View Full Version : Shelties vs. Collies

10-25-2003, 05:28 AM
I was just wandering which one everyone liked better.

Sheltie (Shetland sheepdog)
Grow between 13 to 16 inches and generally weigh between 20 25 pounds

Grow from 22 to 24 inches and generally weigh between 50 and 75 pounds

10-25-2003, 05:36 AM
Oops!! I fogot the pictures.



10-25-2003, 05:44 AM
Our trainer breeds collies, and always brings one to class. And since we've started classes I've started to grow an affinity for them. While neither are one of my most favorite breeds, I'd say I like collies the most:)

10-25-2003, 07:11 AM
I could never choose. That would be sort of like asking me which size poodle I liked the best. I just couldn't choose! :) I have always admired both breeds (sheltie and collie) so much, although have never "known" a collie. A former neighbor had a sheltie and he was a sweetheart, although very shy. :) I love all of the PT shelties and of course Oz is my very favorite collie! ;)

10-25-2003, 08:13 AM
of course Oz is my very favorite collie!

Which one? ;)

I used to like Collies better but I have to say Shelties are definitly my fave. Wonder why :rolleyes:

10-25-2003, 10:06 AM
I never really like either as much until I saw :

He's my favorite Collie. :)
Molly is gorgeous as well. :D

So, I guess I pick Collies over Shelties -- But then again, there are two handsome Sheltie men that go by the names Kai and Kaedyn --- It's a hard choice!

10-25-2003, 10:57 AM
:D Thanks kay!

Well of course, I'd have to pick shelties but I think I'm just a little biased. If I were given the oppertunity to have a collie, I wouldn't refuse. We were actually planning on adopting a collie as a second dog but it didn't work out with the rescue.

I only picked the sheltie because they're smaller meaning bringing two around in the car would be a heck of alot easier. Temperments are very similar as are looks, so the only thing I based it on is size (and past experience :p).

10-25-2003, 10:58 AM
Collies of course. :D They're great companions. They love to cuddle with you, and have a goofy personality. :) They CAN be a bit noisy....and require lots of brushing everyday to keep their coat in good condition.
Thanks KayAnn! :D
BUT...I also love Shelties..maybe because I have a Collie I'm a bit biased. ;)

10-25-2003, 11:04 AM
Mickey's a handsome shetland sheepdog too!

I couldn't choose either. I LOVE them both! I met this really cute Shetland sheepdog at a garage sale (not for sale) named Prince.:) Prince was following me around all over (of course I had food:p) and he was just a sweetie, plus I knew a shetland sheepdog named Magnum, he was a really sweet dog, he had three legs because he got hit by a car.:( But I also love the shelties or PT too.

BUT then I see all of these GORGEOUS collies on here (Molly, Oz, Oz;)) and I could never choose.

10-25-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Dogz
[B]Mickey's a handsome shetland sheepdog too!

Thanks Emma :)

10-25-2003, 11:54 AM
Collies of course!
Let me tune into Collie mode here..

Collies come in all diffrent coat colors, shapes, weights, sizes and conditions. Smooth collies tend to be more intellegent than rough coats, being the history is that smooth coats were bred by British Greyhounds, and rough collies.
Sable, Sable merle, Blue merle, tricolor, and color headed white are the coat colors.
Merles, and color headed white are the rarest seen. Especially in rough coats.
Collies can be stubborn, and distracted easily. If you wish to train a collie, you need to keep it fun with treats, play and positive renforcement. Short training sessions keep the collie interested and focused. Soon, your collie will become bored and say' Darnit, I've got it let's do something else now!' is training sessions become to long.
Collies are nosy, and love to get into things as puppies. Obediance for a collie puppy is a MUST. Without it, collies have a good chance ending up in a new home, or being euthanized. Reason being that people don't understand exactly how to control their stubborness, and focus. People don't get that collies are fast learners, and that once they got the trick, they got the trick, let's go play. Most people just won't tolorate it! :( Especially when not socialized well..
Collies tend to be a timid breed if not socialized. Socalization doesn't mean taking the dog to the park every now and then, it means familiarizing (sP?) her/him with diffrent surfaces, sounds, movements, places, things, toys, foods, and anything else you can think of! :)
Collies are a typically healthy breed. Prone to hip displasia (sP?), eye problems and elbow problems. Cancer is not a biggy. It's not usual in collies.

