View Full Version : Rio isnt eating...

Rio and Me
11-05-2003, 09:52 AM
which is REALY unsual for her she loves her food, she did eat since sataday and she was sick on monday real bad and now she just picks at her food eating only one or two bits!!!
im hoping itll pass!!!
any tummy upset remidies or anything i could try?
she a little depressed as well!!!
any remidies i could try might help my little angel?
Ky and sick Rio

11-05-2003, 09:55 AM
If Rio is sick, please go to the vets. Not eating could be a sign of something serious.

Rio and Me
11-05-2003, 10:00 AM
Yes i will take her to the vets i was hoping it would pass!! if she doesnt it her breakfast tomorrow i will!!!
ive never needed a vet before so i will have to phoned aroud to find the best vet!!! (money no object with Rio).
Also she isnt due for her season so it cant be that!!!

11-05-2003, 10:03 AM
She's not eating- but does she have diarrah or vomiting as well?
Could be a major problem if so-or again not-
If's she's like my ex's dog-she ate everything and would be sick for days-till everything passed.
The best thing to do in that case was no solids for 24 hours then start slow with boiled chicken and plain white rice.(and most dogs won't turn their nose up to fresh chicken) Then slowly start her on her food again, by mixing small parts into the rice/chicken mix. This became such a regular thing-we almost decided to cook for her all the time!!
But keep an eye on her-could be something she ate.
But make sure she is drinking water and if she doesn't start eating by tomorrow, call the vet. Sometimes, dogs know, and they don't eat when they don't feel well, but start eating when their belly feels better, so it may be nothing major.

11-05-2003, 12:39 PM
Just for you, I got out my handy dandy dog care book:

Let's see : loss of appetite, loss of appetite. Oh, yes! page 161:

It says that if your dog has any of the following signs, you must take him to the vet within 24 hours:
- Fever
- Pain
- Weakness
- Cough
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Increased water intake
- Decreased water intake
- Increased urination volume or frequency.

If the dog is less alert you must also go to the vet.

If your dog doesn't have any of those signs, then you are supposed to follow the "home treatment":

This is from The Dog Care Book, by Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld, V.M.D.
"Try adding some brewer's yeast or garlic salt to the food. They add "zing" and may coax the problem eater out of it's problem."

So - if none of those signs are present, then I would think it's safe to wait 24 hours and see if Rio's appetite improves!

Rio and Me
11-05-2003, 02:13 PM
Thanks for all the advise!
I will stop her food and let her empty her stomach,
she vomited on monday and nothing since!
no diorehha (?sp) no fever anything else on the list she is drinking normally!
Allthough shell usually eat anything i dont think she has eaten anything bad ( I dont have any posions around!!)
i will start the boiled chicken and rice tomorrow evening!
so ill let you know tomorrow!!!
Thanks again
Ky and Rio

11-05-2003, 02:16 PM
Feel better soon, Rio!! Please, let us know how he's doing!:)