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View Full Version : Drake wounded in a Dog fight

10-29-2001, 11:25 AM
On Friday, Drake got into a big fight with the dog from the house across the street. She is a GSD and she came into our yard and Drake didn't like it.

Well, I managed to break the fight and Drake caem running to me like he was fine. We went inside and I was packing for my trip to NY when I noticed blood on the floor. I quickly examined Drake's body and found two bloddy spots. I tried to clean it but he was resisting. I finally was able to get it to stop bleeding but was unable to see how big or deep it was (fur all over). He wasn't crying or growling when I touched it, so I assumed he was fine.
When I got home last night from my trip, I was petting him when I noticed the ghas in his skin. It was on his leg and it was the wound from the fight. It was about 1.25 inc long, but I could see the tendons in his leg. I freaked out. Andrew hadn't noticed anything wrong with him walking so couldn't tell he was hurt. Anyhow. I am freaked out. The other two wounds I found on him where about the same size. He keeps licking them and so they haven't had a chance to start healing. I am worried it will get infected. We have an appointment with the vet today at 4. Bazzare thing is he doesn't yelp or cry when we touch it. So I do not thin k he is in pain.
Am I over reacting and should just let it heal on its own?

10-29-2001, 11:34 AM
Souraya, Poor Drake, he is very brave, but I think it would be good to take him to the Vet, they can give you medication to make sure it doesn't get infected. I would give the people across the street the bill considering they let their dog come into your yard. I'm sure he will be O.K., please give him a big hug and kiss from Daisy, Perry and me. Please let us know what the Vet says.

[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

10-29-2001, 11:35 AM
I don't know a lot about dog bites from other dogs, but I do know that cat bites from other cats almost always abcess. I feel it would be a good idea to put your Drake on antibiotics just to be on the safe side. Hope he heals really fast!!!

10-29-2001, 11:40 AM
Can't offer any advice either, but having the vet check it out would certainly be my strategy. I did want to say that I am so sorry that Drake was injured and am glad that you weren hurt in the process of breaking them up.

Dixieland Dancer
10-29-2001, 12:39 PM
Souraya, I agree with Jackie! Take him to the vet and give the bill to the neighbor. If this dog came into your yard then it is their problem.

On the other note though, I am sad to hear Drake got hurt in the fight. And how brave you were to get inbetween the two fighting dogs to break it up! :eek: I am glad you didn't get hurt! If you don't feel comfortable giving the neighbors the bill, then atleast let them know that the next time you will press charges.

Let us know what the vet says!

10-29-2001, 01:15 PM
Poor Drake, what a brave boy!! I definitely agree to take the bill to the neighbor, after all, his dog was on your property. For the wound, see if you can put any kind of gauze wrap on it with some antibiotics. My sister's dog Bear got into a nasty fight with a raccoon they think it was and he received a pretty bad gash to his leg, where his tendons were exposed. The vet told them to keep it clean and to keep gauze bandages on it until it healed. I think they had to change the bandages several times a day and to keep the dog calm. I hope he's ok!! Keep us posted!

10-29-2001, 01:24 PM
I am so sorry that Drake got in a fight. That must have been horribly scary :( it's good that you are taking him to the vet, because some dogs are in terrible pain but they are very stoic. When Graham dislocated his wrist, although he was holding up his leg, he came wiggling up to me and he was not whining or crying or licking his leg or anything. At first I thought he just sprained his leg, but when I felt his bad leg to see if I felt anything "unusual" a bone popped and he didn't even flinch, try to pull his leg away, or make a peep. He appeared as if he was in no pain whatsoever. Dogs like Graham and Drake are so stoic that it's hard to tell they are in pain...but I am sure Drake is feeling it, just as I know Graham is feeling it.

Good luck. I hope it is not too severe. You must have flipped when you saw his wound, I know I would have had a hard time keeping my cool. I hope that other dog stayes away from your yard from this point on, too. Dog fights are horrifying.

10-29-2001, 01:41 PM
Thanks for all your support, guys! I am going to go home in a few minutes and then we will get ready to go to the vet. Drake doesn't like the vet's office, so he has to be muzzled. But he is a sweet boy and doesn't bear a grundge when we take it off.

