View Full Version : Please read, and please don't get mad at me:(:(:(...

10-24-2003, 05:11 PM
I hope you guys won't get mad at me for doing this....but our new cat, Cinnamon, I think that we're going to give her back to PetSmart:( I know its not good to just give back a shelter cat so quickly, but I'll tell you why. She's only been here for a week, but I think that if we're goving her back, the sooner the better. Its not that I don't like her ( I really do), she's really sweet.
Since she just came here, she's living in my bathroom still. She's just too wild and crazy. Right now, she could jump up onto my bathroom counter with no problem. and that's about 3 feet?!?
Here's some of the things she's done:
Jumped INTO my bathtub
When I try to use the washroom, she always tries to jump in or onto my lap
Climbed my curtains about 5 times
knocked down my flower vase on my counter about 5 times
ripped my shower curtain
pulled down my towels about 10 times
and whenever I clean her litterbox, she climbs into the bag, and bites my hand when I'm scooping
and the worst part is that she doesn't listen whenever we say NO and for most of the time, we don't see her doing the stuff so we can't tell her not to. But I know she's done it, since my bathroom is always a mess.
Well, two days ago, I open my bathroom door and she bursts out. Blueberry was sitting right there too! I was kind of scared, so I put her back in right away.
They meet again, and Blueberry runs away from her. You could kind of tell he doesn't like her. Cinnamon is really wild and crazy, the craziest cat I've ever seen, and Blueberry is the COMPLETE opposite. He's such a nice cat, he listens to everything we say, and hasn't done anything bad before. But Cinnamon's only been her for a week, and every day she messes up my room and bathroom.
I guess its because she's from the shelter, and she has been on the streets before. And she had about 5 siblings to play with before. Blueberry's a Himmy, so he's very laid back. So I really don't think they'll get along.

When we get another cat, I think we'll get another Persian instead, or a long haired cat.
Well, I really hope you guys won't get mad at me for doing this.:(
and btw, what would you do if this happened to you?

ok, thanks for listening, I'm sorry for such a long post

10-24-2003, 05:46 PM
If I were you I'd cry, and bawl, and rant, and rave, and vent to the Pet Talkers. Then I'd keep the cat. That's my history, anyway!

10-24-2003, 05:58 PM
what would you do if this happened to you?

I would work with the cat and keep him. He's still a baby and he has a lot of energy. I remember my RB kitty Zasper was a terror when she was a kitten she used to run around the house then jump up as high as she could on the walls, she would knock down paintings or anything else that I had hanging. I couldn't have anything out with her around if anything was on a counter or table it was broken in seconds. But I kept trying and working with her and she calmed down and turned into the sweetest cat. It takes work, things aren't perfect all the time. I wouldn't give up on a cat after only a week, especially a young cat. They need to be trained, it takes time and patience. She's not a bad cat she's just being a kitten and it's your job to teach her.

10-24-2003, 06:06 PM
She sounds lonely and bored. I don't know how much time you have to play with her, but she definitely sounds like she needs to find a way to get rid of some of her pent-up energy.

I hope things work out.

10-24-2003, 06:11 PM
How old is this cat? I'm not so sure that she is that wild. It seems to me that living in a bathroom all time would make her very, very very bored! She is feeling trapped and probably very lonely!!! That is why she jumps in your lap. It sounds like she is starving for some attention and some way to release her energy. I think that if she were allowed out and got to spend some time roaming around and maybe some play/bonding time with you then she would settle down. You said that she was used to playing with her siblings. Can you imagine being taken away from all of your play buddies, put into a small room day and night, and then get in trouble when you try to find things to do to entertain yourself because you are all alone?? I'm trying to not sound harsh here but this is just very typical cat behavior...even more so if she is young. She can't constantly live in the bathroom! She needs stimulation, attention, and lots of play time. More than anything she needs to be able to snuggle with you so that you both can bond and learn each others ways. She and Blueberry will eventually work out some kind of arrangement. They
will probably become friends. Sometimes you just have to give them some space and let the situation take care of itself. We had our only cat for three years before the second one came along. Sammy, the only, hid for 3 weeks. He would come out to eat and potty. We tried to help them become friends and eventually they were best of buddies. Now we can bring anything in here and Sammy doesn't care!! Blueberry will eventually adjust if you let them work on it!!!
The biggest piece of advice I have for you is to GET HER OUT OF THE BATHROOM!!!
Sorry, I have wanted to scream that since I first read your post!!
Good luck and don't give up yet. You just brought home a new baby and everybody has to adjust and find their place. http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

K & L
10-24-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by bluekat

Here's some of the things she's done:
Jumped INTO my bathtub

What's wrong with that? She probably doesn't have much else to do. Do you have any kind of toys/recreation in the bathroom for her?

