View Full Version : The pitbull I caught this morning...warning disturbing

10-29-2003, 08:42 PM
Remember when I found that beautiful Husky, Tasha? I said that I thought that someone that fought pits owned her. Then I met the guy, he was all sweet and loving towards Tasha. So, I felt bad for being judgmental. I thought I must have been totally wrong.

Well, 4am I hear dogs barking like crazy. I go out front to see what is going on, and Tasha and her pitbull brother have some cats treed.

He's obviously been fought. He is very skittish, I am just asking to get attacked. It took me forever to get him in the house. I finally got him into the crate.

I already got Tasha to the husky rescue that I got Roxy from. The woman that runs it said she'll have no problem adopting her out. She's going to send her a few hours away to an affiliate rescue. I would SO keep Tasha, if I didn't live right by that guy.

Aly was right, I called three rescues and they all said by my description that the pit wasn't adoptable. I called my vet, talked to him for a while. He said the same thing...put him down. But he said a) he can't knowingly put a dog down that he knows isn't mine. b) he would have to turn me in if I came in saying the dog was mine and it appeared to be abused. The vet suggested I call the shelter and say I found it. He said with the dog's condition, it'd be put down right away. So, not knowing what to do, and feeling the pressure of time. (Didn't want this guy to discover his dog in my backyard, can't keep him around to long since he is animal aggressive.) I called the animal shelter...they came out. I wasn't home because I was taking Tasha to the rescue. Well, Mike talked to the officer. The officer said "aww, that's common of pitbulls...send him back to the owner, he'll have a better life then at the pound." He wouldn't take him!!! :mad:

So, I then called my brother and asked him to keep the dog for a few days until I figured out what to do. I put my truck in the garage, closed the door, and put the dog in the back in the crate. As I was driving to away, the dog's owner flagged me down. I stopped. He asked me where Tasha was. I told him that I'd caught them both and put them in the backyard, but when I came home, Tasha was gone. I told him Tasha must have slipped under the fence since she was so small. I asked him what was wrong with the dog and he said it was from ramming the fence. This dogs entire body especially the neck is covered in bite marks. The scabs are constantly falling off and bleeding again. He has scars all over. He slapped the dog really hard on the butt and started roughing him up. He was instantly yelling at the dog as I was walking away. The dog's name was Whetto. :rolleyes: (For you that don't know, that's an offensive spanish slang term for white boy.)

I am so sick over it. But this guy is felon, it isn't like I can stand up to him. What confidence do I have in animal control when they physically saw the dog and didn't take him? I want to write the paper about it, but they won't take anonymous editorials. I cannot believe this.

Thank God I at least got Tasha out of that home. I know he has several pit bulls. Here are a few pictures. Sorry that they are disturbing. To be honest, my camera is blurry. They wounds are actually much worse then they appear, and like I said, they are everywhere.

Tasha sitting on Jaden:




10-29-2003, 08:58 PM
If he has a lot of pits, I'd call the authorities and let them know that there's pit fighting going on. You can almost always remain anonymous.

10-29-2003, 09:04 PM

Dog fighting is a crime in CA.
Is their a SPCA for your area?
Is their some way you can call with-out giving
your idenity and report this guy so he can be investigated?
What a sad situation.

Thank goodness you saved Tasha.

10-29-2003, 09:08 PM
Such beautiful animals....nothing deserves that teatment. If I ever find who was abusive to my pup before i got her...how can people do that? The look in that pit bulls eyes breaks my heart.

10-29-2003, 09:15 PM
Poor dog.:( That looks like bite marks to me. If the guy
from animal control chose not to deal with it, I'd call them
again & talk to someone else. Most AC depts. let individual
officers make their own judgement calls most of the time.
It's possible he's afraid of the dog or the owner himself. I'd
call again & try to be there to talk to them when they come
out. Maybe they'll send another officer this time. What a shame.
I am glad you got Tasha out of there.

10-29-2003, 09:18 PM
It's possible he's afraid of the dog or the owner himself.

I think he's afraid of the owner. I've found out that the neighbors have reported this guy a few times. I am reporting it again, and I WILL escalate it. If all else fails, I am sure his dogs will get lose again. Next time, I'll make sure they don't make it back.

10-29-2003, 09:20 PM
Atta girl! Instead of animal control, call the SPCA or the Humane Society.

