View Full Version : Meet Heidi

10-30-2003, 12:48 PM
Heidi is a new addition to our family. She was going to be sent to a pet store in a Houston Mall and we saved her from there. She is a sweet heart and a total cutey. The kids around my town will not pet her because out of 3 daddys one was a rottweiler. It's so mean. She is mainly black lab. Her mother was a black lab, and one of her daddys were a black lab. Another one of her Daddys were a chocolate lab. But, just because of a little rottweiler people hold it against her. Anyhow, this is our precious Heidi. I hope that you that are reading this is looking at Heidi's sweet self and looking past the rottweiler. She is so sweet!

10-30-2003, 12:51 PM
Even though litters can have several different dads, an individual puppy can only have one dad. So maybe her dad is one of the Labs and not the Rottie. Anyway, she's CUTE!

10-30-2003, 01:22 PM
What a cutie!! :D

My Peanuts
10-30-2003, 01:31 PM
First I'd like to say that that is a really cute puppy. I'm glad you saved her from a mall pet store where tons of kids would be poking her and teasing her. Secondly, this is probably a stupid question, but what do you mean there can be several dads to one litter!? I don't know anything about breeding because I would never breed dogs myself. I had no idea that one litter could be fathered by several different males. :eek:

10-30-2003, 01:46 PM
Look PAST the rottie--no way!!!!!!:p

She is adorable!!

10-30-2003, 03:04 PM
No need for me to "look past" the Rottie "side" either!!:D Oh, what a cutie patootie!!! She is precious!! Congratulations to you.. and adorable little Heidi! Ohhhh, I want to kiss those precious paws and soft ears!:) Lots more pics please...we want to see her growing up!

And I must say, as a medical person, I am totally embarassed to say that I never knew a single litter could be fathered by more than one dog!!:eek::o Just HOW does that work???:D

10-30-2003, 03:42 PM
Well - when human females ovulate, they only release one egg. That egg can be fertilized by one sperm. Therefore each child has one father.

When a dog ovulates, she releases many eggs. Each egg can be fertilized by one sperm. If the female dog mates with more than one male, then each dog she has mated with contributes sperm. Each egg can still be fertilized by one sperm, so it just depends which sperm cells reach each egg! Each dog still only has one father.

Believe it or not, it can happen with humans as well. Fraternal twins occur when a woman releases two eggs. There was actually a case when a woman gave birth to fraternal twins - one black and one white!