Grow from 22 to 24 inches and generally weigh between 50 and 75 pounds
Not true. :) FEMALE collies grow 50-70 lbs. A large female, say Molly, can grow to be 80 but no more than that. It is very rare for the female. MALES on the other hand grow 75-90 pounds! My smooth just might be in the 80-90s when he's full grown because he's already a big boy, and his father was 94.8 lbs!!!
Ears are another thing. Typically healthy, the ears are big and pricked 80% of the time. Tipped ears mean the tip of the ear hangs over. Taping, or weighing down the tips is a way of forcing pricked ears into tipped. This doesn't hurt the collie. :) My Ozzy was born with natural tipped ears wich is unusual. Now his ears are pricked. One is still tipping, and it's pretty cute but it'll prick soon enough. His ears look like a jack rabbit's when he's got them both alert. ;)
Meet Ozzy! The blue merle smooth coat of Pet Talk! =DDDD
Here's what I mean about the alert ears thing...

10-25-2003, 12:06 PM
Yep, Molly's a big girl. :D
Actually, the AKC breed standard states that females should weigh between 50-65 pounds, and males are 60-75. Molly has exceded that. :p She's about 73 pounds. :)
I disagree with a few statements there...
Molly was never taken to obediance training classes, I trained her myself. She is a VERY smart girl, possibly even smarter then Daisy, who had obediance classes. She LOVES to please, whether it's for treats or praise.
I have also found them to NOT be stubborn at all. :) Well, at least Molly isn't.

10-25-2003, 12:12 PM
I meant they need to be trained for obediance. I should have put that, not actual obediance classes. :D
I meant that they can be stubborn if NOT trained. ;)

10-25-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Foam
I meant they need to be trained for obediance. I should have put that, not actual obediance classes. :D
I meant that they can be stubborn if NOT trained. ;)

Ahhhh okay. :)

10-25-2003, 12:20 PM
Hehe ;)
So when are we getting new Molly pictures? :o :p ;) :D :) ;)

10-25-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Hehe ;)
So when are we getting new Molly pictures? :o :p ;) :D :) ;)

Hehehe. Uhhh probably in the next hour or so. :p I haven't even took a shower yet.....:o Better go do that now! ;)

10-25-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by primabella
Which one? ;)

Shelties are definitly my fave. Wonder why :rolleyes:

It's probebly because you have one.
When i use to live in Europe i use to love collies and had never heard of shelties, but after a got one they became my fave

10-25-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by gkristian
It's probebly because you have one.


BTW gkristian, we are in need of new Foxy pics!!! :D:D

10-25-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Foam

we are in need of new Foxy pics!!! :D:D

I got a digital camera last week and i am hoping to post some pics today.

10-25-2003, 06:59 PM
Well I may be just a tad bit biased, but......
shelties of course *S*


Of course though I haven't met many collies. And it's a little unfair to compare the two, because they are different breeds with different traits, but right now if I had to choose....it would be shelties. :)

I've never really wanted a collie.....except this one:

10-26-2003, 03:37 PM
Thanks Pam, Kay and Dogz!

I gotta go with Collies, but I can see myself someday getting a
Sheltie, as I get older and it's more practical to have a smaller

As to Rough vs Smooth Collies, I've never read that Smooths
were more intelligent. I have noticed that the Smooths seem
to have a lil' more pep to their step, which I think may have
something to do with coat type, as they don't get overheated
as quickly. In the old days, when Collies were still primarily
working dogs, the Smooths were mostly used as drovers of
the sheep to market, because of the overheating issue with
the Roughs.

