View Full Version : Lefty's progress

11-04-2003, 11:06 AM
Hi folks!

Well, we've had Lefty for nearly a month now (it's so hard to believe), and I'd thought I'd share an update with you. One thing I didn't mention to you all (though in retrospect it was rather silly of me to feel like I couldn't, because you of all people would be very understanding) was that we knew to expect some possible dominance/aggression issues when we adopted him. However, they didn't seem severe enough to really worry either of us.

Anyway, the first week and a 1/2 or so was a time of settling in. He could be a real cuddlebug with me, but he seemed to definitely prefer my husband Jeff, and he even snapped at me twice and growled once. Soooo, I bought four books from Amazon, two which dealt specifically with our issues (with titles like, "How to be the Leader of the Pack, and Have Your Dog Love You For it"). The problem seemed to be workable, but I was a little disappointed--basically, I'd had my feelings hurt. But, I thought both Lefty and I could learn.

Since then I've tried to be a strong alpha figure, even though it was a little hard to make the adjustment. I'd prefer to only coo and pet, so I felt a little bad/guilty putting on a somewhat stern voice at times. Also I was advised to give him commands when I might not otherwise have thought them necessary (having him sit while I prepare his dinner, etc.). And, we're going to a couple of obedience classes, and we've been working on what we've learned at home.

Lest you think I'm leading up to some bad news, I'll end the suspense and tell you that things are really taking a good turn. I'm definitely gaining an alpha "edge" and he's even more sweet and loving now. He follows me around as much as he does Jeff, now, and I no longer feel he prefers Jeff to me. I'm trying to get him socialized by taking him on errands with me, etc., and he's doing really well with that as well--still a little wiggy at times, but he's only improving. He's one sharp dog and we feel very fortunate to have gotten him.

Anyway, just wanted to pass that along to you all. I haven't been posting as much as I thought I would--I was so happy to feel like a real part of the community, at last--because we've been working on these things at home; also, he's been getting a LOT of cuddling/play in addition to training, as I want him to feel truly at home. So, that's where we've been, and what we've been doing. I hope I'll be able to catch up on all of your kids soon. :)

Samantha Puppy
11-04-2003, 11:16 AM
That's great to hear!! I know it's hard - especially for women - to assume the alpha roll instead of cooing, but it is for the best. I probably should done more of it when Sam was younger, but I couldn't bring myself to raise my voice at her when she just didn't know any better. But good for you and I'm glad things are going well...

Any pictures?

11-04-2003, 11:27 AM
Smilla, seems you are doing all of your homework, properly, and you and Lefty are going to be just fine!!!! :) Good for you!!!! I probably ought to do some reading myself!!! Hehehe!!!!! :)

11-04-2003, 11:46 AM
Great news and update! :D I know it was hard for me to gain alpha-ship over Kia, but I finally did it. She still tests me and pushes my buttons at times but that makes it fun. ;) :rolleyes: :D

11-04-2003, 11:52 AM
That's just wonderful! I'll bet you feel so relieved now that he likes you. You wouldn't happen to have any pictures would you?

11-04-2003, 11:56 AM
Thanks Samantha and stacwase, for asking about pictures; however I've been REALLY bad about taking them. For starters, Jeff and I are awful about making sure the digital camera is plugged in, and so the battery is often dead. :rolleyes: I got some cute pictures of him with my regular 35mm, but I'd need to get those developed and scanned.

Logan, it sounds like all of your dogs are so well behaved already! :) And ramanth, I love your sig. I actually attached that picture and sent it to my husband because I thought it was so funny.

11-04-2003, 01:59 PM
Hi Smilla!! What a happy, positive update! I have to admit, you did have me on the edge of my seat there for a bit!:D You are the type of dog guardian that we all strive to be! You saw an issue, got the necessary info. and followed through with correcting it! We could all learn a lesson from you! Best of all, Lefty is becoming a well mannered member of the pack!:) He's so lucky to have you as his Mom! Please keep us updated. And when you can, PLEASE pictures!!:) Give Lefty a hug for me! Good job, Lefty and Smilla!!!

11-04-2003, 06:47 PM
I am so happy for you!! Your relationship with Lefty will only deepen and grow even more over time. I have also read "How to be Leader of the Pack..." - great book. Patricia McConnell is one of my favorite trainer/behaviorist.