View Full Version : Is there in your place Northern lights?

11-07-2003, 07:42 AM
I hope you know, what is noth light (polar light) ....

In Iceland winters are many north lights - in nights :) I havenīt took any pic of it, but I hope to take :)

Here are some pics, from internet ......




11-07-2003, 07:43 AM
I wish there were north lights here! Those pictures are beautiful.

11-07-2003, 07:45 AM
Yeah itīs very very beautiful :) Postcards from Iceland :) :


http://www.sunfilm.is/media/290411_F.jpg :)

Former User
11-07-2003, 07:51 AM
I used to live in Finland, north of Finland to be presice and we had those every winter. They are breath taking, it is fascinating to see how the lights change colours and move. I never took any pics though....

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-07-2003, 07:56 AM
We don't have them here..:(

I would LOVE to see that!! I bet it is breathtaking!!! I have seen a few shows on t.v. about it and I would love, love, love to see it in person!!!:)

11-07-2003, 08:08 AM
I hopt, that those people, who hadnīt saw it, some day will saw northern light :)

11-07-2003, 08:47 AM
Nope, not here :(

I had hoped to see them when I was in Alaska, but it was the wrong time of year :( I'd love to see them one day.

11-07-2003, 09:06 AM
Is there - in Alaska very cold?

11-07-2003, 09:08 AM
We kinda do here, nothing like that though. You can just barly see it sometimes and all it is, is a little white :x

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-07-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by EssTer
I hopt, that those people, who hadnīt saw it, some day will saw northern light :)

Oh yes, definitely I hope everyone gets a chance to see them in real life! I've seen them a few times, but one was the most specatacular thing you've ever seen! It was similar to this pic,
but imagine the entire sky filled, not just one patch, and many many different colors, pinks, blues, greens, purples, all moving and changing. It looked like the sky was alive! I saw these right outside of Two Rivers, WI about 12-14 years ago now. It was totally unbelievable. I was driving and I had to stop the car and get out to get a real good look at them. I was with my mom and it's a site I'll never forget!

Here in Chicago we are usually too far South to see them. On rare occassions we might, but there are so many lights around here, and it seems like it's always cloudy when they say there might be a chance, so I haven't seen them in years now.

I'm really hoping that one of the times we go visit my parents we will see them. Terry has never seen them in real life.....

Oh yes, EssTer, if you get a chance, please take some pics. They are so beautiful and just seem to be alive. :)

11-07-2003, 10:55 AM
We're too far south here (near Manchester in northern England)EssTer - but I think people in the north of Scotland sometimes get to see the Northern Lights.
I've always wanted to see them and hopefully will one day.


11-07-2003, 11:02 AM
We get them here in N. Wisconsin. In the last few weeks a lot of people saw some, but not here because we had clouds.

Last spring I was on a plane to Iceland. About a half-hour before landing I saw some spectacular Northern lights from the plane window. Most of the other people on the plane were sleeping, so I don't think may saw them. My camera was in the overhead bin (and my mom was sleeping next to me) so I didn't take pictures.

They are really cool, i hope to see them again this winter. One of the best I've ever seen from here were in the summer, I remember getting up on our garage roof to get a better view of the north.

Russian Blue
11-07-2003, 12:42 PM
Yes, I've seen them twice here in Ontario, Canada. They are spectacular.They were actually quite easy to see recently, because they were magnified during the recent solar flares from the sun and they actually had a red 'glow'.

When we go up to my cottage, we used to see them all the time when I was young. But now because of all the new cottages being built and bright lights, it no longer is easy to see.

People always think of pollution as being garbage and urban waste, but light pollution can cause many problems as well and take away from nature's beauty.


11-07-2003, 01:02 PM
I don't think I've ever seen northern lights here in Kelowna, but I think there may be some in other parts of BC. Instead we have amazing sunsets in the fall (the sun even turns a bright neon pink) early in the day even, around 4:30-5:00 pm.

11-07-2003, 01:24 PM
I have never seen those. Looks really breathtaking!! I wonder how far north you have to go to see some??:confused:

11-07-2003, 01:32 PM
I've always wanted to see Northern Lights, maybe someday....

11-07-2003, 01:55 PM
I think best time for northern light is winter.... In night... If course there arenæt just green lights, but I have seen just green ones :)

11-09-2003, 01:15 PM
Sadly:( , we don't have them here either. I wish that we did though. I just have a question for Esster, when you see the Northern lights, do they look as beautiful as the ones from Balto? I love that movie. I am sure that you have watched that, since you love SNOW DOGS!;) :D :D :D

11-09-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by EssTer
Is there - in Alaska very cold?

I went to Alaska during the summer (in June). It wasn't very cold then (around 60 degrees F), but it does get colder in the winter.