View Full Version : Cubby

10-26-2003, 10:51 PM
Well Cubby is back to his old self once again. He has been playing with his mice, putting them in our shoes. Attacking are hands oh and of course his 'humping' problem is back. :rolleyes: He is back to being his grumpy, happy little boy again. Or at least I know I am happy about it. Today while hubby and I were watching the race, Cubby decided that he needed to attack hubby for no reason at all. All hubby did was look at him and start laughing and said well it's about time you get back to your self. Now go attack someone or something else. He was meaning me as the someone else. He is also crying again when he wants to use to potty when the lights are off in the bathroom, or when he wants to eat when I am not next to him.

My good ole' Cubby is back!!!!! YAY it's about time!!


P.S. This morning I got woken up by Cubby, he walked right over to hubby and CRIED right in his ear then when hubby didn't wake up to pet him he came over to me and did the same thing I rolled over and started to pet him, then he got tired of it and got up. About 10 minutes later he came back and cried right back in my ear again and made me get out of bed. He only does this when he gets tired of us sleeping or during the week if I sleep to long for 'his' liking.

10-26-2003, 11:23 PM
I'm glad to hear that Cubby is back to his old self again. :) My cats don't like me to sleep late either unless they've just been fed then they're ready for a nap too. :)

10-27-2003, 05:11 AM
he walked right over to hubby and CRIED right in his ear

It is good to have Cubby back again. But here is a thought to keep in the back of your head.......IF it ever gets out of hand agian, maybe a "slight" dose of his medicine (vs. whatever amount you WERE giving) might help without changing him TOO much.

10-27-2003, 06:45 AM
Welcome back, Cubby!

10-27-2003, 07:02 AM
Oh goody - Cubby back to normal - Hurray!!:) :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-27-2003, 10:06 AM
It's good to hear you Cubby boy is back!

Maybe if you provide him with something else to hump on (Tubby used to like one of my slippers) he will leave you and hubby alone in that dept.

10-27-2003, 10:20 AM
I did give him a stuffed animal but he doesn't like it. It will hump his other toys but he still goes after hubby and I. It is only when we are under the blankets trying to sleep. Like if we move are legs or arms that's when he starts. We don't try to play with him when we do that we are just trying to get comfortable in bed is all. I would rather have a humping cat than a cat that does nothing because of pills. The water bottle follows me to the bedroom so I can spray him when he does it. Which has got him to stop so far.

About using his medication again but a smaller dose, I never even thought of that. When I go back to the vet on Saturday I am going to ask about that. If by any chance I can get them all in half again. I have them all cut in half now so maybe another cut would work? If that makes any sense. Thanks for the idea. I will be sure to talk to my vet about it.


10-27-2003, 10:26 AM
Welcom back, sweet Cubby!!!! :D Good luck Mom, and the lesser dosage idea might be worth a try as well ..... but only if he really gets annoying!;)

10-27-2003, 01:23 PM
Yes, a quarter of a pill instead of half of a pill. OR every OTHER day. Talk to the vet. It may be worth it. A compromise, so to speak.