View Full Version : What are your silly pet peeves?

10-27-2003, 01:54 PM
Not the big stuff. Just the little tiny things that grate your nerves for no apparent reason.

I'll start:

1. Cabinet doors left open- why oh why. Just close the darn door!

2. Dishes in the sink when there is a perfectly good empty dishwasher just to the right.

3. Empties placed back in the fridge (milk jugs, juices, etc.)

4. Sending your man to the grocery and he comes back with nothing to eat- just rediculous crap like chips and expensive water bottles. Then he says "but I spent $150." And you say "yes, honey, but you didn't buy any FOOD!"

Can you tell I'm having a man peeve day today?;)

10-27-2003, 01:57 PM
My worst pet peeve is when people make noise when they eat! I hate it! If I mention it to my husband or kids they say "Well listen to your dog eat!" and I say "Max can't help it because he doesn't have closeable lips. God gave you lips so you can shut them when you chew."

Does everybody hate that, or is it just me?

10-27-2003, 02:01 PM
I hear ya stacwase. Or the terminal throat clearers. Get a glass of water for goodness' sake!

10-27-2003, 02:02 PM
As a server, I hate it when guests order water because they think they have to order something to sit there and then they don't even take a drink of it.............:mad:

10-27-2003, 02:02 PM
1. People who park crooked in the parking stall.

2. Those stupid "moral-booster" events at work such as summer BBQ, and Christmas lunches. I gotta work with these people 7 hrs a day. Why would I want to socialize with them :eek:

3. Slamming doors.

4. People who want everything at the last minute.

How can you tell I'm having a "working rant"........

I'm sure I can come up with a few more before the end of the day.

10-27-2003, 02:03 PM
Those stupid "moral-booster" events at work such as summer BBQ, and Christmas lunches. I gotta work with these people 7 hrs a day. Why would I want to socialize with them

NO KIDDING>>>>>>>>>

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-27-2003, 02:05 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 2kitties

2. Dishes in the sink when there is a perfectly good empty dishwasher just to the right.

3. Empties placed back in the fridge (milk jugs, juices, etc.)

4. Sending your man to the grocery and he comes back with nothing to eat- just rediculous crap like chips and expensive water bottles. Then he says "but I spent $150." And you say "yes, honey, but you didn't buy any FOOD!"

Sounds just like my house.

My worst is when people steal my parking slot. We all have allocated spaces at work, but mine is a nice one with SHADE! When I go out to a client, sometimes I come back and this guy who works in the same building (NOT in my office) has taken my parking. I asked him twice not to, and then last week he did it again!! So I parked behind him (there was no way he was squeezing out, he drives a Caprice Classic and I drive a Hyundai Santa Fe :)

I know he finished work at 2PM, so at about 1:55 I "made myself scarce" - actually I sat in the conference room and read a newspaper for 45 minutes. Of course the receptionist couldnt call me, as I wasn;t at my desk, and my mobile was off, so by the time I casually wandered through reception this guy was having a hissy fit. Bet he doesn't park in my space again!!!!

10-27-2003, 02:35 PM
When people with post nasal drip do that snorting thing.......YUCK!!!! :eek:

People who smoke in restaurants.......can't they take a little break and spare the rest of us??

People who yank their dog by the neck when walking them on a leash.....saw a little dog being "drug" by the neck the other day. I wanted to scream at the girl who was walking him.

People who don't cut their grass.......

10-27-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Logan
People who don't cut their grass.......

10-27-2003, 02:41 PM
I'm sorry you guys, I was sick over the week end and couldn't mow my grass:( I'll do it on Wednesday;) I mow part of my north neighbors and all of my south neighbors, so it's a little bigger job now:eek:

10-27-2003, 02:58 PM
I hate it when I answer the phone and while I'm trying to listen to the person on the other line, someone in my house is bugging me, asking who's on the phone. :rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 03:18 PM
1. When in class, doing my work and people ask *ME* how to do this or that, because they weren't listening. -- HELLO. The teacher is there FOR A REASON!!

2.When people continually talk in class, after the teacher asked them 4535635534534 times to be quiet and do your work. It's so frustrating and i'd like to punch them all in the face. ;x I can't concentrate!

3. When my teacher whistles Christmas Carols day after day in class, while i'm trying to do work.

4. When people stop in thw halls during wach class passing to stop and talk to friends.... --HELLO we have about a 45 lunch period to do that.

5. When people take to long explaining something or they use "UHHHHHH..." or stop repeatidly while explaining it -- Just makes it confusing.

6. When people change ( as in personality ) every other day.

7. Having to change classes every few weeks. I hate change and it makes it so confusing in school.

8. Little girls, who carry themselves as little sleez bags (excuse me) -- Going with every which guy that looks at them.

9.... My final one for now, WHEN THE TELEPHONE RINGS!

Did you notice all except 9 were about school? :p

10-27-2003, 03:32 PM
Oh Kfamr. I wouldn't go back to high school for anything. I promise that it all gets better! But, I was one of those "talkers." 6 tardy bells couldn't drag my big running mouth out of the halls!! and then I spent half my high school career with my phone removed from my room for talking after lights out.;) *sighs*. It all started early. I got a paddling in Kindergarten for talking during nap time.

10-27-2003, 04:22 PM
People who stand in their yard and look shocked/scared ( making no move at all to get the dog) as their dog darts in front of passing cars. Also, car that going flying around the two cars ahead of them that have stopped to try and get the dog back to the slack-jawed owners.

Guess what happned on my way home from work ;)

Note: The dog, with help from another woman and myself, made it safely back across the street and into the house, depsite the idiot that came flying around us as soon as we parked and got out to help, and the owners, who even after the dog came back into its own yard, stood there making no effort to grab the dog when it ran up to them!

10-27-2003, 05:06 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves are people who think they are all that and so much more... :rolleyes: Get over yourself.

Other than that, people who know the answer in class, they just don't raise their hand. :mad:

10-27-2003, 05:09 PM
Normally my teachers don't even tell us to raise our hands.... We have open floor to say the answer, unless he calls on someone specific.

10-27-2003, 05:10 PM
Pedestrians who walk against a red light.

Pedestrians who cross on a yellow light when there's not enough time to get across the street before it turns red.

Pedestrians who stand in the middle of the intersection instead of staying on the curb so drivers can make turns.

Red light runners.

Double parkers

Tailgaters -

People talking on cell phones ANYWHERE - while driving, walking down the street, in elevators :eek:, in the grocery store :o , in a movie :mad:

People who wear back packs and are not aware of how much room that thing takes up on their backs -- I've been hit many times by unconscious back-pack wearers.

SUV's who park in the "compact only" parking spaces.

Those REALLY BRIGHT headlights that blind you at night or people who don't get their headlights adjusted so one is glaring right into my rear-view mirror.

People who don't know the rules of the road. In California it is legal to make a right hand turn at a red light (if it's safe). It's also legal to make a left-hand turn at a red light if it's safe and if you're on a one-way street turning into a one-way street.

People who don't use their turn signals when they drive.

Can you tell I'm a commuter? :rolleyes: :p

People who don't know the difference between their, there and they're; it's and its; to, too and two; are, hour and our; know and no, lose and loose .... etc.

10-27-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
People who wear back packs and are not aware of how much room that thing takes up on their backs -- I've been hit many times by unconscious back-pack wearers.

I hate that too. I'm very concious of my backpack, always putting it between my feet while on the train or bus.

I hate umbrellas!!!!! Or rather stupid people with stupid umbrellas. I don't know how many times I've almost had my eye poked out by someone with an umbrella. Personally if it's raining get wet! You're not made of sugar. Too bad if it ruins your hair-do it's raining that's what happens!
*phew* I think I have issues, LOL

10-27-2003, 05:44 PM
crumbs in the butter--when someone butters their toast and sticks the knife back into the butter

pedestrians walking against the light

people whistling

I am also a server, and when that guy in the suit can't put his phone down long enough for me to get his order, then waves frantically as soon as he's ready for me--drives me nuts

people who don't return calls

people who complain about prices at work, and still buy the item they argue about--a lady came in the other day for soup--she told me over and over how she couldn't believe we charged $3.75 for a bowl of soup--then she bought it anyway:rolleyes:

coworkers who can't understand the concept of teamwork

this one is so silly, but it drives me nuts when my neighbors don't bring their garbage cans in--the trash collectors come on Monday morning around 8, and some people will leave their trash cans by the curb until Wednesday or Thursday

--I know there are more, I just can't think of any more right now!!

10-27-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
coworkers who can't understand the concept of teamwork
Yeah!!!! I'm with you on this one. You must work where I work.

Here's another one:

Women who put on makeup and drive at the same time :mad: :mad:

10-27-2003, 05:52 PM
I think many of us could get together an write a best selling novel on all the crap that servers put up with. That is probably one of the biggest pet peeve starting jobs!

