View Full Version : Halloween party -_-

11-01-2003, 06:46 PM
Urg. Well, friday started off with me getting up super early and spending the whole day out at my cottage finishing stuff. Me and Cate put in a lot of time and money. So we start our scavenger hunt thing. It starts fine but one team totally doesnt care to try. They end up giving up after 3 searchs. It was such a let down. The other team wanted to continue too but couldn't really. -sigh- I felt really bad too from how much work we put in it. Like for the last few weeks off and on and ALL friday. Oh well..I guess it was fun other then that. *it was the guys who gave up and were whining lol guess its not their thing* I have a couple pics I'll show later of -orbs- like ghost orbs. hah, it -almost- looks like its real lol ;)

11-01-2003, 11:14 PM

11-02-2003, 01:46 AM
Aww, i'm sorry it didn't run out how you planned. :(

11-02-2003, 01:48 AM
I am sorry the scavenger hunt thingy did not work out as you would have liked it to. it is shame considering how much work you put in to it.

I would still like to see pics though :)