View Full Version : We have to find a new trail!

11-05-2003, 05:54 PM
Goll durnit.

Jake and Max and I have really been enjoying going to an awesome trail we discovered this summer. Now we have to stop using it until next summer.

One of the reasons is that with the snow it's getting dangerous for me (it's OK for Jake & Max since they have 4 feet and don't fall down steep slippery hills so easily).

The main reason is the gosh darn hunters.:mad:

One hunter has set up a real Ojibway teepee complete with wood burning stove. He's living in it.

Other hunters have set up huge live-in army type tents with generators and the whole nine yards! They'll be there at least until deer season is over. They even have a sign out that says "Camp Upside Down" (you know - because of the way they hang the deer).

I could really see somebody getting shot. Like me or the dogs.


11-05-2003, 06:03 PM
Aww, that's too bad. :(

You know that they have bright neon suits that dogs can wear. Or you could just find another park? :) Good luck!

11-05-2003, 06:06 PM
Yeah - I think we have to find a new place entirely. Even with the suits on, I wouldn't feel safe walking through a war zone of bullets and arrows. "Deer camp" up here consists of 90% drinking and 10% hunting. A drunk hunter's aim isn't so great. Good news for the deer though!

I was thinking of finding a good cross-country ski trail. I could snowshoe and the dogs could run. The thing is - I like going to very remote places so that the dogs can be off leash. Max loves to run so much, and he has so much energy, that I just couldn't give him enough exercise on the leash.

11-05-2003, 06:18 PM
Yikes, doesn't sound safe at all!

Don't you have any woods in your area? Around here there are wooded places all around where nobody ever goes. Then again I live in British Columbia lol. But going hiking is always alot of fun and good excersise. :) I used to take Leather out all the time when we lived right beside the forest, and she had a great time climbing.

11-05-2003, 06:39 PM
hehehe Do we have woods in our area! hehehe ROFLOL!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D

I live way up in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, in the Great North Woods, near the Canadian border.

We have thousands and thousands of square miles of nothing but absolute wilderness. That's why thousands and thousands of hunters from every state in the US and just about every country in the world like to plant their drunk butts here all darn winter and shoot furry creatures!

Sometimes I wish I lived in a nice place like New York City - where there were nice, safe, year-round dog parks. Sounds like heaven!

Actually - this place is heaven during the summer. It's just during hunting season that it's not the greatest. Oh yeah - and it's not the greatest when the snow is waist deep and we can't even go for a walk.

11-05-2003, 06:42 PM
Too bad the hunters are ruining it for you. I cannot stand hunters. Guess that's a topic for the dog house, huh?

11-05-2003, 06:44 PM
Yeah!!! Want to start a "we hate hunters" thread? heheheheheheh:D :D :D :D :D

11-05-2003, 06:54 PM
Ah, so you do have woods lol. Michigan is under Ontario, isn't it? Lol, I'm clueless when it comes to states.

We just lost a bunch of the woods around here from the fire. Over 100,000 hectares. :( But there's still enough to have fun in I guess.

11-05-2003, 07:00 PM
Oh - what a shame! They'll grow back eventually. Until then the blueberries will take over and the bears will be in heaven!

Yup - we're right under Ontario. Actually Lake Superior is in the way but there's a tiny little spot at Sioux St. Marie where you can cross over.

We do have lots of wolves! I think I might have told you about them before.

11-05-2003, 07:15 PM
I wish I lived in a place with lots of wolves. They are so interesting, it would be neat to watch and photograph them. We have lots of coyotes here; they come right into your back yard at night (Not in my neighborhood -- the coyotes don't cross the highway to come over here), but you can only see them if you stay up really late and watch for them lol.

11-05-2003, 07:18 PM
I've never been able to observe a wolf for more than a few seconds at a time, though I've seen many. But I know a woman who is married to a guy who works for a paper mill. While they were harvesting trees they got to watch a pack of wolves circle and kill a deer. He said it was just awesome to watch - they are so cunning and intelligent.

Another time he got out of the machine he was working on and a wolf was standing only a few feet away, snarling at him. He guesses he must have been too near her den.

11-05-2003, 07:21 PM
That's cool. :D I have a vivid imagination, but I think it would be neat to kind of live "Julie of the Wolves" or "Through wolf's eye" if you've ever read those stories. Kind of a man/wolf pack relationship. I think it's really interesting. :)

11-05-2003, 07:23 PM
That's a shame:(
At least you'll have it next year!!

I don't blame you one bit--I wouldn't trust the boys at "Deer Camp" either!! Better safe than sorry--very sorry!!

I hope you can find another great place to walk!!
Just today a friend at work told me about a great place to hike around here and she said she always sees people with their dogs there--if the weather holds up I may go on Friday and check it out!!!

11-05-2003, 07:23 PM
How far is British Columbia from here? You should get your family to camp up here for a week or so sometime! If you camped near Ashland, WI, I'll bet you anything you'd see at least one.

11-05-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
How far is British Columbia from here? You should get your family to camp up here for a week or so sometime! If you camped near Ashland, WI, I'll bet you anything you'd see at least one.
Lol, we are pretty far. :( We are the most Western province of Canada...So I'm 3 provinces away lol. I wish I could go though, that'd be fun. :)

11-05-2003, 10:25 PM
That is not good. I have remembered many things that were taken from me such as a favorite place. But the snow accually sounds GREAT!!!! I have always wanted to see and wade in snow. Never have been able to. :( It snowed here once. It didn't even snow maybe 1 inch at the very most. It was great though. Since that was my first experience with snow. I hope that yall find a new place. And enjoy the snow for me PLEASE!!!!!:D

11-06-2003, 08:15 AM
Sorry you lost your trail to hunters. They do have hunter orange vests for dogs. Kia has one and I have a hunter orange jacket. I doubt anyone hunts in the area I go, but I wear it just to be safe. :)

My parents hunt and I understand the reason for it. Around here especially, deer have no natural predators. Their populations swell and they either die from starvation, disease, or vehicles.

I'd rather eat them then imprint one in my car.

But that's just my opinion. :)