View Full Version : I have a question for you guys.......

10-29-2003, 04:46 PM
Do any of you guys know any early signs of Bone Cancer? I'm worried that I may have it. My father has it. I have to go to the doctors tomorrow to see if there is anything wrong with my knee because it has been hurting. I went like a month ago or something like that. I got a knee brace. It works a little bit. If you don't know any early signs than do you think that you could pray for me (pray that I don't have Bone Cancer)? I would really appreciate that.


10-29-2003, 05:01 PM
I don't know the symptoms of bone cancer, but you'll certainly be in my prayers.

Are they going to do a CT scan or an MRI?

10-29-2003, 05:03 PM
Oh, please don't jump to that conclusion!! The knee joint is one of the most troublesome in the human body! I'm sure it's more of an anatomical/injury type problem! Did they xray your knee before? Most likely you have a ligament issue. Think positive and try not to focus on your worst fear, though I understand completely. If you had bone cancer, your symptoms would be much more far rainging than just pain in a single joint. But of course, I'll be keeping you in my prayers. I'm sure you'll feel much relieved after visiting the dr. Let us know how the visit goes. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

10-29-2003, 05:05 PM
Maybe try asking your father, since he has it.
If not, ask your doctor.

10-29-2003, 05:08 PM
well, i would ask my father but I don't see him. all the doctors are gonna do tomorrow is see if my knee is any better. if it isnt they are gonna do theropy. they wont do an MRI until they know if the theropy will work or not. nothing appeared on the X-ray.

10-29-2003, 05:09 PM
I would listen to Nurse Sandra, but here are a few sites I found:




You will be in my prayers of course!!!!!!!!

10-29-2003, 07:23 PM
there's a condition called osgood-schlatters, it happens in early to mid adolescents and it causes knee pain and achiness.you can have in both or one knee. it's treated with resting the joint (brace or physical therapy) and sometimes anti-inflammatories. it does heal with time and bone growth into adulthood. it's usually diagnosed with xray. hope this helps

10-29-2003, 10:15 PM
Oh no. :( That is so terrible! I feel so bad. You can count on my prayer. I am so sorry!

10-30-2003, 08:12 AM
As Aly said,
"I would listen to Nurse Sandra"
Try not to worry, you can make yourself sick.
Sending losts of hugs and
good thoughts.

10-30-2003, 09:35 AM
Stormy, don't worry yourself. Everyone is right, I'm sure you are just fine. Do you mind if I ask your body type? Reason being, I have had knee pain since my late teens and have had surgery once and plan to have the other knee scoped next year. And I've been through the therapy too.
Three orthos have explained to me that my body type- short with *birthin'* hips tend to make a woman's knee travel just off the path. No big deal just a fact of life for about a zillion women. It will hurt to go downstairs especially. Not so much to climb them. With exercise, I've been fine with it. And having the left one scoped fixed the problem so much. Now, I'm fine.

So, if that is the case, don't sweat it. It will be a-okay.

10-30-2003, 11:04 AM
:D :D :D Silly!:D :D :D

You know, my oldest stepdaughter was the same way - she'd jump to the worst possible conclusion over her aches and pains when she was a teenager!

Actually - now that I think of it - I did it too! Every month I was dying. I remember being convinced I had leukemia.

I'll bet you $100 that it's not bone cancer. You're much too young to be a likely candidate for that, for one thing. For another thing, the pain with bone cancer is absolutely excruciating, once it occurs. But usually you start breaking bones really easily first, before you even begin having any pain with it.

There are hundreds of things which could cause knee pain, all of them much more likely than cancer! So take a deeeeeep breath and cuddle up with a kitty and relax! If it hurts badly enough that it keeps you from using it properly, or if it doesn't start improving soon, go to the Dr.

:D :D :D

10-30-2003, 11:10 AM
Oh you little worrywart! *Not saying I'm not, but how'd you manage to come up with the worst possible conclusion?* :eek: Now don't be silly and worry like that! Hopefully you'll be perfectly fine. I know this girl who had bone cancer in her knee (she's like 24 years old or so and the pain was so severe she couldn't stand or walk at all when it happened). Thank God she's been successfully treated and is now perfectly fine, but what I'm trying to say is, if it was that, the pain would probably be much much more severe. Go to the doctor and get it checked, but don't get to such upseting conclusions beforehand! Good luck!