View Full Version : Halloween with the DOTD! :) *pics*

10-31-2003, 09:28 PM
First off, i'd like to say I hope EVERYONE had a fun, safe Halloween, no matter if you celebrated it, or not. :)

First, Nala and I gave out treats until my sister came.

My sister came and took me trick or treating, Nala came along.
EVERYONE (including the little kids, which you'd think all they would say is "AWWWW") said Nala was "Sooooo Beautiful" and "Sooooo well-behaved." Everyone commented on how sweet she was, how chilled she was and how their dog would be going CRAZY if they had it out. She wanted to go in EVERYONES house lol! She didn't want to leave the houses because just about EVERY house we went to, someone sat there petting her for 3 or so minutes.

They were amazed when I said her age, because she was being such a good girl. I made her sit when we went to someone's door, after a few houses, she caught on and did it on her own.

I ended up taking off the sweater part of her costume, because I didn't want her too get uncomfortable.
I also took her harness off -- It's unbelievable how much stronger she is WITHOUT her harness on. She walks so much more gentle when she's on the harness and she's easier to controll.

Anyways, here are som photos from tonight. :) I didn't take any while trick or treating because I didn't want to risk loosing or dropping my camera.

--First, Nala wants to thank Karen and Paul for allowing her to be DOTD, as well as all of the nice comments in Today's Dog. :)

--Carving the pumpkin.... I gave Nala and *itsy bitsy* piece of pumpkin and she enjoyed it.

--Mom & I experimented with the pumpkin -- You know how it's all like shredded inside the pumpkin walls? well we scrapped all of the gooey stuff out and then some of the inside pumpkin. We mixed it with cinnamon and other sweet spices and fried them. They weren't too bad tasting but the texture was weird.

--Then my sister arrived and wanted to take pictures with Nala...
Can anyone guess who she went as?

--We went around 3 or 4 blocks, and this is what I got... Plus the leftovers from my parent's :)

--Nala is pooped!

Well, That's all -- I hope everyone had a nice night!

All Creatures Great And Small
10-31-2003, 09:32 PM
Wow, I wish that cute doggie had come to MY house - I'd have given her more treats than the kids! What a super-cutie pie, and she IS a good girl to be around all those kids and not get hyper.

(um - I think I'll pass on the pumpkin patties though, LOL)

10-31-2003, 09:34 PM
Great photos! Sounds like you all had fun! :D

I still can't believe how big Nala is now! :eek:

I was going to dress up as Trinity (my boyfriend is going to be Neo), but I decided not too...

10-31-2003, 09:41 PM
GREAT PICS! Nala is too cute for words! :D :D :D
I'm glad she was so well behaved! What a smart girl! :D
You sister must be dressed as.... TRINITY! She did a great job! :)


10-31-2003, 09:47 PM
Hehe-- thanks guys!

Yep -- she's Trinity.

The suit was actually a cat woman costume from years ago, which she just wore a belt over & sunglasses. She also wore boots she had. She looked all over for black capguns, which she had no luck finding. She ended up buying neon colored ones, and had my dad spray paint them.:p

10-31-2003, 10:07 PM
I had fun handing out candy, It was wayy to cold, like below 0 to go out lol. Hardly any kids came to my house. But the few who did got lotsa treats and a kiss from baby. lol She was soo freaked out by the haunted house music lol she was barking at it. omg and then I opened the door and my cat got out :eek: he came back like 5 min later though thank god, he was scared of the fire works. It was a sad halloween :(:( because it was on a firday night, no kids were alloud out, because parents were to periniod .. :(:(... O well.

11-01-2003, 05:36 PM
LOl.. I'm sick of candy already ;x

11-01-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
LOl.. I'm sick of candy already ;x

ehhh me too.. blleccck

11-01-2003, 06:09 PM
lol happy went trick or treating too! she was a huge hit, and evev carried her own candy bag, and she git lots of stuff too! she also wanted to go in everyones houses and she got so much petting and treats! and everyone would call all there family to the door to look at the cute little dog! :D she was out all over that end of the city and ATILL wanted to play after! it was so cold out we were invited inside(just inside the door where we could feel the heat and warm our faces) I collected so much extra candy with happy getting just as much as I did!:eek: everyone loved her! looks like happy and nala both had a very busy and petting filled night:D :p

11-01-2003, 06:53 PM
I see. So this is what you were talking about -_- Would have been easier had you said -you'll see tom- to begin with lol..I missed it however. Congrats :P

11-02-2003, 02:03 AM
I didn't want to give it away. :p