View Full Version : Wrestling

11-05-2003, 09:07 AM
The photos in " The Battle of Toby and Kate" made me think of this - has anyone had kids in school involved in wrestling? We went to wrestling matches nonstop for seven years!! Now, when I watch Emily and Eliot - it always amazes me how similar it is!! In school wrestling they begin with "the face off" followed by by posturing and circling. Sometimes there will be a few swings or head pushing. Sometimes one opponent will actually hold the other opponents head as the other takes swings. Eventually, one will find opportunity for a "take down" - followed by leg rides, rolling, etc. The object is to get the opponent on the ground with both shoulders down for the PIN! It is exactly what the kitties do!! I think the sport of wrestling came from watching cats!!

11-05-2003, 09:41 AM
I think you have somthing there . I hadn't thought of that ..before! I use to go to wrestling matches too. I bet they did get the idea from cats ! HE,HEE,HEE ! :D

11-05-2003, 09:52 AM
Yi have an excellent point! It is like the WWWf , as they jump , manuever and hiss and spit!And preen afterwards!