10-27-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I think many of us could get together an write a best selling novel on all the crap that servers put up with. That is probably one of the biggest pet peeve starting jobs!

I have actually thought of that--earlier in the summer I started keeping a journal of annoying things customers did--people never cease to amaze me!!!!

10-27-2003, 06:05 PM
Let's see.....

1- People who give you a pile load more work to do just as you are getting your coat on.

2- People/kids that don't walk their dogs properly (i.e. keep them on a leash, I was out walking Teeko a few weeks ago and this dog came running across the street, it was a German Sheppard, I looked for the owner and there was this boy about 8 years old screaming for the dog to come back to him, when the dog finally went back a few minutes later he didn't bother to put the leash back on, the poor GS couldhave got hit by a car!).

3- The toilet seat up.

4- Leaving just a bit of milk/juice/water left so the next person who uses it has to change the carton/make more.

5- People who got to the 8 items or less check-out line with a FULL BASKET

10-27-2003, 07:22 PM
Classmates who can't listen to instructions.

People who somehow made it into college with no grammatical skills, slowing down the rest of the class because they're idiots.

People who "EEW" When I mention my snakes/rats/mouse.

Cell phones in restaurants/theaters/when people are driving.

Kids that follow me around and ask me 9875267 questions when I'm trying to work. (or just in general)

Hey Slick: I saw something really funny happen thet you would have loved...some woman in a convertible was at a light putting on her makeup...something happened, I don't remember what, but she wound up with lipstick all the way across one side of her face right as the light changed!!

10-27-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Hey Slick: I saw something really funny happen thet you would have loved...some woman in a convertible was at a light putting on her makeup...something happened, I don't remember what, but she wound up with lipstick all the way across one side of her face right as the light changed!!
LOL!!! That reminds me of the movie Airplane. The same thing happened.

This morning I was following a woman who tried to put on her mascara and she applied a little at each light. Took her 15 min. Why bother??

10-27-2003, 07:45 PM
Why not put it on at home and wake a few minutes early -- instead of risking your life and many others by not focusing on the road?

And people ask why i'm afraid to drive...:rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
"Max can't help it because he doesn't have closeable lips.
Does everybody hate that, or is it just me?
This made me laugh (the part about the closable lips) but I agree. :D

1. Leaving the toilet seat up.
2. Finding tiny little whiskers on the sink after hubby shaves or, worst yet, finding them stuck on the soap!
3. I work for an ophthalmologist and it's amazing the number of people whose insurance require referrals and they come in and expect to be seen without them, or those people who have had an eye problem for days and wait until we are ready to close and suddenly feel they should be seen as an emergency. :rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 07:52 PM

1.) When the phone rings, and my mom is right by it, she asks me to pick it up. STOP BEING SO LAZY!! :rolleyes:

2.) People in my classes who wonder why they're failing, when they are disrespectful and don't do any work....DUH!...:p

3.) When the internet goes down...

4.) Kids who stop in the hall to chat..HELLO?! You can at least MOVE out of the way!

5.) When people consider dogs, just dogs. Obvious reason why I don't approve...

6.) People who try to "show off" and try to be someone they can't be.

7.) The doorbell ringing. I just find it annoying! :p

8.) Putting on makeup during class..

There's more...I'll come back. ;)

10-27-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver

1.) When the phone rings, and my mom is right by it, she asks me to pick it up. STOP BEING SO LAZY!! :rolleyes:

2.) People in my classes who wonder why they're failing, when they are disrespectful and don't do any work....DUH!...:p

3.) When the internet goes down...

4.) Kids who stop in the hall to chat..HELLO?! You can at least MOVE out of the way!

5.) When people consider dogs, just dogs. Obvious reason why I don't approve...

6.) People who try to "show off" and try to be someone they can't be.

8.) Putting on makeup during class..

Julie, I honestly think we are sisters... lol I TOTALLY AGREE!

10-27-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
Julie, I honestly think we are sisters... lol I TOTALLY AGREE!


That's a scary thought! :p Hehe, J/K!

-my sister eating/sitting on my bed...I can't stand it! I know, I'm weird.

-when I first sign online and 837328394839 people IM me. Hang on people! :p

- "girly girls"...sorry, I'm a tomboy. :p

Still thinking...

10-27-2003, 08:14 PM
Ohhh... another IM thing...

When I don't message people RIGHT away and they get all mad at me.

HI! I can't respond to everyone at ONCE!:rolleyes: :p

10-27-2003, 08:50 PM
Hehe Kay, My boyfriend does that exact thing... lol

10-27-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Ohhh... another IM thing...

When I don't message people RIGHT away and they get all mad at me.

HI! I can't respond to everyone at ONCE!:rolleyes: :p

OMG! That happens to me too. Today I was chatting with 3 cousins, an uncle, aunt, and one of my friends. I had to divide it between them all and couldn't respond to everyone right that second. My friend..........she's like *Aren't I SOOOOOOOOOO boring? SO boring that you aren't even answering me!*

Uh...no. I was giving the others THEIR replies before I could get back to her. :rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by slick

2. Those stupid "moral-booster" events at work such as summer BBQ, and Christmas lunches. I gotta work with these people 7 hrs a day. Why would I want to socialize with them :eek:

Try 12 hours a day! And, I have to have an immaculate desk at work. You would think I was a neat freak until you saw my computer desk at home. Don't know why that is.
This is sort of on the same idea: those anal things like the teamwork class I had to go to a while back. I cannot believe the stupid things we had to do and no telling how much that woman got paid for it. Grrrrrrr

PJ's Mom
10-27-2003, 09:38 PM
I love reading these, and I'm happy to say that so far, I'm not guilty of doing any of them. :D

1. People who don't know how to use turn signals.
2. People who drive under the speed limit.
3. Telemarketers
4. People who try to sell me something by leaving stupid flyers on my door. I get so tired of that.

I'm getting mad now. I think I'll stop. :D

10-27-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
SUV's who park in the "compact only" parking spaces.

my mom has a COMPACT SUV...:o
my pet peeves are:
1.girls who are all flirty and preppy with every guy they see tyying to be all cute. ***news Flash!!***News Flash*** your not cute and nobody likes you!!!! as you can tell they really get on my nerves.

2.people who talk all through class even after they've been told 32947320957048750487 million times to shut up.

3. people who abuse thier animals.

4. shallow people.

5. people in general.

not you guys though:)

10-27-2003, 09:55 PM
People who have 3 miles clear before and after me on the road and pull smack out in front of me, when it’s raining, anyway.

People who don’t control, punish, or contain their children.

People who let their pets roam freely.

When people call our 800 # at work and wanna know about their loan. Uh hello? Did I say San Antonio Credit Union? (Our # is 1 digit off from theirs) Then they ask if they called 800- blah blah blah. No you didn’t. Then they ask WHAT NUMBER THEY DIALED! WHY DO YOU CARE? You’re wasting my time! :mad:

People who stop on the right turn green arrow. Green arrow people. It’s like a left turn green arrow. DON'T STOP.

Door to door salespeople.

I’m sure I’ll be back with more…

10-27-2003, 11:09 PM
One more working rant one:

People who are in highup positions who feel that they don't need to wash their own dishes. "I'll just leave them in the sink and somehow magically they'll get washed on their own."

Now ask me if I have respect for authority..........

10-27-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Logan
When people with post nasal drip do that snorting thing.......YUCK!!!! :eek:

Yuuccckkkk - I am with you there!!!! I travel by train into work everyday, and the amount of people who sniff THE WHOLE 45 MINUTE trip is disgusting

Women who spray themselves with perfume ON THE TRAIN OR IN THE OFFICE!!! Choke, Gag ........... cough, cough .....:eek:

People who look at their mobile phone for about 3 minutes BEFORE they finally answer!!!!

People who leave their mobile phone on their desk, and go out to lunch .......... whilst it rings for the entire hour :mad:

Telemarketers who phone at 8pm ......... and get mad when I say I don't have time to complete their 55 point questionairre .......

10-27-2003, 11:46 PM
People who let their kids run amok.

People who have to touch me or get really close to me to talk to me. I'm not talking about my boyfriend or my mom, but strangers. Yuck.

People who bring their dogs into my grooming shop or boarding kennel without a leash. Hello. Then they spend 15 minutes standing in the parking lot screaming at the dog, "Fluffy! Fluffy! Fluffy! Come here! Get over here! Fluffy! Fluffy!"

When I'm eating chips or pretzels or something out of a bag or box and someone comes over and grabs a handful. Or worse yet, stands there and just eats out of the bag, too. Even worse if I have dip! Just take it, take it!

People who cough and don't get a cough drop, or sniffle and don't get a tissue. Gross!

Women who smell like they marinated in perfume for eight hours.

