View Full Version : I'm still debating...

10-30-2003, 09:37 PM
I let Sydney out of the bedroom and my cats are a little stressed out. I put her in the room when I'm not home and keep a close eye on them when I am home.

I really want to do what's best for both MY cats and Sydney. I know if I bring her to the shelter, she'll sit in a cage till she finds (IF???) a home. The shelter has over 250 cats right now.

She can't be spayed for at least 3 weeks, till her milk dries up. In the meantime, MOST of my cats could care less about her. There are a couple that have issues, but I'm hoping with time and with her being spayed, things will settle down.

My question is, SHOULD I adopt her? That'll bring my total up to 9 cats. I am now working 2 jobs and can afford to keep her. But I just don't want to stress my other cats out. And I know that keeping her as a foster limits her chances of getting adopted cuz she's not at the shelter where she can actually be seen.

What should I do??

10-30-2003, 09:54 PM
I think that you should wait a little while before making your decision, and have times everyday where you let Sydney out and let the other cats get to know her a little bit etc. If they get along, and she gets spayed, I really think you should keep her. But if it doesn't work out, you don't want your cats to be unhappy, so you would have to send her back to the shelter, and hope for the best.:) Good Luck!

10-31-2003, 12:25 AM
Donna, I think you know your cats best. And I think that Sydney is in the most perfect home for both of you. Your cats have made it thru the introductions before I think they will be ok.
I just hope that you aren't spreading yourself too thin, with your 8-9 furbies and 2 jobs. But I also think that you know YOURSELF best too.
{{{hugs to you!!}}}

10-31-2003, 02:16 AM
Ditto Dogz & shais_mom

I would give it some time to see if she settles, before making a decision, either way.

Look after yourself, there is no point in having 8/9 furbabies if you never go home and spend time with them ;)

Cats anti-stress qualities only work if stroked daily (and with a glass of wine at the weekends)

10-31-2003, 06:08 AM
I can't answer and I'll tell you why..........I too want SOOOOOOO badly to adopt Chevy, but I KNOW that I should not. The way in which it differs from your situation is that I KNOW that he is to remain in a foster home until he reaches 1 year of age as that is the age when our group lets them into the actual shelter building, so I know he will be here until then or until adopted. My theory is (for now), I am enjoying him (as my own) but am also giving him every opportunity to find his new parents (taking him to adoption day events). SO, if you have the option to continue to foster while still giving her a CHANCE at a new life, I'd say go for it. If the only way she will have a chance for adoption is to go to the shelter, maybe you can put a time limit on it (Like if 30 days go by, I will adopt her myself). Here is hoping you can decide the best thing to do.

10-31-2003, 01:42 PM
Just a bump to the top for Donna

10-31-2003, 02:00 PM
I think the most difficult thing right now is that Sydney is in heat. MooShoo is SMITTEN with her and Doogie tries to hump her, even though they can't DO anything, if you know what I mean. Whenever Doogie approaches her, she lets out this weird noise, rolls over on her back and then attacks him. She's such a tease!!

I'll give it a while before I make any decision. It's only been a few days and I know patience is the key. But I also don't want to stress MY cats out either. I also know from past experience that she'd have a FAR better chance of a furrrrrever home (other than mine) if she were on display at the shelter.

Thanks for the feedback guys. As always, I value your opinions.