I plan on going to the neighbor with the bill. I am so upset that my baby is hurt. I got a few scratched on my arms while breaking the fight, but nothing serious. It has already scabbed over. I was concerned about them tearing eachother to pieces, so I stopped it.

I don't blame this on the neighbor's dog, I blame it on the neighbor. The GSD didn't know any better than come into the yard, but the owner let her off when he didn't have a fenced in yard. We have an electric fence and Drake doesn' dare leave the yard but gets really P.O. if someone enters his territory. I would be the same way.

I will update you when I get back from the vet.

10-29-2001, 01:45 PM
Hope you don't have any trouble with your neighbor when you give him the vet bill. Some people don't take to their responsibilities all that well. Be safe!!

10-29-2001, 02:05 PM
I for one do not think you are overreacting at all!! Just last week I freaked out after Lexi and Sasha got into it again. I rushed Sasha to the emergency vet and by the time the doctor saw her she was fine.... it just seemed worse than it was.

The week before that Lexi was at the vet for a tooth gash in her head....

Drake's injuries sound a lot worse so it's a good thing he is going to the vet! I am so sorry this happened to him. I know first hand how heart-wrenching it is to see your babies hurt... and when they don't ACT hurt. Both of mine seemed perfectly fine when they were injured. They are more resiliant than us "parents" I guess. Good luck with Drake and I hope he gets all better really soon!

It seems like this must be a bad month for injuries - We have a list going!


Who am I missing?

[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

10-29-2001, 02:36 PM
Poor Drake!! I'm glad neither you nor Drake was more seriously injured. Trying to brake up a dog fight can be so scary, and dangerous! That's the fear I've always had with electric fences...the uninvited guest! Hoping you return with encouraging news. Hugs and get well kisses to Drake!

10-29-2001, 03:23 PM
Yuck. Sounds icky. Poor Drake!!! I hope he gets better soon! :(

10-29-2001, 05:29 PM
Glad you're going to the vet. I hope all turns out ok. Poor Drake!! Keep us posted!

Daisy's Mom
10-29-2001, 07:46 PM
Oh when I saw the name of this post, I felt so sick! I hope that Drake is okay. I definitely think going to the vet is the right thing to do. Keep us posted! I'm glad you're both okay.

10-29-2001, 09:44 PM
Yikes! How horrible! Drake was just defending his territory. Shame on the neighbors for not supervising their dog! Did they apologize? Offer to pay???
I hope Drake's vet visit wasn't too traumatic for him (join the club). What did the vet say? How's Drake??? Their pain tolerance is amazing! I'm glad you found the injury and am taking care of it!
Please let us know how Drake is doing ASAP! Kisses for him.

10-29-2001, 10:37 PM
Poor Drake, I really hope he isn't in too much pain and I hope the vet visit went well. Drake, if you get any bandages don't chew them off or you may look like this:


10-29-2001, 11:13 PM
Gosh, I'm glad you're both okay. :) Dog fights are awful! :eek: Our GS and my brother's husky used to fight. The only way we could break them apart was with the hose on full force. Sure glad you were not hurt. :) Good idea to have Drake's wounds checked by a vet. Does an electric fence only work to keep dogs inside? Why didn't it stop the neighbor's dog from coming in? Do you think the other dog was hurt too? Sure hope your neighbors are cooperative. Nothing worse than hard feelings between neighbors. Hoping for the best for you and Drake!!

10-30-2001, 06:14 AM
Sorry it took me a while to update you on our vet visit.

Drake had to be muzzled and carried in! It took 6 people to hold him down. I was in tears. I hated having to put him through that mess, but I am glad we went. He had to have his wounds cleaned, local anesthesia, and 30 staples in total! He was so uncomfortable up there on the table. He was also given some antibiotics. I am so glad that we went.