When I try to use the washroom, she always tries to jump in or onto my lap

That's just showing affection. I would be honored!

Climbed my curtains about 5 times
knocked down my flower vase on my counter about 5 times
ripped my shower curtain
pulled down my towels about 10 times

IF she's going to be secluded to the bath you need to remove your vase, towels, toilet paper, and drape your curtain up over the rod. She's just being a cat. You need to catproof just like you would babyproof.

and whenever I clean her litterbox, she climbs into the bag, and bites my hand when I'm scooping

Try removing the litter box from the bathroom and change it.

and the worst part is that she doesn't listen whenever we say NO and for most of the time, we don't see her doing the stuff so we can't tell her not to. But I know she's done it, since my bathroom is always a mess.

Cats don't respond to NO.

Well, two days ago, I open my bathroom door and she bursts out. Blueberry was sitting right there too! I was kind of scared, so I put her back in right away.

This is normal.

They meet again, and Blueberry runs away from her. You could kind of tell he doesn't like her. Cinnamon is really wild and crazy, the craziest cat I've ever seen, and Blueberry is the COMPLETE opposite. He's such a nice cat, he listens to everything we say, and hasn't done anything bad before. But Cinnamon's only been her for a week, and every day she messes up my room and bathroom.

She's messing this up cause she has nothing else to do or no where to go.

I guess its because she's from the shelter, and she has been on the streets before. And she had about 5 siblings to play with before. Blueberry's a Himmy, so he's very laid back. So I really don't think they'll get along.

Why is she secluded in the bathroom?

Well, I really hope you guys won't get mad at me for doing this.:(
and btw, what would you do if this happened to you?

No one will be mad, you just need to be more patient and work with her.

ok, thanks for listening, I'm sorry for such a long post

10-24-2003, 06:20 PM
catcrazylady- I know, we were planning on just keeping her in there for only about 3 days, but now we know that we'll have to watch her all the time.

I know I may sound like I really want to get rid of her, but its just that she's been a big problem for me now. In the mornings, I can't even go use my bathroom, I have to go to my sister's. and we're always in a rush in the mornings, so I always have to be quick, and she's always getting in the way.
Wehnever I try to do homework, she just jumps on my desk and messes up my stuff:(

I'm not so sure that she is that wild

I know it seems hard to believe, but she really is. Seriously, she can jump about 4 feet in the air. Since she's always pulling my towels, I wrap them up high, and she still manages to get them.

You said that she was used to playing with her siblings. Can you imagine being taken away from all of your play buddies, put into a small room day and night, and then get in trouble when you try to find things to do to entertain yourself because you are all alone??

But that's the problem. I have school, and we can't just leave her out during the day

I think we should've gotten a new cat in the summer:(

10-24-2003, 06:35 PM
It is possible to have chosen the wrong cat for your situation. A kitten in general may not have been the right age for you. But her behavior is NOT due to being a shelter cat. Everything you describe is perfectly NORMAL. If you need to take her back, then please do so. No one will be angry. But I would suggest re-thinking getting a new cat. If you need to have a calm kitty, get an adult who has already shown that he/she is calm. Kittens have energy and she is using it the only ways that she can.

10-24-2003, 06:47 PM
I absolutely agree with this last peice of advice. If you need to take her back then you should. An older cat is what you need and there are so many that need homes. It is hard to get older cats adopted and you would be doing a wonderful thing by adopting an adult.
I'm so sorry if I sounded harsh before, because I wasn't trying to. I'm just jealous because she sounds like my favorite kind of kitty!! I love em spunky!!
If you and your family don't have the time to spend with her right now then it might be best if she were to go back. She is young and will probably be easy to adopt. Nobody would be mad at you. Unfortunately, sometimes things just don't work out. It is big of you to realize it and try to do what is best for you and the kitty. HUGS to you and good luck!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

10-24-2003, 08:27 PM
I agree with Jen and the others.

