausage!!!
That was Hysterical!!!

Glad all the Kids are getting along!!!!
All those Beautiful Cat Toys!!!!!!!

Congratulations Again!!!!

11-08-2003, 05:58 AM
OMGosh - Buffy and Shnaggles you are real cuties!! :D And very, very lucky pups to have Miss Meow as your mommy. :D

11-08-2003, 06:48 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Buffy and Shnaggles!!!! You two are soooo cute!!!

Congrats Nicole on the new additions!!! They are gorgeous :)

11-08-2003, 06:52 AM
Congratulations on the little puppy dogs, Schnaggles & Buffy (Too cute)

What do your cats think then ?

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-08-2003, 07:24 AM
WOW:eek: Congrats on the new additions! Let us know what the cats think of them!!!

11-08-2003, 08:03 AM
A big WELCOME to PT Schnaggles & Buffy - you're both SO cute!! :D Looking foward to more stories from you and pics. ;)

11-08-2003, 08:28 AM
Aww so cute, I love their facial expressions. Those captions you added are funny too. :) Welcome, hope to see more pictures of you.

11-08-2003, 08:44 AM
Awww, they are soooo gorgeous!!! :) :) :) Congratulations!!:D

11-08-2003, 08:47 AM
Awww, I wanna squeeze them! They are soooo cute! You are brave taking on two!

11-08-2003, 09:03 AM
Buffy and Shnaggles you two are SO CUTE!!
I want to take you both home. :)

11-08-2003, 10:14 AM
Oh my goodness, they are SO CUTE!!! :D Congratulations on the new additions!! :D :D

11-08-2003, 10:46 AM
AWW! puppy breath? AWW.. what cuties! makes me want a puppy now! :D

11-08-2003, 12:35 PM
Absolutely adorable!!!

Congrats on the new additions!!!:)

11-08-2003, 12:41 PM
Hello Schnaggles and Buffy .:)

Welcome to both of you little sweeties.:D No doubt about
it.......You're both angels.:)

11-08-2003, 12:44 PM
AWWW they are soo cute!! are they min dachys or standard?? they are soo adorible!!

11-08-2003, 12:46 PM
Awww how adorable! Where did you get them from? how are the cats reacting? :)


11-08-2003, 12:54 PM
AAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!! Welcome to the dog side sweeties!!
We want to hear a lot more stories about you and pics too!!!
Congratulations on your wonderful new home!!!:)

11-08-2003, 01:35 PM
Oh Nicole welcome to the dog side!
What a couple of cuties you have there, they are just precious!!
How have they been getting along with the cats?

Please, don't hesitate to share as many pictures as you want!
Congrats to you and your family:D

11-08-2003, 05:29 PM
Oh lucky, lucky you!! I have been admiring this breed for quite some time now. They are just absolutely precious!!!!!

Welcome to the dog side! :D

Aspen and Misty
11-08-2003, 05:32 PM
TOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need MORE AND MORE pics!!!!

11-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Oh my goodness!! Two BEAUTIES!! Welcome to Pettalk, Schnaggles and Buffy! I can't wait to hear all about you and see more pictures as you grow!

Congratulations!!! :D

11-08-2003, 06:26 PM
Welcome to PT Buffy and Schnaggles. You are both so adorable. :D I'm sure that your cat siblings will learn to love you in time.:)

11-08-2003, 06:41 PM
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! you two are the cutest:D Welcome Welcome!!

11-08-2003, 08:37 PM
How adorable!! :D

Miss Meow
11-08-2003, 08:51 PM
More pics? God, it took about 50 attempts just to get them in the frame because they move so fast! ;)

Thanks for all the nice comments. :)

The cats are OK. They keep their distance, but come close when they know there's a barrier between them and the ankle biters. I won't leave them together unsupervised yet because they haven't sorted out the hierarchy ...

Deli, do you mean this one? ;) Captain is a goddess for giving them this toy - they adore it!


