View Full Version : Crafts Anyone?

11-06-2003, 08:21 PM
I've been crocheting for 9 years now and have just taken up knitting. The blanket in the background is one of my crocheted things and the thing in the middle is a fancy scarf I'm knitting for my sister in law. The pic really doesn't do that yarn justice. It's in multi colors of fall and it has whispy strands and loops in different sections. It's so soft, I would say similar to cashmere. Anyone else have pics of their crafts? I would love to see them.

11-06-2003, 08:24 PM
You are so lucky to know how to do either. I want to learn so badly. I think I'll try to sign up for a class this fall...

I can embroider, but that's about it. No pics of anything. :(

11-06-2003, 08:24 PM
The picture DOES NOT do the yarn justice. It's so soft and neat looking!:D

Val -- Did you make that one blanket I used when Sim & I took a nap?

11-06-2003, 08:26 PM
Yes, I made that one, too! It was mom's Christmas present last year.

11-06-2003, 08:44 PM
I used to cross stitch but I haven't done it in a while. My mom taught me how. I couldn't get any pics of my stuff because I have no idea where I put them but I took a pic of my mom's most recent project. :)


11-06-2003, 10:32 PM
I have dabbled in so many crafts in my life, and I really do love creating things. I have done lots of counted cross stitch projects but one of my favorites is this one which I did of Trevor. Actually I didn't design the project but I made adjustments here and there to make the coloring match his markings. :)

11-06-2003, 11:12 PM
Oh Pam, i love it! :D

11-07-2003, 08:20 AM
I buy inexpensive plastic and oak frames, decorate them for any occasion. I give them as gifts and will sometimes sell them and donate the money to the rescue organization I used to volunteer with in Connecticut. I'll try and get some pictures.

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-07-2003, 08:46 AM
That sounds great Donna - I'd love to see some pics.

And those tapestries and cross-stitch are gorgeous too - I'm busy with a kitty one at the moment - although goodness knows when I am going to finish it.

I used to always cross-stitch whilst watching TV - having Ally around soon ended THAT idea:rolleyes:

I also used to take a small sampler with me when I travelled - we have a 6-hour stopover when we fly to South Africa - but now with new security you cant take any needles or anything in hand luggage:(

11-07-2003, 08:48 AM
my aunt taught me to crotchet. and i'm making a blanket now. it's not toltal done, not even half way done. but i'll post a picture of it any way because i'm really proud od t:D

11-07-2003, 11:07 AM
I'm really fond of cross-stitching and have done many and various items. Most have been given as presents (when framed) or sent as cards.
I've never got to grips with crotcheting and my knitting is pretty bad! Can't read the daft patterns!!
I adore glass painting.
At the moment I'm up to the eyes in making Christmas cards - having great fun! There's not a flat surface in the house that's free of bits and bobs!


11-07-2003, 03:01 PM
I spin wool, flax and angora (bunny fur) and I've spun dog hair too! (Cody's:D) I also weave on both a large floor loom and a small table loom. Don't have any pics though! Have to do that soon. Everyone's work is SO beautiful. We have some very talented Pet Talkers!:)

11-07-2003, 04:22 PM
That is so cool! How much dog hair would you need to make a scarf? We were talking about this the other day. I can start saving Duke's. Maybe I can make you a blanket or something in return for the favor :)

11-07-2003, 10:07 PM
I make fishing villages out of driff wood. I haven't done it in a awhile though. There only room for so many of them. I now started making them into cabins for some friends that are more into the country life.

Lately I been making swags out of dried flowers and such for over door ways etc.

I can never stay with the same craft to long...I get bored easy.

Don't have a picture though, but you did make me think that it might be a good idea to take a pic. or two. You never know they might fall apart after a few years, sense I made them, and memories are good to save in pictures.

11-07-2003, 10:27 PM
I have been crocheting and knitting for a very long time, but here is one that I really love, I was making it for my daughter but my husband took it away from her, and keeps it in a plastic bag, keeps it hidden from the kids. LOL

11-08-2003, 01:23 AM
All of you done such beautiful work on this page. I really enjoyed seeing these. I loved the kitty cat cross stitch and the one with the three doggies. Trayi52 (Willie), I loved the afgan, no wonder Jimmy took possession of it! I also know you have done some very beautiful cross-stitchs before, why don't you take the idea of the Trevor cross-stitch and do one of Grover?