There is nothing wrong or really different about your kitten.
She's got CABIN FEVER.

All of my fosters act different in the foster room. They are starved for affection, even though I spend the maximum amount of time in there. I sleep with them all night, if I can stand it!

For example, in the foster room, the kittens dive bomb my head. (I really have to watch that they don't do serious injury around my eyes)
They go completely nuts in there. I've had to remove just about every non-stationary item from the room, including the bed rails!
(the matresses are sitting on the floor)
I believe I'm never gonna get a night's sleep, when after their isolation period is complete, they come out and they are totally different cats.

My current foster, who could not stay off of my face at night, is not even found in the bed anymore.

They calm down a lot, and get used to other cats too. Sure, there will be some that are not matches made in heaven, but usually all will be fine with slow integrations.

So, if you really think it is the breed of cat you've chose, do return her, but learn something from this, when you think you've found your next kitten (or adult):

They may act exactly the same, because it is normal.

And you can't go returning them all. It's not fair to put a cat through anymore life adjustments than absolutely neccessary. That's where we get our older (non adoptable) cats in rescue.

10-24-2003, 09:16 PM
I haven't had a kitten in years. Mimi was six weeks old when I got her and she was quite playful as I remember. But I never had to shut her up. Maybe closing her in the bathroom is making her more "kitten like" than she would be if you gave her some freedom. I know I'd go bonkers if I were locked in a bathroom 24/7, and I can guarantee that any of my pets would. Blueberry can certainly handle this little one. Let them play.....can you isolate the kitten in your room instead of the bathroom when you are at school? I think "boredom" is the key here. But if you truly don't think you can handle it, take her back and give her the opportunity to be adopted by a different family who can handle her.

Good luck. Hope I didn't sound too harsh, but a kitten is exactly that and they are adventurous, busy and FUN!!!!! :D

10-24-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
It is possible to have chosen the wrong cat for your situation. A kitten in general may not have been the right age for you. But her behavior is NOT due to being a shelter cat. Everything you describe is perfectly NORMAL. If you need to take her back, then please do so. No one will be angry. But I would suggest re-thinking getting a new cat. If you need to have a calm kitty, get an adult who has already shown that he/she is calm. Kittens have energy and she is using it the only ways that she can.

Jen has given you excellent advice. I can't add a thing really. When we adopted Andy he was a rambuctious little guy which really was quite a change from Trevor who was more of a laid back kitty even as a kitten. At times I wondered what I had gotten myself into. :) After a couple of months he began to settle himself down and now is the gentlest, most affectionate kitty anyone could ever want. That may happen with Cinnamon in time but, as Jen says, maybe you should have been thinking along the lines of an older cat. Kittens will be kittens! :) Whatever you decide I wish you and Cinnamon good luck. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-25-2003, 12:41 AM
I also think Jen gave you some very good advice. Maybe the TIMING is a problem - it's probably a bid time to introduce the kitten into the house if no-one has time to socialise her and help her settle in.

I also agree with the comments regarding the naughty and destructive behaviour - sounds like a typical kitten to me. Their energy CAN be overwhelming at times.

I am sure whatever decision you make will be done with the cat's best interests at heart, so good luck and you have my support.

10-25-2003, 01:24 AM
Even though it's been said, I have to agree.. everything you have said here doesn't sound abnormal or strange or "overly" wild for any average kitten. Nutmeg was able to jump from the floor to the near the top of my sliding glass doors (about 5 feet or more) at four months. She ruined a curtain rod (bent it) by grabbing the curtains and bending the rod. She chewed my cell phone charger ($50 purchase). She spilled my pens all over my floor and scattered homework everywhere, and chewed up papers.

Tilly would keep me awake at night by chewing my toes while I was sleeping, and she was six months when I got her - not even a baby kitten.

Bassett would climb clothes in the closet to get to the top shelf, and then howl because she couldn't get down. Bassett also jumped onto a dresser and knocked over a 19in TV and broke it; it now makes a strange humming sound and there is a line across the screen.

I now cannot have any plants or flowers in my house, because they are eaten/destroyed. I can't leave any boxes/towels/laundry on the floor because they get peed on. I had to get new blinds because the ripped up a black out blind in my room. My guest room boxspring is a mess with claw marks.