10-29-2003, 09:21 PM
Dog fighting is a crime in CA.

The officer said that all pits fight, it's their nature...that those scars and wounds don't necessarily mean that he's been fought. So, bring him back to the owner...the shelter is overcrowded. :mad:

10-29-2003, 09:58 PM
I am so mad at myself for letting him go back to his owner. I shouldn't say, but let's put it this way. After wrestling Whetto into the crate, my clothing was covered in blood from all of his wounds opening up.

10-29-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I am so mad at myself for letting him go back to his owner. I shouldn't say, but let's put it this way. After wrestling Whetto into the crate, my clothing was covered in blood from all of his wounds opening up.

But Tonya, what else could you have done? Told the guy no? I don't think so.

Don't be mad at yourself. Another opportunity will present itself. Just BE CAREFUL! This guy sounds like a real piece of crap.

10-30-2003, 07:19 AM
tonya, animal control reports to some one. who supervises a.c. in calif? county commissioners? i'd call the supervising department and report the inaction to a supervisor. take notes of the conversation, then i'd take this past them to the county district attorney, take notes of that conversation. let them know that this type of criminal activity is being ignored, and that the citizens, who elect the district attorney and county commisioners, are watching. hope this helps

10-30-2003, 07:56 AM
Sorry, I don't have any extra advice, but I am glad that you got Tasha out of that situation and she'll be able to find a good home.

10-30-2003, 07:59 AM

Go to the television stations. They LOVE this kinda stuff where the city's officials aren't doing their jobs. Once you get the media involved see how quickly action is taken.

BELIEVE me, it'll work. I worked for a newspaper so I know how that system works! Call the newspapers and the media. You'll get action FAST!!

10-30-2003, 08:28 AM
I'm sorry that AC wouldn't do anything.

You tried, and that's the best you could do.
Like Donna said, get the story out there if you can--media loves stuff like this!!

Good luck!

10-30-2003, 08:57 AM

AC lied. It is NOT a pitbull's nature to fight. It is how they are raised. That's why pitbulls have gotten such bad raps over the years. :mad:

I know a couple of people who have them and they are very loving, affectionate dogs because of the way they were raised.

So sorry, I don't buy that for one minute! :mad: :mad:

10-30-2003, 09:16 AM
Me either Donna. :mad: I can't believe that an AC officer would say something like that! :(

I'm so glad you got Tasha out of there. Did she have wounds on her too?

So sad... :(

10-30-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
The officer said that all pits fight, it's their nature...that those scars and wounds don't necessarily mean that he's been fought. So, bring him back to the owner...the shelter is overcrowded. :mad:

Remind the AC guy/gal that all dog owners are required by
law to provide treatment by a Vet for the animal's injuries. I'll
bet this dog has never even seen the inside of a Vet's office.

I hope you can make a difference in this poor dog's life. No
animal should have to live like that. Thanks for trying to help

10-30-2003, 11:13 AM
This is absolutely terrible! It just gives me a stomach ache! I'm so worried that the guy will hurt you if you get him in trouble. Obviously he has absolutely no moral values. OH - be careful!

Those poor, poor dogs. Have you ever met a pit bull that has been raised properly? They're the sweetest dogs - honestly. "In their nature to fight" - what makes that officer the authority on dog behavior?!?! The jerk.

Linda York
10-30-2003, 02:18 PM
:( :( :( That poor baby. He needs to be rescued immediatley. If the driver that came out refused to get involved call and ask to talk to the HEAD person. It is against the law and this person should be stopped. :mad: :mad: Just keep going higher till you reach the right person who wants to help. I hope that this beautiful dog can be saved. There must be more than one agency who could help. I even suggest calling the main AC and tell them what is going on in your area. I am glad that Tasha got out and that you tried to save him too. Thank you. Your efforts are to be rewarded.
Good luck. I will makes some calls down here (to LA) and see if they can refer or give options.

Linda York
10-30-2003, 02:23 PM
"I'm so worried that the guy will hurt you
if you get him in trouble. Obviously he has absolutely no moral values. OH - be careful!"

OH YES..... DO BE SO VERY CAREFUL!!!! He sounds like an absolute jerk. Without regard to anything. It is so very scary that there are people out there like that.
Please do be very careful......

