View Full Version : Long time no talk...

10-31-2003, 11:44 PM
Well I haven't talked here in a wile so I thoght I will updaet you and my pets. First of all How was everyones HALLOWEEN?! My was ok I guess. We still have Trigger I think mom has gave up on that idea! Thank goodness!!!:D
I am sorry (for you all) to say my poodle Chloe will be expecting in a couple of weeks. she will be a new mom and the proud fauther is Quncy. And our little poodle boy that Cricket had is now sold.:( His nam is now Zeky and he lives with another poodle.
My mom has a friend who is moving to Texas and my mom has done a favor for her by taking a few puppies for her to sell. Ok this lady has like every breed of dog posible!!!! :eek: She has millions. I have been to her house and oh man does it stink! My mom took 8 puppies from her. They were all poodles very poor bred ones! But I guess that is going ok. My moms gets payed 75$ for every puppy she sells so she is happy about that, Sence X-mas is coming up. Well I guess that is all right now. Bye!:)