People who use cell phones all the time, everywhere. Is it really necessary to give the person on the cell phone a running account of every item you are buying in the check out line at Walmart, or discuss your entire conversation with your boyfriend last night in the restroom, or the worst is - when someone is eating in a restaurant, ignoring the person he/she is dining with, and talking on a cell phone at 890 decibels.

10-27-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
People who let their kids run amok.

People who have to touch me or get really close to me to talk to me. I'm not talking about my boyfriend or my mom, but strangers. Yuck.

People who bring their dogs into my grooming shop or boarding kennel without a leash. Hello. Then they spend 15 minutes standing in the parking lot screaming at the dog, "Fluffy! Fluffy! Fluffy! Come here! Get over here! Fluffy! Fluffy!"

Women who smell like they marinated in perfume for eight hours.

I'm with you on the kids!!! Some people's kids these days.

And with the touching!!!! My boss thinks it's funny that I don't like being touched or having people in my personal space.

And with the dogs!!!! My gosh you wouldn't believe how many people do that, and we're on a very busy road!!

And worse than the marinated women is the ones who after marinating themselves hold their dogs close to them, so that all you smell when you're bathing them etc is their mom's cheap perfume. LOL

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-28-2003, 12:08 AM
Add another couple to my list:

1. When I answer my phone and say "Hello, Julie speaking" and the caller immediately says either "Is that Julie" or "who am I speaking to"

2. Having to "DUMB DOWN" my english to make sure people I work with understand me. (And I AM referring to people with degrees, who have English as their HOME LANGUAGE)

3. People who scratch through papers on my desk looking for information. That's why I have a mobile - If I'm not at my desk CALL ME for goodness sake!

4. People who complain about me putting on my make-up in the car (I ONLY do it when I am stopped at the lights - one of our signals on the route to work takes 7 MINUTES)

5. When I go to the hairdresser for a TRIM and come out looking like KOJAK!

SHEEEESH - I think maybe I need to *relax* a bit:o

10-28-2003, 07:24 AM
Children in general.

People who abuse their animals.

I suffer terribly from mobile phone rage, especially people who find it fine to talk during a movie or at restuarants/supermarkets/meetings *ARGHHHHHHHHHH*

Noisy eaters *Clover is an exception* ;)

People who dont cover their mouthes whilst coughing *Ack*

People who try to hug me all the time *leave me alone please*

Ignorant/Dumb/Naive people.

When people talk to me whilst i am reading *ARGhhhh*

guess that is all for now *i am a pretty angry person* lol ;)

10-28-2003, 08:33 AM
Confessions 10/28.
Ladies and Gents, I'm going straight down the tubes today and it's not even 9 am!

I drove my big, gas guzzling SUV to work today. I made a phone call without a handsfree device, and I put on lipstick and lipliner at the 2nd and thirds lights. Oh, and I was late to work because I was chatting it up with the Starbucks boy whose Mrs. Robinson I'd like to be- all the while holding up the drive through line.


edit: and see how screwed up I am today. I posted this in the wrong stinking thread!

10-28-2003, 09:01 AM
LMAO 2kitties! There's a cop at work that I'd like to be a Mrs. Robinson to, as well :D

10-28-2003, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Confessions 10/28.
Ladies and Gents, I'm going straight down the tubes today and it's not even 9 am!

I drove my big, gas guzzling SUV to work today. I made a phone call without a handsfree device, and I put on lipstick and lipliner at the 2nd and thirds lights. Oh, and I was late to work because I was chatting it up with the Starbucks boy whose Mrs. Robinson I'd like to be- all the while holding up the drive through line.


edit: and see how screwed up I am today. I posted this in the wrong stinking thread!

This made me laugh. I hope your lipstick stays on all morning.
I am a little worried about you using your cell while driving........did you get any lipstick on it? UUhhh, I would go back to Starbucks at lunchtime if the morning doesn't get any better for you. Is there anyone out there who doesn't know who Mrs. Robinson is?

10-28-2003, 10:53 AM
In fact Gini, it is now 10:57 and my lipstick is still hanging in there - it's MAC- the best.
The cell phone managed to stay free of the lipstick. I made the call before applying. However, I confess that my handsfree headset does have lipstick residue on the mouthpiece from previous applications!

And the Starbucks boy is very cute for a youngun:) but he's painfully slow and possibly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

For all those who don't know, Mrs Robinson is the older woman in The Graduate who has an affair with a younger man.

Now that stupid song will be in my head all day!!

10-28-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties

Now that stupid song will be in my head all day!!

Not my fault - you brought up her name:D :D But of course, I will be humming it all day too! Thanks a lot!:p

10-28-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Now that stupid song will be in my head all day!!

Oh, great. Mine too, now. And I hate that song. ;)

10-28-2003, 11:14 AM
Well...... at least it's a happy song:(

10-28-2003, 11:50 AM
How about people who call themselves "animal lovers" yet are really mean to other people?! HELLLLOOOOO - people are animals too!

People who grill you with a million questions after everything you say. For example I say "I work tomorrow". "Oh yeah - what time? What time are you leaving? Which car are you taking? Then what's Allie going to drive? Are you going to sleep here or in Iron River? What unit are you working in? Who else is working? Are you going to take that assignment at Dickinson? Why are you still at Iron County? When do you start school?"

The proper response to "I work tomorrow" would be "Oh - me too" or "Oh - I'm off tomorrow" and maybe one question. Interrigation isn't warranted!

Women/girls (usually teenagers but sometimes even older women) who talk in a fake voice! What's the point?

Fake smiles.

Fake laughs.

Pretending to care about things that you don't care about.

Can you tell I'm mad at someone?

10-28-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by stacwase

Can you tell I'm mad at someone?

I can! But the question is.............at WHO?!? :p :D

10-28-2003, 01:04 PM
How can you talk in a "fake" voice? :confused: :confused:

I'm an animal lover, but I hate *most* people...

10-28-2003, 01:05 PM
Good question Kfamr. Maybe sort of like Madonna, now that she has the british accent- you know she's from Detroit!

10-28-2003, 01:06 PM
So if I talked like a New Yorker, you'd consider me having a "Fake voice" Since i'm from Florida.... :p

I never knew there was such thing as a "fake" voice lmao ;x

10-28-2003, 01:11 PM
I guess so. I'm Southern but I live in Wisconsin. If I all of a sudden stopped using my southern accent and purposefully rounded my o's and used Wisconsin slang- maybe that would be fake. I suppose it would.

But, I think what she was really talking about was someone who, for instance, sounds sappy sweet when they're really being bitchy.

I have no idea. We'll have to wait and hear from her. I was basically just making a joke with the Madonna thing. My jokes never go over well- I am the worlds worst joke teller!!!

Tough crowd.;):p

10-28-2003, 01:12 PM
Oh - this relative of mine. She's driving me nuts. She'll be talking along in her regular voice then a waitress will come along to take her order or whatever and she'll put on this stupid childlike high voice and fake smile and act all shy. She's the least shy person I've ever met.

And ever since I've known her she's HATED dogs but now, suddenly, she's pretending like she's interested in them because it's the "in" thing in her little crowd. They're cute little accessories, you know.

And she HATES kids! She has never shown any interest in them. But she has this sister-in-law who she's trying to show up. So she picks up her sister-in-law's kids and brings them over here and talks bad about her mothering skills etc. etc. All the while she's ignoring the kids and I'm taking care of them. In fact - she drops them off with me! And I can't ignore the sweet little guys - but she doesn't even tell me she's coming! She just shows up kids in hand like she's doing me a huge favor!


I think, perhaps, I may be PMSing.

10-28-2003, 01:13 PM

Whenever I come back from Tennesee, I end up sounding "country" -- I can't help it thought because once you're aorund people who talk like that, it rubs off on you. :p

10-28-2003, 01:16 PM
I suppose that's who you're mad at then? :p

I talk differently around people I know as opposed to someone I don't know. When i'm around people I know, I talk normal.

When i'm around people I don't know -- I normally talk higher, clearer, and more intelligent as to when around people I do know, I talk relaxed and laid back I guess.

10-28-2003, 01:17 PM
How about fake people??

I thought of another when I went for my coffee this morning----


They bother me. If it's a sports car, fine. But don't buy your family sedan in a bright yellow--it's just not right. I saw one Mazda 6 in bright yellow, and a Saturn in bright yellow--why does someone want anyone noticing their Saturn (sorry if anyone has one)??
Corvette--fine. BMW or Benz convertible--fine. Honda s2000--fine.

But not your family truckster, come one people:)

10-28-2003, 01:18 PM
KayAnn, you know, like a sing song voice - real cutsey - and not natural. Especially when you know what they "really" sound like.

I have a friend who does that sometimes - and I always give her a look of: "what's up with you?"


