View Full Version : Appalled!

10-29-2003, 04:31 PM
Yesterday, after being rung up by the vet to say that Bastet's shots were overdue and got the lecture on how important it is to get it done every year (yes I know I forgot naughty me). I made an appointment for 4pm that afternoon (Wednesday) since I finish work early.

I raced home, bundled Bastet into her carrier - where she promptly hissed and spat at me and did - what I term - the crocodile roll - to see if she could kick off the top of the carrier - she has broken 3 carriers that way. This one is from one of the airlines so she has no hope.

She yowled all the way to the vet in protest of her status. We got to the vet's 10 minutes late because she made it extremely difficult for me to get her out of the taxi and into the office - she tips the carrier over in the car by ramming herself againt one side.

We finally get into the vet's and we go straight in. When I let her out of the carrier, she swipes at the vet nurse who gets scratches all down her arm, then she does a flying attack leap at the vet who gets a nail embedded in his leg - so here i am concerned that Bastet is bleeding from her paw and the vet who is bleeding from Bastet's embedded nail.

By this stage I feel so bad. Because she also took a swipe at me so i have this nasty claw mark down my arm. The vet just smiled and said to me *Its the weather - don't worry I have seen worse* there was a big dust storm here yesterday. So they burrito roll her and give her the shots - check her out thouroughly - tell me what a good mum I am and bundle her back in the carrier where Bastet promptly falls asleep from all the exertion.

We get home and I let her out and she goes and hides. I feel so ashamed that she acted so naughty. Thanks for letting me vent.

10-29-2003, 04:41 PM
:D What a good cat meowmie you are! :)

10-29-2003, 04:44 PM
i think its safe to say that your baby doesn't like going to see the 'friendly neighborhood vet'. ;)

10-29-2003, 04:50 PM
LOL...sorry, but what a scene you just described!!! Even my worst cat has never made such a scene. LOL. It is embarrassing though, isn't it. But as long as she is healthy that is what matters.
(I was afraid by the title, that you were appalled by something the vet or tech's did)

10-29-2003, 04:53 PM
........ more like EMBARRASSED!!!!!! :D

Naughty kitty .......... after all your mummy has done for you ....!

Edwina's Secretary
10-29-2003, 04:56 PM
Welcome to the club of Purrents of Poor Patients! Edwina is my bad one, but I do think Bastet may have outdone her!

As they say....been there, done that!

10-29-2003, 05:14 PM
Aww poor Bastet, If only you knew sweetie that it is for your own good that you have to visit the white coats once a year.
Don't hate your mommy for doing this. It's only cause she loves you soooooooo much. Hope you have forgiven her and you are all over your nasty experience at the vets.

10-29-2003, 05:29 PM
WOW - I've never experienced anything quite like that!

10-29-2003, 06:11 PM
I consider myself lucky too because Max and Specks are fine at the vets. They don't like it, mind you, but I think they figure if they hide their heads in Mommy's arm, it will all go away. Sorry to hear about the injuries.

10-29-2003, 06:36 PM
Oh poor you, some kitties just donot like going to the white coats do they? funny thing my Old Ash is very bad -tempered, but you could not see a sweeter cat at the vets, he is putty in their hands, never ceases to amaze me.

Hope all the wounds are healing nicely, better luck next time.:)

10-29-2003, 08:20 PM
WOW! We have a tiny spitfire named Stubby that has created havoc in the vets office. I was very fortunate to have had to work that day so my husband had to endure the ordeal! He got her out of the carrier and she proceeded to twist and roll into a tiny ball of fur, teeth, and claws! After she ripped his shirt and shredded his arms she got away from him. She bolted all through the vets office! It took FIVE techs to catch and control our 6 lb maniac!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif I can laugh because I just got to hear the story! It wouldn't have been so funny had I been there!!
You have to admire her spunk and I think I would send flowers to the vet!!
:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Just kidding, but it does sound like he is really patient and kind. Hopefully you won't have to go back for another year!!!

Felicia's Mom
10-29-2003, 08:22 PM
Felicia doesn't like going to the vet. Beau is my good one (maybe because he has been handled by more people).

10-29-2003, 09:28 PM
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at Bastet's behavior. :D
It reminds me so much of Kuhio's. The first vet we took her to told us to NOT COME BACK!
So we took her to another vet where she behaved even worse -- but they were more understanding.
Kitties - you've got to love them!

