View Full Version : Im getting a dog!

11-02-2003, 03:29 PM
hi everyone! im so excited, i'm finally getting a dog! it has taken me three years to convince my parents to let me get one, and now theyre even excited about it!
in the newspaper we saw an add for toy poodles and we went and looked at them but we decided they werent for us. there was also shih poos and so a few weeks later we went back and looked at those. yesterday we went and picked out the one were getting. she is only three weeks so she cant come home yet. on november 28 were going to get her and bring her home! she is so cute, she is all black, with white paws and a little white on her chin.
my familys busy cleaning the house(making it doggy safe), looking up info on the breed, making an area for her to play in while my parents are at work and im at school, and getting her all the necessities she'll need.
if you have any tips on raising dogs please post them!
also, if u have any ideas for names, post them too!

11-02-2003, 03:46 PM
Congratulations! I don't know what kind of dogs those are. Are they small or large? My biggest piece of advice is read up on potty training ahead of time. My pomeranian was my first small house dog. I thought I knew what I was doing. It took me almost a year to potty train him because we got started off on the wrong foot. You don't want to develop bad habits like I did. Be sure to take lots of pictures! And welcome to PetTalk. :D

11-02-2003, 03:46 PM
Congratulations and welcome to Pet Talk! For names... hmm.... how about.... Pumpkin? lol or... Curly? ;)

11-02-2003, 03:48 PM
Its hard to name a pup before you get them so i have no tips there.. :) Welcome to pettalk! And congrats!

11-02-2003, 03:50 PM
Okay.... I agree with Camcampup, but I can't resist one more suggestion... Bagel! ;) :D

11-02-2003, 03:56 PM
I usually have to keep my dogs for a few days before I name them. Gotta see their personalities! Although if I'd truly gotten to know Dusty first, I would have named him Psycho!

11-02-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by magcpen
Bagel! ;) :D

:D :D LOL.. i want a bagel now..

11-02-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
:D :D LOL.. i want a bagel now..

I'm eating a bagel. :D *hides bagel from Amber and growls* MY BAGEL!

Congrats on the new puppy! :)

11-02-2003, 04:15 PM
Congrats on the new pup! We had a few names picked out for our pup before we saw him. It was hard to pick one ahead of time but if you narrow it down, it'll be one less thing to worry about. Oh yes, please do read about potty training. I recommend buying a crate for the pup. This is probably the easiest way to potty train. And read all you can about food. Alot of people here feed the better quality foods...and that's something you really want to think about.

11-02-2003, 04:44 PM
Congrats on the new puppers! I have no idea about names, I have to agree with everyone else.....I couldn't tell you what I'd name it until I actually see it. I'll be expecting pictures on November 28th! :) ;)

11-02-2003, 06:12 PM
Hello! Welcome to Pet Talk! :D
I have a Shih Poo myself. A Shih Tzu/Poodle mix for anyone who doesn't know.
Her name is Darlin and she turned a year old this month on the 17th. She is all white, with apricot colored ears. You can barley see the apricot anymore, but you used to be able to see it real good!
A little info for you to look at...
Darlin is stubborn. It's pretty hard to teach her tricks because she either won't do them, or will think I'm playing with her. She only knows sit, and will only do it when she feels like it. :p
We also have another dog. He's a 14 week old puppy named Ozzy, and he's a smooth collie. They get along, but when Darlin has had enough of him she lets him know it and snaps at him. Hehehe, it's okay though, she's never really bitten him.
She's also very tolorant at the same time. Ozzy likes to wrestle hard, and she'll only wrestle every once and a while. Maybe three times a day.
Anyways, Ozzy will bite her ears, pull her tail, scratch her, bark at her, nip her and just plain torcher her! She puts up with it though and tries her hardest to knock him over! Hehe. ;)
She is so SPOILED. She gets almost anything she wants! Sheesh, we should have named her Miss Snobby Pants or Princess. :rolleyes:
Darlin has the speed of a greyhound. Good lord, that dog can run!! She loves to sit outside and watch for birds flying in the sky. The bird will fly overhead and she'll chase them to the fence! It's hilarious!
Also, we have bunnies and quails in our backyard so whenever she finds one she'll chase it. She gets right on those bunnie's tails, and has even learned the sort of..herd them! She'll nip at it's feet, barking and sprint ahead of it and then try to corner it off. It's the funniest thing! I guess that's what you get for owning a collie!
Darlin's also a yapper. She has what we call a bark collar. It's not a shocker caller, it just makes a verrrry high pitched noise that goes off whenever she barks. It works, but when we take it off she knows and uses whatever chance she'll get to bark at the neighbors' dogs.
On top of all, she is a sweetie. Her favorite things are being held and cuddled, and BELLY RUBS. She LOVES belly rubs. Beware the belly rubs!!!
Okay okay..here are the pics.
This is what she looked like when we got her...see the apricot?
She grew into such a pretty girl..:)

