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View Full Version : Doggy Seatbelts

07-07-2001, 12:27 PM
Hello Again,
Here is another question I have. Yesterday, when I brought Maddie home I had her riding in the front seat of my car. Her foster parent told me that she usaully kept her in a kenel while moving her around. But here is my problem, my car isnt big enough for a kennel but when I drive, it is a stick, when I shift Maddie kept losing her balance and hitting her face on my dashboard (poor thing)I was yold they have doggy seatbelts. Do they work and are they safe?
Thank You,

07-07-2001, 04:08 PM
Hi Maddie. I have 3 dogs and when I take them in my car I put seatbelts on them. They are easy to use and safe. The dogs can lie down or sit up. You just hook the seatbelt to the harness of the dog and the hook on the car. Buy one and try it out. :)

07-07-2001, 04:38 PM
Hi Rich, I have two Schnauzers and when we take them in the Explorer we always put seat belts on them. I got mine from Petsmart, they are called "Easy Rider" car harness and they are not that expensive. They have a loop and you hook the seatbelt throught the loop. The front of the harness is padded some. They work very well and they can also lay down or sit up. Welcome to PetTalk, what kind of dog do you have? or maybe I missed you telling us allready. :)