View Full Version : Message from Ally

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-25-2003, 02:55 AM
Hewoo Evvy-bodie,

Dis is Ally,

I want to complain to you all. My meowmie brought a fing home on tursday.

She sez it is my bruvver. I NEVER asked for a bruvver! I likes to be spoiled, and I dont want to share.

He is called Connor and he looks funnie - has has NO TAIL:eek:

He does stinkies in his litter box (Meowmie sez he is just getting used to de new foodies here). But his BUTT really stinks.

Yesterday he walked into MY Meowmies room like he owns the place. I was not talking to him, so I told Meowmie what I fink! (Akcherly I wrote her a little note on her arm with my teef and my claws!)

Meowmie sez I must get used to stinky-butt, 'cos he issint going enywhere :(

Last night I slept in Meowmies bed wif her, and stinky-butt was in another room. Today I am going to TELL him again to LEAVE. Meowmie sez he can't hear me, but I fink he is just ignoring me!

Yours in misery and sulkiness,

Princess Ally

10-25-2003, 03:32 AM
Dear Ally,
brothers are a pest I tell you.

But there are somemoments when they groom your ears. then it is fun

Your Filou

10-25-2003, 06:11 AM
Poor Ally,
I feel your pain. I have WAY too many siblings to suit me. :( I try to find some alone time and it just ain't possible! Consider yourself lucky that it's only 1! Maybe we should just run off somewhere together, rent an appartment and we can each have out own room. ;)

Killearn Kitties
10-25-2003, 07:10 AM
Oh Princess Ally, I know just how you feel! My Meowmie once had a kitten in the house for several days before finding him a home. I was far from impressed. I was keen to let her know I did not want him in my home. This kitten swatted my tail. :eek: Can you imagine such a thing? My dignity was offended. The other cats here know I'm the boss, but this kitten didn't seem to pay any attention to that. Swiping at my tail - imagine!!

Try not to be too miserable Ally; know that I am thinking of you.

Purrs and headbumpies


Edwina's Secretary
10-25-2003, 10:32 AM
Oh my dear Ally....how I know your suffering! As the young people say....been there, done that. My domain was also invaded by a youngster....Sweet Eddie. Sweet my..... Anyway, I tried to get rid of him to no avail. So I made sure he knows WHO is the boss.....MOI!! A whack to the tush, a well-timed hiss, an occasional growl, a few boxes to the ears. Now I allow him to play with me once in a while and I try and keep an eye on him by napping in the same room most of the time.

But....and this is important....never let your guard down....you must be ever vigilant in ensuring he knows his place.

Good luck my dear, you are going to need it!

Yours in martyrdom,


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-26-2003, 07:03 PM
Oh Ally, your tale sounds so familiar. Heed Edwina's advice 'cause it sounds like your mommy is pretty well set with the idea that Connor is going to stay. The good news is that it sounds like Connor is as easy going as Eddie is, and won't mind a box or two to the ears now and then. ;) I am certain you will learn to love this sweet guy in time, just please try and give him a chance.

Smoochies to you, Ally, since we all know that you rule the roost - and hopefully Connor will learn this important fact soon enough. :D