11-02-2003, 06:14 PM
Oh yes..and for names? Hmm...
Boo? Spooky? Leah (I always liked that name)? Splash? Diablo? :p

11-02-2003, 06:44 PM
You sound like you're going to be a very good parent! I'm sure you're excited and we look forward to seeing some pics when you get her.

11-02-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by cherry3200
hi everyone! im so excited, i'm finally getting a dog! it has taken me three years to convince my parents to let me get one, and now theyre even excited about it!
in the newspaper we saw an add for toy poodles and we went and looked at them but we decided they werent for us. there was also shih poos and so a few weeks later we went back and looked at those. yesterday we went and picked out the one were getting. she is only three weeks so she cant come home yet. on november 28 were going to get her and bring her home! she is so cute, she is all black, with white paws and a little white on her chin.
my familys busy cleaning the house(making it doggy safe), looking up info on the breed, making an area for her to play in while my parents are at work and im at school, and getting her all the necessities she'll need.
if you have any tips on raising dogs please post them!
also, if u have any ideas for names, post them too!

So what is it about the toy poodle that is wrong for your family, that adding shih tzu to it makes it all better?

And well I can't help but add that it's sad you are paying someone for their mixed breed puppies, therefore reinforcing their ideas that it's good to breed mixed breed puppies, which is something I'm against.

11-02-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2

And well I can't help but add that it's sad you are paying someone for their mixed breed puppies, therefore reinforcing their ideas that it's good to breed mixed breed puppies, which is something I'm against.
I didn't want to be the first one to say this lol. And I agree. I don't believe in backyard breeders. I'd much rather go to a reputable breeder or a shelter.

Congrats anyways.

11-03-2003, 12:11 AM
So what is it about the toy poodle that is wrong for your family, that adding shih tzu to it makes it all better? And well I can't help but add that it's sad you are paying someone for their mixed breed puppies, therefore reinforcing their ideas that it's good to breed mixed breed puppies, which is something I'm against.

Amen! I agree 110%!!

looking up info on the breed ... if you have any tips on raising dogs please post them

It's good that you are doing this, some people don't. However, it would have been much better if you would have looked at this before commiting to and falling in love with this dog. What if, after looking up info on the breedS (not "breed", "breeds" - the dog is a mixed breed, not a purebred), you decide that shih tzus and/or poodles aren't compatible with your lifestyle? Then what? Same with tips on raising a puppy ... what if you realize that it is practically impossible to train and housetrain and socialize a seven week old puppy, while both your parents and you are gone all day? Then what?

And please do some research on back yard breeders, designer mutts and puppy mills, as well as the euthanasia/pet overpopulation crisis. I think once you see the horrors, you will think twice before putting more money into these people's pockets when you get older and have to oportunity to purchase another dog.


11-03-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
So what is it about the toy poodle that is wrong for your family, that adding shih tzu to it makes it all better?

Its very possible that it was the personalities of the individual litters, and not the breed so much. They saw two different litters and just picked the latter because they connected with them more. It sounds like she is basing it on breed, but I think she meant on personality.

11-03-2003, 11:07 AM
Cherry, congratulations on getting a dog! If your dog is cared for properly, she will reward you with years of love and happiness!

Have you ever have any dogs before? Do you need advice on dogs in general, or just Shih-poos?

I think the most important things to remember are that dogs generally really, really want to please their owners. If they're doing something wrong it's not because they're bad dogs - it's because they don't understand what it is that you want.

Housebreaking is a prime example. A lot of people think that their dogs know they need to go outside, and that if they make a mess inside then they're being willingly disobedient. That is absolutely not true. If your dog goes potty indoors then there are a lot of things that could be going on, but being a "bad dog" is definitely not one of them. Either she tries to hold it but can't because she hasn't been let out often enough, or she doesn't understand that she's supposed to only go outside, or there's something physical wrong with her, or maybe she's submissively urinating.