Anyway the Roughs and Smooths can come out of the same
litters, so I don't think there's a huge difference in temperament
between the two.

As to stubborn, I do see that in Oz. He wants to please you,
but he's not going to be *made* to do anything. He digs
his heels in on things he doesn't want to do and I really have
to work to make them seem fun, so he'll want to do them.
I've used only positive reinforcement with him, but I've seen
him shut down when he's gotten stressed over something,
so I think anybody who took a "I'm gonna show you who's
boss" attitude with him, would get absolutely nowhere. Collies
are sensitive and I think it would be very easy to lose their
trust if you tried any of the harsh training techiques on them.


10-31-2003, 11:46 PM
Collies come in all diffrent coat colors, shapes, weights, sizes and conditions. Smooth collies tend to be more intellegent than rough coats, being the history is that smooth coats were bred by British Greyhounds, and rough collies.

First, I have had Collies for the past 9yrs, I do all sorts of things with them, conformation, obed., and herding and I haven't noticed any difference in roughs and smooths as far as intellegence goes. I have seen some VERY smart roughs and smooths, and some roughs and smooths who weren't so bright. I think it depends on the dog more than the coat of the dog.

Collies are a typically healthy breed. Prone to hip displasia (sP?), eye problems and elbow problems. Cancer is not a biggy. It's not usual in collies.

Its hard to tell if Collies are have a problem with hip dysplasia, as VERY few breeders test for it. Hard to know what you have, if you don't check. My female, who had alitter almost 5 1/2 months ago is OFA-Excellent, Thyriod-normal and Heart-clear, and eye check-choroidal hypoplasia. The sire has had all the same health tests, is a CH and is OFA-Good.

Not true. FEMALE collies grow 50-70 lbs. A large female, say Molly, can grow to be 80 but no more than that. It is very rare for the female. MALES on the other hand grow 75-90 pounds! My smooth just might be in the 80-90s when he's full grown because he's already a big boy, and his father was 94.8 lbs!!!

I have a 9yr old male Collie who is VERY large built, 26" tall at the shoulders and he is usually about 90lbs, but is a bit over weight now, should be say 80lbs. I can't even imagine a female that size! LOL My females usually top out around 55lbs. My males (not counting the 9yr old, he is my first Collie and a neutered pet, my other Collies are fom completely different lines) are usually 65-75lbs... and tall! My smooth Collie is 26" tall, and my male that I kept from the litter that is 5 1/2 months old now, is as tall as his mother... he will be a tall boy like his dad, probably 70-75lbs.

I'm not saying this is impossible to have a female that large, but its not common.

Ears are another thing. Typically healthy, the ears are big and pricked 80% of the time. Tipped ears mean the tip of the ear hangs over. Taping, or weighing down the tips is a way of forcing pricked ears into tipped. This doesn't hurt the collie. My Ozzy was born with natural tipped ears wich is unusual.

No Collie is born with prick ears... they start going up as pups if they aren't worked with. My three 5 1/2 month old Collie pups have never had prick ears a day in their life, and I don't tape that often... only when needed. But their ears were flopped down the sides of their heads till about 6-8 wks, when the ears started to come up on the head.

Here are some pictures of my Collies:


This is Ben - mjr ptd. Apple Valley Shades of Blue, CGC. He is the one I do the most herding with. He LOVES it!


This is Angie, the mother of my 5 1/2 month old puppies. Tomelle's Painted Angel, OFA-Excellent, Thyriod-normal, Heart-clear, eye check-Choroidal hypoplasia


This is Laddie, my first and oldest Collie. He is 9yrs old, and the one I said as usually around 90lbs.


This is Bart, the sire of my 51/2 month old pups. CH Apple Valley Coat of Arms. OFA-Good, Thyriod-normal, eye check-go normal.

And these are my Bart x Angie babies!!