After we got home, Andrew and I went over to the neighbor's house with the $200.00 bill. I also had Andrew check the other dog. She had some scratches on her but not bite marks. The neighbor was extremely rude. He felt that he was not responsible for his dogs actions. She's just a dog, he said! Your dog scratched her too, so you need to pay me $200.00. I was getting very impatient with him. I told him that his dog had scratches, not cuts and wounds that required 30 staples. (I had taken my digital camera and taken pictures of the scratches, just incase he tried something). I explained to the ignorant a-hole (excuse my language) that he wasn't paying me the money, he was paying my vet! I told him that if he didn't pay the bill and handle this in a civil manner, I was going to sue him. He lashed out and said that my dog was off a leash as well. At this point, I was ready to have Andrew beat him! :mad: Irrisponsible, ignorant, and rude! Ahh! I once again explained that I had an electric fence and that Drake couldn't leave his yard without getting hurt and so he stays in the yard. His dog didn't belong in my yard and his irresponsibility led to the fight. I was inside with my window open to where I could see Drake. When I saw her come into the yard, I ran out knowing that there would be trouble. And sure enough, there was!

After arguing with him for over an hour outside his door, I got fed up. I told him he would be hearing from my lawyer and it was going to get ugly. I offered him a chance to handle this like neighbors in a quick and friendly manner, but he was pigheaded. It is never was about getting money from him, it is about the principle. No amount of money is too much to pay if it will make Drake better and help him heal. But it is his fault that Drake got hurt. I respected the law, and he neglected it. Someone got hurt.

I am going to have a lawyer friend of mine call him. Maybe it will scare him and he will take responsibility. If not, I am willing to go as far as having his dog taken away from him. I know that is very mean of me. But with a big dog that can be potentially harmful, the owners need to be more responsible. What is Drake had been a little boy?

What do you guys think?

10-30-2001, 06:54 AM
Have you thought about filing a police report about the incident?

It is a shame that this owner cannot accept the responsibility. With his dog being on your property, there shouldn't be any question about who was at fault here. Sounds like a perfect case for small claims court. I would think that if this guy has home owner's insurance, they might even cover such a claim.

I am so sorry that Drake was stressed out by the ordeal of having his wounds treated, but you did the right thing. Maybe now he understands that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Poor guy.

10-30-2001, 07:47 AM
I'm glad you took Drake in to the vet, regardless of who is responsible for the bill. I have to admit, I was somewhat nervous about you confronting your neighbor, and you got the reaction that I was worried about. Only you know how far you want to take this, I guess. I would be concerned though about what the future holds if you really tick this guy off. Rachel is probably right, calling the authorities or animal control is probably a very logical first step. I would watch Drake like a hawk every minute he is outdoors.

Good luck, and I hope Drake heals up very soon.

10-30-2001, 07:49 AM
We have this sort of problem in our neighborhood, too - where people let their dogs off leash, and don't take complete responsibility for them. While walking our dogs (on leash) we have had numerous dogs, off leash (sometimes supervised, sometimes not) run across streets, yards, fields, etc. to 'visit' with our dogs. It's usually a friendly visit, but not always. The worst time was when an off-leash GSD ran across a street and got right in Paula's face. She was so startled that she backed up and slipped out of her collar. Luckily, she came back to us, but if she hadn't, if we had lost her or if she had gotten hit by a car and injured or worse, I would have sued that dog's owner for every penny I could get. Not that money could bring back my dog, but simply because owners like that need to take some responsibility.
In your case, you had to pay $200 because another dog attacked your dog ON YOUR PROPERTY. You are completely justified in suing that owner for expenses.
My husband and I have talked about this type of thing, since we do have so many incidents with off-leash dogs, and we have concluded that, if there was ever a fight that broke out because an off-leash dog approached our leashed dogs, we would definately go to the owners to pay the veterinary expenses!

Dixieland Dancer
10-30-2001, 08:17 AM
I would do whatever was necessary to protect my dogs from future possible attacks. If the guy is unreasonable then he needs to have someone else let him know he is neglegent. Hopefully having your lawyer friend call is as far as it has to go.

Keep an eye on Drake whenever he is out even though you have a electric fence. I hope he heals quickly and completely.

