View Full Version : Drum roll please. ;)

10-25-2003, 05:20 PM
I know this is a *PET* Talk board but I am currently without any furry friends of my own. I used to have a dog but we had to put her to sleep almost a year ago and I still haven't managed to work my parents into getting another one. I've gotten close ;) but I'm a sophomore in high school and so I'll be leaving for college in a couple years. My dad travels a lot for his work and my mom plans to go on lots of his trips with him so having a dog wouldn't be "conducive" that that kind of thing (it wouldn't be fair [or cheap] to take it to the kennel every time she decides to go with him).

I am pretty into horses and have been riding since about 5th grade. I normally ride every week but with volleyball going on and some serious back problems (possible herniated disk) I haven't been able to do as much riding as I would like to. Either way, I'll try to get some pictures up of the horses at my barn soon. :)

I hope I am still welcome here and really look forward to hearing more from you guys. :) :) I've been looking through some of the posts already and ALL of your pets are GREAT!! :) :)

BTW.......it just figures that I have a digital camera and have no pets to use it with, but expect lots of pics anyway!! :) (I have no idea of what, lmao).

10-25-2003, 05:45 PM
:D Welcome to pet talk! No worries. It seems as if people end up getting more animals after they've joined pet talk (lovemyshiba for instance) :p.

10-25-2003, 05:45 PM
You`re always welcome here, even if you don`t have any pets! Take pictures of Street cones...some people here seem to like those!! :D

10-25-2003, 06:15 PM
:) Thank you for the welcome you guys.

10-25-2003, 06:29 PM
Good to have another Flatlander on the board. I think you will enjoy getting to know some of the pets which others here have. Even though I have my own two dogs, I have developed an affection for quite a few of the cyber furkids.

Really, I think you are making the right decision about not getting a dog right now. Even though it was light years ago, it was very taumatic for me to have to give up my Sheltie when I went to college. (My mother didn't want to be bothered with having a dog.) He was placed in a very good home where he lived out the rest of his life. I came back from college and went to visit him and he didn't seem to remember me. I was crushed. Leaving him was one of the regrets of my life. :(

10-25-2003, 06:53 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your Sheltie Rachel.....I couldn't imagine going through that. It's so hard not to have a dog though.......every time I go by one I can't help but tell my mom how badly we all want one. :p

Ooooh, another Illinois-an. Fun fun. ;) I have no idea where Geneva is......I'm assuming pretty far from me. I live in the northwest suburbs (Hawthorn Woods actually.......near Barrington and Lake Zurich.....not that you necessarily know where that is, lol).

10-25-2003, 07:00 PM
Hello and welcome Ridley :)

10-25-2003, 08:41 PM
welcome to pet talk Ridley! the people here are REALLY nice, and are great to talk to! i hope you have lots of fun here! oh..how could i forget, my name is anne, and i am owned by: my dogs, birds and hamster. anyway..WELCOME!