Physical punishment is never effective, and it's never OK. It doesn't work - it leads to a lot of behavioral problems. Don't hit her or rub her nose in anything, jerk her by her collar etc. etc. etc. You must always always be gentle with her so that she knows you love her and she'll love you back.

There's just so much to know - you really should buy a book. I recommend "Good Owners, Great Dogs" but there are a lot of really good instructional books available. The only one I haven't liked is "Dog Training by Bash". The author of that one takes up a lot of space name dropping and bragging about himself, and doesn't give a lot of good advice about dogs.

Please come back to Pet Talk often. There are a lot of very nice people on here who can help you out with any problem you can possibly have with your new furbundle of joy.

11-03-2003, 03:15 PM
Great advise stacwase.
I recommend paper training to start on small pups and very young pups, especially if you are going to be in school during the day and your parents are working. Little dogs and small pups have small bladders and cannot hold for very long, this will teach them to keep it in a place that you are "okay" with. Confine the pup to a small area and put paper all over. She will go on the paper to relieve herself, little by little remove paper till it is only in a small place in the confined area. Always put her on it if you catch her peeing anywhere else, and tell her good girl when she goes there. As she gets bigger, move the paper closer to the door you use to bring her out to pee. Whenever you are home and able to take her out-do it and always tell her good girl for going outside-but when you can't take her out-she will go on the paper. Eventually you will be able to move the paper outside (or basically remove it) You will know when to - watch her, she will begin to let you know when she has to go out. But remember in housebreaking-every pup and dog is different-some take longer than others-but patience and understanding is the key to good training.
Good luck-as for the name-when you look into those little eyes -the right name will come.
Oh-and just for a comment to those that have chastised you for purchasing a mix breed dog-well anyone who gives away a puppy should think twice-mixed breed or not- charging a fee will help assure a good home. And- not everyone who breeds from their home is a "backyard breeder" a lot of reputable breeders keep their pups in their home with their families, I personally would only buy a pup from a breeder that raises the pups in their home with their families, and for your information, this mix of dog is something people have been doing for a while now-they have been actually trying to start a new breed-where do you think new breeds of dogs come from? They don't just appear from nowhere-they are made by mixing 2 or several different purebreeds together.
My Tyr is what you would call a mix-breed and I did pay for him - and I have what I consider the best dog in the world-the man who sold him to me-yes-what you would call a "backyard breeder" but he started the socializing and paper training on those pups and made it very easy to housebreak him. So-before you start pointing fingers and making statements-think about it and get the info on it. A lot of pure-bred breeders don't take the time to do those things-and that is why there are so many homeless pure-breds!

11-03-2003, 09:27 PM
And in case anyone misses my response to the relearning thread, I will post it here as well:

Well, I too am one of the people who posted in the shih tzu/poodle puppy thread.

And I stand by what I posted 100%.

I do not feel I was mean or rude in any way. I was honest. Sometimes honesty is not what someone wants to hear, but it needs to be said nonetheless.

Here's a story for you all: You know by now, I'm sure, that my number one soap box is back yard breeders, puppy mills, pet stores, designer mutts, etc. Well, guess what ... I learned these lessons the hard way. My first dog, Lacie, I bought from a pet store. Before she came to the pet store she was born in an Amish puppy mill in Indiana. I didn't know anything about pet store puppies or puppy mills. I just thought she was cute. Actually, what I thought was that I was getting the "best of the best" in the dog world ... because she came from a pet store and had AKC papers.

Two days after I got her, she became deathly ill. She had parvo. So much for the "vaccinations" she got, huh? That was just the beginning of her problems, including worms, mange, dehydration, etc. I was still paying on that vet bill years later.

Lacie also has epilepsy, which developed before the age of one. She has been on phenobarbitol, which causes liver damage, to control grand mal seizures for thirteen years. She also has an enlarged heart and defective heart valves. I have been told by numerous vets, including Colorado State University Veterinarian College, that both of these problems are inherited problems, caused by poor breeding practices.

I have literally spent the cost of a small car on her vet care over the last fourteen years. I make a monthly payment to my vet, just like the house payment and the electricity bill. Not to mention the pain and suffering she has been through. And why? Because a greedy back yard breeder/puppy mill didn't care about anything but money, and a greedy pet store owner agreed.