10-30-2001, 08:55 AM
I'm so glad that your Drake is OK and that you're OK too. I was afraid you'd have trouble with that neighbor - you'd do well to do just what you said - contact a lawyer, get a letter written and see what happens. There's no doublt you'd win out in Small Claims Court and it shouldn't cost you a bundle either. You should go ahead and sue for Drake's pain and suffering as well as your own too. You probably won't get that, but it couldn't hurt trying. Be sure to include court costs in the suit. Good Luck and be careful with your unreasonable neighbor - not a very nice person obviously.

10-30-2001, 10:24 AM
Im glad that ur both ok!

Its very scary seeing our babies in a fight... Simba got in a fight while we up in Tennesee a couple years ago. It was with my cousins dog but to make a long story short I sat their crying Next to Simba when it was all over and broken up and when i noticed Simba's ear bleeding :eek: and his chin bleeding :eek: I wanted to kill Wally (my cousins dog) It made me cry even more but luckily he was ok but i think that is what started all of Simba's ear problems... and ever since that i haven't like Wally as much as i used to.

karen israel
10-30-2001, 10:25 AM
Poor Drake! A fight, the vet, the staples :( I hope you're Ok too..I'm with you in the tears department, you want to help but hate to see them struggle and be so unhappy :( :( Best you took him though, he could have gotten a severe infection or worse.
Your neighbor sounds like a real nice guy :mad: :mad: Takes responsibility for his pet, a real gentleman, wants to keep peace in the neighborhood, and urgently wants to make sure this doesn't happen again! :mad: :mad: :mad: It's the principle! Sue the pants off him. A scare will not be enough, He just doesn't care. This is not like me to think like this, but if another dog hurt my Cody, who is on lead, roped in our private back yard..WELL!!
Ok, I'll shut up now.. as long as Drake is OK.

10-30-2001, 12:50 PM
Poor Drake :( He had to go through so much pain and fear because of yet one more irresponsible dog owner :mad: The good thing is that he was treated and is on his way to recovery. You are probably right in having your friend call your neighbor but, since he is such a sleezy character, I would not let Drake out of my sight for a second. Who knows what a person like that may decide to do to get even with you.
Many hugs and kisses to our dear Drake from Carina and Alicia :D

Daisy's Mom
10-30-2001, 03:02 PM
I am so glad that you're both okay. Good luck with that stupid neighobor. He needs to take the responsibility.

10-30-2001, 04:02 PM
So relieved to hear that Drake is on the mend. What an ordeal for the poor guy, and mom!! I agree with Rachel. The animal control office, which is normally a branch of the police dept., should be notified, and a report made. That way they will be on the alert, and you will have a documented history should anything like this ever happen again! :( But whatever route you take, I hope it is the one that ultimately results in assuring Drake's safety! Give Drake a big hug for me!!

[ October 30, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

10-30-2001, 06:10 PM
Poor Drake, so glad he is on the mends. Just this past weekend I had to take Miss Lucy (Ricky's cat) to the Vets because of a cat fight. I didn't see any real signs of a fight at first but one of her eyes looked sore so I thought better safe than sorry. She had a scratch on the inside of her lower lid. Now she is on antibiotics. Not a big deal but all part of ownership with animals. I agree with everyone else about unleashed dogs. I can never let Ricky off the leash or out of my sight because of so many unleashed dogs running around.
The important thing is Drake got the needed care. I hope you are able to convince your neighbor to pay up but be careful. You may be in for a long time with an angry neighbor. It can and often does get ugly. :(

10-30-2001, 06:28 PM
I'm so glad Drake's ok, but Jeesh! What an ordeal for both you and him!! I agree with what Purrley said...definitely contact someone about this incident and pursue from there. I don't think you're overreacting at all! I would most definitely be doing the same thing if something like that happened to my pet on MY property by someone else's negligence. It really amazes me the types of people that aquire animals, and aren't even aware that they are not caring for them properly :mad: It's really never an animal's fault when it does something is shouldn't. It's ALWAYS the owner's fault. What's scary is people like this aquire large dogs...and then don't take responsibility for them. It's such ashame that we have to deal with people like this. Good luck and be careful! Please let us know what happens!

