View Full Version : First things you do when you get home??

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-01-2003, 04:36 AM
I was wondering - what are the first things you do when you get home from work / school?

- dump keys, cellphone, handbag and laptop
- say hello to the cats; kids and hubby
- change into sweatpants and a t-shirt/fleece and wooly socks
- take off my jewellery and make-up and tie up my hair!

11-01-2003, 04:50 AM
_Dump keys, purse, coat and take off SHOES!!!!!!!
_Say HI and pet and kiss each cat that is in the living room (which is usually MOST of them)
_Turn on computer and check e-mail and pet talk (YES, this is REALLY what I do first)
_Check on the fosters and give them spme time
_Think about dinner

11-01-2003, 05:32 AM
- Dump Keys, Bag, Coat etc

- Ignore dogs for atleast 5 minutes (But its hard when you have all 3 jumping up on you for kisses and cuddles)

- Give in and greet dogs

-Feed the always hungry YumiCat and get head bumpies from her

-Turn on computer, check PT, Email, Flyball association site and our dog club site.

- Think about dinner

thats about all

11-01-2003, 06:06 AM
--Dump keys, purse, lunchbox, and SHOES

--check on Willow, give him a quick grooming, put pellets in his cage, and give him some loving

--Run to the road and check the mailbox (yea in sock feet) :o

--Go get Malone from his crate and hug & kiss him (for 5 minutes)

--Go get Rilla from her cage and say hi to her for a few minutes

--Find Marigold sleeping somewhere, wake her up and say hi to her for a few minutes. Bring her and Malone up to the den

--Check email/pet talk until Mark is done working

--Then Mark empties the dishwasher while I make dinner.

That's more or less what happens everyday.

11-01-2003, 06:14 AM
Since I work out of an office in my house....there is no *getting home* per se.

What does happen is a short time before quitting time, my dogs come into my office. (They don't stay in there with me during the day...go figure!)

They both stand right by my desk chair and look up at me. I keep typing.

Soon Hannah lets out a bark. I keep typing.

More barks spaced intermittently. *Okay, okay!*

I go to the bathroom and then put on whatever clothing and shoes necessary to go outside...the dogs are racing back and forth.

Outside to pick up poop and play kong. Checking email or PT is not permitted between work and playtime. (says Hannah)

11-01-2003, 06:48 AM
Grab mail from box on the way in the house.
Greet ecstatic doggies who act like they haven't seen me in months.
Take off coat (if wearing one :) ), throw handbag down and go let doggies out who, by this time, are dancing around holding their legs together! :o
Go through mail while they go potty
Greet kitties if I can find them (they are usually asleep :rolleyes: )
Check answering machine
Bring dogs in and have a few minutes of silliness with them
Change clothes
Check e-mail/Pet Talk
Think about dinner

11-01-2003, 07:49 AM
dump keys on table,
- say hello to the dogs
- change into sweatpants/comfortable top
- turn on Tv
- snack
- turn on the PC

11-01-2003, 08:16 AM
Well, getting home is between 730-8 pm three nights a week, so, things are kind of down to a science.

In through the garage, kick shoes off in basement. Up to the house, say hello to the kitties sitting on the steps. Drop gym bag, briefcase, pocketbook, thermos, water bottle and lunchbag on table. Let Binx inside (neighbor lets him out 545), into the kitchen, put food in his bowl first, freshen water, then, start medications with Tex, feed Tex, look at clock, and say, crud...it is late. Finish with the cats food/freshen water, then, look in fridge for food. I clean my thermos, water bottle, lunch supplies while dinner is cooking. Stop cooking, hit the shower, come back, eat, let Binx out, and go to bed.

On the two days I am home 'early', I switch clothes immediately, tell the cats I will return, and take Binx for a stroll. Then, I start the above earlier.

It is RARE that I eat before the animals are all fed, relieved, etc.

Felicia's Mom
11-01-2003, 08:36 AM
Grab mail on the way in.

Greet Felicia and Beau

Dump purse, bag and take off coat

Take off shoes and change clothes

Feed cats

Think about my supper

Aspen and Misty
11-01-2003, 08:54 AM
Take off my back pack and attacked by Nova with TONS of kisses :D :p
Go to my room and let Breeze out of her cage
Let them go potty
Go for about a 45 min walk
Come home and do nesicary cleaning of cages and get everyone fresh food and water
By this time its about 6:30 or 7 and my dad is comeing home so we have dinner


11-01-2003, 09:12 AM
I am home all day, so when I wake up

- turn on my computer
- go brush my teeth hair
- call Cubby into the bathroom so he can go potty (otherwise he will cry all day long until I go in there with him)
- check email
- play a few games
- go to pettalk
- play with Cubby for a few minutes
- pet him for a few minutes
- start the house work
- play on my computer even more

When I do leave the house,
- I drop my purse, take off my coat, kick off my shoes
- Pick up Cubby hold him for a few minutes
- go to the bedroom put on some P.J's (I don't get out of my P.J's unless I have to)
- turn my computer back on
- reach over and pet Cubby somemore while he sits right next to my chair
- check email/pettalk
- make dinner
- watch tv
- play on computer a little longer
- watch a little more tv
- then go to bed

Yes I know I have no life outside of my computer and my cat.:) :rolleyes:


11-01-2003, 09:55 AM
Aww, I wish I was allowed to stay home all day too like some of you, but I have school:(
First thing I do when i get home is groom Blueberry:p LOL, I would take the brush and groom his face with it first. He loves rubbing his face against it.
Then I do about 30mins of homework, try to finish it all. Then I go on the computer, usually until dinner time:o So, whenever I'm at home I'm usually on the Internet:o