What did I do? Chalked it up to being a cat mom. I'm not critisizing you at ALL, just answering your question (the "what would you do" one). I agree with Jen here - I think you need to get an older, laid back cat and not a kitten. The behaviour you described is normal kitten behaviour and it would come (most likely) with any kitten. If you have to take it back, please do, but don't make Cinnamon live in the bathroom anymore :( She's lonely and sad in there.. imagine how you might feel if you had to live in only one room ALL the time without ever getting out! Good luck.. I hope it all works out for the best for you guys :)

10-25-2003, 04:03 AM
I do agree with seperating a new pet, to allow them to settle and when you are not there to watch them.

But I wouldn't use a bathroom it is uncomfortable and boring for a cat.

We always used a spare room and me & Steve took turns sleeping with the isolated cat, so they were NEVER alone at night.

We even do this with the strays we pick up (As the strays are never introduced to the family cats :( )

I would let the new kitten play with Blueberry when you are home and keep her in your bedroom the rest of the time.

And give it another week maybe ? to see if things settles.

PS. My kits could easily jump 4 foot. Tigs jumps from cat tree to hamg by his front paws from the window pole...I wouldn't swap them for the world. :D

10-25-2003, 09:53 AM
I know how you feel , as the last two Male Cats taht have come to the Hotel , had to be relcated , thank God , to good homes , as my cats , paticularly the Big Toms kept attacking them. Roscoe and Scrappy Doo , have to be the Boos Cat , but then so do Moose , Michael , Sam and BJ.The sad part is that she needs to be a solo cat , that has the run of the house , and we are praying fo her.

10-25-2003, 10:24 AM
I won't be mad at you for what you are doing, but, I would ask you to look at the 'big' picture. This situation you are going through is NOT a forever thing. It isn't as if this will be your life forever. I always find it overwhelming to think, "OMG, how can I live like this?" As opposed to "man, this is going to suck for 6 months, or however long". Perspective.

I can recall, and believe it or not, fondly, how my kittens were. Georgia brought down a book case, Tenny destroyed a lovely ficus tree, Ally and Dakky broke so many things that it began to make me cringe to open the door after work. Dakky licked my lips for 1 year, while I TRIED to sleep. BUT, that is life. I wouldn't trade it for all the catnip tea in China.

Bluekat, you have to ask yourself, "was this really what I wanted"? "Was this in eveyone's best interest"? We can give you all the support in the world, but, if your true feelings are that you made a mistake, nothing will change. You will get resentful.

I have feelings like yours with Binx. What a change in my life, my house, it is messy, it is tiring to clean up after him all the time, it is gross at times, I hate my yard now, my couch might be ruined, etc. I then realize the greater good. I am giving him a home most people wouldn't. It is an inconvenience. But, it is ONLY an inconvenience. No one is dead/hurt/ill, etc.

I hope you will hang in there with the kitty. Who knows, you may learn something important about yourself.


10-25-2003, 03:10 PM
Thank you all for all your replies and advice:) I'm glad you guys aren't mad, I just thought you'd be since we just got a new kitten and is already giving her back to the shelter.
Well, we just brought her back this morning:( I do miss her...but the lady at Petsmart said that it was alright too. We are going to get a new cat too, but definately one that's over a year old. I think that maybe Cinnamon was just too crazy for us since when Blueberry was a kitten, he was really shy?( Well, he was sometimes;) )We saw this cat there that was about 2 years old, and she's a female. She's medium hair I think, and they just found her on the street not too long ago. She's a brown tabby, with white paws. She was sooo sweet, she kept on rubbing her head against the cage when we walked up. I also held her, and she wasn't afraid. But they don't really know how well she gets along with other cats.
But I think that my mom wants to get another Persian. If we get a Persian kitten from a breeder, I hope it'll be ok. Since Persians are very laid back and everything.
But if not, I guess the adult cat from the shelter:)

10-25-2003, 03:45 PM
Well I see you have already made a decision, I hope it is the right one for you, pity about Cinnamon, she was very cute, getting a slightly older cat is a wise decision, I feel, my Lexie is over one year old, and she can still be a live wire, something I had to get used to, as Ash is just a couch potato.