Kira- Spiritwind Celtic Kiss at 12 wks old.


Coors- Spiritwind The Silver Bullet at 9wks old. He is a cyrptic blue merle.


Misty - Spiritwind Irish Mist at 12 wks old.


11-01-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Spiritwind
I have a 9yr old male Collie who is VERY large built, 26" tall at the shoulders and he is usually about 90lbs, but is a bit over weight now, should be say 80lbs. I can't even imagine a female that size! LOL My females usually top out around 55lbs.

My female is 73 pounds, but I believe she could gain a few more.
By the way, your Collies are GORGEOUS!
Heres a picture of my Molly...

I guess she's just a big girl! :)

11-01-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Spiritwind:
Its hard to tell if Collies are have a problem with hip dysplasia, as VERY few breeders test for it. >>>>>>>>

It's sad that not all breeders do not test before breeding.
Not only do you need to test your breeding pair,
but the generations before them should have been
tested by their breeders too.
Hopefully in the future and with DNA etc.
this will improve?


A big welcome to Pet Talk.
Your collies are BEAUTIFUL, and I think it is great
that you are active in many events with your dogs.

P.S To anwser the top question:
I could never pick, I think both breeds are
beautiful. :D

11-01-2003, 07:42 AM

Molly is beautiful! I had a sable merle female at one time that looked very similar to Molly, but she was much lighter sable.

Her name was Macey, she was tall, but not as tall as your girl, but about 23" or so inches tall and maybe 65lbs.

My 5 month old blue female, Kira, I kind of expect her to be a bit taller, since she is pretty much close to the same height as her dam right now. I'd be happy with about 23" tall...LOL Her mother is 22" tall, and Bart, the sire is right around 25" tall.


11-01-2003, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by KYS

It's sad that not all breeders do not test before breeding.
Not only do you need to test your breeding pair,
but the generations before them should have been
tested by their breeders too.
Hopefully in the future and with DNA etc.
this will improve?


A big welcome to Pet Talk.
Your collies are BEAUTIFUL, and I think it is great
that you are active in many events with your dogs.

P.S To anwser the top question:
I could never pick, I think both breeds are
beautiful. :D

Yeah, well all breeders test for CEA (I'm talking show breeders etc... BYB have no clue about this either)

but not many really do test for stuff like OFA, Heart, Thyriod etc.... I do know of a few other Collie breeder, one is a friend of mine how does these test, which is why I decided to do my dogs before they were bred.

Thanks KYS, I haven't done to much with performance stuff just yet. Probably more herding than anything else right now. My olest Collie, Laddie, when he was younger I did do some USDAA agility with him. I want to do agility with Ben too, if I ever get time to take him up for trainined classes. Kira, one of my blue pups, I think she'll love herding. Can't wait till she has a bit more size to her so I can try her at it......


11-01-2003, 07:53 AM
i adore both breeds :D and cannot decide.

i have had a male tri coloured rough collie when i was youngster and have had a soft spot for them ever since but then again i have met ALOT of wonderful shelties through various dog sports and could picture myself having/training a sheltie oneday :D

11-01-2003, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Spiritwind

This is Angie, the mother of my 5 1/2 month old puppies. Tomelle's Painted Angel, OFA-Excellent, Thyriod-normal, Heart-clear, eye check-Choroidal hypoplasia

Hey that's my collie ;)

When are you going to send her up here anyways :p

11-01-2003, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Hey that's my collie ;)

When are you going to send her up here anyways :p

LOL hey, if you want her, I'll send her up there for a while, but you gotta try to show her in conformation while she is up there LOL well I guess you could do obedience with her too LOL


Aspen and Misty
11-01-2003, 08:47 AM
Shelties of course! My teddy bear is the sweetest most loving dog I've ever met! I just love him to pieces!!! I hope to own more Shelties when I get older :D there such a wonderful breed!!