And .... because no one told me about these things. I had to learn the hard way. And when someone finally did tell me - my wonderful vet - she didn't sugar coat it and ooooh and aaaah over my cute little puppy mill/pet store puppy. She told me in no uncertain terms the way it was, and how I had been part of the problem, not part of the solution. I listened, and I listened good, and it changed my life. She said what had to be said, even if it wasn't pretty, and for that I am forever grateful.

I got involved in shelters and rescues shortly after buying Lacie, and have been involved ever since. I have seen things that no one should have to see happen to animals. I can't begin to count the thousands of dogs I've seen die. And why? Greed again. And because no one told these people that there is a better way, another way.

I will tell people. I will be the voice that needs to be heard. It is the least I can do for the Lacie's of the world ... and worse yet, for the mother's of the Lacie's of the world - stuck in a 2 foot by 2 foot cage, having two litters a year; filthy, sick, hungry, with mange and maggots. I've seen it first hand. Then, when they can't have puppies anymore, they are killed, and another put in that cage. I will be the voice for them.

And if that offends someone or hurts someone's feelings, I'm sorry. The real world isn't always sunshine and roses. But turning a blind eye to the problems of the dog fancy and sticking your head in the sand only makes it worse.

11-03-2003, 09:35 PM
Calm down, guys!
It's not your place to say whether her dog will be good for her or not...Shih Poos can adapt to MANY lifestyles. I know from experience with Darlin.
Chill out, and just be happy for her! :p

11-03-2003, 09:40 PM
Oh-and just for a comment to those that have chastised you for purchasing a mix breed dog-well anyone who gives away a puppy should think twice-mixed breed or not- charging a fee will help assure a good home.

I never said anything about charging a fee or giving away dogs. I am vehemently opposed to "free to a good home" puppies. Of course charging a fee is better than not charging a fee. Dogs given away for free often end up in research labs, courtesy of what is commonly called a buncher or Class B dealer. I don't know where you got that anyone had a problem with charging a fee for any dog.

And- not everyone who breeds from their home is a "backyard breeder" a lot of reputable breeders keep their pups in their home with their families, I personally would only buy a pup from a breeder that raises the pups in their home with their families,

Again, I never said that at all. Of course reputable breeders keep their pups in a home with their families. I never said otherwise. Backyard breeder is a term coined to mean breeders that have no clue what they are doing. They buy a dog, they breed it with their cousins dog, and they sell the puppies to the first person with the cash. No genetic testing, no health screening, no thought to confirmation to breed standard, no home screening, no adoption contract. THAT is a backyard breeder, not everyone who happens to raise puppies in their home. Again, I don't know where you got that.

and for your information, this mix of dog is something people have been doing for a while now-they have been actually trying to start a new breed-

And for YOUR information, I know very well what this mix is and how long it's been being done. I know this because I have seen them gassed and given lethal injections at shelters in three states for two decades now. Yep, you bet ... cute little shihapoos, gassed with car exhaust, just like all those big ole' mutts. And why? Because there are too many dogs, and not enough homes. 99% of people breeding should stop, I don't care what cute mutt they gave a fancy name to. Too many dogs, not enough homes, dogs die. It seems rather simple to me. I have no idea why people can't comprehend it.

where do you think new breeds of dogs come from? They don't just appear from nowhere-they are made by mixing 2 or several different purebreeds together.

We don't need any more breeds. There is no niche or need that the dog fancy desires that cannot be filled by a dog that already exists. And again, I repeat myself ... there are too many dogs, and not enough homes. 99% of people breeding should stop, I don't care what cute mutt they gave a fancy name to. Too many dogs, not enough homes, dogs die. It seems rather simple to me. I have no idea why people can't comprehend it.

11-03-2003, 10:06 PM
Good luck-as for the name-when you look into those little eyes -the right name will come.
Oh-and just for a comment to those that have chastised you for purchasing a mix breed dog-well anyone who gives away a puppy should think twice-mixed breed or not- charging a fee will help assure a good home. And- not everyone who breeds from their home is a "backyard breeder" a lot of reputable breeders keep their pups in their home with their families
All reputable breeders SHOULD raise puppies in their home. The point that these people raising puppies in their home is not why we said BYB --- There are many reasons. Twisterdog has stated some. For one, if this person WAS really a reputable breeder, they would have started a program, contacted registries, informed many people of their intentions to start a new breed, and contacted some breeders/potential breeders to also contact registries, build a standard (which is extremely difficult when you just start considering it takes alot of work to make a mutt purebred), etc. Reputable breeders also don't post ads in the paper regarding born litters. They either breed on demand or put ads up BEFORE the litter is born so they get enough reservations.

and for your information, this mix of dog is something people have been doing for a while now-they have been actually trying to start a new breed-where do you think new breeds of dogs come from? They don't just appear from nowhere-they are made by mixing 2 or several different purebreeds together.
Did you know that every one dog is put down every 4 seconds in the US? We don't need any more dogs, and the majority of dogs that are put down are mutts. When the overpopulation crisis is over with, THEN we can start breeding mutts, and RESPONSIBLY.

