View Full Version : a mean owner...

11-06-2003, 09:50 AM
in my small neighborhood i always walk my 2 dogs off leash... everybody does. my dogs have never even barked at another dog (besides when they are barking to get out of the house to say hi to the dog) and HAVE NEVER attacked a dog
sandy got attacked by a MEAN dog once and it bit her HARD right in her tail it cost over 500 dollars for stitches, ect. and all the owner said was "jeez hes just an animal lady" Oh my god! anyway one day i was walking my dogs and this little jack russel terrier was walking on leash with his owner. this dog started barking and teasing my dogs so sugar went after him and attacked him, immediately i was dumbfounded and in shock! i was saying "what can i do what can i do, this has never happened, ect." but did she care, no..... she kept screaming and yelling (and yes i do understand this ive been in her shoes)
a week later we saw the dog again, sugar was on leash but sandy wasnt because she hadnt attacked anyone! but immediately when we saw the dog sandy went crazy she didnt attack it but she tried, she didnt break the skin though. a week later i got a letter from the owner, it was QUITE a mean letter calling me arrogant, selfish, and telling me if she ever sees my dog off leash again she will call the police and as well she sent the letter to the PD and the Animal Control.. my dogs are the sweetest dogs EVER, and this is just weird, i cant help but wonder if this happens a lot with this terrier, he's a mean dog.
am i the only one who feels weird about this?

Rio and Me
11-06-2003, 09:53 AM
Do your dogs usually get along with other dogs (big and small)?
if so dogs can pick up thing when dog arnt nice!!!

PJ's Mom
11-06-2003, 09:53 AM
I always, always, always walk my dogs on a leash. You just never know what might happen.

11-06-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
I always, always, always walk my dogs on a leash. You just never know what might happen.

Same here. Except when we go to the dog park; I let them off.

PJ's Mom
11-06-2003, 10:05 AM
I do that too...as long as there isn't anyone around. If I can see a person, or especially another dog, they have to stay on the leash until they're gone.

Then, look out. :D

11-06-2003, 10:08 AM
If I were her I'd be pissed too. Dog's should ALWAYS be on leash except when at home, hiking, or at the dog park. It was your fault your dog's attacked hers, her dog was on a leash. And I would also report you as well.

You never know what can happen. Your dog was attacked once already, that should have let you know to walk them on leash at all times, especially since you have had three incidents already.

11-06-2003, 10:09 AM
I feel weird about this -- why is the lady mean?

Your dogs attacked hers why IT was on a leash, as your dogs SHOULD have been.
You'd think if it happened once with your dog being attacked, then with your dog attacking another -- You'd take them both on the leash the next time.
Atleast that's what I comprehended from your text.

Do you guys have a leash law in California?

11-06-2003, 10:11 AM
I know this has nothing to do with the thread but doesn't her dog look like Nova?:D

11-06-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr

Do you guys have a leash law in California?

Yes we do have a leash law, although I know in some parts of San Diego dog's are almost NEVER on leash, and I think they may have done away with the leash law there?:confused:

Linda York
11-06-2003, 10:17 AM
I always, always, walk my boys on a leash. You just never know where or when trouble will be. My boys are like yours, ALWAYS very freindly, loving but I wouldn't know the day they just might not like some other dog, for what ever reason, and run over to fight. Or if there be a dog not on a leash who wants to start trouble I can have the upper hand controling my boys. Being on a leash will save you too, if there would be an altercation and your dogs are at fault and another dog is injured, you will just have to pay for Vet bills and not be fined for not having your dogs on a leash. In your case they lady with her dog was in the right. Her dog was on a leash, and she "could" do exactly what she said she would do to you. I believe it is just the safest way to go. Always leash.
At our dog park, two of my boys can run free but I still leash my Macs, at 10 lbs. he just has a "tude" sometimes. But he's working on it.....

11-06-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I know this has nothing to do with the thread but doesn't her dog look like Nova?:D

A bit. :p

Somone used to say Nala & Nova looked alike allll the time.... but I never saw it. :p

But Nova & Sugar look alike.. more than Nala and Nova. :p

11-06-2003, 10:20 AM
Nova and Sugar do look alike!!!!