11-01-2003, 10:09 AM
-Take off shoes
-Put cellphone, backpack or purse, lunchpail on wash machine.
-Let Teddy out to pee
-Check mail
-Check email and PT and my SBC (work) site
-Take a shower! (I get dirty from work)

11-01-2003, 10:14 AM
- dump bag, keys etc
- pee
- pet Max who has following me into the BR
- hang up work clothes
- change clothes
- pet Speckles
- feed cats
- check home email
- check out TV schedule, nothing on?? Log on to Pet Talk
- later on, eat myself
- get lunch ready for next day
- in bed by 11 pm

11-01-2003, 10:24 AM
When I get home from school I throw down my bookback/coat, and take off my shoes. Then Katie comes running to me for attention. and Maggie is usually sleeping so I pet her and the dog. Then I get a snack out and then I do homework while im on the computer. Then I eat supper. Then I usually get on the computer or watch t.v.:)

11-01-2003, 10:36 AM
-Put my backpack and book down.

-Let Nala jump up on me, gently, holding her paws as I give her a kiss on the lips. =P I swear, it always looks like she's smiling when I come home :)

-Depending on if I went to the bathroom in Forth Period or not I ... Go to the bathroom, with the crazy dogs following me.

-Or, I sit down right away so they can say Hi to me.

-Let the dogs outside to go potty, and go outside with them (normally) with my camera. Take pictures, run around with them.

-Tell them it's time to come in, give them fresh water and sit down at computer to check PT.

Then that's normally where I am until I go to bed. :p

11-01-2003, 10:57 AM
Well, I work untill 10 or 11 most nights, so it's a little different:
--come in, greet all 4 happy doggies (if hubby's not home, I have to get 3 of them out of "their room")

--go potty

--get kisses from Abbey and Riley

--let them outside to play for a while

--get my comfy clothes on

--settle in with the dogs

--check the puter

If I work during the day, it's pretty much the same, but usually a walk and more playtime for the dogs.

11-01-2003, 12:01 PM
Take off my shoes.

Put my coat in the closet.

Go see the birdies.

Spend a little time with them, give them birdie kisses and scritches.

Put them on my shoulders.

Run upstairs (with birdies).

Hop onto computer chair.

Log onto PT. (computer's already on........it always is):o :o :o

Surf all the threads I've been missing while I was out.

Hear mom calling........say I'm coming.

Close PT window.

Run downstairs.

Eat a snack.

Do some chores.

Back upstairs.

Back onto PT.

Surf for awhile.....post for awhile.

Leave the computer.

Go workout.

Wonder what's going on at PT.

Finish working out.

Change clothes.

Back on PT. :rolleyes:

And I'm NOT kidding. :o LOL LOL

11-01-2003, 12:56 PM
Greet Mickey who won't even let me walk in unless I pet him

Take off my school bag, shoes and coat

Go upstairs to change into my PJ's

Usually I'll have a snack and talk to my mom a little or I'll go on the computer right away

Do my homework while on the computer *bad habit* :p

Eat supper


11-01-2003, 01:13 PM
- drop off bookbag/purse
- Greet Rosie since she runs insanely at me, wagging her butt off, then Anna comes along, and I greet her and pet them for 5 minutes and talk to them
- Find something to eat
- Turn on TV
- Check email/chat online for a while (actually, an hour or so)
- Do homework while online or watching tv/listening to music - funny but it helps me to focus..

11-01-2003, 01:22 PM
Run straight to the computer. :eek: THEN I dump everything off lol. I take off my shoes, coat, and everything. No wonder it's such a mess over here.

EDIT: I didn't mean I take off all my clothes lol. :o

11-01-2003, 01:23 PM
+Put down keys, purse, and books

+Watch Moose charge at me and let him give me some slobbery kisses

+Let Moose outside/take him for a walk

+Bring him back inside, sit down on the couch with him and just relax

+Check e-mail and PT

+Call boyfriend [yes, PT normally comes before boyfriend ;)]

And from there, it varies. :D

11-01-2003, 01:35 PM
-take off boots
-take bag to my room
-leave jacket there as well
-release the hounds
-let them outside
-go to the bathroom
-let the dogs in
-go on the computer(otherwise I will never got on again that day lol):p

11-01-2003, 01:57 PM
- dump backpack, tkae off shoes.

- go raid kitchen

-check email and pet talk

-read and do homework.

11-01-2003, 03:14 PM
-Greet a very happy kai
-dump stuff down
-turn on comp, check pt/email/other forums (Stay on comp for a couple hours)
-train kai
-eat dinner
-walk them
-feed them
-finish the rest of my hw

11-01-2003, 04:34 PM
Come inside, dump Pooh bag and pocketbook on the table.

Look around, "Where's my bunny?" try to find Miss Hoppy, say hello if she's up. Find Paul, say hello if he's up!

Check email, check Pet Talk. Perhaps open snail mail while my machine starts up.

Steffi N
11-01-2003, 08:16 PM
Grab mail on the way up to my second floor garden apartment

Look at mail

Dump mail and keys and take off shoes

Hang up jacket

Bathroom if necessary

Check phone messages, turning on computer on the way

See that Lovable has fresh water, and if he needs more dry food in his dish.

Check e-mail, while petting Lovable.

Settle down to watch the news and get something to eat.

During the evening Lovable will let me know when he wants playtime or just to curl up on the couch with me.

And, of course, check PT.