View Full Version : I am back. **pictures**

10-25-2003, 05:59 PM
I came back from my vacation this morning. I am still very tired with jet-lag. zzzzzz
But I had fun! It's great to see Chilli again! She came picked me up outside the airport when I arrived. She was so excited. And she slept with me the first night too. My mom was surprised. :)
I gave her lots of hugs and kisses and I think she hates the camera too. She won't run away, but she would turn her head away whenever I am trying to take her pictures :rolleyes: heehee... but I would too if there is someone CONSTANTLY trying to take my picture. :D So, here are some pictures...

**ahem... sitting on top of my suitcase is NOT gonna help me unpack nor will help you get your toy.**

NOT looking at the camera

Chewing the new toy I got her.

Smiling for the camera! :D

More to come...

10-25-2003, 06:04 PM
Still busy chewing her toy

My mom said I bugged her so much, that's why she is so tired at night. :rolleyes:

Enjoying the night view from the balcony

This is her classic "I want some of your food" look

A tired doggie. :D I called this "Sleeping Beauty". :D :D

A few more...

10-25-2003, 06:09 PM
I made her model some of her outfit for me. :) Chilli is NOT happy at all.

Silly baby. heehee... I like this picture. :)

Resting in the balcony.

That's all! A lot of them are trying to get her to look at the camera. haha... Like I said she hates it. :D Hope you like them.

10-25-2003, 06:11 PM
Welcome home Jen!!! I want to ask you about your trip; hope you had a great time!:) But honestly, those Chili pics have stolen the show! What a sweetie!! And I guess Chili was just a BIT happy to see you:) Could a doggie be any more precious than this?..........


10-25-2003, 06:17 PM
Thanks. The trip was great! I played with Chilli everyday. I kissed and hugged her a lot. My mom said she is afraid of me because I am "way too friendly". haha... sometimes Chilli did run away from me. It was rather warm in Hong Kong, I had headache almost everyday. :o The food is great. Lots of yummy food. Lots of shopping. And I meet a few friends too. :) However, I hate the long flight.

10-25-2003, 06:36 PM
:D She's such a doll! It looks like she loved seeing mommy again.

10-25-2003, 06:40 PM
You must have enjoyed your time with Chilli but now I bet you are going through Chilli withdrawal. Too bad she is so very far away.

10-25-2003, 06:42 PM
Oh so cool I didn't know she was a Hong Kong pupper! :p She is absolutely adorable! So glad you got to see he again! :)

10-25-2003, 07:18 PM
Thank you all for your kind words. I am happy to see her, it's been over a year since the last time I saw her! Just talked to my mom Chilli was looking for me. :( I am gonna miss her.
Yes, she lives in Hong Kong, though she lived in the US for a few months.

10-25-2003, 07:25 PM
Well I guess you'll have to call and talk to Chilli! She'd be so happy to hear your voice. She's a cute little pup!

Any pictures of Hong Kong?

10-25-2003, 07:27 PM
Aww! Chilli you are the CUTEST little gal I've ever seen!!! More pics please! :D:D:D:D

10-25-2003, 07:49 PM
Oh, Jen! She's so terribly adorable! I'm so glad you had a nice visit with her and your family. Those pics are wonderful.

I too, would love to see some pics from your trip. :)

I'm sorry that Chilli's developed a camera phobia. I hate that Aneko's so scared of the darn thing. She must know by now that the box in my hand won't hurt her. Ahhh, it's frustrating. :mad:

10-25-2003, 11:12 PM
Actually, I DO talk to Chilli on the phone. haha... :D My mom asked Chilli "Where is big sister?" and then she will turn her big head around looking for me...:(

Oh Micki, she is not afraid of the camera, I think she is more annoyed. A lot of times she will turn her head away from the camera. :) The one that she was sleeping in her bed, the flash woke her up after I took the picture. heehee... :D Sorry, Chilli.

I visited HK too often, so I didn't take too much pictures, I will see what I can find. :)

10-25-2003, 11:21 PM
oK, here is more picture... :D

Thanks to Chilli, now my chapstick is gone forever. :(

Not very lady like sleeping position.:rolleyes:

Ok, this is me and Chilli. You can focus on Chilli's cuteness instead of looking at me. :o



Ok, now I will go look for some HK pics. :D

10-25-2003, 11:27 PM
Sorry, I have been there so many times that I didn't take much pictures...

This is from the balcony. It's sunset.

Here is a link (http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/index.jsp) of the Hong Kong Tourism Board. It can give you more information. :)

10-26-2003, 09:43 AM
I'm glad you had a good trip! I really enjoyed all your photos :) It must be so hard to live so many miles away from Chilli! :( :( She is too cute! Thanks for sharing all the photos, they were great :)

10-26-2003, 04:04 PM
:) :D :) :D Thanks, RubyMutt.

I do miss my Chilli. :( I miss her all the time! But at least I got pictures now...

10-26-2003, 10:14 PM
Chilli is just too cute for words! I'm so glad you got to visit and see your sweetie again:D