View Full Version : We'll be out of the loop for a little while...

11-07-2003, 09:15 AM
Well, we had a computer meltdown Wednesday night... We were sitting in the living room and I smelled an electrical burning smell... Well, I first thought it was the fish tank filter motor, but nope! Then I pulled my best bloodhound imitation to find the cause... yup, the puter!

It was off, but it wasn't shut off... I sniffed up the back of it (and boy did I get some weird looks from the pups! :rolleyes: ), and sure enough that was the smell. Well... I don't know what happened yet, but I'm hoping it was just the power supply taking a dump, and not the motherboard. I am hoping to fix it soon, but this weekend is looking busy. Right now, I'm at work, but I'm not staying here anylonger than I have to...even if there is a working computer!

Sooooo... nothing interesting is allowed to happen (or at least be talked about) till we get back online. Just veg out and scratch the furkids. :D ;) :D

Cinder & Smoke
11-07-2003, 10:07 AM

We *hate* when dat happinz... :mad:

Dad sez wun thing to check and hope for is that it's the Cooling FAN
inna puter...
they run allua tyme - and *DO* *STINK* when they get tired & quit!

Hope your down-tyme is gonna be short!
GOOD LUCK wiffa *fix*!! ;)

11-07-2003, 04:16 PM
Well I have it back on...unplugged the puter, "blew" off some dust and it is back up, not sure how long...it still sorta stinks. I'm going look around here realy quick, and then power down so we dont' do anymore damage :)

11-07-2003, 04:20 PM
I would go absolutely nuts without my computer! Good luck getting yours fixed. It doesn't sound too bad, though.

11-10-2003, 09:33 AM
Not good news... the motherboard may have blown... no beeps at startup, no warning beeps without the keyboard attached, and no output to the moniter. :(

It is at Amy's aunt's, and she is looking at it... hopefully it won't be too bad. We should find something out tonight or tomorrow.

I can get on at work, so I can keep everyone updated... you can also pm me with anything you want Amy to know about. That way I won't miss anything (I do have to work, also... ;))

11-10-2003, 12:59 PM
Good luck! I have been told that my motherboard is ready to go too. I lost my printer, then the sound feature. I reloaded the drivers for the printer and it is working again, but I'm not sure what to do about the sound. Fingers crossed that it will hold out for a little bit longer! :p

I hope you can get it fixed and soon. :)