View Full Version : One in, one out...one back in, one back out....Whew!

11-01-2003, 02:04 AM
Having one of those days where I feel like a door man at a pet hotel.

All day today it been in and out the door. First I have Cannilla who is in heat. She has cancer so could not be fixed, we knew that when we got her, so we knew it be a pain at times. But then add on Tuffy who is also unaltered, because of a heart problem. Discovered that a week or so ago when we took him in to be fixed. Then add Mooch who has decided for some reason to go in and out all day just to sit on the deck for 5 mins and then want back in.

So this is how my day has gone. First find Tuffy....but him on the back porch, go inside and let Cannilla out the front door. Run to the back door to get Tuffy in before he figures out that Cannilla out. Mean while Mooch wants out....holding Tuffy back so he doesn't get out. Then of course Mooch wants back in. Hold Tuffy back again...let Mooch in. Now off to get Cannilla and put her on the back porch, go inside and let Tuffy out the front door. Run back to the porch and let Cannilla in. Of course by this time Mooch wants out again. And of course during all this my Cali (kitten) run to the door ever time wanted to see what the outside world like. So I always have to grap her and put her back in the house. (she never been outside)

and thats just those guys...then theres the other cats in and out all day long....in to eat, out to pee, in to nap, out to play. Then Ginger who has decided that any cat that come to her front door need to be reminded that it's her door.

Today I thinking...no more pets, I'm getting to old for this. But at least by the end of all this I could always get a job as a door man. :D :D ;)

Ugh!!!!!! I'm tired. I love ever one of my babies and they are the best but somedays they push it. ;) ;)

We all had days like this Right???

11-01-2003, 07:35 AM
Sometimes I want to buy a rotating door for my dogs, they just can never decide--they want to go out so bad, and when they do, they want to come back in if I shut the door:rolleyes:
The weather is gorgeous here this weekend, but as soon as it cools off again, I can't be leaving the door open!!!

We're dogsitting this weekend, and I'm going crazy!!!! Mitch isn't into our routine (which means sleeping in on Saturday mornings), and he has just been a lot of work!!!!!!!!!

11-01-2003, 08:25 AM
I am reading this and laughing because that's how my day is going too!!! (maybe it's the solar flare thingy...:D )

My hubby had to go into work today, and when Buddy wakes up.... he's up for the day.... Sierra... she just wanted to cuddle back into bed with me. But Nooooooooooooooo not Buddy, so I've been up since 6:15 and they have been in and out 4 or 5 times already!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know... just tell him no, and make him lay down (yeah right!) When he wants to go outside and I tell him no and all that stuff, he'll sit in front of me barking (and anyone who was in Findlay knows how loud Buddy can be:o )

So .... out they go.... then back in... then out... then in.... then out... then back in.....

11-01-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
I know I know... just tell him no, and make him lay down (yeah right!) When he wants to go outside and I tell him no and all that stuff, he'll sit in front of me barking (and anyone who was in Findlay knows how loud Buddy can be:o )

So .... out they go.... then back in... then out... then in.... then out... then back in.....

Thats how it works here too, except not the barking, Mooch just sits in front of me doing what we call her happy dance. There is no telling her NO not yet,the dance just goes on and on.

This morning Cannilla woke me up EARLY with her noes in my face wanted out. So half asleep I go through the in and out thing again. Poor Cannilla I was so asleep that went I put her on the back porch to let Tuffy in......I forgot to let her out of the porch. :rolleyes: So I'm thinking she outside the whole time.

Bad mommy