View Full Version : Wish me luck - defending my PhD dissertation

11-03-2003, 10:43 AM
Hello everyone,

There have been times when PT has literally saved my sanity during the course of my PhD. You gave me a laugh and showed me that there is more to my life than just this.

I want to share with everyone that I am finally defending my dissertation this afternoon (3PM EST). Please keep all paws and fingers crossed that things will go well.


11-03-2003, 10:59 AM
Wishing you lots of good luck, Cheryl!!!! :D I know you will do great!!!!! :)

11-03-2003, 11:08 AM
You got it!! Good luck to you!

11-03-2003, 11:21 AM
Good luck, I'm sure you will do very well. 8 paws and 10 fingers crossed for you.

11-03-2003, 11:24 AM
Will do. Best of luck to you today. :)

Samantha Puppy
11-03-2003, 11:37 AM
My best friend just had her PhD qualifying exam a week and a half ago and had been stressing over it for the last year. She passed and is now an official PhD candidate and I know she feels like 100,000 lbs has been lifted off her chest! You will feel the same. Good luck!

11-03-2003, 12:09 PM
Thank you everyone.

I remember taking my qualifying exams and it was the same thing. Except they were written exams, whereas this is an oral exam. I keep trying to tell myself that I am the person who knows the most about the subject. But even so...

Samantha Puppy
11-03-2003, 12:10 PM
Oh really? Hers had both written and oral, I believe. Then again, hers was in physiology. What's yours?

By the way, where in MD are you?

11-03-2003, 12:24 PM
I am currently living in Baltimore and will soon be joining the commute down to DC (that is where the new job is). I "guess" we are fortunate in that our qualifying exams are just written (but 6 days of written exams...) and the final dissertation defense is oral. So we get a combination but maybe it is just our discipline. I will be getting a degree in Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, which in English means that I study the economics of prescription drugs.

Samantha Puppy
11-03-2003, 12:34 PM
Oh, you're nearby to me - I work in Owings Mills and live in Carroll Co.

Wow - sounds really nasty! Six days of written exams? Ugh. She had written first and then a presentation - she was absolutely over the moon when she finished.

You'll do fine on yours!! Just keep telling yourself that you do know more than anyone else. Confidence shows!! Good luck. : )

11-03-2003, 12:40 PM
I am shure you will do just fine.
But I am sending extra good vives
your way just in case.

11-03-2003, 05:49 PM
How did it go???? Dr. Emily the spoiled....has a nice ring to it! I thought good thoughts from 3-5 eastern time!:D :D

11-03-2003, 05:59 PM
Yes, do tell. Enquiring minds want to know. Can we call you Dr??

11-04-2003, 07:44 AM
Yes, it is now official! I am Dr. Emily the spoiled :D :D :D :D :D

The reality hasn't quite sunk in yet, so I am still getting used to the fact that I am finished!!!

Thank you for all of the good wishes

Samantha Puppy
11-04-2003, 07:47 AM
Congrats, Dr.!!!

11-04-2003, 08:06 AM
Dr. Cheryl!!!! :D :D :D Congratulations to you!!! :D :D :D

11-04-2003, 08:08 AM
YAY!! Congrats!!!
There's a Thursdays being planned in your honor in the Dog House. :D :D :D :D

11-04-2003, 09:25 AM

Your hard work paid off!!!

This Thursday, your drinks are free and you get to make the first destination choice for the Getaway.

What will it be?? Sunny and hot??

11-04-2003, 09:51 AM

11-04-2003, 11:39 AM
Okay, considering I leave for Northern Canada on Thursday I definitely want a warm getaway.

The last time I was in Thailand I found this wonderful little island called Phuket. I definitely want to go back there :D :D
Since I will be traveling this Thursday I won't be able to join you for drinks, but lease have my share and drink one for me!!!

Thanks a bunch everyone

11-04-2003, 03:42 PM
What an accomplishment!!!

11-04-2003, 10:11 PM
Huzzah!! Congrats!!

11-04-2003, 10:49 PM
What an accomplishment!

All Creatures Great And Small
11-05-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by emily_the_spoiled
The last time I was in Thailand I found this wonderful little island called Phuket. I definitely want to go back there :D :D

You know, I think we ALL need to just drop everything and go to "Phuket" once in a while................;)

And congratulations as well, Dr.!