View Full Version : Hi I'm new here too!!! :o)

10-27-2003, 11:29 PM
Hello, I just got registered here a few minutes ago. My name came from my pet bird Iago. Who is a Indian Ringneck parrot. about the size of a cockatiel. He/she is only 6mos. old. I won't know if Iago is a male or female until the bird reaches maturity which is around 16 to 36 months . Males have the dark ring distinction which is how they got their name!!:) :( :eek:

They also develope long tail feathers which at this point Iago has plucked off !! :rolleyes: Iago is the color grey which isn't the most extravicant color as some can be, but for being grey he is beautiful, unfortonatly i don't have a picture of him to post on here, but hopfully i will have one soon so everyone can see just how pretty a ordinary grey IRN can be!!!!


11-07-2003, 10:28 PM
I love birds. I really want a parakeet. How about you? Do you like parakeets?

I really want to know. Because if so, I can show you pictures of my cousins parakeet.



11-07-2003, 10:59 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk - there are other bird owners who will be glad to have you here! And just because grey isn't a flashy color, doesn't mean it cannot be beautiful! We'd love to see Iago's pictures - there's an excellent tutorial here (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406&) on how to do that!

I moved your post down here into General. The Today's Pet forum is just for comments on today's pet - but that's okay, you're here! Welcome!

11-07-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Karen
We'd love to see Iago's pictures - there's an excellent tutorial here (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406&) on how to do that!

thanks karen...i could use that too:o
Welcome Igao! i'm sure you'll be just as addicted as us in no time...:D

11-08-2003, 12:23 AM
Welcome to PT Nat.:)

My name is Bryan.

I agree with Karen Grey can be a lovely color and we would love to see some pictures when you get a chance.

You will find that everyone here likes to see your friends.

G.P.girl is right you will probably be as addicted as we are in no time.

Krystal12345 I must has missed you post introducing yourself, but welcome to you too.:D

11-08-2003, 01:39 AM
A big warm welcome to another fellow bird lover! I absolutely ADORE birds, and have two cockatiels of my own. You can see them both in my signature. Will *love* to hear about your feathered sweetie, and will definitely love to see pics once you figure it out! If you need help, the tutorial Karen linked is an excellent guide to posting pics here! Can't wait to hear more about Iago!

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-08-2003, 02:37 AM
Hi and welcome to Pet Talk. I am mommy to two cats, Ally and Connor, who are in my sig.

This place is very addictive - I hope you like it here, and please try to post some pics of your pet!!

11-08-2003, 06:57 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk :D

As you can see from my signature, I don't know much about birds just cats but I would love to see some photos of Iago as I have never seen an Indian Ringneck parrot before.

11-08-2003, 08:58 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!!:D I don't really know about birds that well either, I only own a cat. His name is Blueberry, and he's a Himmy:)
You'll be addicted to PT soon:D!

11-08-2003, 10:13 AM


Hi my name is Heather.. I have a veiled chameleon(rex) 2 dogs(honey and taffy) and my twin sister (Tweety_Pie):rolleyes: ;)
has 2 budgies(tweety and dexter)
Have a great time here you will love it alot and also you will get addicted:)

11-08-2003, 02:32 PM
He is feather plucking? That is a serioud problems usually caused by boredom etc. Is it possible you can take him to the vet and see what they say, maybe find out what is causing him to pick his feathers out? Welcome to PT BTW. I love RNP, they are asbolutely beautiful and I plan on owning one some day. :)

11-08-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
He is feather plucking? That is a serioud problems usually caused by boredom etc. Is it possible you can take him to the vet and see what they say, maybe find out what is causing him to pick his feathers out? Welcome to PT BTW. I love RNP, they are asbolutely beautiful and I plan on owning one some day. :)

Since she said he's 6 months old, he might just be going through the clumsy baby stage and bumping into things....breaking them off. Muffin was like that as a baby. So clumsy, that her tail feathers never grew right! It took her to *grow up* to grow nice long tail feathers, without messing them up. BUT, if he is *plucking* it could be a problem and I would advise taking him to the vet. :(

11-08-2003, 04:12 PM
Well she did say he plucked them out. My tiels used to do the same thing all the time....actually my sister once stepped on Pancha's tail a few years ago and all her tail feathers got ripped out. She looked like a chicken. :o

11-09-2003, 12:19 AM
Hi guys, Thanks for the welcome!!!!:D :D

Well, So far Iago has kept some of his tail feathers, but he is still a little subby:( OH WELLLL.................He doesn't seem to be bored, since he loves tormenting the balls that have bells inside of them. I belive that the only reason Iago plucked/chewed off the tail feathers, was due to the fact that they were broken or dammaged, I haven't seen any new tail feathers on the ground, so that is a good sign:p .

He is a fun little bird, still abit shy when I want to have him accompany me, but I will work on that as much as possible. Yet he has developed this relationship with my boyfriend, which I have named it "Iagos and Mikes love hate relationship thing. Iago litteraly lungges at Mike in order to try and bite him, yet only when he is near his cage, which is displaying a territorial;that is very common with IRN's. Yet the strange thing is Iago doesn't act like that towards me, i can be in and also close to the cage and nothing of that nature happens with me.

I am maybe thinking that Iago thinks I am domminate of him and feels that he is domminate over Mike. (I also think that with this behaivure it has made me lean towards Iago being a male!!)Thats the ony thing I could come up with. Mike has tryied to let the Iago know that his reaction towards him is not acceptable, yet Iago doen't pay any attention to him and will not obey. For example, Iago will pinch me with his beak that is the extent of his bite, and all i have to say is "NO BITE!" Mike says it and he ignores him!!!:confused:

If you have any sugguestions please i am all ears!!! ;)

Thanks soooooooooo much


11-09-2003, 12:41 AM
Hi guys, Thanks for the welcome!!!!:D :D

Well, So far Iago has kept some of his tail feathers, but he is still a little subby:( OH WELLLL.................He doesn't seem to be bored, since he loves tormenting the balls that have bells inside of them. I belive that the only reason Iago plucked/chewed off the tail feathers, was due to the fact that they were broken or dammaged, I haven't seen any new tail feathers on the ground, so that is a good sign:p .

He is a fun little bird, still abit shy when I want to have him accompany me, but I will work on that as much as possible. Yet he has developed this relationship with my boyfriend, which I have named it "Iagos and Mikes love hate relationship thing. Iago litteraly lungges at Mike in order to try and bite him, yet only when he is near his cage, which is displaying a territorial;that is very common with IRN's. Yet the strange thing is Iago doesn't act like that towards me, i can be in and also close to the cage and nothing of that nature happens with me.

I am maybe thinking that Iago thinks I am domminate of him and feels that he is domminate over Mike. (I also think that with this behaivure it has made me lean towards Iago being a male!!)Thats the ony thing I could come up with. Mike has tryied to let the Iago know that his reaction towards him is not acceptable, yet Iago doen't pay any attention to him and will not obey. For example, Iago will pinch me with his beak that is the extent of his bite, and all i have to say is "NO BITE!" Mike says it and he ignores him!!!:confused:

If you have any sugguestions please i am all ears!!! ;)

Thanks soooooooooo much


11-09-2003, 02:07 AM
http://stranglethecat.com/Uploads/4/welcomewht.gifto you, and waiting for pictures !!

11-09-2003, 09:24 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk. I can't wait to see pictures of your featherbaby!!