10-30-2003, 02:47 PM
As to the personal warnings to be careful. I didn't say it in
so many words but I do think you have sense enough to take
care in dealing with this jerk face to face. People who mistreat
& neglect animals so badly are the same "type" of people who
bully & mistreat children & old people. They are true cowards
& wouldn't have the nerve to stand up to someone who could
defend themselves.

10-30-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
People who mistreat & neglect animals so badly are the same "type" of people who bully & mistreat children & old people. They are true cowards & wouldn't have the nerve to stand up to someone who could defend themselves.

Sorry, but I don't agree with this at all. These types of people are jerks and I'm sure some are cowards, but most are extremely bad, dangerous, scary people.

Dog fighting people are a whole other class of criminals and I have no doubt that many of them wouldn't blink an eye at harming someone who interferes.

There's a completely different element to dog fighters, because of the $ and the drugs involved. Don't ever kid yourself that pit fighters aren't very dangerous people.

10-30-2003, 03:29 PM
:mad: WTF!! the nerve of that guy! tonya you are doing everything right! Be careful with this guy he seems like one big jerk off... Do you still have 'whetto'? or tasha ? ughhh... I cant believe people sometimes.. The stupidity.. :rolleyes: :mad: And it is NOT the 'nature' of the pitbull to be vicious.. Stupid ac..

10-30-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Sorry, but I don't agree with this at all. These types of people are jerks and I'm sure some are cowards, but most are extremely bad, dangerous, scary people.

Dog fighting people are a whole other class of criminals and I have no doubt that many of them wouldn't blink an eye at harming someone who interferes.

There's a completely different element to dog fighters, because of the $ and the drugs involved. Don't ever kid yourself that pit fighters aren't very dangerous people.

Don't be sorry. You have every right to disagree with me.

Toyna knows her own situation & I'm sure will take care in any
personal dealings with this person. I personally would not say
anything to him, but certainly would pursue any & all avenues
in reporting this cruelty to animals. I don't care if he was the
biggest, baddest, mother on the block, he would be reported.
Animal Control, ASPA or whatever, they all ensure confidentialty
in reporting animal abuse.

10-30-2003, 06:46 PM
I'm sorry that the doggie had to go back to it's owner. :(

Although I don't believe that 'all' pittys are fighters, a good rule of thumb is to never trust a pitty to not fight. If he's a real dumb a$$ then he's letting the pittys stay together unsupervised and they may very well be snarking at each other and causing those wounds. It's highly dangerous to not seperate pitbulls while you're not there. Any little thing can set them off and once they start fighting, they don't stop. More than once, I've heard stories about people who have had pittys together for years and ond day they come home and find one dog dead and another gravely injured.

At the worst, he's fighting the dogs and needs to be stopped. In this situation, death would be better for the dog. But then he's probably just going to go out and get more dogs. :(

Good luck and please keep us posted.

10-30-2003, 07:05 PM
This breaks my heart. I would have/and have done, something similar. Turns out the guy I was dealing with was mentally unstable and had many convictions against him, such as carrying concealed firearm. Just be careful! I'm so thankful that you saved one of them. We get calls all the time about idiots having dog fights. Makes me so mad:o

10-30-2003, 11:29 PM
No, Tasha did not have any wounds. In fact, she appears to be treated very well. She is well behaved and shows no signs of abuse.

Her only sign of that environment is the fact that she does not back down from other dogs for the life of her. The Husky Rescue's vet estimated that she is only 6 months old. -That's pretty young to not be submissive towards bigger older dogs. (At least to me, I am not an expert.)

Mike and I talked about it, and also talked to a few neighbors that we trust about the situation with Whetto. We've decided to wait a month or two first before we start reporting anything. I know that Whetto's life (and possibly other pits) lives are in jeapardy, but ours may be too. Apparently this guy has had several drug and violent convictions since he's lived there. The only reason that it was quiet the first few years I lived here is because he was in prison. He seemed totally loaded on something when I was talking to him the other day. All though I am torn, my family's safety is most important. If I report things now, I'll be the first person he suspects. But if I wait a bit, he'll probably forget that I was asking about the dog's wounds.

I don't know who in the heck I was talking to the last time I had Tasha. -Maybe his son. That guy seemed a little rough but halfway decent. This guy looks like a 50 year old or so ganster.