10-30-2001, 09:39 PM
I am so glad to hear that Drake is
fine. It was good that you took him to
your vet.
You were also very lucky you did
not get hurt when breaking up
the fight.
Hugs to Drake.

10-31-2001, 06:06 AM
Quick Update....

Drake is healing wonderfully. He is back to his old self again. I took a look at the wounds, and they seem to be healing already! I am glad he didn't bite the staples out. He has slept between Andrew Andrew and I for the past two nights and hasn't moved all night long. Unlike him. He lays with us usually, but within an hour, gets down to his bed and stays there till one of us wakes up. But I like having him sleep next to us, it reminds me of when he was a little pup and still very dependant on me.

Anyhow, I went to the animal control office after reading Rachel's post (took pictures of both dogs and their injuries). I filled a report and I am guessing they sent someone there and fined my neighbor for not having his dog on a leash. At around 6, my neighbor came to my door and called me a bitch for filing a report and explained that he had a huge fine to pay because of me and that if another report was made about his GSD not being on a leash, they will take her away. This is all happening because of me? I don't understand people these days, they expect you to give up your rights so they don't get in trouble. I lashed back at him and told him it was his own fault and suggested he be more responsible.

Ah, what a jerk! My lawyer friend called him yesterday, but no one picked up. She will try this morning again. I guess I can expect my neighbor again this afternoon.

Andrew is worried about this guy doing something to Drake and/or I when he is gone. We are both at work all day long, but Andrew will be going to Alabama for about 2 years in January. I am not moving with him. I am not scared, but Andrew is so protective. He swears that if hte guy so much as looks at our house, Andrew is going to break his bones. (Yikes)

Anyhow, this is my update on the whole ordeal going on. I am having a hard time going to sleep or even concentrating on stuff. I am worried about Drake and burdened by this whole situation.

10-31-2001, 07:05 AM
Sourya - Gosh I'm sorry you're dealing with such a stupid a-hole. Just stick by your guns and take this guy to the cleaners if you have to. I just don't understand people's thinking. So good to hear Drake is healing OK - be safe - keep us posted.

10-31-2001, 08:42 AM
I'm going to get a little "off topic" here for a second. I read this little blurb in USA Today this morning. Wondering if anyone in the Chicago area knows more about it...and how they determine a dog is "dangerous", before or after they bite or hurt someone.

Dangerous dogs might get microchips

"Dogs that are deemed dangerous would have to be spayed or neutered and fitted with a surgically implanted microchip for identification under an ordinance to be voted on today by the Chicago City Council. Some 50 dogs a year are labeled dangerous by the city's Commission on Animal Care and Control after investigations that include signed statements from witnesses and a review of hospital reports. The measure comes after the dog-attack deaths of two young children and the mauling of a third."

I'm just trying to figure out how that would work....and if the measure comes after it is deemed "dangerous", then wouldn't it be too late? I'm sure there is a more detailed article somewhere, so I thought I'd try here!

Souraya, I'm so glad you went to Animal Control. I'm sorry about your neighbor, but I'm not surprised at the reaction you got from him. I think the lawyer needs to write a letter instead of calling. It infuriates me when people won't take responsibility... :mad: and I actually feel sorry for the dog. If it does attack again, off leash, won't they probably euthanize it? And all of this could be avoided if the stupid owner would have done what he should have in the first place.
I'm glad Drake is improving. :)

10-31-2001, 09:22 AM
Souraya, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Drake. I can't believe how irresponsible your neighbor is being. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around. You know, Logan has a pretty good idea about sending a letter. I would also send it certified so your friend gets back a green card and has proof that your neighbor received it. That way there's proof that he was informed about his dog's behavior in case something happens in the future. Keep a copy of the letter yourself also. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. I hope everything works out okay for you. Keep a close eye on Drake. You never know what people like this are capable of doing!!! :( How long has he been in the neighborhood? Maybe he'll move soon.

