View Full Version : Guess the Name

10-29-2003, 11:03 PM
I just came up with a new game. You send in a picture of a dog and tell a little info about it. You put some hints in with the info so that they can try and guess your dogs name. I'll start.

This is my sheltie. I got her for Christmas. The day after I got her we took her to the vet and there were a litter of puppies there. The women said that one of the puppie's names were Halleluah or however you spell it. The vet did not know how to spell that so he put something else down for short. This gave me the idea to name her _ _ _ _ _ _. Have fun!!!!!!!!

10-29-2003, 11:09 PM
I'm not sure about this game, since most of us know each other's dog's names.