View Full Version : GOOD NEWS ABOUT BELLA!

07-08-2001, 11:56 AM
Remember Bella, the wonder dog from the LA Fire Department? I sent an e-mail to her mom/trainer yesterday to find out how Bella was doing after her treatment. Deresa answered to say that Bella is well, back at work, and already had gone on a rescue mission. It seems that all the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers, had a good effect :)

07-08-2001, 02:04 PM
That is terrific news!!!! Thanks so much. I needed that lift today...

My good friend, Betty, who we visited last week on vacation, had to put her 2 year old Golden down on Friday due to a severe attack on her hand. Its a long story, but this was the final straw. But try explaining to a 10 year old why this was necessary, when the same dog was sitting in her lap last week. It has been so sad around here all weekend, for Helen and me. So I was ready for some good news!!!! Thank you, Albea.

07-08-2001, 03:41 PM
Albea, what wonderful news, that made my day.

Logan, I'm really sorry to hear the sad news about your friend's Golden, I know it's like losing one of your own especially after just visiting with them.

07-08-2001, 04:44 PM
Thanks, Jackie. He was so sweet while we were with him, but something was going on with him, and she really had troubles about 10% of the time, she said. This time, he just went too far. But, happy memories are what we need. This picture says it all!


Daisy's Mom
07-08-2001, 05:28 PM
I am glad Bella is all better!

Logan I am really sorry about your friend's dog. I am sure the decision was not an easy one for her :(

07-08-2001, 10:35 PM
Hooray for Bella :) :)!

Logan, how horrible for your friend! I don't know if I could do it! How sad! :(