Ashley :D

11-01-2003, 09:13 AM
Hi Janna! :D (Did you get this link from SereniteeFamily? :p)
Welcome to PT!! Your collies are gorgeous and of course, you are more knoledgable (sP?) towards Collies than I am.
My breeder checks elbows and hips. If you came from Serenitee then you would know her. Kristen H.? :)
Hey! Your collie looks EXACTLY like mine but larger! Mine's still a pup but they have the same face, white neck, a ears. Ozzy (my pup) is 14 weeks. How old is Ben? :) Can we see some more of him? He's so handsome! I can see Ozzy growing up to look like him. :)
Aaaand Ozzy!

11-01-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Foam
Hi Janna! :D (Did you get this link from SereniteeFamily? :p)
Welcome to PT!! Your collies are gorgeous and of course, you are more knoledgable (sP?) towards Collies than I am.
My breeder checks elbows and hips. If you came from Serenitee then you would know her. Kristen H.? :)
Hey! Your collie looks EXACTLY like mine but larger! Mine's still a pup but they have the same face, white neck, a ears. Ozzy (my pup) is 14 weeks. How old is Ben? :) Can we see some more of him? He's so handsome! I can see Ozzy growing up to look like him. :)

No, I didn't get the link to PT from Serenitee. I got it from Shelteez2. I have heard of Serenitee though, and seen her website.

Who are Ozzy's parents? He is cute.

Ben's sire is CH Capella's Midnight Blues, HiC, AOM, ROM his dam is Apple Valley Abigail.

Here are some more pictures of Ben at different ages.


Ben at 12wks

Ben at about 16 months old

Ben at 16 months old

Ben at 2 1/2 yrs old. Pic taken this past August.

and one more picture, not of Ben, but of Angie as a cute little pup!!

Angie at 3 wks old

11-01-2003, 11:26 AM

Ozzy's sire is Deep River's Kaleidoscope AKA 'Isley'.
And his dam is MonaRays Athena of Mystikal Love.

Ben sure is a handsome boy!! I'd love to see more of him.
Here is more of Oz.

14 Weeks, Halloween
12 Weeks
This is when we went to go visit our breeder last weekend at a puppy match show, 13 Weeks.
Ozzy will be an agility dog. We take him up to the bark park every once and a while because they have uppy agility equipment. This is me helping him across the Dog Walk at 8 weeks.
Coming down..

He loves agility so much. Every time we get to the park we'll let him loose (It's fenced in of course) and he immediatly runs to the agility obstacles in the middle of the park. I can't wait til' he's older so we can start seriously training him. :)
Will you tell me more about Ben? Like what tricks can he do, has he won any titles in herding or showing, and that type of stuff? ;)

11-01-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by gkristian
I was just wandering which one everyone liked better.

Sheltie (Shetland sheepdog)
Grow between 13 to 16 inches and generally weigh between 20 25 pounds

Grow from 22 to 24 inches and generally weigh between 50 and 75 pounds

I dont really like either :o. They really dont suit my lifstyle at all.

11-01-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Shelties of course! My teddy bear is the sweetest most loving dog I've ever met! I just love him to pieces!!! I hope to own more Shelties when I get older :D there such a wonderful breed!!







Ashley :D

I thought the only dog you owned was nova.. :confused:.. you should make a sig with all your pets in it :). I would really like to know how many dogs, cats, rodetns, and other aniuamsl you have :D.

11-01-2003, 11:51 AM
shelties :P

hey janna welcome to pettalk!

cali AKA border_collie_crazy from MyDogSite :p

11-01-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Will you tell me more about Ben? Like what tricks can he do, has he won any titles in herding or showing, and that type of stuff? ;)

Ben has done alittle bit of agility. Not much, I haven't been able to get him to training classes for it for a good while now.

He has 7 pts toward his AKC CH. He won a 5pt specialty major at the Midwest Collie club specialty in Toledo, OH March 1, 2003. He got 2 more points May (think it was May 8th 2003) at the Miami Valley Collie Specialty show in Bucyrus, OH.