It just has to be cell phones - it especially bugs me in the grocery store. You are standing looking at something and they walk right up next to you and talk away. So many times I have thought they were talking to me..........their voice was so loud.

I saw a handmade sign in the back of a car......it said HANG UP!

What did we do before we had cell phones - never communicate?

I even read that you can buy fake cell phones and just hold them up to your ear and chat away. God forbid a total stranger might not think you cool because you don't have a cell phone.:rolleyes:

10-28-2003, 01:22 PM
I have two voices. I have my regular voice, which is just plain me. Then I have my professional work/phone voice. I mean, I can't exactly talk to a client and use my usual terminology: "Like, can you, Like fax me that? K?"

And, I only have a cell phone. We don't have land lines to our house- seems like a waste of money since the cell is so much cheaper. But I'm a good girl and turn it off in restaurants, etc. But, in the car, the headset is on and I'm takin' care of biddness! :) Oh, and I'm forever making calls home in the grocery because I SUCK at taking pre-shopping inventory. So it's Ring Ring "do we have cheddar cheese." Ring Ring: "do we need toothpaste."
Seriously, I have ADD. But honestly, I never dreamed I was making anyone angry in the grocery when I was talking quietly on my phone. I don't understand- why does it bother others?

10-28-2003, 01:23 PM
Ohhh.. another one of mine..

I think I got this from my mom and dad, Because they used to always yell at my brother and sister for it.

When people come in the neighbor hood with their radios BLASTING. Ok yes, I love listening to the radio very loud, but -- Not in the neighborhood.

I hate when people come through the neighborhood with the bass super high and the volume all the way up. Can't you just turn it down until you get out of the neighborhood or since most come in the neighborhood to come home, why not just turn it down as you enter -- since you're going to be getting out soon anyways?

OHH.. Another one -- The neighbors across the street from us ALWAYS park cars on the street, both sides of their driveway -- which is directly across from ours. It take us FOREVER to pull out of our driveway because we have to twist and turn the car so we don't hit theirs.

Our neighbors across the street are morons anyways... :rolleyes:

10-28-2003, 01:26 PM
right on Kfarm.
Note to bass pumpers:
If your car makes my car vibrate, or if I can hear your radio and we both have our windows up--- it is too loud.

Also, I hate when I have my windows up in my car and I smell smoke from somebody else's ciggie.

10-28-2003, 01:27 PM
Gini - that's what I mean. Or a really childlike voice.

Of course - your professional voice is different. It's necessary - you're not doing it to get attention or be cute.

And of course our voices change when we're angry - like when you're angry but you're trying to hide it. That's OK too - I mean - that's just natural.

But it's that stupid whiny little girl "I'm so innocent" voice that drives me nuts!

10-28-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties

Also, I hate when I have my windows up in my car and I smell smoke from somebody else's ciggie.

Or their POS car!

Another one!! When someone's car is so crappy that it SMELLS horrible. I mean, all exhausts on cars smell a bit -- But when I can smell it miles away, get a new car!!

10-28-2003, 02:48 PM
OK, one more worker rant that just happened. I'm in the BR doing my thing, and the girl in the next stall starts to strike up a conversation about her home computer and asking me for advice. Excuse me???? Hello???? This is a washroom. Let's take this conversation to your office that just happens to be 10 steps from mine.....

I'm not a BR loiterer :eek:

10-28-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I have two voices. I have my regular voice, which is just plain me. Then I have my professional work/phone voice. I mean, I can't exactly talk to a client and use my usual terminology: "Like, can you, Like fax me that? K?"

And, I only have a cell phone. We don't have land lines to our house- seems like a waste of money since the cell is so much cheaper. But I'm a good girl and turn it off in restaurants, etc. But, in the car, the headset is on and I'm takin' care of biddness! :) Oh, and I'm forever making calls home in the grocery because I SUCK at taking pre-shopping inventory. So it's Ring Ring "do we have cheddar cheese." Ring Ring: "do we need toothpaste."
Seriously, I have ADD. But honestly, I never dreamed I was making anyone angry in the grocery when I was talking quietly on my phone. I don't understand- why does it bother others?

Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Isn't it basically the same as if there were another person there that they're talking to?

Doesn't bother me a bit, but then I too, am apparently an offender. I talk on my cell almost anywhere anytime, except the places where you should be quiet normally like the movies and stuff.

10-28-2003, 03:17 PM
About changing the voice................it really depends for me. I mean......I don't change my voice (hate that), but I have a different *style* of talking with different people. Like I have a *home style* the way I talk with my parents, and then how I talk with my brother. Voice is same, style is different. I think this more has to do with language, you know, because I usually talk to my parents in Urdu, and my brother in English. My parents expect me to talk to them in Urdu so I don't *lose* it..............you know, when you know more than one language, you don't want to lose the ones you don't get to speak too often. :p Occasionally, I will talk to my parents in English too, but the style is different from how I'd talk in English to my brother, or friends. I talk to my friends and brother in a very American accent, which is my normal accent...............but somehow, with my parents..........it just sounds different. :p I have pretty much the same style of talking to anyone other than my parents. People who I'm more free with, I probably talk in a more free manner. People who I'm not so free with, its more *formal*..........you know? But I hate when people change their voices, to that squeeky *baby* voice. I don't like that. Keep your voice how it is........don't go around changing it. :rolleyes:

One of my pet peeves related to this is how some people change their *accents* to something its not. I know this Eqyptian girl, who grew up in Egypt and moved to the US a few years ago. She has a TOTAL Eqyptian accent..........I mean TOTALLY, and she tries to change it to American, which she CANNOT do, so she ends up sounding like a total wierdo. I mean........if you're not an American and cannot talk like one, is that something to be ashamed of? Talk like yourself! I can't understand a word she says when she constantly tries to talk in an American accent, which isn't possible for her. :rolleyes:

10-28-2003, 03:26 PM
People who don’t control, punish, or contain their children.

I hate that so much! :mad: I was at my friends birthday party and her family was at the restaurant with us. She had her bro and her little cousin and they were running throughout the buffet. It was driving me crazy! The owners even asked her parents if they could control their kids but they seemed to not care. Then we went to a bowling/arcade place and they ruined my chance of winning a a game. :rolleyes:

Few more..

1) People in school who don't listen then ask for help/answers/if they can cheat

2) People who walk in the hall and stop in the middle to make out with their girl/boyfriend. Number one, get out of my way, number two, do you have to do that in my face? :rolleyes:

3) Smokers who stand around the front doors so I HAVE to pass them while I go in. Lucky me if I don't get caught between them while they're spitting or have their hand way out because they're not taking a puff. :rolleyes:

4) People who are desperate and date guys/girls just so they won't be alone.

5) Actors and actresses who think they are all that.

6) People in general who show off. I hate that.

7) People who don't respect the crossing signals or can't drive. That also includes talking on the cell or putting on make-up while driving

8) People who spend thousands of dollars to buy a coat when I can buy the SAME ONE for much cheaper but it's not a brand name. Like, honestly, who cares?

9) Those people who actually think that them and their high school boyfriend are meant to be and will get married. I'm sorry there is a chance but..not likely.

Does it show I didn't have a great day at school today? :p
There are many more...

10-28-2003, 03:27 PM
Our neighboors are morons too.
One next to us, have a BILLION people living in one house, I swear it's like more people keep moving in. They have parties EVERY SINGLE week and play (no offense to hispanic people) very loud Spanish music. I can't stand it! They park in front of my house, and block our driveway. Their kids run on *our* front lawn and break our sprinklers. My dad isn't very fond of them, neither am I. :rolleyes:
Then, on the opposite side we have a "priest". Although he doesn't act very priest like. Molly hates him too. She starts barking like mad whenever she sees him. One time, I was walking her, and she started barking in front of his house. I told her No Barking, just to be polite and he said "That thing should have a muzzle on!" :mad::mad: Needless to say, I've never liked him since.

I do talk differently in front of people. Like here, I always try to be polite (not saying I'm not polite in "real-life".) With my friends, I'm more laid back. :p

PCB, my sister does the "baby voice", and it drives me nuts! :rolleyes: Another one of my pet peeves...

10-28-2003, 03:28 PM
Oh, Popcorn - that's not what I meant!:) :) Of course that wouldn't bother anybody! I guess you'd just have to see people who do it to know what I mean. It drives everybody around her nuts!

But about Egyptian people trying to change their accents. I guess if I were learning Egyptian, I'd want to speak it like the Egyptians. I'd try my very best to pronounce all of the words correctly. When I try to speak Spanish to my Mexican patients, they can barely understand me because I pronounce the words so badly (as I'm looking each word up in the Spanish/English dictionary). So if I were to learn Spanish I would do my best to speak it with a Mexican accent. It wouldn't be that I was trying to be someone I wasn't - just that I was trying to be more understandable! Of course I do think the accent is beautiful, but that's beside the point!

