View Full Version : Any ideas?

12-04-2001, 12:41 PM
Reece has a vet appointment for this Thursday but I wanted to ask you guys if you had any clue what could be wrong with him.

Ever since I adopted him in March, he'll occasionally throw up this yellow liquid. It is really odd because it always looks the same. I hadn't worried about it before because it didn't happen very often at all. I did call a vet a few months ago to describe the situation and she said not to worry if its not frequent.

Well yesterday morning at 6am, Reece was sound asleep but woke up throwing up in bed. It was that same yellow stuff. Then when I got home that evening, he threw up twice, both times it was yellow but a lot darker and a little thicker than usual.

So now I am scared to death that this might be a symptom of something serious. and if it is, I will not ever forgive myself for not taking him to a vet sooner. Has anyone had a similar experience? I'm afraid the vet is going to have no clue what's wrong and not know how to test for it since its sort of a weird situation. Help!!!

12-04-2001, 01:34 PM
Aly, I don't know what that could be, does it maybe look like bile? I think it's a good idea that you are taking him in, we want Reecie man to be happy and well. Hopefully it won't be anything serious. We are taking Perry in too, he is chewing on his back legs, got patches of hair off. He gets to see Doctor Valentine at 2. Good luck with Reece.

12-04-2001, 01:36 PM
I don't have any idea of what could be wrong with poor little Reece, and I know that the two days until Thursday will feel more like two years to you. Just for some answers before the appointment, why don't you check: http://www.petvet.com
or http://www.vetinfo.com/
Hope is nothing serious.

12-04-2001, 03:50 PM
First thought is of vomiting bile. Is it preceeded by gagging, then vomiting small amts of yellow fluid/bile, sort of foamy? Or of the more projectile type, greater in amount, mixed with food? Really "throwing up??" Sorry to sound so graphic. It's the nurse talking! Any change in his eating habits Aly? Are poops lighter in color, looser, more frequent? Does he seem to be uncomfortable or in any distress? Abdomen tender? The part about it being darker and thicker this last time sounds like it it just more concentrated. This may be because it happenend in the early morning when everything, pee and such, is much more concentrated. Star and Cody sometimes have bouts with vomiting small amts. of bile for a few days. The vet says not to worry. Just an upset tummy from eating something unsettling. I know it's hard. But try not to worry till his visit. Make sure he's drinking enough. And of course I know, if you think he's really feeling poorly, you'll call the vet before Thurs.! Poor pumpkin. Give kisses please and we'll all be thinking good thoughts.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-04-2001, 09:48 PM
Yes Sandra! He gags and its foamy! And pretty small amounts. No food in it at all. What does that mean? Is he okay???

His eating and pooping habits have been the same since I've adopted him. Except sometimes they are looser when we are having anal gland troubles.

12-04-2001, 10:36 PM
Good luck at the vets. We'll be thinking of you!!

12-05-2001, 06:52 AM
Hi Aly! Researched Reece's problem, and on one of my fav. vet info. sites, found many inquiries from guardians with pups having just the problem you described. Seems that "gastric reflux" is the most common cause! As with humans, it is often treated with meds (such as pepcid, zantac, and tagamet) that prevent the reflux of gastric contents, including bile, from "coming up!" The reflux is due to a lack of motility in the stomach' that is, moving the contents DOWN! Upon arising, motion, with excitement, up it comes! I think Reece's problem is probably nothing more serious than this. I've included the question and answer session for you to read! We'll be thinking of you guys until your diagnosis is confirmed. But, try not to worry dear Aly! And hugs and kisses to Reeece, Lolly and Shiloh! Sandra, Cody and Star

also see Vomiting with diarrhea

Vomiting in the morning (mostly)

Question: Dear Dr. Richards..... We rescued a 3 year old rat terrier from the
Humane Society... Truly God's gift. She is so sweet. I am concerned about
one problem she has though. In the morning and
not every morning....she will vomit.....sometimes a yellow bile and
sometimes a white frothy liquid. She also does this sometimes late in the
day when it has been awhile since she has eaten. After she retches she is
fine. Her vet thought perhaps if we gave her food before she went to bed.
Another vet asked if she was excited in the AM and YES she can get very
excited. So we have tired to limited her excitability. Both helps
sometimes...but she continues to have the problem more than I would like.
We have been feeding her Nutro lamb and rice...and Mrs Hubbard treats
along with Nutro dental biquits. Perhaps we should change her food. Also
we had her teeth cleaned as soon as we got her and within a matter of
weeks she had a brown scum on her teeth and now she has plaque. I try
brushing her teeth...she hates it soooo much and to use a dental rinse
which she really hates. So my questions are..... what do you think is
causes her vomiting? Should we be concerned and have have some tests
run???? Change her food? Give Pecid AC or similar product??? and ????her
teeth? Any information or your thoughts on the subject would be
appreciated. THANK YOU AGAIN SO VERY MUCH for your kindness regarding Our
Beloved Zedty. Nancy

