View Full Version : my little sign on the house......

10-26-2003, 03:52 AM
Well as you know I borrowed a camera today, so I was out taking pics left , right and centre, I just wanted to show you the little wood sign we put on our house a short time ago, it has special meaning, the name of my home, it is the name of the farm my late grandfather, whom I never met or knew, owned in Scotland.

10-26-2003, 03:54 AM
What a lovely idea Carole - over all those miles Stoney Hill lives again. :)


Ally Cat's Mommy
10-26-2003, 05:12 AM
Such a nice tribute! And I love the thistle!

10-26-2003, 09:27 AM
I love that idea, the sign is beautiful:)

10-26-2003, 10:04 AM
I noticed the thistle right away too. Carole, I love your sign. Having a sign on your house gives it a warmth and personality.

10-26-2003, 12:50 PM
Thanks folks, yes I wanted to put it up, while my Dad was still alive, so he could see it, I think he was quite chuffed, it was quite expensive for all it is, and my uncle from Scotland had given us some money as a gift, so I thought it be-fitting to spend some of it on this.

I am going to send the pics back home.

Hmm yes that thistle, I was not too happy with the thistle, I thought it could have been drawn better, but oh well, I kept it anyway.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-26-2003, 01:18 PM
Hi Carole,

With reference to our scottish heritage......

POP QUIZ:- What's a spirtle???? (I HAVE one, but have never used it)

Also check out the following great scottish recipes. (I just wish I wasn't on a diet or I'd be making the TABLET right now - my Dad used to make it and I love it)

http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usrecipes/ (http://)

10-26-2003, 01:34 PM
Ally I have heard of it, but cannot remember, I will ask mum and post later, hey I am on that diet too, no tablet for me, my mother used to make this yummy tablet, to die for, but we are staying well clear of that right now.

Actually hate to admit it , but I am not a fan of scottish food, I hate oatmeal, dad used to make oatcakes, and mealie jimmies, not sure on the spelling , some kind of sausage, hated the lot, and I hate porridge, and I say I am scottish, shame to the scottish race I am. Carole bows her head in shame.:o

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-26-2003, 02:02 PM
I love Haggis, Tablet, Shortbread, Stovies, Square Sliced Sausage and IRON BREW. (Oh, and I have been knows to enjoy the occasional scotch - If someone really twists my arm;)

We went on holiday to Scotland last year - my husband played golf at St Andrews, Carnoustie, Gleneagles, Kingsbarns etc. The we spent 3 nights in Edinburgh - I LOVE that place! We went to the tattoo (it was the Queen's Jubilee and she was actually there the same night we went). The next day we went to the castle, went on the Whiskey tour etc! Such a great place. It was really great to show my husband what a beautiful place Scotland it, because on previous trips back to my family he had only ever seen Glasgow, Larkhall etc, which aren't exactly postcard-pretty!!!

10-26-2003, 02:32 PM
Ah yes the good old stovies, I have not tryed those, the spirtle is the wooden spoon for stirring that good old scottish porridge, I loathe so much, I do like the Tablet though.

Oh you are making me green with envey, I so long to go back to the land of my birth, however my aunty is coming over in Feb who I have not met before, and my other uncle, is coming with his new girlfriend, we lost my mother's sister two years ago in very tragic circumstances, but I am looking forward to seeing them all.

Do you have an accent,? I do not speak as a scottish person as such, but do pronounce everything different, than when I speak kiwi, its natural as we grew up with the aberdonian dialect, everyone always notices how I speak different to my parents than anyone else., but I am sure my relatives would get a good laugh at me trying to speak the dialect.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-26-2003, 02:47 PM
Well done - you passed the "spirtle" quiz!!!

My accent is "interesting". I find it is more pronounced when I am
around Scottish people. We left Scotland when I was 12, and I lost it pretty quickly, mainly because I got teased so much at school. It does not have a "harsh" Scottish sound, nor a South African "twang". I do sometimes get mistaken for an Australian (a common problem for South Africans, wheras we think we sound NOTHING like the Aussies!!!!)