10-31-2001, 11:58 AM
Souraya, you did give your neighbor a chance to do the right thing at least by paying the Vet bill for Drake. A person like that does not deserve to have a dog because he does not assume the responsibility for taking care of it. Of course you should persue the issue. You have your dog confined and his is loose. Hopefully he will come to his senses, but I fear not, and I think you should be very careful with Drake, people like that have a twisted sense of revenge. I am so glad that Drake is on the mend, sweet boy, and that he will be O.K. Your neighbor is just lucky that you weren't really hurt in this fight. Keep up the pressure on him and please give Drake some love, kisses and hugs from Daisy, Perry and me.

10-31-2001, 12:07 PM
Glad to hear that Drake is ok, and am glad that you filed a report. Very wise move!
But please be careful of this creep, don't let Drake out unsupervised while this dork is home. Check your property for food laced with Rat poison or antifreeze, wouldn't put it past him at all.
Be careful!!!
Good luck and keep us posted!

10-31-2001, 12:14 PM
So glad Drake is doing better. I can't believe the arrogance and rudeness of your neighbor though!! Jeesh! Interesting how he's trying to place the blame on you for the lack of care for HIS dog's behavior. Ok then...! People like that just make me so mad! :mad: But what's scary is they can be unpredictable and capable of doing harm, so definitely be careful. Do you have an enclosed backyard? Does Drake stay inside all day while you and the hubby are gone?? Take some extra precaution when dealing with difficult people like that. You did the right thing about contacting the Animal Control. After all, you tried to confront him about it first, and he just snapped in your face. If he had apologized and paid the bill in the first place, non of this would have happened. So glad you have a lawyer friend, and sending a letter (and making a copy) is a really good idea...please keep us posted and be safe! **hugs**

Edwina's Secretary
10-31-2001, 12:15 PM
Logan - Here's a description on the proposed Chicago ordinance regarding dangerous dogs...if an animal is allowed to run wild - fine of $300 and $10,000 with the possiblity of jail time if it attacks someone. Owners of a dog involded in an assault would also be required to buy $100,000 in liability insurance, have the dog neutered, and have an identifying microchip implanted.

Originally, city council had considered regulating specfic breeds but this new proposal is believed to put the onus not on the dog - type of dog but rather the owner.

Daisy's Mom
10-31-2001, 08:09 PM
Oh your neighbor is being so irresponsible! People like him get me so angry. He needs to take responsibility and stop treating you like you did something wrong when it was he who in fact did not leash and/or train his dog. And his poor dog, if the man allows it to attack again, would probably be put down, all because of her stupid owner. GRRRR! On a lighter note, I am really happy that Drake is doing better!

10-31-2001, 10:47 PM
As Jackie and others said,
you gave your neighbor a chance to
do the right thing.
Please if possible, don't leave Drake un-attended.

10-31-2001, 10:55 PM
Poor Drake! :( I'm hope you get well soon, sweet Drake! :)

I'm really glad to hear that he's doing much better!!!! Sadie get's into fights sometimes- it makes me just want to cry! :( She just sometimes gets annoyed, sometimes.

Hugs & kisses,
Sarah & Sadie*

11-01-2001, 07:19 AM
I want to thank you all for your support. Your kind words, advice, and concern are very comforting.

Drake is better already. we went running today with him for 3 miles and he did great. We didn't want to push him. He likes laying outside under a tree in the afternoon, and I usually let him out bu himself, but since the incident, I have been sitting out there with him. I will tell Andrew to check the yard everyday to make sure there is nothing harmful that Drake could eat.

Drake is in the house when Andrew and I are at work. We have an alarm as well. We are watching him at all times.

I asked my lawyer friend to send a letter and she said she had already done that. She said she spoke with my neighbor's wife and the wife was unaware of this whole mess. She knew the dogs had been in a fight and that they had been fined for not having their dog leashed. She said her husband told her that Animal control was driving by and saw the dog of a leash and so they fined him. (What a story! I can't belive that the wife actually believed the story.)

More to come later. Here is a picture of Drake when he had his "lamp shade" collar.


Dixieland Dancer
11-01-2001, 09:18 AM
Please keep us posted on how things are going. We're glad that Drake is feeling better! :)