My Tyr is what you would call a mix-breed and I did pay for him - and I have what I consider the best dog in the world-the man who sold him to me-yes-what you would call a "backyard breeder" but he started the socializing and paper training on those pups and made it very easy to housebreak him. So-before you start pointing fingers and making statements-think about it and get the info on it. A lot of pure-bred breeders don't take the time to do those things-and that is why there are so many homeless pure-breds!
Well guess what? I also have a mix breed dog. And she is also the best dog in the world. But I would give her up if that meant that BYB's and puppy mills would be stopped. So what if a mutt is easy to paper train? So is every other breed of puppy. And mutts make over 60% of the dogs in shelters. Not including the ones on the streets. So how can you say that there are sooo many homeless purebreds when we have sooo many more homeless mutts?

11-03-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Calm down, guys!
It's not your place to say whether her dog will be good for her or not...Shih Poos can adapt to MANY lifestyles. I know from experience with Darlin.
Chill out, and just be happy for her! :p

Nobody's get overly excited here. And nobody said that her dog wouldn't be good for her, and nobody said that a poodle/shih ztu cross can't adapt. Any breed can adapt.

11-03-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Dawn
A lot of pure-bred breeders don't take the time to do those things-and that is why there are so many homeless pure-breds!

Homeless purebreds come from byb's.

11-03-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Dawn

So-before you start pointing fingers and making statements-think about it and get the info on it. A lot of pure-bred breeders don't take the time to do those things-and that is why there are so many homeless pure-breds!

I'll admit it. I bought Molly from a back-yard breeder. But that was wayyyy before I knew about them, or puppy mills. She has major issues, and socialization problems. If I could, would I give her back? Never. She means to much to me.
As to your comment, there are MANY more homeless mutts out there then purebreds.

11-03-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I'll admit it. I bought Molly from a back-yard breeder. But that was wayyyy before I knew about them, or puppy mills. She has major issues, and socialization problems. If I could, would I give her back? Never. She means to much to me.
As to your comment, there are MANY more homeless mutts out there then purebreds.

I got Emily from a byb too. In one way her breeder was really good. Taught my family all about crate training and house training etc. We got Emily when she was 12 weeks old and she was practically house trained. But she didn't do any genetic testing. She did not breed to the standard.
Would I give her up? No way, she is my heart dog through and through. But I still wonder what problems might crop up as she gets older.

I went the responsible route with Clipse, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a purebred dog.

11-03-2003, 10:39 PM
Oh, and something I forgot to add .....

I currently own ten dogs - seven purebreds and three mixed breeds. I have nothing whatsoever against mixed breeds, I adore all my dogs.

And, except for Lacie, whom I posted about above ... all my dogs were rescued from shelters and animal controls.

And, as an aside, the ratio of purebred to mixed breeds in shelters varies by region, but averages less than 25% purebred, at least 75% mixed breed.

11-03-2003, 10:44 PM
We got Molly when she was almost 6 months old. She had an umbilical hernia, and just didn't look like a happy puppy. :( Her breeder didn't do any genetic testing, and Molly is no-where near the breed standard. I too, wonder what health problems she might develop in the past, but she's still my baby. :)

11-03-2003, 10:52 PM
Leather was from a BYB. Her father was a conformation champion. Doesn't make the breeder good in any way. Leather's coming about was an accident, but irresponsible nevertheless. She is waaaaay far from the breed standard. Her mother wasn't anywhere near it either. We heard that her mother was half wolf, but I don't know. Leather acts all German shepherd. She has cancer...she has cataracts...she has canine compulsive disorder...Just a small portion of the problems you get from backyard breeders...

11-03-2003, 10:55 PM
Good Lord!

Knock it off, you guys..

Anyway - Congratulations! :) You'll find the name for the pup once you get him/her - it'll come to you.