There have been a few wrecked curtains, some scratched wall-paper, a few ornaments broken, but I would not swap her for the world, I am not judging you here, just saying , they all have different personalitys, i guess just like people some are hyperactive, she is settling down more now , but young cats do certainly have more energy.

Don't worry I am sure Cinnamon will find another good home soon.

10-25-2003, 03:58 PM
Kind of reminds me of when Rachell got a cat on Friends, I don't know whether you remember the episode, or have ever watched the show even. She loved cats, but this cat kept biting and scratching her for no reason(it was one of those hairless cats?). When I first got Grover and she got into the playful mode, she was sleeping with me, I would wake up with scratches all over my hands and knees, how did I sleep through that?:confused: She is i guess about seven months old now, and has developed her own independent personality and she still will scratch me, but only when I am wanting to hold her, but she doesn't want to be held. There is a certain time of day though when she does think it is time for our little nap together. I do have one cat, that I got as a kitten, for awhile he tolerated me, now he wants me to just leave him alone, he will even growl at me if I just touch him. So you may just have one that is very independent. Why would we be mad at you for giving it back, sometimes things just don't work out, I completely understand, and I gave ten dollars for the one that don't like me, only when I have food then he like me. LOL. But no, there is no reason to be mad at you for that. :) :D
I think I have a picture of him in my photo album, he loves everybody but me, could it be because I had him neutered? LOL.

10-25-2003, 04:29 PM
I got the pictures of Cinnamon developed. There's only a few, and one came out kind of bad. I'll post them later.
I really hope she's off to a good home:( I miss her though. I hope that she'll be happy in her new home.
omg, I've only had her for a week and I'm missing her terribly.
At least I'll have the picutures for memories:)
I need to go out now, maybe the pictures will be up tomorrow morning.

10-25-2003, 05:25 PM
I hope before you get a Persian cat from a breeder, that you would first consider a Persian Rescue. There are plenty of cats of all breeds that need homes.

10-25-2003, 05:49 PM
I am disappointed that you didn't try any of the advice posted before returning Cinnamon but if you had decided a kitten wasn't for you, hopefully it will save further heartache in the long term.

It is a good idea to adopt an older rescue Persian kitty, as all kittens have a lot of energy.

Please keep in touch with the rescue centre and let us know when Cinnamon has got a furrever home.

10-25-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
I hope before you get a Persian cat from a breeder, that you would first consider a Persian Rescue. There are plenty of cats of all breeds that need homes.

Take a look at this handsome fellow!
Click here (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2138771&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=3f9b122e69b6b843-app1&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=)

10-25-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
the worst part is that she doesn't listen whenever we say NO

Spray him so he will understand you mean NO.

10-26-2003, 01:53 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you had to return Cinnamon.:( Hopefully she'll get a great forever home soon. I agree with the others that you should try to adopt an adult Persian cat from a rescue organization instead of going to a breeder. Good luck and please keep us updated. :) The one on the link that Amy posted sure looks and sounds like a great cat. :)

smokey the elder
10-26-2003, 06:30 AM
She was being a KITTEN. That's what kittens do! I'm sorry it didn't work out, but adult cats need homes too, and kittens are very easy to rehome, comparatively.

Two of my fosters are in the incredibly bratty "teenage kitten" phase. (They're still here because they had ringworm over the summer and had to be quarantined.:( ) They are discovering that Mr. Squirty is NOT their friend. :p

10-26-2003, 09:18 AM
I know some of you are thinking that I should've kept her for longer and see what happens. But I know that if I did keep her for longer, it'll be harder for her to go:(
I'm pretty sure that she already got adopted by now. Last week, her and her 4 other siblings were brought to Petsmart. We were to first one to get one of them. By lunchtime, they were all gone.
I hope she's happy in her new home.

About the Persian Rescues, there aren't any in our area:( I've searched the web before, and I only found about 2 that were very far away or in the US.

10-26-2003, 11:12 AM
Look at the Toronto Humane Society's web site. They have five pages of lovely older cats for adoption - Flag and Ruff, in particular are very pretty.

10-26-2003, 12:12 PM
Have you tried Petfinder.com? Did you look at the link I posted? I searched in your area and found several persian and himalayan purebreds and mixes...

10-26-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by catland
She sounds lonely and bored. I don't know how much time you have to play with her, but she definitely sounds like she needs to find a way to get rid of some of her pent-up energy.

