View Full Version : Anyone missing this?!

11-02-2003, 09:51 AM

Joey and I are walking down his driveway about to go out last night when I hear a kitty meowing. In his driveway I spy the kitty, friendly as can be. She was begging for someone. She let me pick her up. *SUCKER!* Anywho...Joey knows the look on my face and goes NO! Put it down. He told me it was probably the guy's next door that he had tons of cats. So I deposit kitty in the back yard(no fences) and hope she goes back to wherever she came from. She had to originally come from someone's home or someone's cat had kittens because she's very friendly.

Anywho, 3 hours later we come home. Who is still in the driveway? Kitty. Joey is ticked. He says no more animals. It's not coming in my apartment. (For some reason he rented a No pets apt.) So I'm standing in his living room holding kitty not budging. Joey starts saying how he has no milk and we'll put water in the back and if she's still there by morning we'll bring her to the SPCA. I'm still not budging from the living room with kitty. He grudgingly gives in a little and he brings me back to my place so I can care for kitty.

I waited until this morning to talk to him because I know he's grumpy when he's tired. He asked if I was going to call the SPCA. After I did a whole lecture on how they have too many, she'd most probably be PTS(I e-mailed my friend who works for our SPCA last night, she said unless I bring kitty to her to bring to the SPCA so she can put her name on kitty( so that kitty has to be adopted) that kitty will be PTS) I told him I'd like to try to find her a home myself ( or didn't say this out loud...*whispers* keep her.) Anyone want a kitty so I don't have to make that decision?!

He looks at me with this resigned look on his face and says"You will find her a home, right?" I responded in all seriousness, "Of course, I'll *try* to find her a home." I just know he knows that we may have another addition. For I found her(or she found me) I fed her and now she's my responsibility.I can't let her go unless I know she's in a good home.

As much as he grumbles, he's a teddy bear. He told me to go back to sleep this morning (it was 9 am) that he would feed the critters because I didn't get to bed until after 3am.

Kitty is a doll. Followed me all around the bathroom. Wasn't pleased with the nail clipping, bath and flea treatment. She's also skinny but she wasn't dehydrated. She was starving and proceeded to scarf down the kitty food I gave her. For now she's sequestered in my downstairs bathroom.

What am I going to do with her?!?!

11-02-2003, 10:06 AM
I would love to take her , but I already have 12 inside and 4 outside. I know that it is eay for me to say , but PLEASE give her a home. And the love that you give , will be returbned in multibles!

11-02-2003, 10:38 AM
Oh my! What to do? My husband says all those things to me. His comments started when we had three. You know...This is it! To much hair, vet bills, food, litter, tearing up the house, blah, blah, blah!! Now that we have NINE he just looks at me and says "Why don't you just go ahead and make it an even dozen?" He sounds grumpy too but God help the person that ever tried to hurt one of our kitties! He loves them all too. I know we have more than enough and we really don't have room or the finances to care for any more. BUT I also know that if that precious little stray wandered into my yard I would be in trouble! If I couldn't find it a good home then it would stay. It is so hard to know what to do. I guess deep down you know when you have reached your limit and you will do what you have to do.
My guess is that from the tone of your post...You have a new kitty!! She is adorable! I bet we see more pictures of this cute baby girl! Good luck and I know that it will turn out right no matter what you do!:) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

11-02-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Chinadoll

What am I going to do with her?!?!

1. Love her.
2. Feed her.
3. Vaccinate her.
4. Alter her.
5. Play with her.
6. Enjoy her.
7. Spoil her.
8. Treasure her.
9. Clean up after her.
10. Learn from her.

Hey, Tiff, you want any more things?

11-02-2003, 11:09 AM
I know I know. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can drop her off with my friend who works at the SPCA so she an bring her in and get her shots, FIV/FeLV tested etc..

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-02-2003, 12:58 PM
She is GORGEOUS!!! What's her name?:D

11-02-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
1. Love her.
2. Feed her.
3. Vaccinate her.
4. Alter her.
5. Play with her.
6. Enjoy her.
7. Spoil her.
8. Treasure her.
9. Clean up after her.
10. Learn from her.

Hey, Tiff, you want any more things?

:D :D

I can't tell you how many lastest additions that haven't exactly been the males idea, but ends up being "their" cat/dog/pet. My Spot and my parent's Jack are two good examples.

11-02-2003, 01:10 PM
Kitty looks very young. 6-8 weeks I would guess. She knew why she came towards you.

11-02-2003, 08:40 PM
AAWWWWWWWWWW What a cutie pie. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck with her and I also hope that all her test results are negative.

11-02-2003, 11:21 PM
She's adorable. :D I sure hope that you're able to find her a great loving caring forever home (that is if you don't end up adopting her yourself). Please keep us updated. :)

11-03-2003, 01:03 AM
I would like to Point out that Miss Kitty has ABY EARS!

She is adorable. She also needs a name other than kitty.

Can I suggest Maro (Korean word for Marshmallow)

:D :D :D

11-03-2003, 11:43 AM
Am I the only one who feels that you should first try to find Miss Kitty's family? You don't know the circumstances. Some little child could be crying their eyes out because their kitty got out of the house. I'd walk around the neighborhood where you found her and ask folks if they lost a cat.

My 17-year old cat (Kuhio) was "rescued" by a neighbor who called Animal Control. She was put to sleep at the shelter before we found out she was there. My husband and I were out of town and our house sitter didn't even look for Kuhio when she noticed the food wasn't being eaten. If she had walked around the neighborhood (or if my neighbor had before she called Animal Control), Kuhio would be home now with her loving family. She was only 4 houses away!

I'd try to find Miss Kitty's owner. If they don't want her back, I think you've got yourself a new baby.

11-03-2003, 11:51 AM
What a darling! Hopefully she will find a good place. :)


11-03-2003, 11:53 AM
I was as opposed to having Miss Kate as your boyfriend is to having your new little kitty! Now, Miss Kate is MY kitty! I love her, love her, love her!

If she doesn't find her family, it sounds like your boyfriend might have himself a new best friend! Just "let" him feed her a couple of times and she'll worm her way right into his heart.;)