My dogs are always on a leash.
Riley is the friendliest little creature you could ever meet, but I wouldn't want to risk anything.
Jada is an absolute saint if she is off leash, but I don't want to take any chances. She has only been off leash with us up at my dad's house, when we went hiking in the woods, and we wanted to see how she would behave.
As for Kito and Abbey--they are both hunters and follow their nose before anything else--they are never off leash either.

I don't think this lady was in the wrong here, her dog was leashed.

11-06-2003, 10:22 AM
Dogs do tend to bark at other dogs, however the JRT was just doing what most terriers do. It doesn’t mean that it’s a “mean dog”. Terriers protect their territory and pack members above all else.

The owner was doing the responsible thing, she had her dog on leash. I personally would have reported you the first time. One of the things that makes me the angriest is when I’m out walking my dogs and encounter someone whose dogs aren’t on leash. Many people think they know their dogs well enough to walk then without a leash, but you yourself say that your dog hasn’t ever reacted that way before. Sometimes our dogs will react differently to other dogs and are therefore unpredictable and shouldn’t be off leash in a public area, unless designated as off leash. Period. This goes for anyone’s dogs. IMHO

11-06-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Yes we do have a leash law, although I know in some parts of San Diego dog's are almost NEVER on leash, and I think they may have done away with the leash law there?:confused:

Hmm... I wonder if she's in one of those areas.

Even so -- I'd NEVER take the chances with them off-leash. they may be nice, and may be trained "perfectly" but -- Dogs are still animals, and still have instincts and are able to run off to another dog, infront of a car, to another person -- whatever it may be that catches their eye.

11-06-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Hmm... I wonder if she's in one of those areas.

Even so -- I'd NEVER take the chances with them off-leash. they may be nice, and may be trained "perfectly" but -- Dogs are still animals, and still have instincts and are able to run off to another dog, infront of a car, to another person -- whatever it may be that catches their eye.

Exactly. You NEVER know what can happen. Anything... cars, mountain lions, bears...........oh my!:eek:

hehe ok maybe I am being just a tad bit silly this morning, haven't eaten yet.:p

EDIT: And Bears and Mountain Lions are a really threat in some places when dog's are off leash. There's been many instances especially in California of dogs being attacked my Mountain Lions and Bears. In fact, about two months ago my mom's teacher was out walking and as he turned the corner a huge Brown Bear was standing there. He took some awesome photos, but it just goes to show that anything can happen. Luckily his dog wasn't with him that day or I am sure something tragic would have happened.

11-06-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Exactly. You NEVER know what can happen. Anything, cars, mountain lions, bears...........oh my!:eek:

hehe ok maybe I am being just a tad bit silly this morning, haven't eaten yet.:p

I haven't ate yet either -- I didn't go to school. I woke up late. ;x

But, i thought that was cute -- and true.:p

Linda York
11-06-2003, 10:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kfamr
"Do you guys have a leash law in California"?

Yes we do.... unfortunatly we also have some people who don't obey it. In a case of dog attack and injured pet, the person (at fault) whose dog was not leashed will be fined and/or dog taken into custody.
It's better to be safe than sorry.

11-06-2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I haven't ate yet either -- I didn't go to school. I woke up late. ;x

But, i thought that was cute -- and true.:p

Thanks, tee hee. :D

11-06-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Thanks, tee hee. :D

I'm making breakfast -- Want some? :p

11-06-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I'm making breakfast -- Want some? :p

LOL I just made some cinnamon toast but thanks for the offer. :) But just curious, what are you making? hehe

11-06-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
LOL I just made some cinnamon toast but thanks for the offer. :) But just curious, what are you making? hehe

Bacon, Eggs, buttered toast, with a glass of Orange Juice.

Not sure how I'm going to make the eggs yet though. :p

11-06-2003, 11:14 AM
I also agree w/ everyone else here & the owner of the JRT.
I always walk my dogs on a leash unless at home in my yard & in some hiking areas. You never know what may happen. The owner has every right to go after you for that. I would probably do the same!