I agree. Boredum.

10-26-2003, 11:28 PM
:( sorry to hear about you having to take cinnamon back, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. I definately would go for an older, more mature cat, but watch out! they can get wild and crazy also.:eek: i got pitter and patter five years ago when they were about a year and half and in the the first six months they broke a ceramic coffee pot from israel, knocked the christmas tree over about four or five times and broke ornaments on it. and in the last two weeks they broke an antique plate. I chalk all this up to them being cats. i've learned if you don't want it broken put it away or secure it tightly. good luck:D

10-27-2003, 04:16 PM
Have you tried Petfinder.com? Did you look at the link I posted? I searched in your area and found several persian and himalayan purebreds and mixes...
I can't see the pic of the cat you posted:(
But anyways, I think I'll check Petfinder then:)

10-27-2003, 06:48 PM
I hope you are able to find a cat that is better suited for your home.

I don't necessarily have real proof on this, but it seems like the more stocky kitties are the more mellow ones, compared to the thin ones like siamese or abys or oriental breeds.

My Joxer is just a regular old cat, but he does have kind of a big stocky build and he's a total love-bug, which is quite the contrast to his high-strung mom who looks like she must have some oriental shorthair in her.

Also, I think for the most part that males tend to be more laid back than females. Again, this is just my observations - nothing scientific here.

I'm sure Cinnamon has or will find the right home and somewhere out there is the right cat, just waiting for you to find him or her.:)

10-27-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by catland
IAlso, I think for the most part that males tend to be more laid back than females. Again, this is just my observations - nothing scientific here.

With my group, the females are much more laid back than my male. He is laid back now but he is over 11 years old but boy oh boy was he a wild one growing up. He didn't begin to calm down till 7-8 years of age. Both my girls, on the other hand, are very sedate and calm.

10-28-2003, 06:06 AM
I have always heard that orange males have the sweetest dispositions. Another tip for a laid back cat is to literally lay them back in your arms and see if they will allow you to hold them that way (like a baby) Our sweetest and most gentle cats are the ones who would let us hold them like that. You may get scratched if they DON'T like this though! Please let us know what happens with Cinnamon, OK?

10-28-2003, 07:41 AM
You've gotten alot of great advice here. I'll put my 2 cents in and leave it at that.

Kittens are high energy pets. They are young and spunky. I know because I have a 9 week old kitten in my spare bedroom who thinks I'm her "human playscape". She's going up for adoption on Saturday (I was just fostering her till she was old enough).

There are a couple of options. Keep the kitten and get her a playmate so she won't be bored or ask the shelter to let you switch her with an older cat (a teenager perhaps, one who has already been spayed/neutered and has calmed down). I wouldn't worry about bringing the kitten back because kittens are easily placed (EVERYONE wants a kitten). You can also "kitten-proof" your place till she grows out of that stage, which she will eventually.

OR...you can try and work with her. Keeping her in a small enclosed space in an effort to try and introduce her to your other pets can get a bit tedious. Go into the bathroom and sit on the floor with her. Read, give her treats, pet her, talk to her. She needs human contact, not just being kept in a room till it's okay to let her out.

Let us know what you decide.

10-28-2003, 04:34 PM
I have always heard that orange males have the sweetest dispositions. Another tip for a laid back cat is to literally lay them back in your arms and see if they will allow you to hold them that way (like a baby) Our sweetest and most gentle cats are the ones who would let us hold them like that. You may get scratched if they DON'T like this though! Please let us know what happens with Cinnamon, OK?
We've been doing that with Blueberry since we first got him, lol. He doesn't seem to mind that much though.:)

There are a couple of options. Keep the kitten and get her a playmate so she won't be bored or ask the shelter to let you switch her with an older cat (a teenager perhaps, one who has already been spayed/neutered and has calmed down). I wouldn't worry about bringing the kitten back because kittens are easily placed (EVERYONE wants a kitten). You can also "kitten-proof" your place till she grows out of that stage, which she will eventually.

Yeah, everyone comes for kittens usually. So I'm sure she went to a new home already. We saw this beautiful cat at the shelter, she's about 2 years old. They found her on the street. The lady said that she'll call us back to tell us how she does with other cats. But she hasn't called yet:( Maybe I'll ask my dad to call her, or maybe we'll go to petsmart again this week:)