10-29-2003, 09:34 PM
What a nice vet! Send 'em a box of band-aids and some flowers! ;) Oh, Bastet, Miss Hoppy agrees about vets, don't you worry! At least this last time, they didn't say Miss Hoppy bit anyone ...

People never would suspect what wild animals our sweet pets become when faced with that most awful of monsters ... the vet! :eek:

10-29-2003, 11:32 PM
Abby is my bad one. She has never atttacked anyone, but getting her into the carrier and the drive to the vets takes such a toll on me. She is loud, and lets everyone around her know how unhappy she is. I dread having to take her in so much, but after hearing your story, I guess it could be worse!

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-30-2003, 12:01 AM
Well I suppose if you are going to get a NAWTEEKAT sticker on your file you may as well do the full performance!!

Scrtichies to Bastet:D

10-30-2003, 12:25 AM
After feeling so bad about it all I just rang the vet's to see how he and the vet tech both are. He had to go get a cat scratch fever shot and the claw pulled out by the doctors from his leg and he lost his favourite pair of pants but he said its ok he has had worse and that he is keeping the claw in a little jar to remind him next time to wear full padded gear when dealing with Bastet :D :D

I told him how bad I felt and he said not to worry he has had the sweetest animals come in and turn into raving loonies in seconds. He said he has more dog bites than cat damage although he said I should consider sedating her with some rescue remedy to make her a little calmer next year. :rolleyes:

10-30-2003, 01:05 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Bastet was such an aggressive cat at the vets. Luckily none of my cats act like this. Storm and Sunny will let the vet do anything to them because they're so scared. Sky actually enjoys going to the vets because he gets so much attention. :) Cirrus has to be sedated because he's semi-feral and just too scared of strangers. Hopefully you won't have to go back until next year.

10-30-2003, 02:53 AM
And I tell you, if Filou behaved like this at the vet's I would have a bad conscience because I do it to him:rolleyes:

He is not that bad but he and Tigris yowl all way in the car (which breaks my heart) and tell me what an abusive meowmie I am. They would congratulate Bastet for showing them.....:D

10-30-2003, 04:35 AM
Oh dear, Bastet, you nawtee girl! You embarrassed your poor Meowmie, you won't be getting any treats over the next couple of days I'm sure!

<<thanks GOD for her calm kitties - Pixel is very, very good, she just sits there while they jab her. But try to get her to swallow a tablet.....:rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-30-2003, 10:40 AM
I was like Jen and thought maybe the vet did something wrong - but it was only Bastet acting up, whew! ;) 'Course that's easy for me to say, because I wasn't there and because my two aren't a problem at the vet.

And yes, if they would only understand that we're only doing for their own good, and it hurts us more than them....but alas, they are only doing what comes natural to them and that is to try and protect themselves from the evil vet person.

Hugs to you and Bastet for having such a trying time of it. Oh, and maybe next year the vet will conveniently forget to call and remind you Bastet's shots are due. ;) :D

10-30-2003, 10:50 AM
I feel your anguish and I can totally relate to that experience. My RB Tobias was the worst cat I have ever had to take to the vets. I remember one time, he was scheduled to see a vet that I did not have any experience with (my vet was on vacation) and this poor woman. I explained to her that I had to scruff him and almost sit on him the last time he received shots...well she did not listen, he ended up going up one side of her and right down the other. She looked like she had highway lines up her arms. Well, she can not say that I didn't warn her.

10-30-2003, 11:16 AM
My little Rocca hates the Vet , hates travelling , and is not all that sure about me. But Dr . Humble stopped her because once she turns into The Tasmanian Kitty , there is no stopping her! she had $700 worth of dental work , and now they have to get her back into the Carrier!I hope they have bandages!

10-30-2003, 11:17 AM
What an ordeal, but thank God it's over now, hope all the wounds are healing nicely!

I'm amazed how calm Fister is at the vet, considering how he yowls on the in the car. We have bought the strongest possible box for him, but the effort he's making to get out during the car ride has us rather worried that one day he'll succedd. We put a leather strap around the box, but he gives it good go at the ventilation holes on the sides and claws are scattered around in the box on arrival. :( Last time, we tried putting a blanket over, but it didn't seem to help much.

In spite of being so naughty, I think he deserves a few treats. :)