The second dog may have went crazy the second time cause either she sensed the dog may have been mean (that is why the owner kept it ona leash probably) &/or because she saw your other dog go after that dog.

You do not let your dogs run free just cause yours are nice you have to think about other dogs or even objects, cars etc.. Even the very best dog can be a dog once in a while & have their instincts take off, like chasing a squirell in the road or running away after something, or attacking another dog.

11-06-2003, 11:27 AM
i ave to agree with everyone else, although I do walk happy off leash I do keep her leash with me at all times, and if I see anything that has the slightest chance of setting happy off she is on that leash in a heartbeat. I dont take chances with that kind of thing, its you that is at fault here, not the other person.

My Peanuts
11-06-2003, 12:06 PM
When Angie, my Shih Tzu, was alive I used to let her walk from the corner to our backyard (we are the second house from the corner) I think she felt special when she did it, but I would never go for a whole walk without a leash. (Jeez, just typing that made me miss her so much) I'm certainly not telling you that taking your dogs for walks without leashes is wrong, but you have to remember that they are still animals. They have instincts and you never know when they will act on those instincts. I was more afraid that something would happen to Angie as opposed to her actually hurting anyone else.

Harley loves Sylvia and the dog next door, but hates his Shih Tzu cousin. The Shih Tzu is the nicest dog of the ones Harley is in contact with, but he just doesn't like him. The JRT in your neighborhood probably isn't a bad dog, but your dogs just don't like him. Same thing goes in the human world. Ever meet someone that rubs you funny, but never actually did anything wrong to you? Same thing. To keep your dogs and everyone's dogs safe you should consider using a leash. :)

11-07-2003, 12:08 AM
I would have done MUCH more than write you a nasty letter!

Wilbur is HORRIBLE with large dogs. He is always on a leash. If a large off leash dog ran over to him I would have to get it away. I HATE IT when people have their dogs offleash at the park near our house, because I can't feel confident that they won't decide to come "Play" with Wilbur.

You were the one in the wrong in this situation. If your dogs can't be trusted not to interact with other dogs who might not be very friendly then they SHOULD NOT be offleash. Please be considerate of others and walk your dogs on leash.

11-07-2003, 12:22 AM
It doesn't matter how nice or well-behaved your dog is, the fact is, your dog shouldn't be off-leash in a public area like that. If it were my dog that was attacked, I would be writing more than a letter too, I'd be infuriated.

Please keep others feelings in mind and only let your dogs off-leash in designated areas like dog parks.

My Peanuts
11-07-2003, 12:25 AM
I just thought of another incident. My fiancé’s Akita, Grizz was walking on his leash and a neighbor's dog wasn't. I think the other dog was a Boxer, so they are both pretty big dogs. Anyway, the Boxer is really friendly, but Grizz isn't. The Boxer came up to Grizz to greet him and Grizz grabbed his neck. The Boxer had to have stitches and he was pretty bad for a few weeks. I just think it is too dangerous for dogs to be off leash.

11-07-2003, 05:41 AM
My RB dog Buster was dog aggressive. I lived in an apartment then and had no backyard so it was 5 walks a day. I always had him on a leash.

There was a beautiful GSD in our neighborhood - very sweet and dog friendly. Anyway they used to let him out on his own all the time and he would bound up to Buster to play. I was very hard pressed to get Buster away from the other dog. Now Buster was a sweetheart of a dog - very people friendly - very well behaved, etc. Just because he was not socialized with other dogs when he was a pup (I got him at 1 year old from the shelter) did not make him a "mean" dog.

So if these two dogs had gotten into a fight - who would have been at fault? Was I not allowed to have my dog out for walks because there are other dogs in the neighborhood? Not only that but this dog would bound across the street to greet Buster. What if a car had been coming?

When I take Leo to the park, I always have him on a leash. One squirrel and he would be off and running. One time a Lady gave me a hard time because Leo was on a leash. Now this is not a Dog Park - there is no fence or designated area for dogs to be off leash, even though most people let their dogs run off leash. Again - if Leo got into a fight with another dog, who would be at fault?

Do yourself and your dogs a favor. Keep them on leash unless they are in a fenced area or an area designated for off leash dogs.