View Full Version : does anyones dog stare at you CONSTANTLY ?????????LOL

11-06-2003, 12:34 PM

as most know i have a sweet yorkie she is a gentle are loving dog,well she really belongs to my parents BUT follows me the most:rolleyes:

anyway truffles is differant from any dog my family has ever owned,she never bites barks or growls at us.she does bark when the doorbell goes off but what dog doesn't?

anyway i noticed that everytime i move truffles stares at me lol,its cute sometimes but at the same time annoying lol.she has seen me seiz a few times i suppose she is just making sure i'm ok.

anyone else have a dog that stares at them ALL THE TIME.its kind of funny.lol she is looking at me now.the sweet pup.take care:)


11-06-2003, 12:40 PM
Duke doesn't stare at me all the time but when I get up to move, he jumps up and has to go where I go. Even if he's sleeping. He's my shadow.

11-06-2003, 01:34 PM
:p Yes! My girl Abby stares all the time! She will sit and just stare at you - not try to stare you down or anything - JUST STARE! It is cute but, gets on my nerves. Never had any other dog act that way either. Weird huh?!:D

My Peanuts
11-06-2003, 01:56 PM
Harley and Sylvia do this. They also follow around anyone that is walking through the house. It sounds like Jacob Marley because their tags ching together!

PJ's Mom
11-06-2003, 02:01 PM
Peej stares at me a lot! Usually, he has a toy in his mouth. :D

11-06-2003, 02:09 PM
That’s such a cute picture! Truffles is adorable. Glad to see you back on the board. :D

Yes, mine stare. Mille and Chester both stare at me constantly. Last night my husband ant I were just sitting there talking and he looked over and they were both staring right at me! So silly, and it can be annoying. Sometimes I can sense them staring at me without even looking their way.

Aneko only stares if I have food, but she really doesn't like me much otherwise.

11-06-2003, 02:11 PM
I have border collies. need I say more? ;) ya know a border collies "EYE" is very unnerving when turned on you, they can creeped out my friends they sort of draw you into there eyes and hold you there :p :eek:

11-06-2003, 03:00 PM
Yes!! Katie will *always* stare at me or my mom

11-06-2003, 06:55 PM
Yup, Sadie stares at me all the time. I can sense her staring too. I think it's her way of trying to get me to come pet her, play with her, or feed her. She probably figures since she doesn't have hands to open the door and can't speak English she'll try telepathy.

11-06-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
Harley and Sylvia do this. They also follow around anyone that is walking through the house. It sounds like Jacob Marley because their tags ching together!

I like that comparison. Funny...:D :D

Smokey stares at me sometimes, mostly when he wants to
go outside. He never barks to go out to potty. He never barks
period. Well, maybe once a week.:D