View Full Version : Jasper's Biting

11-03-2003, 05:50 AM
I got my new boxer puppy yesterday, I know boxer puppys are chewers BUT this dog is the worst Ive seen!! If I walk about hes right there grabbing my pants, or socks or LEG and I have been saying NO BITE and things like that, and he bites at everyone, and children do not like that much!!
Does anyone know any methods to teach him not to bite? or does he just have to grow out of it?

11-03-2003, 04:09 PM
Puppies bite, it's their nature.
With Riley, I always yelled "OUCH" as loud as I could, and he would stop. Try giving him something else to bite when he bites you, something that he is allowed to have, such as a bone or toy.

My stepmom's friend raised a boxer--she said Tyra was a horrible chewer--she even chewed through her kongs:eek:

Good luck!!

11-03-2003, 04:27 PM
Yeah thats what I have been doing, giving him toys when he bites on people

11-03-2003, 04:33 PM
I wish I could help! As much as I love dogs, I haven't had that much experience training them. Jake practically trained himself and Max came pretrained.

I have heard, though, that yelling "Ouch" really helps. I don't know - but maybe if you made a game of him biting his toys, then he would concentrate his energy on the toys and get the biting out of his system. Or do you think a flavored rawhid bone would help? If it was really yummy it should be more attractive than other things.

11-03-2003, 07:05 PM
Our trainer recommended making a really loud and ugly sound when the dog does it. When Kai nipped, I'd make a loud ouch sound and tell him no while giving him alot of stern eye contact. He hated that.

11-04-2003, 10:49 PM
hi everyone! Dinky my 3.5 month old mini schnauzer's going thru the biting stage too and it's making me sad..:(

I think dat's his way of playing and getting attention..but it really hurts especially when he bites places like your face, thighs and arms!

Heard of many methods and tried them to no avail:

1) aluminium can of coins (shake it and make a loud sound to startle him) which I didn't really like...DIDN'T WORK

2) shout a loud NO and give him a stern look..he think's I'm playing and pounce n bite even more n bark back..hence DIDN'T WORK

3) pretend to be a littermate n squeel loud n stop playing..DIDN'T WORK EITHER

4) used my thumb n forefinger to circle his muzzle (but of course didn't press it shut) then said NO...DIDN't WORK...struggled to get loose...and after dat barked and bit again!

5) sprayed bitter apple on myself and let him continue biting..ALSO DIDN'T WORK coz he didn't like it, started sneezing and barking at me and the spray! (dat clown)

sigh...dunno what else I can try....makes me feel real bad too coz I know he's juz a puppy n dat's his way to say he wanna play...I've given him so many toys which he's not interested in biting...hard ones, squeeky ones, soft ones...

11-05-2003, 12:01 PM
Try squealing like a puppy when he bites you. An adult dog might know that you are not a puppy and will ignore the sound, but a puppy isn't as smart and will feel sorry.

If that doesn't work, then don't react at all. Just stand there and let him bite (you might need thick clothes for those puppy teeth!). Some puppies will bite just to get a reaction out of you, so take the fun out of it by giving him no reaction.

11-06-2003, 10:56 AM
I strongly suggest a puppy socialization class! They will teach you many importannt factors there! Every owner should take at least this course even if you are new to dog owning! A second obedience class should be followed.

I also reccomend not giving any toys that resemble other articles in the home. Your dog can get confused as to which is really his toy. Example... you give your dog an old sock, well how does he know the diference between a new one & an old one? Also if you have the throw rugs that resemble cloth rags & your dog has a rope bone, they look very similar.

Also until your dog learns the proper items to chew on I would keep all rawhides away. They only teach a dog to chew more & more. The more your dog chews the better they taste.

Also you have to be stern, a very loud & meaningful NO or OUCH, you also have to be patient & consistant. If one time you tell your dog no then the other ouch then the next time you say stop, your dog is getting confused as to what command means what. If you see you dog chewing on something that it is not supposed to be chewing on sternly say your command, take the toy away & give him the proper toy to chew. EVERYTIME you see you dog chewing his toys PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!!!!!!! It is a puppys natural instinct to chew so just offer as many safe chew toys as possible. Also by giving your dog lots of excersize it help wear out your dogs activity level & hopefully he will want to relax more.

Good luck!

11-06-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I strongly suggest a puppy socialization class!
I agree. Puppies need to play together. That way they learn that biting hurts.

11-06-2003, 03:31 PM
Yeah, I guess thats true. Jaspers mother only had 2 puppies and the female died, so he hasnt had any puppies to play with, or to bite him back, so maybe he doesn't understand

11-15-2003, 12:55 PM
Maybe he thinks he is being rewarded for biting you, everytime he bites you, you give him a toy. LOL. Sorry I have no recommendations for you. Maybe he thinks your something he can cut his teeth on. Hope you can solve this problem.:)

11-16-2003, 09:51 PM
It is more difficult to own a puppy that was an only puppy, or one that was taken from his mother too soon. They miss out on a lot of very important training that way. By your dog not having littermates, he has never learned not to bite. It's rather like an only child that has never played with other children - that child would have no concept of sharing toys.

Here is link to a training site, with many good articles on puppies with chewing/biting problems: http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/lib-Puppy.htm#pchew

11-18-2003, 10:02 PM
Hello, My golden puppy Luca is a biter too! To maybe make him stop try this: Make a puppy yelp at him like he hurt you- Make a bellowing noise like he really hurt you- If he bites you once then say OUCH really loud in his face if he bites you again say NO BITE him his face sound disguisted then walk out of the room and leave him all alone for up to 5 minutes then go back in and give him a toy! (of course he'll bark and what not but ignore it. and also make sure where you leave him is a puppy safe room.) hope that helps a little. And words of wisdom: "It will Get worse before it gets better" And its true, cuz' the dog will think 'oh there ignoring me so i have to try to get theme to notice me and then the'll say oh what a good dog!' and what not. So DONT give in to there little sad faces, you have to be a little harsh for a well mannered Dog! :D Have a good day!