11-08-2003, 09:09 PM
Miss Meow!!!
That is Exactly the Pic. I meant!!
I Just Love that Shot!!

Welcome New Babies!!!

Felicia's Mom
11-08-2003, 09:10 PM
Cute puppies.:D Congrats and welcome to Pet Talk Buffy and Schnaggles:D :D

11-08-2003, 11:24 PM
I'm just smiling my face off! my Gawd! They are so precious! The sausage toy is a hoot!!! I LOVE the shot of the cats staring at them through the gate..I can just picture their expressions! Tackling 2 new pupsters at once! My hero!

11-09-2003, 03:21 PM
I can put my hand in the air and say "I have met these two ankle biters, and they are ANGELS!!!" Maybe not anymore, but on the DAY, they were!!!!!

Nicole and Shane, welcome to the wonderful world of Dogs!!!

It was my pleasure to give them toys - especially the sausage toy. Ruby has one, and she loves it! I PROMISE, at the time I bought it I did not even think sausage toy for sausage dogs ........ until I showed someone at work the picture, and they said it!!!

Welcome into the Pet Talk world Schnaggles and Buffy! AND Welcome back Nicole - we missed you!

11-09-2003, 05:17 PM
What a wonderful way to welcome you "back" Niclole! Oh, how precious are these two little weiner pups!:) I loved hearing all about their shopping adventures!:D We're going to have such great fun watching them grow! Welcome "home" Buffy and Schnaggles!!:)

11-10-2003, 03:57 AM
Welcome Buffy and Schnaggles:)

Nicole, you may know that my family is in the dachshund business (but wire haired..). My parents have a dachshund (their second dog, they got it to replace their daughters so they had to make sure they get a nawteedawg -and nawteedawg is the middle name of any dachshund) and my sister has dachshunds.

So I can say from my own experience: the look is angelic but inside they are purebred little devils:D :D :D Make sure all your shoes scarfs coats etc. don't come close to the floor.

I am so curious to hear how the introduction to the meezer gang continues:)

11-10-2003, 07:30 AM
Oh, Nicolle, they are just precious!!!!! :)

11-10-2003, 07:36 AM
Two puppies!!!! My are you the brave one. Of course the cats will help with the rearing and keeping them in check, right?
Why does the word pandemonium keep coming to mind, and why do I have the feeling you won't be having a whole lot of time for Pet Talk? Well, I hope that is not the case because I want to see more pics of these little scamps and hear any NAWTEEDAWG tales they can generate. heehee;)

Edwina's Secretary
11-10-2003, 09:30 AM
Aren't they adorable!!!! I love the "wiener toy for wiener dog" photo. I started laughing as soon as I saw it.

Two dogs, four cats....you are brave!

Linda York
11-10-2003, 09:31 AM
:D Buffy and Shnaggles...... TOO CUTE!! I want to just hug you and smother you with kisses!!
Wow! :eek: You two are my favorites but then I just might be playing favorites. I have three! (all boys) :eek: You will be so full of life and leave your new parents laughing so hard at times. Very cute, funny little dogs. And VERY loving and loyal. Never a dull moment.... and never a day not filled with love and happieness.

Enjoy your new little low bellies! Your picture are great. I love the sausage one and the one where the cats are checking it all out through the gate!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Your furbaby cats are also very pretty.

11-10-2003, 09:44 AM
OMG, I JUST SAW THIS! You are so lucky to have to new additions! Doesn't it just feel great to have puppies and kitties?:p Your new pups are just SO CUTE! It sounds like they are doing a wonderful job keeping all of they're howling into your day.;) I hope we get to see more pics of the CUTIES! Congratulations!

11-10-2003, 01:25 PM
Congratulations Miss Meow!:D
I love your two new weiner dogs and I love the photos of them with the Meezers!:)

11-13-2003, 02:31 AM
Awww! They are so sweet!

More pictures!