View Full Version : cats and doritoes....

10-27-2003, 06:36 AM
I would have never thought that Doritoes would appeal to a cat but evidently they do. As we were driving to work this morning, on a windy back country type road, we came around a bend to see something sitting by the side of the road. Neither my husband or I could figure out what it was right away but as we got closer we realized it was a small cat with it's head stuck inside one of the small Doritoes bags, the size you would get out of a vending machine!:( Before hubby even has the car at a complete stop I was jumping out, talking soflty and slowly approaching. Fortunately something told him/her that Iw as there to help. He/she just laid down right where it was and let me get the bag off. Of course didn't wait around and say thank you or anything but took off for home. There are a number of farms/barns etc along that road so I am guessing he was heading for one of those. My good deed for the day....oh and we made sure no-one else could get stuck in the bag either....

10-27-2003, 07:03 AM
Oh yes, Doritos, chips, pretzels, cats are REAL junk food junkies!!!! Glad this one got out of its predicament. :D Thanks for helping.

10-27-2003, 07:11 AM
My cats will try to crawl into bags and boxes of any size! They would definitely try to crawl headfirst into a doritos bag. They don't seem to realize how big they are! I remember Toby trying to climb into a skinny little picture frame box one time. If they don't fit inside, they just lay on top. Silly kitties.

Edwina's Secretary
10-27-2003, 07:28 AM
Maybe she was too young to read and thought the bag contained something really good???;) ;)

Although Eddie does like a salty treat now and then.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-27-2003, 10:12 AM
Tubby loves Doritoes! And just about everything else he shouldn't have. :rolleyes:

Thanks for stopping to help this little one. :)

10-27-2003, 10:20 AM
WOW, the same thing happened in our neighborhood and my hubby came to the rescue! I'm not sure what kind of bag it was, but my hubby saw this "foreign object" in the middle of the street, then realized it was a kitty stuck in a bag as well! He pulled over and "rescued" the poor thing! ;)

10-27-2003, 10:26 AM
If they don't fit inside, they just lay on top. Silly kitties.

So true. I keep boxes around just for Cubby. With bags it doesn't matter what kind of bag it is, he will lay in it, play with it, lay on top of it. Hubby dropped his bag of chips that he got from Subway last night. Cubby of course tried to get what was in there, but there was nothing in there (good
thing) he got the bag stuck on his head, and started trying to walk around. After he got his head out, (I didn't have enough time to get to him before he got it out) he did it again, before I could pick up the bag, I threw the bag away after I got it off his head, but he gave me an evil look. He must have thought it was a game to him or something or just the smell of food he was once allowed to have. We have no clue.

And my mom says my cat has NO personality. She must not have met my cat yet. She knows he does I think she just says it to get me to argue with her about something. :confused:


10-27-2003, 11:16 AM
Somewhere I have a picture of my big guy trying to squeeze thru the hand hole for a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi...the box ones? ANd he still tries to put his 20pound body into a shoe box. It is just so much fun to watch him approach from all different angles. There is so much determination there! FInally he figures out that he should just tip it on it's side and hide his head...that is usually when he gives up....:rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 11:45 AM
Wonder if it is the cheese? Kuhio's favorite was Cheetos. She would impale one on a claw and lick every cheese molecule off it and leave the soggy chip. That was followed by hours of whisker and face washing -- wouldn't want to miss a speck of cheese!

10-27-2003, 12:32 PM
I would never have thought that either. One of my cats loves popcorn but generally not anything else. Of course, that roadside kitty was probably one hungry cat! Cute story. :) :) :)

10-27-2003, 12:48 PM
Boo demands Doritos. There's no way he let's us get away with not handing a few over. What a cutie!

10-27-2003, 08:47 PM
my patter loves the tostitodo's hint of lime chips, along with flavored licorice ropes, her favorite brand called kenny's. ;) go figure. and pitter is a girl after my own heart:) she's all about the dairy. milk, cheese, butter(especially the butter), yogurt, and split pea soup, homemade of course. what a couple of crazies!:rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 11:16 PM
I'm glad to hear that you were able to save the cat from the dorito bag. :) Storm is my junk food/people food junkie. In fact just tonight, I was eating some doritos and he had to come over and have some. He also likes the lime flavored tostido chips. I thought that cats weren't supposed to like anything citrus.:) Both Storm and Cirrus also like my cheese popcorn too. It must be the cheese that they're after. :)