View Full Version : Introducing Reebok

11-07-2003, 06:43 PM
Although I've done some posting I've never really introduced myself or my fur babies and I think it was kind of rude of me to just jump in like that without really introducing ourselves. I was just so tickled to have stumbled on this site and the Dog of the Day forum just absolutely makes my day. I nominated my baby Reebok before I even signed up for an account ;)

Reebok is very special for so many reasons. First, I got him shortly after I had to put my fur baby Dana to sleep because she had Liver cancer. Reebok was a delight and I swear he added several years to our other dog at the time, Sheena (Sheena was also Dana's real mother).

We did not adopt Reebok, he adopted us. He was one of 10 puppies at the shelter that day. While his 9 brothers and sisters tumbled and played, he sat quietly at the gate and steadily held the gaze of my husband, Louie. It was love at first sight for both of them. One of Reeboks legs was shaking slightly, the only sign he gave that he was excited, and I'm sure, nervous. Louie bent and patted him, and Reebok planted both paws on Louie's arms and covered him in kisses. Louie would not let him out of his sight after that. To our delight and surprise we were allowed to take him home that day (after allowing the shelter to call our vet and check us out, which I thought was wonderful).

Reebok got his name because shortly after we got home, he snuggled his little head into one of Louies sneakers and stayed there until Louie got back from a quick trip to the pet store to get the proper sized training kennel to crate train our new baby.

I think you can see Reebok and Louie had a special bond. There's more. Reebok literally save my husbands life. One night Louie got up because he was not feeling well. I was sleeping and did not even know he had gotten up. Louie was feeling very nauseous and light headed and went straight for the bathroom. Just as he entered the bathroom he either had a seizure or simply passed out (he's never had a seizure before or since). I woke up because I heard Reebok barking insistantly. He was still afraid to come up the stairs, but he was making one hell of a racket. I rushed down stairs and Reebok was running back and forth from the bottom of the stairs to the bathroom. Here's the thing we still don't know how he got out of the kennel but thank goodness he did. Louie had passed out sitting up right and his blood pressure had dropped dangerously low. All I knew was that I could not wake him up. He was very pale and cold and clammy. I was scared to death. I had to call 911 and Louie, thankfully, came to in the ambulance. When we got to the hospital, I told him all about how his brave little pound puppy saved his life. He does not remember letting Reebok out of the kennel, so that part is still a mystery. Sheena, who was never much of a barker, had been pacing around and upset, but it was Reebok that woke me.

Well, that's my little hero's story, and I hope to tell you his brother, Sampson's story soon, but I think I've hogged enough of everyones time here today. Thanks for letting me share!

11-07-2003, 06:51 PM
Awww, Reebok sounds like such a great doggy! That was a very touching story. Do you have pictures of Sheena too?

11-07-2003, 06:53 PM
AWW! what a cutie! more pictures when you can! ;)

(i have reeboks too! :D :p )

11-07-2003, 07:01 PM
Here is a picture of Reebok and Sheena together. She was such a good dog, she helped train Reebok and passed along her sweet and sensitive temprament to him. She passed on in July of 2001, the same month she would have turned 16. :(

11-07-2003, 07:19 PM
That's a precious picture.

11-07-2003, 08:04 PM
I love Cami amd Cali's page, what an awesome site! This week's recipe sounds yummee :D

11-07-2003, 08:18 PM
Reebok sounds like such a special dog.
Thank you for sharing. :)

11-08-2003, 07:06 AM
Wonderful Story!!!!
Beauul Dogs!!!!

11-10-2003, 11:14 AM
Welcome to Pettalk! :D Reebok is so handsome. :)

11-10-2003, 11:18 AM
Reebok and Sheena are both real cuties! Thanks for sharing the pics, I hope we can see some more in the future!

Miss Meow
11-10-2003, 03:42 PM
What a sweet story :)

Welcome to Pet Talk, and thanks for the photo!

11-10-2003, 03:52 PM
What a fantastic story. Thanks so much for sharing your story and not "lurking" any longer!!! :D