I sometimes wonder how the American accent sounds to other people. I love to listen to French accents and the accents of people from Sri Lanka. They're just sooo pretty and romantic. But the German accent sounds harsh and gutteral to me. So - tell me! Is the American accent soft or harsh?

10-28-2003, 03:36 PM
Ok, I'm remembering things.............so here's my list.

1) Cannot STAND people who bring their kids to other peoples' house or to public places and let them do whatever they want without controlling them! :mad::mad: *You don't know how many times I've told my mom to stop inviting certain people to our house, just because of the fact that they have evil children that basically drive me insane by wrecking the whole house, and their mothers don't tell them ANYTHING! :mad:

2) People who try to talk in an accent that isn't their's.........sounds artificial you know?

3) Smokers! Cannot stand cigarettes to any degree.

4) Boys who go around skateboarding in the *show-offy* way, around the whole neighborhood, trying to get attention by people passing by. :rolleyes:

5) Girls who carry around a bag full of makeup and constantly apply it while talking...........no matter where they are. :rolleyes:

6) Revealing/overly tight/or transparent clothing. Cannot stand to see people dressed like that.

Have more, but I'll post them as I remember. Right now I'm babysitting my friend's little sister (3 year old), who is an absolute sweety btw and doesn't bother at all. She's standing next to me, wondering what I'm doing on the computer. Of course she's to little to understand so I know she won't get out my *confession*.

Ps. She's not learning English..........she already knows it. Its just when she's around us girls who normally talk with an American accent because we grew up here.........she tries to talk in the same way, but she totally can't, and we understand her SO much better if she talks normally, without twisting her mouth to *try* to sound like us. :p

10-28-2003, 03:39 PM
It is so interesting to me to read all the peeves posted by Teens. Most of them, if you read back through, involve people at school, talking, dressing, stopping in the halls, showing off, dating, flirting etc.

Just goes to show that High School is a SERIOUSLY WEIRD PLACE!

10-28-2003, 03:42 PM
I don't know how the American accent sounds to others, because its my tongue.......my birth accent, so I hear it just as any other American would. My aunts in Pakistan though........they can't stand when I speak in English! They say American kids talk too fast :confused:, but I can swear I talk 10 times slower than most other teens around here. :o Oh well. I don't talk to them in English anyway. :p They do say they like the American accent way better than British though, and personally, I have to agree with that. For English, I like American accent better than British, even though they're the ones who speak *real* English! :o

10-28-2003, 03:44 PM
I love to hear English spoken by Aussies. Such a beautiful accent, to me.

10-28-2003, 03:45 PM
- People who thinks EVERYONE has to live by their beliefs and so on.


-"Girls Gone Wild" Commercials on TV -- Late night is when I watch TV the most.

-When people tell my dogs what to do. Hello, They're MINE not yours.

10-28-2003, 03:46 PM
It's so funny how people say English speaking people talk too fast .. When Spanish speaking people sound like they're saying 5000 wpm!

10-28-2003, 03:47 PM
Question about Girls Gone Wild.

I've never watched it, so maybe I've no idea what i'm talking about. But I always thought it was videos of girls on vacation acting like nincompoops. Then I read an interview with some actress once or something who said she'd appearing in episodes of girls gone wild.
So what is it? Is it a reality show of girls acting like they've got no sense, or is it a show with actresses acting like girls who have no sense???

10-28-2003, 03:50 PM
After living in NZ for a while, my ear became used to the NZ accents and when I heard an American speak it was startling. The sound of an American amidst New Zealanders sounds incredibly flat and monotone. This is because the NZ accent has a very different rythmn and tends to have lots of ups and downs. Many times a statement sounds like a question. Americans just sounded like they were on a different frequency. Kind of like the difference between a low, constant hum and someone asking a bunch of questions. Does that make any sense??:o :p

10-28-2003, 03:51 PM
Um.. It's basically girls running around flashing others, doing sexual things on video.

10-28-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Um.. It's basically girls running around flashing others, doing sexual things on video.

Right. But is it real, or actors?

10-28-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Right. But is it real, or actors?

I'm not sure, I normally end up changing the channel.

10-28-2003, 03:58 PM
I LOVE british/english accents, for people that REALLY have them, and don't fake it.
2kitties, yes high school is an interesting place! :p

10-28-2003, 03:58 PM
It was always my understanding that the girls were just regular girls who were drunk and stupid. But I would not discount the fact that there are people desperate enough to want to be in a staged moment of stupidity.:rolleyes:

10-28-2003, 04:29 PM
Here's some of mine:

1. Girls who go around school saying "sad!" especially when it doesn't even make sense to say it....for example, at school my friend asked me if I could go to the movies with her and some other people on a certain weekend and I told her I couldn't because I was going out of town and she goes "oh, sad!" like it was so terrible that I had to spend time with my family:rolleyes: I was like, "excuse me, but I like seeing my family out of town...it's not 'sad'"

2. My aunt does this annoying thing that my mom and I can't stand...she doesn't have any kids but her sisters (my mom and my other aunt) both have kids (me and my cousin...obviously lol) and she always tells my aunt and my mom how they should raise my cousin and I....it's like, hello....we're their kids, not yours, plus you dont even have kids so how would you know! And she always says to people, "well you should do this" or "you should do that" she's always telling people what they "should" do :rolleyes:

3. The thing where parents can't control their kids...my cousins are like that on my dad's side...my aunt and uncle don't seem to care what they're doing! It's like we constantly have to keep an eye on them when they visit so they don't wreck anything...and they're 10 and 12!:eek:

4. My friend at school does this really annoying thing...whenever she gets an answer right or something, she'll look at me and have this big grin on her face like she's so great for getting it right :rolleyes: for example, this one time in western hemisphere, we were talking about the Inca and the teacher asked how did they get so much land? (or something like that) and my friend raised her hand, he called on her, she said her answer, he said "yup, you're right" and she turns to where im sitting (way across the room) and gives me this big cheesy grin...it's like, ok you got it right, big deal :o

10-28-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I love to hear English spoken by Aussies. Such a beautiful accent, to me.

Thanks :D

10-28-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Kind of like the difference between a low, constant hum and someone asking a bunch of questions. Does that make any sense??:o :p

Yeah it totally does! I have never exactly heard the Australian/New Zealand accents.......so I have no clue how folks in that part of the world sound. :o I am however, much more fond of the American accent than the British one. :o Maybe its just that I'm used to it, but I think American style of speaking is clearer and easier to understand.......for me at least.

10-28-2003, 06:57 PM
I LOVE to listen to French Canadians speaking in their own language. Sometimes when I'm near the border I'll turn to a French Canadian station on the radio and just listen to it, even though I don't understand what they're saying.

I like British accents too - and isn't it funny how they barely move their mouths when they talk? My cousin went to England for a month, about a year ago - and she's still speaking with a very strong accent. :rolleyes:

Oh - but this is supposed to be a pet peeves thread! Sorry!

10-28-2003, 07:12 PM
When people say "nuttin" exactly how it's written. Nuttin. I hate that. REALLY HATE IT!

10-28-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I love to hear English spoken by Aussies. Such a beautiful accent, to me.

Yummmm. Aussie accents.....

oh wait this is the pet peeves thread, not confessions.......LOL;) :D

10-28-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
-"Girls Gone Wild" Commercials on TV -- Late night is when I watch TV the most.

-When people tell my dogs what to do. Hello, They're MINE not yours. [/B]

Teehee I just laugh at those commercials. But I haven't watched late night TV in a long time. In fact I haven't watched any TV in a long time :)

To go along with your one about your dogs. I hate when people give my dogs a command and expect them to obey it. Yeah they listen great to me, I trained them. Why should they listen to you? *S*

10-28-2003, 10:23 PM
Flakey friends...

If I am of any value, they can take two seconds to call and say they aren't going to show up/are going to be late.

11-01-2003, 06:14 AM
Yay for our Aussie accents :D thanks

more pet peeves

Homophobes *URGhhhhhhh* :(

Breedism of our canine friends (A lady at dog club the other night freaked out because a "pit bull" was running loose, the owner of the dog was racing around frantic as to wear her realy sweet natured Staffy X was, as he had slipped through the car door when putting the dogs back in the car) (and my Aunty saying the other night that Chows are vicious) :(

People who think it is a sin to show a little bit of their skin, be daring people ;) (No offence anyone here)

did i mention children ;)

when my dogs dont obey other peoples commands and the people say "oh i does not matter, dont worry about it" it DOES matter now make thge dog do as it was told (i love my mutts dearly but the must obey all commands given it could save their lives oneday)

thats all for the moment

11-01-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Confessions 10/28.
Ladies and Gents, I'm going straight down the tubes today and it's not even 9 am!