11-08-2003, 01:34 AM
I *love* doing cross-stitch etc. I'm currently working on one........but haven't finished. Why? Because I spend all my free time on PT. :o :o Its almost done, but not quite. I'll try to get a pic of it and of some other things I've done tomorrow and will post them on this thread.

Beautiful work everyone!

11-08-2003, 03:02 AM
I spin wool, flax and angora (bunny fur) and I've spun dog hair too! (Cody's) I also weave on both a large floor loom and a small table loom. Don't have any pics though! Have to do that soon. Everyone's work is SO beautiful. We have some very talented Pet Talkers!

That sounds fascinating!! Did you ever make anything with Cody's yarn?? That would be awesome!

I crochet, and the zig-zag pattern (like Duke'sMom's blanket) is my absolute favorite to do. I have made two full size and two baby afghans that have all come out completely different using the same basic pattern. I don't have any pictures though.

p.s. This is a great thread, and I have really enjoyed seeing the pictures and talant here!!!

11-08-2003, 11:38 AM
.Great thread:D
I love the cross stitch collies/shelties.
I took a class and made an afghan for our king size bed. It was crochet, mile a minute pattern. I am a tole painter. Have been for years. I have made carrousel horses from old rocking horses. After getting married and 3 dogs and a cat I don't have much time for painting, or is it Pet Talk. I will post pics later too

11-08-2003, 11:50 AM
Tats, I didn't know you were a spinner too. I have been doing dogs for about 9 years now as I had to leave all but two of my angoras in Washington when we moved her. I had 52 rabbits there. I finished designing and knitting a Old English tunic for a freind who does Kinight sword fighting reenactments. I did up a small heart for K9 karen when her beloved compainion passed on . I forgot to take a photo though.
I do a lot of Memory yarns for people so much nicer than just a photo some thing you can touch.
Have you ever done black bear or grizzly. It is the niceist stuff really warm and fluffy.
oops rambling and probly boring every one.

11-08-2003, 12:13 PM
OOps forgot to add photos. these are latest projcts need to find the cd of the tams and tunic. The bear line up are sweaters for neices and nephews for this christmas. the sweaters are a freinds granddaughters . and the last remaining bunny 14 year old Wee one jersey woolly and netherland drawf cross. H sorry i didn't take any of these photos so the quility isnt great.

11-08-2003, 12:16 PM

11-08-2003, 12:17 PM

11-08-2003, 12:48 PM
Well, I am not the most crafty person in the world, but my mother is. It's actually what she does for a living! She makes miniature collectable teddy bears, and is very well known all around the world. She has been doing it for about 20 years, and has a big fan following. I have a picture saved on the computer...I just don't really know how to paste it. lol I am so computer-saavy....NOT. But I'll try it

11-08-2003, 12:50 PM
ok here it is...(thanks megan!) lol

11-08-2003, 12:54 PM
Ok here's one more. She doesn't usually put clothes on them, but this one looks pretty cute. Btw, great pics everyone!

11-08-2003, 12:55 PM
Corinna, those are some great looking sweater on the bears, I bet you could make some pet sweaters too. Great job!
This is a picture of a rocking horse my 17 year old daughter used to play on when she was just little, I just couldn't give it up so I made a carrousel horse out of it. I love it because my daughter used to play on it, so that really makes it special to me.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid87/p61f04be447846f76b7afe44c89ed85e9/fa9d08b6.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid87/pe8f391d4861a069562759a50b2dbb2f2/fa9d08b3.jpg

11-08-2003, 06:39 PM
Lots of beautiful things! Tico, love those little bears. They are so cute!

11-09-2003, 12:09 AM
Tray I have a story in the works to be published on a a sweater I made for a friend from his malimute . I'ts being written from the dogs point of veiw. I hope to be done and submited to spin off by the 1st of the year.

11-09-2003, 12:27 AM
Corinna, I can hardly wait. Do you make sweater for dog? Got any good patterns? I love patterns as much as I do recipes. How about you?
Hey keep me posted okay?