11-03-2003, 11:04 PM
for your information, this mix of dog is something people have been doing for a while now-they have been actually trying to start a new breed-where do you think new breeds of dogs come from? They don't just appear from nowhere-they are made by mixing 2 or several different purebreeds together.

Have you visited your local pound lately? No one needs to breed mixes now. Maybe in the very distant future..when we have guaranteed homes for all dogs but not now. For every job needed to be done or personality to match, there is AT LEAST one breed already there! And if I'm wrong about there being a breed for everyone, there are MANY mutts out there.

I'm totally against breeding for anything BUT for the sake of improving the breed and keeping to the breed standard.

But back to the original intention for this thread..Please, don't let this little flare scare you from coming back to us. If you have any questions regarding raising a dog, ask us.

11-03-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07
Good Lord!

Knock it off, you guys..

Anyway - Congratulations! :) You'll find the name for the pup once you get him/her - it'll come to you.

Knock what off?
What is wrong with debating byb's and the purposeful breeding of mixed breeds? No one is becoming out of control it is a good healthy debate. People have congratulated the person who started the thread and stated their ideas as to why it's wrong to buy from a byb. How will anyone learn if no one tries to teach them?
Or perhaps we should just all smile and nod and turn a blind eye to the problem of over population on this continent. Never bring the issue up in case it might hurt someone's feelings.
I don't feel this thread is out of control, I feel it is very useful.

11-03-2003, 11:25 PM
I agree 110% with TwisterDog.

11-03-2003, 11:32 PM
Good Lord!

Knock it off, you guys..

Hmmmm ... that was constructive, and added much to this thread. Not.

It is really a peeve of mine when people with nothing constructive to add to a thread come and tell everyone who ARE contributing to "knock if off". How rude, and juvenile, IMO.

I didn't come into your thread about which line to use at a concert and tell you to knock it off, now did I? I just ignored it. People should just not read threads if they aren't interested, stop reading threads if it takes a direction they are not comfortable with, and by all means, don't post if you have nothing constructive, intelligent or decent to add. Just my opinion.

Originally posted by Shelteez2
Knock what off?
What is wrong with debating byb's and the purposeful breeding of mixed breeds? No one is becoming out of control it is a good healthy debate. People have congratulated the person who started the thread and stated their ideas as to why it's wrong to buy from a byb. How will anyone learn if no one tries to teach them?
Or perhaps we should just all smile and nod and turn a blind eye to the problem of over population on this continent. Never bring the issue up in case it might hurt someone's feelings.
I don't feel this thread is out of control, I feel it is very useful.


11-03-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Knock what off?
What is wrong with debating byb's and the purposeful breeding of mixed breeds? No one is becoming out of control it is a good healthy debate. People have congratulated the person who started the thread and stated their ideas as to why it's wrong to buy from a byb. How will anyone learn if no one tries to teach them?
Or perhaps we should just all smile and nod and turn a blind eye to the problem of over population on this continent. Never bring the issue up in case it might hurt someone's feelings.
I don't feel this thread is out of control, I feel it is very useful.


11-04-2003, 07:05 AM
It doesn't matter now. I doubt Cherry will be back anyway. She'll probably be raising her new puppy without our advice.

So why don't you all start a thread about bybs? Next time somebody comes on here who doesn't know about them and about all the harm they do, then somebody can say "Hey - we know you want to do the right thing, and maybe you don't know about back yard breeders. Why don't you check out the back yard breeder thread? But since you already committed yourself to the dog we'll help you to raise it responsibly".

That way we could talk about how we feel about bybs, and educate people about them, without making a new member feel dogpiled. Nobody would feel that all our anger is directed toward them, specifically.

Nobody is saying bybs are OK. But scaring off a new member is not going to help the plight of dogs in any way.

11-04-2003, 09:55 AM
Have you visited your local pound lately? No one needs to breed mixes now. Maybe in the very distant future..when we have guaranteed homes for all dogs but not now. For every job needed to be done or personality to match, there is AT LEAST one breed already there! And if I'm wrong about there being a breed for everyone, there are MANY mutts out there.

I'm totally against breeding for anything BUT for the sake of improving the breed and keeping to the breed standard.

But back to the original intention for this thread..Please, don't let this little flare scare you from coming back to us. If you have any questions regarding raising a dog, ask us.