I drove my big, gas guzzling SUV to work today. I made a phone call without a handsfree device, and I put on lipstick and lipliner at the 2nd and thirds lights. Oh, and I was late to work because I was chatting it up with the Starbucks boy whose Mrs. Robinson I'd like to be- all the while holding up the drive through line.


edit: and see how screwed up I am today. I posted this in the wrong stinking thread!

Good Gosh! With the exception of posting this in the wrong thread, you have just confessed my sins!

11-01-2003, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
But, in the car, the headset is on and I'm takin' care of biddness! :) Oh, and I'm forever making calls home in the grocery because I SUCK at taking pre-shopping inventory. So it's Ring Ring "do we have cheddar cheese." Ring Ring: "do we need toothpaste."
Seriously, I have ADD. But honestly, I never dreamed I was making anyone angry in the grocery when I was talking quietly on my phone. I don't understand- why does it bother others?

I bill at $150/hour. I DO NOT waste my work time yakking on the phone with my family, since none of them will pay my time. SO, while in the CAR, while WALKING, while WAITING, even IN COURT (if the Judge ain't yakkin), I am on my cell phone. Why does it bother ANYONE anymore than two people talking...'cept you can't hear their end of the conversation? WHY, people, WHY?

And the grocery? Except for the problem of pushing a cart, chugging my beverage of choice, and holding on to my 2 inch cell phone, I do just fine in there. At least I am not driving one of those toy car carts with 8 kids hangin' off the side screamin' "I want, gimme, blah"!

11-01-2003, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic

And the grocery? Except for the problem of pushing a cart, chugging my beverage of choice, and holding on to my 2 inch cell phone, I do just fine in there. At least I am not driving one of those toy car carts with 8 kids hangin' off the side screamin' "I want, gimme, blah"!

I hate those carts--the people can never maneuver them either!!
I am on my phone a lot too, but it has nothing to do with my job, I just like to talk!!!!

Oh, and at our Wegmann's there is special parking for people with kids--special spots marked that you are only supposed to park in if you have kids with you:rolleyes:
I park there all the time.

11-01-2003, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by stacwase

Of course - your professional voice is different. It's necessary - you're not doing it to get attention or be cute.

But it's that stupid whiny little girl "I'm so innocent" voice that drives me nuts!

I guess it is good that I don't know most of you in person...cause I do have another 'little girl' voice, that I slip into with both sexes. For ME, it is a comfort level thing, the 'softer side' of me..that means my guard is down....I am not sure it is a 'innocent' voice, fact is, I have been told it is NOT innocent sounding at all.

Than, I also have a less professional vocabulary....I slip into some ghetto type vocabulary....'that's ate up', for example.

You all would hate me in real life! Good thing we have a screen, a web, and some serious distance between us, eh?

11-01-2003, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba

Oh, and at our Wegmann's there is special parking for people with kids--special spots marked that you are only supposed to park in if you have kids with you:rolleyes:
I park there all the time.

WTH? I would park my mini car in there EVERY day! That is soo funny. I think people with kids need to park extra far away, and exercise those little gremlins, to call them down!:D

11-01-2003, 06:52 PM
People talking on cell phones don't bother me at all, except when they are driving.

I get peeved when I'm in a store at the counter waiting for service and the clerk behind the counter is talking to her BF making plans for that evening. :mad: Hello?? There is a time and place for that.

And ladies and gents who take a bath in their perfume/aftershave and get into the elevator. They leave a trail behind them a mile long.

11-01-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I bill at $150/hour. I DO NOT waste my work time yakking on the phone with my family, since none of them will pay my time. SO, while in the CAR, while WALKING, while WAITING, even IN COURT (if the Judge ain't yakkin), I am on my cell phone. Why does it bother ANYONE anymore than two people talking...'cept you can't hear their end of the conversation? WHY, people, WHY?

And the grocery? Except for the problem of pushing a cart, chugging my beverage of choice, and holding on to my 2 inch cell phone, I do just fine in there. At least I am not driving one of those toy car carts with 8 kids hangin' off the side screamin' "I want, gimme, blah"!

:D :D :D

You sound like my brother Catapault! He's ALWAYS on his cell.......in the car, while walking, at the store, in the cashier line, EVERYWHERE! :eek: I'm not much of a phone person though. I call my friends occasionally to see how they're doing, but its just for a short talk.....and I do it from home. It doesn't bother me when people chat on their cells. It has become the norm now. Everyone does it! The only thing I hate is when I go out in the car with my brother, I can never talk to him because he's always talking to his friends on the phone. *sigh* LOL

As for parking SUV's in compact spots.............there are hardly any spots big enough for our poor massive SUV's! We always go driving around parking lots to find a big enough spot........not because we find it not right to park in a compact, but for the protection of our SUV! Tight spots can't be too safe for a big car like that!

And about voices Catapault.........my voice changes when I'm around unfamiliar people. It kind of gets soft/quiet/shy.........and NOT on purpose. I just can't talk normally and boldly with new people like I do with people close to me. :p

11-01-2003, 09:05 PM
Aah, thought of another one..."Expectant mother parking"

I always tell brian to just take the spots...who'se to know I'm not an "expectant mother"? (Except anyone who knows me ^.^)

11-01-2003, 09:10 PM
I hate it when there is a dog hair in my eye or in the back of my throat and I cant get it out!! ugh

I cant stand having my hands dirty, I have to wash them every 5 min.

I cant stand when girls wear clothing that is too small for them, let alone to small for a 2 year old :rolleyes:..

I cant stand when people dont flush the toilet

I hate it when people dont wash their hands after going to the washroom when a sink is available..

I really cant stand it when I step in gum :eek:

11-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Aah, thought of another one..."Expectant mother parking"

I always tell brian to just take the spots...who'se to know I'm not an "expectant mother"? (Except anyone who knows me ^.^)

I saw a comedian once that mentioned expectant mother stalls. She said who's going to police them? Are they going to chase after you saying "excuse me miss.....if you would just pee on this indicator stick....."


11-01-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I hate it when there is a dog hair in my eye or in the back of my throat and I cant get it out!! ugh

Welcome to my life. LOL
I work at a grooming shop and that's an every day part of work.
In fact I often pull dog hair out of my eyes while I'm sitting in front of the computer, hours after getting home from work.....

11-01-2003, 11:43 PM
Of course - your professional voice is different. It's necessary - you're not doing it to get attention or be cute.

But it's that stupid whiny little girl "I'm so innocent" voice that drives me nuts!
When I'm talking to grown-ups and strangers I put on a little girl "I'm so innocent" voice, because I can't help it. It's like when dogs first meet I think - they very quickly sort out by body language who's dominant and who's submissive. Once it's sorted they can usually be friends. I put on a very submissive, innocent voice (and put my head down) almost subconsciously, because I don't particularly want to be the dominant person, and because if I'm submissive the other person usually accepts you better and doesn't feel any need to hurt you or challenge you.

But that's just me. I think you were referring to a very confident person who was just pretending to be shy, right?

11-02-2003, 01:59 AM
People who call late at night.

Some people try to sleep.....

People who are overly loud.

11-02-2003, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by zanzanfergie
When I'm talking to grown-ups and strangers I put on a little girl "I'm so innocent" voice, because I can't help it. It's like when dogs first meet I think - they very quickly sort out by body language who's dominant and who's submissive. Once it's sorted they can usually be friends. I put on a very submissive, innocent voice (and put my head down) almost subconsciously, because I don't particularly want to be the dominant person, and because if I'm submissive the other person usually accepts you better and doesn't feel any need to hurt you or challenge you.

But that's just me. I think you were referring to a very confident person who was just pretending to be shy, right?

:o :o That's me too. I can usually talk absolutely normally with someone my age or around my age........even if they're new. I'll probably stay quiet with someone new for awhile, but when I start to warm up to the person, I would pretty much talk normally. When I'm around older people though, especially ones that I'm not so used to, I get that quiet/soft voice too. Its SO not on purpose. I can't help it. I just get shy. :o

smokey the elder
11-02-2003, 07:03 AM

TV on too loud.

Too many idiotic driving maneuvers to go into, but particularly people who drive with their blinker on and make an opposite lane change! How dangerous is that??

11-02-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Why does it bother ANYONE anymore than two people talking...'cept you can't hear their end of the conversation? WHY, people, WHY?

Here's an example. You are sitting in the waiting room at a doctor's office. You maybe have brought a book to read. You spend the entire wait listening to someone on their cell phone yacking about nothing really and it dominates the room. Yes, people do talk to each other in waiting rooms, but when you are sitting beside someone you tend to talk quietly and sometimes folks even whisper so as to not disturb others. Cell phone talkers must of necessity talk louder. Also, do they really think we are interested in hearing their conversation. :rolleyes: I think in this instance they should have the thoughtfulness to step outside much as they would do to smoke. It's just courtesy. JMHO.