I haven't got any titles or anything like that with herding on him yet. I usually just go when they have a group of Collie people who meet to do some herding. They do do instinct tests from time to time, but when they plan them, I am busy and can't go..... some day we'll go! LOL


11-01-2003, 12:35 PM

11-01-2003, 12:49 PM
Your Collies are just GORGEOUS!
Heres a quick body shot of Molly..
Isn't she skinny? :eek: She eats a ton, but just has a high metabolism. I really think she could go to 76/77 pounds.

11-01-2003, 12:50 PM
That's impressive! He sounds smart. :) Any more pics? :p
My Ozzy is SO smart. I'll tell you his tricks. ;):p (He is only 14 weeks too!)
-Lay Down
-High Five
And I'm teaching him 'Patty Cake' right now, but we came up with a diffrent song. It's
'Rawhides, Pig Ears, Bouncy Balls too. These are some things that Ozzy likes to do. Get in the trash and roll in the dirt, this guy is a handsome little flirt!' (Sung to the tune of Patty Cake) :p Cute, eh?
For Agility he knows:


11-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Foam
And I'm teaching him 'Patty Cake' right now, but we came up with a diffrent song. It's
'Rawhides, Pig Ears, Bouncy Balls too. These are some things that Ozzy likes to do. Get in the trash and roll in the dirt, this guy is a handsome little flirt!' (Sung to the tune of Patty Cake) :p Cute, eh?

LOL!! Cayter, that's so cute!
Ozzy's one smart pup! :)

11-01-2003, 02:17 PM
posted by Foam:
My Ozzy is SO smart. I'll tell you his tricks. ;):p (He is only 14 weeks too!),-Bow,-Sit,-Lay Down-Roll-Wave-Shake
-High Five,For Agility he knows: -Tunnel-Down -Over -Up
-Through >>>>>>>>>>>>


11-01-2003, 02:21 PM
Thanks guys! :D

Aspen and Misty
11-01-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I thought the only dog you owned was nova.. :confused:.. you should make a sig with all your pets in it :). I would really like to know how many dogs, cats, rodetns, and other aniuamsl you have :D.

LOL, sorry for the confussion! Let me clear that up for ya!!! :D Teddy is my mom's dog, although he is conidered teh "family" dog he is definitly my moms. So, since he is the "family" dog I do tend to refer to him as my own, even though I'm just his older sister :p

Ok, wanna know all my pets, LOL.

Nova (dog)
Peaches (Chameleon)
Brook (rats)
Julian (Bunny)
Jaxom (Bunny)
Bella (Betta)
Princess and his mate Prince (Mollies)
Bandit and No-name (Godl fish)
and 2 sucker fish

Other animals that live with me that are not mine:
Misty- My dad's cat
Breeze- Foster Puppy

My mom's pets:

Pets that live at my moms house but are not my moms:
Hoss- My brothers cat

My sister's pets:
Huney (Pomeranian, Dog)
Sage (Dog)
Smokey (cat)
Buddy (cat)
Another cat but I'm not sure of it's name
Guy (Oscar, Fish)

And thats all!! :D


11-01-2003, 03:58 PM
I would have to say Collies....
I just think Molly is so beautiful and Foam's Ozzy is so handsom too! I love the color that Oz is! He is so cute!
:D :rolleyes: "puppystruck":rolleyes:

11-01-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by *FlatCoatsRule*
I would have to say Collies....
I just think Molly is so beautiful

Thank You. :)

11-01-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Spiritwind
LOL hey, if you want her, I'll send her up there for a while, but you gotta try to show her in conformation while she is up there LOL well I guess you could do obedience with her too LOL


Ok I'm working on it. *S*

11-01-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by *FlatCoatsRule*
Foam's Ozzy is so handsom too! I love the color that Oz is! He is so cute!

Thanks! :D You're too sweet. :)