Answer: Nancy-

I have researched this question in the past without finding a really good answer
for what causes vomiting in the morning (mostly) in some dogs or for what
to do about it.

The prevailing opinion is that many of the dogs that exhibit this clinical
sign have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)or some other condition that
causes a decrease in gastric mobility. This may lead to gastric reflux when
the dog first gets up or when there is excitement, as your vets have
suggested. The gastric reflux causes some dogs to vomit. It is highly
likely that there are a number of causes of this behavior but this theory
does account for a big portion of the affected dogs, I suspect.

When possible, confirming or ruling our a diagnosis of IBD through food
trials, intestinal biopsy, ultrasonagraphy or other means can be helpful in
pointing out a direction for treatment efforts. In many instances, it is
not possible for clients to pursue the diagnostic testing right at the time
of the visit to their vet, though. Because of this, there is a tendency to
try treatment to see if it is possible to aid the pet without having a
specific diagnosis. The most common treatments are histamine (H2) blockers
like cimetidine (Tagamet Rx) or famotidine (Pepcid AC tm), feeding small
meals just before bed and using motility modifying medications like
metoclopramide (Reglan Rx). These things sometimes work to control the
problem and if no futher signs develop it is reasonable to continue
treatment prophylactically without a firm diagnosis, at least in my opinion.

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-05-2001, 08:19 AM
So sorry to hear. I went through something similar to with Misty. She threw up and it was yellow. She is very long haired and she is constantly cleaning herself and her hair compacted and she was constipated. The vet gave her an enama and she takes hairball medicine now and she is fine. Hoping your problem will be as simple. Keep us informed.

12-05-2001, 02:08 PM
Thanks Sandra!!! I feel TONS better :) I will tell you what my vet says after I see her tomorrow.

Reece sends you tons of sloppy wet kisses for helping us out :)

12-05-2001, 03:10 PM
My pleasure Aly! And give the Reece Man lots of kisses and hugs! Can't wait to hear what the vet says. Let us know!

12-05-2001, 08:09 PM
I'm sure your dog will be fine :] Jo, when she was a pup threw up ALL the time! I didn't know what it was, and when I took her to the vets they said it was puppy flu..so I felt a little better..but she kept throwing up, so i thought it couldn't be that..(and it was yellowish - I think Bile is green..atleast in humans..?) so i took her to a diff vet and they did something..i duno what..but she had LOTS of pills..but it made her better, now she like never throws up :D
(It could be like chyme from the stomach or something...)

I'm sure your dog will be fine though!

12-06-2001, 02:54 PM
Well, I took Reece in to the vet and it turns out Dr. Oliver had to go home early with the flu. They tried to call me but I had already left. It was just bad timing. They said another vet could see me, but I switched to this clinic specifically for Dr. Oliver so I said I'd reschedule. The only problem is I'm working all day every day for the next 5 days, so my sister might have to take him. He hasn't thrown up again though. And Sandra made me feel TONS better :) I'm wondering if I should wait another week to take him in so I can be sure that I'm there and hear everything the vet has to say. I'd have my sister take him if I thought he needed to go right away, but it doesn't seem like an emergency or anything.

I'll keep you guys posted!

12-06-2001, 03:20 PM
Hi Aly! It probably would be better for you to be there to explain fully and hear all the input from Dr. Oliver. As well meaning as they may be, whenever I send the "kids" off to the vets with family or friends, there is always something I wished they had asked or wonder if they're telling me everything the vet said! :confused: If you think he needs to go back sooner, the option of having your sister take him is still open. Give the pupster dear a big hug and yourself one too! Love ya all. Sand.

[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-06-2001, 03:29 PM
Hi Aly,
Just wanted you to know that all our fingers and paws are crossed for nothing to be wrong with your sweet Reece. Give him kissies and snuggles from us, please! :)