Also, cell phones ringing in church. Did anyone ever hear of the vibrate option? Unless you are a physician on call and it is an emergency I see no need to have a cell phone turned on in church. If they must they should use vibrate.

11-02-2003, 08:39 AM
Like Kfamr said, people who call late at night.

Parents who smoke while driving with their kids in the car/holding their baby/pushing the stroller.

The word "holla". One of my friends uses that word all the time and I want to kill her for it. :rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
The word "holla". One of my friends uses that word all the time and I want to kill her for it. :rolleyes:

What does that word mean? Like Hello? Or Holler?

11-02-2003, 09:28 AM
For instance...her voicemail on her cellphone says "What's up boo, I'm not here right now. Leave a message and I'll holla back at choo....holllla! peace." :rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Here's an example. You are sitting in the waiting room at a doctor's office. You maybe have brought a book to read. You spend the entire wait listening to someone on their cell phone yacking about nothing really and it dominates the room. Yes, people do talk to each other in waiting rooms, but when you are sitting beside someone you tend to talk quietly and sometimes folks even whisper so as to not disturb others. Cell phone talkers must of necessity talk louder. Also, do they really think we are interested in hearing their conversation. :rolleyes: I think in this instance they should have the thoughtfulness to step outside much as they would do to smoke. It's just courtesy. JMHO.

I understand your example, BUT, I just don't see how that is any different than someone that talks loudly to the person next to them...I don't talk any louder on my cell phone than I do in person...really, the phones are kind of more sophisticated than that. Maybe the person is just loud? I stand by my opinion, it isn't any different. Imagine a group of girls all chatting, giggling, etc., in the grocery, at the mall, in the waiting room,...just as annoying, IMO, than someone that is talking on a cell phone. I think alot of people's hang up is that it seems exclusionary to them, or seems like they are being slighted by being in the same confined space with someone and to know that person on the phone is just so not into them...

11-02-2003, 09:44 AM
my pet peeve is fighting. People fighting over dumb things, and the thing is the people dont even *really* know that person. :(

11-02-2003, 10:39 AM
Dumb people.

People who try to 'police' things that they know NOTHING about.

11-02-2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I think alot of people's hang up is that it seems exclusionary to them, or seems like they are being slighted by being in the same confined space with someone and to know that person on the phone is just so not into them...

Gotta disagree. I think it's all about manners and upbringing and not encroaching on someone else's personal space. I work in a doctor's office and the normal chit-chat in the waiting room is for the most part almost hushed. Then you get someone in there with a cell phone talking and it's a whole different scene. I have actually seen people have to put away their books/magazines. I think that's just rude, but again it's all about how one was raised.

11-02-2003, 12:32 PM
I have to agree with Pam here. I don't dislike cellphones or the use of them. But, why is it necessary for you to talk so loudly? If you do, then you are invading my space and you are very distracting. I have no interest in your conversation whatsoever.

It seems as though the cellphone has become some sort of god, that must be obeyed. I just read that they have become such a nuisance that a book of ettiquete will soon be published for the ignorant.

Why should you have to be taught consideration and manners - why should a minister/priest/rabbi have to stop his sermon and comment on the ringing of a telephone?

Cellphones have become a godsend in countries that never had basic telephone services.

But there is the feature of voice mail - and you could retrieve the message later.

It isn't a matter of whether you are "so not into them" - but it might be a matter of "you are so into yourself and this device that must be obeyed".

11-02-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Unless you are a physician on call and it is an emergency I see no need to have a cell phone turned on in church. If they must they should use vibrate.

I hear you on that one Pam! Same problem in the mosque! Every few seconds........trrrrrrr...........tanananana...... ......tadadadatadadada, and all those silly ring tones everyone has! :eek: Its soooo annoying THERE, because people go to worship and don't want to hear rings every few seconds. They have signs all over the mosque, to turn your ringers off, and they make announcements too...........but how many people listen? :(

What makes me even more upset then cell phones in the mosque is ill-mannered kids in the mosque! Because its Ramadan right now, we're going to the mosque pretty much every night, and there are thousands of people there, so its a huge crowd and not easy to control. Our mosque........when they built it, they made a prayer room, specifically for mothers with young children, so if people come with their kids and the kids aren't behaving, they can pray there, and not disturb everyone else. Then they have babysitting service as well, so there's absolutely no excuse to see kids running around, screaming, crying, etc. in the mosque, in the prayer room that's supposed to be quiet! I just hate it when people don't control their children, really hate it. Also, I'm sure you folks teach Christian kids respect for the church. Muslim children should be taught to respect the mosque, cause its the house of God, a house of prayer. Its not a playground for heavens sake! They have volunteers trying to keep things under control, but people just don't listen.

I don't see why oh why they have to disturb other people when there's a room for mothers with babies, and a huge room with babysitters caring for the kids. :( People can be sooooo selfish. Of course when someone tells them something, even politely, then they become the bad person. :rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 12:56 PM
Oh, I think you guys took that last comment kind of not how I meant it...

I was raised correctly. I have table manners, am professional, classy, don't wear white after labor day, can identify most crystal, know how to set a table, blah, blah, blah. But, I don't see myself as somehow lacking because I talk on a cell phone all day long, everywhere. I am not a loud person, so, maybe my cellphone talking is less 'offensive' then some others? But, I just don't get it at all.

I can't really see talking on a cell phone while waiting in a doctor's office (though I AM one of THOSE people that thinks my time is just as valuable as the doctor's and calls ahead for the wait time), nor, do I see talking on a phone in church (? do people really do that?), and I laugh at the gym people that do it...JUST like I laugh at the gym people that stand around and talk-real time real place- as it is just such a waste of time to be in a gym and do nothing. But, sitting outside Starbucks waiting on someone? At the grocery? Heck yeah...I put the phone into my pocketbook when I ring out, just as i would stop talking to my friend.

I really think it is the WAY people talk on cell phones (or as a group of people talking really loud in a restaurant, or walking five abreast, or drive the car with the music so loud, or the ,etc.).

I just don't see the issue with cell phones.

Now, I am off to write some thank you notes for some gifts less someone think I wasn't brought up correctly????

11-02-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Oh, I think you guys took that last comment kind of not how I meant it...

I was raised correctly. I have table manners, am professional, classy, don't wear white after labor day, can identify most crystal, know how to set a table, blah, blah, blah. But, I don't see myself as somehow lacking because I talk on a cell phone all day long, everywhere. I am not a loud person, so, maybe my cellphone talking is less 'offensive' then some others? But, I just don't get it at all.

I can't really see talking on a cell phone while waiting in a doctor's office (though I AM one of THOSE people that thinks my time is just as valuable as the doctor's and calls ahead for the wait time), nor, do I see talking on a phone in church (? do people really do that?), and I laugh at the gym people that do it...JUST like I laugh at the gym people that stand around and talk-real time real place- as it is just such a waste of time to be in a gym and do nothing. But, sitting outside Starbucks waiting on someone? At the grocery? Heck yeah...I put the phone into my pocketbook when I ring out, just as i would stop talking to my friend.

I really think it is the WAY people talk on cell phones (or as a group of people talking really loud in a restaurant, or walking five abreast, or drive the car with the music so loud, or the ,etc.).

I just don't see the issue with cell phones.

Now, I am off to write some thank you notes for some gifts less someone think I wasn't brought up correctly????

I'm a cell phoner. Never in movies, never in church, etc. I, too, can set a table, hold my soup spoon correctly, tie a bow tie, and diagram a sentence. My handshake is firm and my eye contact is good.
And, when I'm on a business trip and I'm sitting in a restaurant alone, instead of talking to the person across the table from me, I choose to talk to the person on the other end of the phone. What's the big? I'm never louder than normal conversation voice, and I'm very courteous to other's "space." i'm sorry if some of you all have had bad experiences with cell phones, but I promise they aren't evil.

11-02-2003, 03:04 PM
I'm a busy mommy. I juggle 40-60 hour work weeks, school, homework, parenting, the gym, kickboxing, etc... I HAVE to use my cellphone. I am constantly on the phone with doctors, teachers, physical therapists, banks, vetrinarians, my husband, you name it! I don't have time to take care of my personal business otherwise. I am courteous most of the time. Church, meetings, and movies are big no-no's. I have it on vibrate 90% of the time. I don't stop people in midconversation to answer a call unless it is an emergency. I do drive and talk at the same time. Sorry, but I have no choice. :p

11-02-2003, 06:30 PM
1. Prank calls
2. Teachers who don't listen, and ignore you
3. People who find something negative to say about everything
4. When people don't rinse off their plates and just out them in the sink!!! :mad: Like I want to touch it and look at your grosse left overs soaked in water! **GAG**
5. Girls that put this in their AIM profiles:
6. Typos!!