11-09-2003, 12:33 AM
By the way Corinna, I really loved what you called me, tray, I like that. Sounds better than trayi52 or my real name which is Willie.:)

11-09-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by ticosmyham
Well, I am not the most crafty person in the world, but my mother is. It's actually what she does for a living! She makes miniature collectable teddy bears, and is very well known all around the world. She has been doing it for about 20 years, and has a big fan following. I have a picture saved on the computer...I just don't really know how to paste it. lol I am so computer-saavy....NOT. But I'll try it

Those are really cute! Is there a brand or name she has for them?

I love to draw, but I wouldn't really consider that "crafty." I have done some sewing and other little crafty things though...whenever my digicam is alive I may take pics. ;)

11-09-2003, 01:13 AM
At least you can sew, I may be able to knit and crochet but give me a sewing machine and it becomes a dangerous weapon. And being able to draw, well that is an art in itself. Lucky you.
I made a dress one time, with a sewing machine, a friend talked me into it, okay I made the dress, after I got done with it, I hid it in the back of the closet, until I finally decided I better get rid of that horrible looking thing, gee what if I died and the family decided to bury me in it? Can't you just see this, I mean laying there and people walking by and laughing at the dress.:confused: :eek: Well anyway, sounds like you have some talent you should share with the rest of us.

11-09-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Those are really cute! Is there a brand or name she has for them?

Well, her business is called Pam Holton Designs, if that's what you mean.

11-09-2003, 05:19 PM
I took some pics of just some of my crafty work, though I have A LOT more. I might take pics of the others later, but here's all I'll post for now.

I made this when I was really little, no more than 7 years old. My mom taught me how to do it then, and that was it. I have such an interest in crafty things that I just had to continue doing such things throughout my life. Its so much fun!


This rainbow...............I made this when I was little too. I believe I was 8 at the time. I still have it, up on my wall.


This is the biggest project I've ever done with yarn and plastic canvas. I started this when I was 8 years old, but because I was so young, it was hard for me to keep my mind on it and continue, so sometimes months would pass and I wouldn't even touch it. That's why it took SOOOOO long to complete! I finished when I was 12. It was so much fun to work on. On the inside, it has a bathroom, 2 bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. I didn't take a pic of the inside because the furniture was all messed up and I was too lazy to fix it, but here's the outside of my precious dollhouse.


Finally, this is the cross-stitch I'm working on now. Its not done.......you can see all the empty spots, and I haven't even started the sky yet, but its starting to look like a picture, and you can tell what it is. I really need to take some time out and finish it. Haven't worked on it since August! I just stopped since school started!


11-09-2003, 05:35 PM
Sure! When I'm bored of everything else, I work on stuffed animals. Well..not yet, but I'm working on my first right now!
I went to a craft store, bought some fake furry stuff and glass eyeballs and such. I looked on the internet on how to make one and I've just started. It's HARD to figure out and stitch and what not. I'm only on the front! :)
But yeah, I guess I make stuffed animals. :)

Is cooking a craft? :p
I make homeade dog treats. I'm also working on a dog treat cookbook! :):):)

11-09-2003, 05:53 PM
What a great thread!! I love reading about everyone's great projects/talents! Women are amazing!:)

Val, start saving Duke's fur!:D I'd love to weave you a scarf. We'll need a couple of bags. Let me know what size you'd like and I'll figure out the exact amount! I could also weave you a throw/small blanket. I don't knit, or I'd make him or you a sweater!! Maybe I could spin and Corinna could knit you one!;) Didn't you say on the phone that you are learning knitting too? I could spin as much as you'd like and you could have some yourself for other projects!

Wow, Corinna! 52 Angoras! You must miss them. Your work is so lovely! The sweaters are gorgeous! Is there a spinners guild by you? The women in mine are so amazing. They raise sheep, angoras; they spin, weave, knit, crochet their yarn. We just had our spinners fair on the town green where they demonstrate spinning and sell their goods. And they bring along some sheep and bunnies!:) I've never woven bear!:eek:

Cookiebaker...I have woven with Cody's fur! She's a Husky and her fur is so great to work with and has lovely texture and color! Last project was a sofa blanket!:)