View Full Version : Whats Your Opinion? (Very Interesting)

11-07-2003, 08:16 PM
In science class today we were discussing Animal Rights. It was so interseting, then are teacher told us about a little 1 day old baby named Faye.

When Faye was born her heart wasn't functioning, so at 1 day old, they decided to give her a heart transplant. The docters were trying to think of way way to give a heart to baby Faye because there were no baby hearts that matched her blood type ect. So then a docter came up with the idea of using a chimpanzee heart. The parents had a tough decision, it was ither kill the chimpanzee to save there daughter, or not do anything and Faye wouldn't survive. The parents decided to use the chimpanzee heart. So the docters actually found a chimpanzee with the matching blood types ect. and took it's heart and transplanted it to baby Faye. Baby Faye survived 20 days after the surgery. Because her body rejected the heart, baby Faye passed away.

My Opinion:

I'm on two sides for this..more on the animal side though. Because Faye could have survived and when she was old enough she could have then recieved a human heart. But then there is the poor chimpanzee, who really didn't have a choice. This brought alot of questions in my head.

Whats your opinion

11-07-2003, 08:19 PM
i can sort of see both sides...but i don't think they should have taken it from the poor chimp. i mean he couldn't decide to give it to her...if i were the parents i don't thik i would be able to kill the chimp just for his heart.

11-07-2003, 08:19 PM
well I think that this story is a lil confusing just in the fact that a chimp can have the same blood type as a human baby :confused:... if it was my baby I would want it to have its heart replaced asap. but I love kids, I do feel bad for the chimp though.

11-07-2003, 08:21 PM
it's confuseing lol

But I feal bad for the chimpanzee, because yea, it realy didn't have a choice. And It must have been hard on the parents because they had to make the choice.

11-07-2003, 08:25 PM
That story seems odd. I didn't know such a thing is possible. But I guess it could be. I would hate to kill an innocent animal, but I would go through all costs for my son. There isn't a doubt in my mind that I wouldn't try everything before letting my son go. The bottom line would be 'son or chimpanzee?' Easily, it would be my child.

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-08-2003, 03:14 AM
Well said Tonya. Although the story DOES seem a bit odd. Unless you are a parent you cannot understand HOW FAR you will go to save your child (IMHO)

Rio and Me
11-08-2003, 04:09 AM
I dont see how an animal heart would function the same as a human heart allthough they are our closest "relitives" there must be somthing different about their hearts to ours??
and there must be humans hearts around somwhere with all the deaths,etc! babys are dieing all the time cant they frezze them or somthing?
animals arent here to save our lives like that, we are mistreating them in many aspects!!!!
im not in that postion and hopfully never will be, but nature should take its course!!! without the sacrafice of animals!! IMO
Ky and Rio

11-08-2003, 06:12 AM
I think hooking the baby to a heart pump, until a suitable human heart could be found, would have been better.

These experiments of using animals as organ donors are cruel experiments. I'm sorry the baby died, but if this had worked I would worry about the future of all the chimpanzees!

11-08-2003, 08:08 PM
It's confusing, I agree with Tonya. If you are a parent and your child is going to die and you had to make a decision to kill your child or kill a chimp. Im sure the parent would do everything to save there child.

11-08-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Tweety_Pie
Because Faye could have survived and when she was old enough she could have then recieved a human heart.
Whats your opinion

You have it totally wrong. Faye obviously couldn't have survived with out the heart, Kelsey. Her heart was not functioning- meaning it does not work. So no, she would NOT have survived. You read it totally wrong, I'm sorry. I feel bad that they had to kill the chimp, but if it was my child, it would have been instinct to get the heart from the chimp. But still, Faye would not have survived.

11-08-2003, 11:07 PM
I would do anything .... anything ... to save my child's life. Any good parent would.

There is absolutely nothing to even consider here, IMO. I love animals, but if this were my child, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Anyone with children understands this.

And if you don't have children ... you still are someone's child. Would you parents have any qualms about this if it were you? Would they say, "Gee, I love my son/daughter, but I'll let him/her die, because I feel sorry for a monkey." Nope. No way, no how.