View Full Version : Happy 10th Anniversary Duke!

10-24-2003, 05:58 PM
I got to thinking the other day that my sweet boy is 10 1/2 instead of 9 1/2 like I've been telling everyone. That saddened me a lot because that means there's one less year for him to be with me. I had no idea how special he would become so in the beginning, I didn't take a lot of pics of him at all. Also, I really wasn't a dog person until I got him. So, I don't know where the pics are of him when I first got him but I've found one of my favorites of him when he was just 2-3 years old. I got him in October of 1993 and I've had 10 very special years with him. I never dreamed how he would affect my life and how great he would be for me. I've enclosed my favorite pic of him when he was young and one that I took tonight.
So, sweet boy, I know we probably won't have 10 more years together but I hope God allows at least five more. I can't imagine my life without you and I get heavy in my heart just thinking about it. I'm fighting back tears now. I love you more than the air I breathe. I thank God for such a special dog. You are the one that comes along only once. I love you, my sweet baby dog.

10-24-2003, 06:08 PM
You two are very lucky to have eachother. :)

Happy 10th anniversary Duke! You sound like you make your mommy so happy. :D

10-24-2003, 06:28 PM
Oh Valerie, you've got me crying too. Your beautiful boy Duke is surely your Dog of a Lifetime:) What a precious "baby" picture! And I love the one of him looking out the window...for his Mommy??:) All it took was one very special doggie to open your heart up to a whole new way of learning to love! What a gift he has given you! Please, don't be sad. We all know that fear you feel; that fear of losing our best friend. But try and focus on the fact that Duke is healthy and happy and enjoying life and loving YOU!!! Enjoy each and every day with your sweet boy, your best friend. And know that many more love him too since you joined Pet Talk! Please give him a BIG hug and kiss from me. We love you Duke!!:D (Now go lick away your Mommy's tears:))


10-24-2003, 06:43 PM
Awww! Duke!

That's my favorite photo of him as well, Valerie.
I'm so glad i've gotten the chance to meet with you and Duke TWICE and many more to come, I'm sure!
He sure is a sweet boy, and you can tell you love him very much, as well as i've fallen in love :)

Happy Anniversary sweet Duke! :)

10-24-2003, 06:59 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary!!!! :)

10-24-2003, 08:38 PM
Here Duke & Val -- I made this for you. :)

Here's the original size..

And here's a sig size...

10-24-2003, 09:08 PM
Oh Valerie, what a beautiful, heartfelt post. Whether it is one year or 10 years.....the bonds we develop are so strong, aren't they? I try not to think about "when" one will leave me, but enjoy every minute with them. Our Murphy is 13 1/2 years old. I have only had 1 year, plus a few months, of even knowing her, but she is as special to me as any of them. I just thank God and cherish every single day that she graces me with her presence.

Hugs to you and Duke, and thank you for sharing your special relationship. He is a wonderful boy. :)

10-25-2003, 03:07 AM
Happy 10th Anniversary!!!!

10-25-2003, 03:15 AM
Happy 10th anniversary Duke and Val (you had me in tears as well) and hears to many more happy years together.

that is a very sweet sig Kay:)

10-25-2003, 09:44 AM
Happy Anniversary Duke!!!

What a beautiful post Valerie!! Duke sure is a special boy, your heart dog, and it shows in your posts!!
He sure is one handsome devil!!!!

Here's to 10 more!!!

10-25-2003, 09:58 AM
Happy 10th Anniversary Duke and Val! :D

Here`s to many more years together!:)

10-25-2003, 10:27 AM
Happy 10th anniversary!

I know how you feel Val, I got Sadie in August of 93 and while she still acts young I know she is not. Here's to at least 5 if not 10 more years with them! :)

10-25-2003, 11:37 AM
Oh Val, you’ve made me cry, too. While you know that you won’t have 10 more, I know you’ll both make the absolute most of the time you DO have. I think we all get sad when we realize there aren’t as many years left together as we would like. It’s just not fair.

Now, on to the happy. What a handsome devil that Duke is! Then and now.

Happy anniversary and many more to come!

10-25-2003, 11:58 AM
Bless you, sweet Duke, for being such a special doggie soul. You have made a difference in this world - what a wonderful legacy for anyone, human or animal!

10-25-2003, 12:14 PM
What a wonderful doggie you are, Duke..How blessed you two are to have eachother. :)
Happy anniversery, sweet boy. :):)

10-25-2003, 07:22 PM
KayAnn, thanks for the sig! I'll change it in a few days(again) I also wanted to thank you for the happy times at the beach. I never knew that place was there and never dreamed Duke would like it. And thanks to everyone for your kind words.

10-25-2003, 08:18 PM
Happy anniversary to you both.:) It's great to realize that
you have made Duke's life happier too. He looks so happy in
all his pictures, especially the ones at the beach. He's a very
special friend & companion. Love Ya Duke. :)

10-26-2003, 12:31 AM
Happy, Happy 10 years of Love and Happiness Duke and Valerie and Many, Many More!

I feel your emotions, Valerie, right to the core of my heart! There's not a day that passes that I don't think of Cody, and "what if'..but the memories make the family happy. He was quite a character and thankfully was one of a kind! I too would lay next to Cody and weep into his fur, pleading with him never to leave me. I stare at Klo now, and I refuse to even think about how long I'll have her. I'm enjoying my little spunky hussy every minute. When I hear of people losing their dogs at such young ages, I really have to gather my wits and be thankful I had Cody as long as I did with his hip dysplasia and that when he got ill, didn't suffer long. It still wasn't fair, but I know in my heart that he was so loved and actually worshipped, and that he was so happy and content and spoiled. No regrets, even with all my mistakes in training. So give your boy extra smooches all over his handsome face and behind the ears and whisper your love..which I know you do 24/7. Try not to think about tomorrow. But as I mentioned before, I would have given 10yrs off my own life to have him for a few more. But I think my dad missed him, since they were apart for over a year, so I know they're together, safe, healthy and eating up a storm!

10-27-2003, 06:31 PM
Duke you are such a special boy! Happy 10th anniverary!

10-27-2003, 08:48 PM
Valerie, your post was so loving you had me near tears reading it.

I know the feeling of such love, and isn't it just wonderful:D
I hope you both have many more years together!!!