11-02-2003, 06:34 PM
Another one.

People who walk *MY* dogs or hold their leashes. I don't trust anybody to. :p Also, when they tell them to "sit" or "jump", and they wonder why they don't listen to them. :rolleyes: Hello? They're *MY* dogs, why would they listen to you? :p

Those are probably my biggest pet peeves.

11-03-2003, 07:53 AM
anyone notice out of these many replies, none refer to our furkids??? No "pet peeves" as such?? I don't care that Calvin feels a need to jump on my head at 4am...or that Hobbes HAS to sleep between my ankles hence I can't possibly move all night. Doesn't matter that Hobbes has to poop,dig to china,make a round the living room and come back to pee,then dig to china again at 2am??
My pet peeves??

People that clip there nails in public
Women that put their makeup on in public
Cell phones...don't get me started
People that cough/sneeze the entire commute...don't get everyone else sick for the love of....
People w/headphones you can hear from a block away!!
Whistling and cracking of knuckles/joints..I swear some people ONLY do it in front of me..

People in general;) Give me an animal any time....

PS RE cellphones...I use mine too but only to tell people I'm late, lost etc. I don't really need to hear someones 40 minute call about who owes who how much money. As the ad goes, "If you love your cellphone so much, why are you screaming at it?" And I don't care who you are sitting across a table from but if your on a cell it's just rude. You never HAVE to eat w/anyone. You might as well just say "Your not worth my time or attention."

11-05-2003, 12:28 AM
I cannot stand commercials. They come on just when you start getting into a movie. Also I can't stand " To Be Continued" shows. I am always on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen, and it flashes on the string " To Be Continued." I hate it when that happens.:mad:

11-05-2003, 01:49 PM
I thought of another one...

I hate hate HATE people who walk slow! I can understand if they are old or are obviously...limping or something. But a person is who totally capable of walking faster but who won't...and who stands right in front of me, thus slowing me down...ugh! :mad: It drives me nuts. In the halls at school and especially when we go shopping. I don't get it. I apologize to anyone who may like to walk slow but I'm sorry, it drives me crazy. :rolleyes:

11-05-2003, 02:48 PM

That's hilarious. :D

And I agree.

I'm a busy mommy. I juggle 40-60 hour work weeks, school, homework, parenting, the gym, kickboxing, etc... I HAVE to use my cellphone.

I'm not contradicting you, but that always makes me roll my eyes when I hear people say they HAVE to have their cell phone and could NOT live without it. Ummmmm ..... and how long have you had said cellphone? Not your whole life. How long have cell phones been 'the thing', anyway ... less than a decade? How did we all manage to survive without one all our lives?

I am a single mom, I own my own business, and work 365 days per year. I use my cell phone maybe an average of once a month. I survive just fine. ;)

I don't have a problem with cell phones used discretely and politely. I just hate the lady shrieking at her kid on the cellphone, while standing three feet behind me in line. Or the ditzy teenager beside me at the doctor's office, having a thirty minute conversation about boys and hair and makeup, punctuated by "No! Oh my God! For real?" approximately seventy times per minute. Or the guy sitting next to us in a cafe whose cell phone rings 10 times duing one meal, etc. Rude, rude, rude.

11-05-2003, 03:16 PM
I am sure I could write a big long list, but one that comes to mind is crooked things, I cannot stand it, I just have to straighten them, no matter what it is, cannot bear it if it looks crooked.

I also hate smelly fridges, I know certain foods taint the fridge, like cauliflower and broccoli, but I hate when you are at someones house, they open the fridge and phew PONG, the whole room smells, yuck, my daughter comments all her friends fridges smell when they are open and ours doesnt, I wonder if thats true or she is just used to our smell lol.

I get annoyed when people jay-walk at the pedestrian crossing, Not that I am innocent of this, yes I have committed this crime, :eek: but now as a more mature citizen , I donot do this anymore, and to set an example to my daughter.

When people refuse to use serving tongs to pick up their food at a cafe, and use their fingers instead, this really bothers me. Who know's where those hands have been?

Answer machines, I hardly ever leave a message, but yes I have one myself, hypocrite I am lol.

Well thats all I can think of for now, think thats kind of enough.

Edwina's Secretary
11-06-2003, 01:41 PM
I thought of this thread this morning while at Jazzercise. One woman was talking on the phone while working out. Although I am a cell phone user, I had to giggle. I'm just so glad I'm not that important and can leave it in the car! Also, I don't want people (on the phone) to know I'm at the gym when I should be working...:D :rolleyes: :D

All the doctors offices around here forbid cell phone use because it will interfer with sensitive medical equipment. I wonder if that is just a clever ruse to discourage use!

11-06-2003, 01:51 PM
Even I don't use the phone during my workouts!!! If you can talk on the phone, you ain't breathin' hard enough!!

11-06-2003, 01:58 PM
Last night at work I heard this guy talking really loud. I thought why the need to talk so loud just because your on a cell. I looked up and he was not on the phone but just carrying on a conversation with the man next to him, inches away. He spoke loudly all night, lots of people looking at him...

I could care less if you talk on a cell, any place that allows talking. It is no different to me than speaking to a person next to you. But... as a server when I come to your table to greet you and take your order, you MUST NOT ignore me. I will go away and not come back till you wave your hands like in 4th grade gym class. And never can you shoo me away with your hands, I will NEVER return, even with all the hand waving in the world. I am not your slave, I am there to help make you comfortable.
Oh no.... I started ranting, sorry.

11-06-2003, 02:24 PM
People who are in the service industry, cashiers,
receptionists deserve our attention....
I once saw a woman whip out her cell as she was being helped by a cashier......She went on and on
until the gal practically had to stab her with the pen to get her to sign the credit slip:eek:

Should you bother them while they are on the phone you'll get ignored or told to 'Wait, I'm taking a call/on the phone'.

When they call you back to the table and complain about the service, nicely say, I saw you were on an important phone call, It would be rude of me to interrupt you.


11-06-2003, 02:36 PM



11-06-2003, 02:47 PM
Since we are talking about phones and cell phones, that reminds me of my other two pet peeves associated with these instruments.

We have a system you can have on your phone here called call minding, or waiting, so that if you are talking to someone, and someone else rings you can answer their call, then go back to your other call, this infuritates me, I will be having a good conversation with either my sister or girlfriend, right in the middle of something, and they say oh hang just got a call coming through, I actually find this really rude, and like my conversation is not really that important.

Does anyone else get bothered by this, or is it just fussy ole me?

my other is text messaging, now I got into this myself a while back, while my sister was in las vegas, and it was great for instant contact etc, but I have since not bothered, it takes too much time up, and cost me money.

However my dear sister, bless her, is in MO addicted to it, everywhere she goes she is always texting, her kids who are adults now text her two three times a day, with silly nonsensical messages, I remember one time we were out shopping, together, not something we get to do often, and she was texting someone, in the end I left her to it and walked on looking by myself at the shops, otherwise I would have been waiting for ages, and I am not that patient, she did not mind, but I did.

phew got that over and done with, thanks for listening.:)

11-06-2003, 02:54 PM
I always answer my call waiting because I'm paranoid there will be an emergency the ONE TIME I don't answer the phone. But I don't choose the new call over the old one. I do find that rude.

11-06-2003, 03:01 PM
2 kitties you have a good valid point there, I never thought about the emergency side of things, however I have had that happen to me, being told I Better go now, as this other call is obviously more important than mine, thats my main bug bear I suppose.

I donot have call minding, and never will, I Leave my cell phone on for emergencys.

11-06-2003, 03:33 PM
my paranoia is stupid sometimes, though. Chris wants me to turn the ringer off at night (not that I get late calls, but sometimes we turn in really early if we've got an early morning.) But i just can't sleep knowing that no one could reach me in the event of an emergency.

11-16-2003, 05:49 PM
Bringing this back up! ;)
I hate hate hate hate people 'in my space'. Both today and yesterday when I was in a store I had people step right up behind me like they were going to whisper in my ear. I can't stand that. I am like thinking "BACK OFF". I don't stand that close to them. It would different if I knew them but I don't know them from Jack.
I can't stand people in my space at work also. But that's another story. I have a LOT of work pet peeves but won't get into them b/c I would have to explain it in great detail.
I hate it when people treat retail workers, restaurant worker, like they aren't as good as they are. I was just at Subway and this guy totally berated this girl b/c she didn't give him a stamp. Granted I should have stood up for her, but she was just trying to do her best. She was only about 16-17 working BY HERSELF, and granted she has waited on me before and IS NOT the brightest bulb in the bunch, but she didn't deserve to be treated like that. I felt sorry for her, then the guy behind the first guy started in on her and she just looked at me, I know if I hadn't been there she would have started to cry. There is no reason for that.
A guy at work, is just ONE BIG PET PEEVE. Enough said......
