View Full Version : hiccups

07-25-2001, 12:05 AM
my new pup, a shih tzu is about 10 and a half weeks old.she has hiccups a few times a day.is that normal?i am also trying to toilet train her.any advice or suggestions? :rolleyes:

Daisy's Mom
07-25-2001, 02:04 AM
Hiccups in puppies are perfectly normal. Daisy used to get them maybe five times daily! You pup will be fine :)

07-25-2001, 05:58 AM
My puppy, Bella, is now 6 months old and I had posted this same question when she was about the same age as your pup. She got them all the time and everyone here assured me it was normal. In time they eventually stopped.

As for housebreaking your pup, repetition is the key. After waking up, eating and playing she will feel the need to go potty." Also any time that you see her begin to sniff a lot in one place get ready to scoop her up for a quick trip outdoors. Each time there is an accident a firm "No" will help to let her know you are not pleased. I used to say "No!....Outside!" It was much easier to work on bowel movements because Bella ALWAYS had to do one after meals so I knew exactly when to catch her with that. Lots and lots of praise in the yard when they are successful helps cement the idea. Good luck!!

[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-25-2001, 08:25 AM
the problem is that zoey doesn't relieve herself after her meal.she normally does it when i am not looking hours after her meal. :rolleyes:

08-07-2001, 06:24 PM
My dog Pontouf is a Shih Tzu and when we first got her in Janurary she was about four weeks old and she had the hiccups all the time! My other Shih Tzu Bijou when we got hima bout two years ago he got the hiccups to but he doesn't anymore!!! Don't feel alone!!! I don't know why it happens and stops when the dog gets older but its nothing to worry about!! My e-mail is [email protected] so e-mail me casue it seems thta we both ahve shih Tzus!!!! Please e-mail me!!!! ;) ;) :p :) :D