People find it hard to place, and comment that it sounds "international", which I suppose gives me a bit of an advantage in my teaching. One of our teachers has a broad IRISH accent (I can hardly understand him), and after 3 months in his class the Bahrainis students sound like leprachauns!!!:p

My family in Glasgow all say I sound "dead posh"!!!! But I can turn on the real BROGUE is I want to.

Also IMHO, their is nothing sexier than a MAN with a posh Scottish accent. Like that actor John Hannah (4 wedDings and a funeral / sliding doors / The Mummy) - I could sit and listen to him all day!:o (plus he was born in the same place as me - East Killbride)

10-26-2003, 09:49 PM
Hey I love John Hannah too, he is kinda cute as well as having that wonderful accent, yes people think New Zealanders sound like the australians too, some do sound like us, but a real Aussie accent is quite distinctive.

Once I have been around the scottish relatives for a while, I find myself slipping into the sayings, and talking more like my mother, although I am sure I sound stupid to them, so I talk kiwi to the scottish relatives and the aberdonian dialect with my mother.

I would imagine you have a real mixture of an accent, I guess we should have done this conversation in PM, but oh well, so we got a little side-tracked. lol.

10-26-2003, 10:02 PM
That is really a lovely gesture you did for your Dad.

I am jumping in as I am a Australian born, South African raised only child of a Scottish Father and a German mother - so imagine my accent Ally Cat's Mummy!!!!
My Dad is from Glasgow, and boy does my accent flow when I speak to him or any of his family members!

I went to the France v Scotland Rugby game this weekend, and accents and kilts GALORE!!!! Carole - Yes, rugby rules, and for you Ally Cat's Mummy - those accents were great! Made sure I stuck up a conversation with many of the lovely Men there!

And I love this def. of a Spirtle :

The traditional cooking implement in the Scottish Crofter's Cottage. Used primarily for stiring oatmeal, it could also be used to prop open the window, break ice in the water bucket in the morning and to discipline the children or the old man when he came home too late from the pub.

10-26-2003, 10:08 PM
Captain that is so funny, I was going to say it could be used to paddle some bottoms that needed it, I certainly won't be using it for stirring porridge lol. or for that either, just kidding.

I can just imagine your accent, my sister and I often get comments, that we speak the Queen' English, whatever that is supposed to mean, I guess its the kiwi and scottish mix.,lol.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-26-2003, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by carole
I guess we should have done this conversation in PM, but oh well, so we got a little side-tracked. lol.

I suppose, but then we wouldn't have found out abouts Captains mixed heritage as well. (And it IS in GENERAL, so we didn't hi-jack a "pet" thread)

Captain, you sound like you have a very interesting life and heritage! Where in SA did you live?

10-27-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by captain
And I love this def. of a Spirtle :

The traditional cooking implement in the Scottish Crofter's Cottage. Used primarily for stiring oatmeal, it could also be used to prop open the window, break ice in the water bucket in the morning and to discipline the children or the old man when he came home too late from the pub.

I chuckled over this - sounds like it should be a mandatory gift for every bride-to-be.

10-27-2003, 10:09 AM
My mom is a McLean of Duart . When my grandfather visited Scotland they went to the castile and the reigning duke was there and they had lunch with him. They were touring on their motorcycle. He was quite a adventurer Sure miss him.

10-27-2003, 06:47 PM
Ah this thread has brought out all the scotties, great stuff, love hearing about all of your relatives and familys from there. I am a Scot by birth and damn proud of it.:) Have you guessed that by now.:D

10-27-2003, 08:26 PM
When in South Africa, I grew up in Johannesburg - on the East Rand.

I have been in Australia for 6 years now, married to a South African ......... and all my family is here. They always were, it was just my Dad's Scottish wonderlust that made me so well travelled!!!

..... and You, Ally Cat's Mummy?