I did not say I agreed with what was going on...or supported it-and for your information-I am very active in rescues and with my local shelter. I can proudly say I have saved many lives that were looking pretty doomed prior to my help.
I personally don't agree with a lot of things that go on in the "dog world" but honestly the "pure-bred" dogs that are being born today mostly all have problems whether they are bred "responsibly" or not...strictly from over-breeding. So the prospect of starting new breeds is not a bad idea.
But you are right in the fact that breeding should be halted completely till the 100's of homeless dogs are given homes first-but that is not going to happen-so, I think if you find the right pup for you, and they are mutts or pure-breds or purposely bred mutts-like my Tyr, and you can give it a good home -then AMEN! That is one less that will end up in a shelter!

11-04-2003, 11:34 AM
Well, I am happy for you, Cherry! I would hope that if I announced that I was getting a new puppy that my Pet Talk friends would be happy for me too. Three of our four dogs were purchased as puppies, and they have proven to be delightful, lifelong friends to us. We did get a rescue dog the last time, and he is just as wonderful!

I hope you and your new puppy, who will be joining you soon, will be a wonderful addition to your family! :)

My Peanuts
11-04-2003, 12:44 PM
Welcome to pet talk! Congrats on getting a puppy. Just remember the best pets are shelter pets! :D Also shelters always have puppies, not just older dogs. What ever you decide to get please post tons of pictures! :D :D

Everyone on here is nuts about their pets, me included. Any advice given is given with your pets best interests in mind. It is true that occasionally people come off a bit harsh, but remember they have seen things happen in shelters that are not pleasant. These people speak from experience. Please don't let that influence you in being part of the Pet Talk family and soon your views will change just like mine did! I bought Sylvia, a purebred Pug, from a pet store in June. I now know that this was a bad move. I'm glad I have Sylvia, but all my dogs for the rest of my life will come from a shelter, which is where Harley came from. Homeless dogs and cats are a huge problem :(

11-04-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Dawn

the "pure-bred" dogs that are being born today mostly all have problems whether they are bred "responsibly" or not...strictly from over-breeding. So the prospect of starting new breeds is not a bad idea.

You are contradicting yourself. First you say that all purebreds have problems -- then you say that you like the idea of starting a new breed?

11-05-2003, 09:22 AM
That is not what I said- I said that as a dog lover I am open to the idea of making new breeds to breed out the "problems" in pure-bred dogs, instead of continuing to breed & breed the same breeds -resulting in the same problems. Like for instance the Shiloh Shepherd, the breeder loved the disposition of the German Shepherd but the German Shepherd has so many health problems- so instead of continuing to breed it she tried to create a new breed to breed out the problems of the Shepherd -but keep the beauty and the other wonderful qualities of the Shepherd. but I am against over-breeding.
And by creating a new breed-if done correctly-it is to try to eliminate or at least to minimize certain health problems.

11-05-2003, 09:38 AM
In this society, causing a new breed WILL eventually cause overbreedeing and problems. Also, even though Shilohs are a relatively new breed, the breed is already suffering from hip/elbow dysplasia.

11-05-2003, 09:54 AM
Yes-this is true it is bound to happen with anything that is over-bred.
And again it goes back to demand and greed. Humans will destroy everything eventually.

11-05-2003, 09:57 AM
Exactly -- it's inevitable. And I don't think we need any more breeds to destroy. A dog is put down every four seconds in the US. If we have more....It's isn't exactly going to be the oppisite.

11-05-2003, 10:34 AM
Well, Cherry... we haven't heard anymore. What's the update on your pup?
Or has everyone here scared you so bad-you are afraid to share any further information?

We all have strong opinions obviously, but most mean well.
We are all waiting to offer more advice...haha.

11-05-2003, 10:39 AM
I have a little advice. I am sure that you already know this. But in case you forgot, keep all electrical wires. EVERY electric wire. Puppies love to chew on them and it could cause serious damage to the puppie. Also, if the puppie is a little party animal you could name her Fiesta. And, if she is a REAL sweetheart, you can name her Sugar! :D

11-07-2003, 04:46 PM
hey im back....it took me a while to read all the replys. sorry. i hope i didnt insult anyone by saying 'toy poodles werent for my family'. they are very cute dogs, but when my family saw the parents of the puppies, they were bigger than we expected. thanks everyone for the advice! petlover, i love those two names, i will definitly tell my family about those two. ill post lots of pictures of her on nov 28 or 29! kept posting!thanks everyone for being supportive!