View Full Version : flashlight shadows

11-02-2003, 12:38 PM
Lucky loves it when we turn out the lights and shine a flashlight on the walls & ceiling. She'll follow the light around when it's on the ceiling and she tries to catch the light when we move it across the walls.

Gina Germ
11-05-2003, 02:52 PM
We have 4 cats. Three of them are older (14, 13, 12), and the other just turned three years old. Our two boys, Wuzzie our oldest, and our youngest, Carter, love to play Red Dot. That is, we take one of those light pointers and shine it across the floor and up the walls. While Wuzzie seems to lose interest somewhat quickly, realizing it's just a light, Carter could play forever. We run the light up the wall, and he runs and basically climbs and jumps up the wall. It's very cute to watch them play. The funniest thing about it, too, is that my father-in-law picked it up for them in Japan while on a business trip, realizing they'd probably have fun with it. He used it at a meeting then gave it to us for them. (I thought that was sweet.) My girls aren't as into toys. But they do sometimes find something on the floor and bat it around for a few minutes, which is fun to watch too.

11-15-2003, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the story Gina
I'm guessing the interest level relates to the cat's age. Lucky loves it for awhile but eventually just watches the light. She's 3 years old. Are your cats indoor or outdoor cats?



11-21-2003, 03:29 PM
My Husband and I buy christmas presents for our three babies every year. Last year we bought them a laser pen. They absolutely love it! They go crazy and "click" when I put it on the ceiling!
You can buy one at Radio Shack or Best buy for 20 bucks...it was the best cat toy i've ever bought!

11-24-2003, 08:34 PM
The laser pointer held my cats' interest for a time, but now it seems that they are on to it and can't be bothered. I wish they were still intrigued because as cat toys go, it requires virtually no effort on our part . . . we can interact with them while laying back and relaxing . . . unlike running around the house dragging a shoelace behind us for them to chase . . . well, I don't want them to be bored, so I comply with whatever seems to entertain them. :cool: