View Full Version : **Important** Need ADVICE !

10-28-2003, 11:37 PM
Last Sunday evening, my friend and I were driving through a crummy part of town on our way to a volunteer function. Right as we were passing about the worst part of town you can get, a dog ran in front of her car then turned around and ran back across the street. She slammed on her brakes and I jumped out in the middle of the busy road while she pulled to the side and jumped out herself. By this time, the dog had run back across the street again, narrowly escaping about 4-6 other cars.

I yelled to a homeless looking man asking if it was his dog and he said no, she belonged to the pawn shop right there. I looked and saw about 5 men standing in front of the pawn shop across the street watching us, but none of them making a move to come help. So I start heading down the street where the dog is following some stranger. She was so starved for attention and wanted that guy to look at her (but he was REALLY REALLY REALLY weird and just kept walking while she was jumping at his side). I yelled to the guy and asked him to stop. When I did, the dog turned to look at me. I bent down and called her, and she came running at me with such strong force that she knocked me over and smothered me with kisses. My friend was right behind me with her leash, collar, and bag of treats. We leashed up the sweet dog and started walking back to the car.

We saw all the men go back in the pawn shop and were contemplating just putting her in the car and taking her. Then a not-so-nice looking guy came out of a junkyard place next door to the pawn shop. He stared at us for a few minutes before crossing the street. When he got to us he said " I would say finders keepers, but nah" and both me and my friend asked if we could please have the dog. The man said no because its his brother's dog but if we find her again, we could keep her. We continued begging him, but he got mad and just started crossing the street. The homeless guy with him was picking up the dog to take her back. I asked him if he wanted my leash and collar and he said no :mad:

My friend and I got in the car and continued on our way. We were both mad and upset. One of the guys at the bus stop had told us that the dog gets away all the time because she wants to find someone to play with her :( And the pawn shop guys are always bringing her back to the junkyard for the owner.

When we got to our volunteer thing, we were both too upset to stay and decided to go back to the junkyard place. It was really dark by this time and NOT smart of us to go back. The place was SCARY. But we did it anyway. There was no real door or anything so we stood on top of piles of junk in the front waiting for someone to see us. The brother of the dog's owner came out again and told us no again. But then he said he'd get his brother so we can ask him.

The brother (owner) at first said no. My friend started to go into lecture mode but I started buttering him up. He said that its not a dog, its part hyena :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (she's a staffordshire mix). I told him that was really cool and I love hyenas and asked if I could please buy her. He at first had said she was a gift but then later said she cost him $2000 (yeah, riiiight). I kept telling him that I train dogs and love hyenas and could give her a good home. Finally he started thinking about it. I gave him my number and told him to call me if he needed me to take her. He promised me he'd call me the next day. He said that if he gave me the dog though, I'd have to give him something in return :eek: then asked for $200.

Well he did end up calling me the next day and left a message saying I could come get the dog anytime if I brought him $200 cash. Now here's the pickle. Paying him is out of the question. I have no money to spare at all or I would totally do it. I'm also too scared to go back and bargain with him because its REALLY SCARY there. My friend can't pay the $200 either.

Does anyone have ANY ideas on how I can get this dog? I don't want to steal her or I might get shot :eek: :eek: I can't think of anything and would like to hear some opinions. Thanks!

10-28-2003, 11:43 PM
Does anyone have ANY ideas on how I can get this dog?

I have a suggestion, but it's not very honest! Working for the phone company, I see alot of that, especially in the ghettos. It is so hard to turn my back on the dogs.

I think best legal way to get the dog would be to wait until it's lose again, call the pound. Have them come pick up the dog, then go and adopt it.

10-28-2003, 11:46 PM
I have no idea how I could work that out. Its really a bad part of town for me to be hanging out in waiting for the dog to get loose.

I thought about going to talk to the pawn shop guys to see if they could catch her and call me next time so I could get her, but was afraid they'd tell the junkyard guy.

10-28-2003, 11:49 PM

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-29-2003, 12:53 AM
Yikes, what a difficult situation. I dont know what to suggest, but I really hope you can help the dog and sort the situation out.

10-29-2003, 05:15 AM
Since they are a pawn shop, do you have any old items that might be of worth to them???? Old jewelry you don't wear, or ?????

Good for you, Aly!! That poor Pupper!! Hope she gets some loving soon before she's hit by a car in her quest for some!!

10-29-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Since they are a pawn shop, do you have any old items that might be of worth to them???? Old jewelry you don't wear, or ?????

I thought about that but I don't have anything worth 200 bucks except my camera. I guess I could pawn that ..........

Kona & Oreo's mom
10-29-2003, 09:20 AM
Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. You've already shown that you would care for the dog; maybe if you go back with half the money in cash, the owner would be tempted to not pass up the "sure thing." He probably thinks that the dog is a *burden* anyway, seeing as he doesn't care for her properly. You could give it a try.

Cinder & Smoke
10-29-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by aly
... but I don't have anything worth 200 bucks
except my camera.
I guess I could pawn that ..........

Pawning your camera is NOT a good idea! :(

Pawn shops will only give you LESS (FARR Less) money for your item
than they are certain they can re-sell that item for.

Good (expensive) cameras don't "sell well" in the ghetto;
so you'd only get "pennies on the dollar" for your camera.

And please consider your circumstances *BEFORE* you do anything...

* They know your phone number;
therefore they could probably find your home :eek: !!

* *Nice Gurlz* shouldn't hang out in places like that!

Go talk to Animal Controll -
tell THEM where this happened (give em the address)...
Let THEM watch and try to capture "Muttley"...
tell em you'll foster the Pup if they apprehend her.

And the idea of a "CASH" offer might fly...
*I* wouldn't have more than $50 on me when I tried, though.
And get someone to drive you in a real *beater* of a car...
Driving up in a fancy SUV might give ideas to *da Boyz*... :rolleyes:

/s/ Phred

10-29-2003, 10:11 AM
Aly, pay attention to all that Phred has said. Excellent advice.

In your love for animals, don't forget about yourself and your safety. You might be putting yourself in some danger going to this area.

10-29-2003, 03:20 PM
Thanks guys. I just can't get this dog out of my head :(

Animal Control will be useless in this situation. I've worked with them a lot so I know what they will and will not do :(

10-29-2003, 03:37 PM
I don't know what to tell you Aly, but please be careful.
I know how much you love animals, but we all love you too:)

Um, and what is this about pawning your camera?? I don't think so--how will we get to see all of your fosters grow up?????

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-29-2003, 04:06 PM
First of all, whatever you do, worry about yourself first, then worry about the dog. Now for some of my experience which may not go over very well here. I drive through the "not so good" part of town every day on my way to and from work. For the most part I have noticed and experienced that most of the people on the street are decent people. However, I stress most because we always know there are exceptions to the rule. If you really believe the pawn shop guys might help because they can see that you really want to help, and they can see the dog being abused regularly, they may just be willing to help - even if it's putting in a good word for you with the so called owner. If you go back, go during the day and talk to maybe the owner of the pawnshop who is really a businessman after all. Treat him with respect and show him that you just want to help but are afraid because you don't know the ways of the neighborhood. And like someone else said, don't go in a fancy SUV or anything and don't dress up or act all uppity. If you treat them with respect and as if you are one in the same with them - just trying to help a poor animal - they are likely to treat you the same way back.

However - and this is important - I am in no way telling you to go back! Trust your best judgement since it has served so well in the past. It is obviously not a good neighborhood, but I've learned that a lot of our fears are brought on by our own ignorance and is usually brought on by years of conditioning by society. For the most part, these are just regular people who are trying to live their lives the best they know how. I don't think they would intentionally hurt a young girl who is just trying to help an animal.....but I could be totally wrong too, so just be careful whatever you decide to do. Oh, and make sure that whatever you do, you do not go back alone!

10-29-2003, 04:26 PM
If you have any $ to spare and really want to go back and try to get the dog, I'll go with you this weekend. My cousin is a really BIG Austin firefighter and I'm sure he'd go with us. At the very least, I can get a carload of women to go. :) Some of whom are pretty big and mean themselves. ;)

10-29-2003, 05:25 PM
Oh, Aly, what a dilemna. I bet if he lowered the price from $2,000 to 200, he would take $50 in the right circumstances. Paul and I will send you $50, just send me your address, call or PM me. I would take Micki's big firefighter friend, or, barring that, the biggest, burliest-looking guy (yes, it's gotta be a guy) you know, and $50 and go back. I bet he'll give you the dog then. Tell him how much money he'll be saving on dog food and everything, you're really doing him a favor by giving him $50.

Once you have her, what will become of her then? Can she be at your shelter or something? I know your life is pretty full of animals at the moment!

Don't pawn your camera! Promise me that, okay?

10-29-2003, 05:34 PM
Gosh Aly, I have to agree 100% with Phred on this one. I am already worrying about you now that complete strangers have your phone number. Please, whatever you do, be careful and don't give out any more personal info. If you do decide to go back, please do take Micki76 and whoever else you can round up. Good luck and keep us posted.

10-29-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Paul and I will send you $50, just send me your address, call or PM me.

That sounds like a good idea.. If that doesnt work, i would be willing to ask my mom to donate too.. i hope you get it worked out soon aly.. You have such a big heart!!

10-29-2003, 05:58 PM
I gave him my cell phone number and no last name so I dont *think* he can track me down with that .................. right ??

Karen, you are Paul are the SWEETEST! I absolutely can't take money from you though. THANK YOU so much for the offer. It is soooooooooooooooooo sweet of you both. You have hearts of gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just feel too bad taking money and I have no idea when I could possibly pay you back - funds are TIGHT for me right now :(

I'll try not to pawn my camera. Maybe I can sell something weird on ebay that will go for a lot of money. Hmmmmm *looks around her house*

I'm referring to the dog as Connie right now since we found her on Congress St :(

When we get her, my friend is willing to foster until we can get her into either my shelter or a rescue.

10-29-2003, 06:12 PM

I agree with what everyone has said ...... be careful.

Big Burly looking guy is a good suggestion ........ and you know, Mike comes to mind!!!!! (sorry Molly!). So someone who looks like Mike ..... :) , take him with you and perhaps wait around with him in your car until you see Connie come out .....

I am happy to send money too ........... but promise, KEEP THE CAMERA!!!!

10-29-2003, 06:30 PM
Aly you are incredible, and brave too , might I add, You should take the money offered to you,I am sure Karen does not require it to be paid back, and if so, she would be in no hurry, You want to rescue the dog Don't you? so sweetie take the money, it will help you get Connie, and that is your main concern, her welfare.

Taking along some big brawny guy and friends is such a good idea as well.

I wish you all the luck with this, and hope like heck you get Connie real soon, please keep us updated. we await GOOD NEWS.

10-29-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by aly
I gave him my cell phone number and no last name so I dont *think* he can track me down with that .................. right ??

Karen, you are Paul are the SWEETEST! I absolutely can't take money from you though. THANK YOU so much for the offer.

We would not consider it a loan, Aly, think of it as a gift, and tell me where to send it, okay? If it makes you feel any different about it, consider it a donation to a worthy cause.

If Micki's friend can't go, pick the biggest male friend you have and tell him not to shave for a day or so - he'll look scruffier and scarier. An old, stained t-shirt'll help. He can wear sunglasses (the mirrored kind) so they cannot see his eyes, and doesn't even have to talk! Just be there and look menacing.

Do let us help, or I'll call your mom and she'll rat you out to me, I bet! ;)

10-29-2003, 07:32 PM
Yes, Aly, I would be more than happy to donate to help this dog--if you don't take Karen and Paul up on it!!
I'm sure SOMEONE here has your address!!

10-29-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Karen

If Micki's friend can't go, pick the biggest male friend you have and tell him not to shave for a day or so - he'll look scruffier and scarier. An old, stained t-shirt'll help. He can wear sunglasses (the mirrored kind) so they cannot see his eyes, and doesn't even have to talk! Just be there and look menacing.

:D :D yeah that will get 'em! :D

Aspen and Misty
10-29-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Do let us help, or I'll call your mom and she'll rat you out to me, I bet! ;)

::sigh::: The power of "the mom"

I hope you work something out.


10-29-2003, 08:49 PM
My cousin will definitely go if I ask him. He's very big and can look rather intimidating if he chooses to. Of course, he's a big softie inside who sweet talks his puppies all the time. :D His son can probably go as well and he's as big as his dad. ;)